How To Use Tropically In A Sentence
From point 1 to point 2, the vapor is isentropically compressed (i.e., compressed at constant entropy) and exits the compressor as a superheated vapor.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Can someone tell me how our nation can justify this expense in the face of an already entropically growing national debt?
Boise Weekly
In this case, thrumming bass plucks and bouncing ball patterns entropically expire amidst wheezing exhalations and electrical shimmer.
Assuming that the bits are entropically trying to average their energies out, then his model shows how gravity emerges as these bits average their energies out and approach an average energy.
The Reference Frame
The decondensation is entropically driven due to the higher number of ligand binding sites in decondensed DNA in comparison with the condensed molecules.
I say Chip old chap, your theory is just too entropically delicious to swallow.
Roland Burris's monument...
As philologists at least as early as Erasmus observed (and as information theory's version of the second law of thermodynamics would predict), scribal errors tend to replace less frequent and hence entropically more information-rich wordings with more frequent ones.
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They tend to "fold" and occupy a small volume because it is entropically favored: there are many more microstates where the molecule is "short".
The Reference Frame
The extent to which the DNA binding of a given protein will be enthalpically or entropically driven is a function of solution conditions, such as temperature, salt concentration, pH, etc.
The working fluid is compressed, isentropically, along line 1-2 by a compressor and enters the combustor.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
(C) Formation of the second micromere quartet by laeotropic division; the first-quartet cells in this species also divide laeotropically, but with a slight delay (a much longer delay occurs in
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This continues until the universe is so hot that there is _no_ matter-dominated phase, after which it just bounces along isentropically but never forms structure again.
Against Bounces
Furthermore, as the DNA unbinds entropically at extensions before the overstretching transition, these calculations predict that the plateau will not be seen in the force-extension curves for a dodecamer, as is indeed the case.
When certain flashes of light caught her phototropically streaked dress and rendered sections of it see-through, he caught his breath.
Flinx's Folly
Thermodynamically, the migration of nonbinding particles to these weakened microdomains is entropically favorable because it maximizes particle motions.
Thus the unnamed narrator of Will Wiles's ingenious first novel, holed up in an anonymous Eastern-European city and four days into a week of entropically bad luck. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
In his view, human society is always changing; civilization is entropically prone to decline.
The Year of two Popes
Moreover, we must grant that although our ability to affect the environment is entropically grand, it is not unbounded, thus our optimism to uniquely steer the course of the natural history is incongruous with physics.
Progressive Bloggers
In the 2d clone, the six latest-born nuclei form a unique pattern consisting of three laeotropically skewed columns; as development proceeds, the lower-left nucleus in this array (2d The third quartet micromeres are formed by the dexiotropic division of the 2 M macromeres.
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This week my graduate seminar students (at Parsons Fine Arts MFA) and I had a great discussion leading from Robert Smithson's writings on entropy to issues of pessimism about social change and what might be the point of human intervention towards ideals of progressive social activism in an entropically irreversible situation: interesting in this light to read Bob Herbert Op-Ed piece in the October 26, 2010 copy of The New York Times, "The Corrosion of America": do we just go along "haplessly"/hopelessly with the flow of entropy and the corrosion and ruin of our infrastructure (a ruin which is in a sense "always already" from before its inception, in Smithson's example of "The Monuments of Passaic") creating or suggesting an art which does not try to impose an idealist order or moral value to an entropic situation of urban and suburban decay, or do we believe enough in human labor despite ultimate futility or mortality to make the investment in our near futures by fixing the infrastructure?
Mira Schor: Corroded infrastructure 2010/Robert Smithson's Writings on Entropy, 1966-67
it was tropically hot in the greenhouse
(D) Fifth cleavage: the third-quartet micromeres are formed by dexiotropic division of macromeres; cells of both the first and second micromere quartets divide also dexiotropically, but with a slight delay.
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