How To Use trophozoite In A Sentence
- The resulting critter, called a trophozoite, sports a spermlike tail that allows it to wiggle over to the lining of the intestinal tract, whereupon it attaches itself by suction cups and begins to replicate thousands of times over. Giardiasis: How To Battle Beaver Fever
- On the day 14, trophozoites were eliminated from the co-culture while about 5x10 (4) cells/ml remained in the axenic T. pyriformis culture. BioMed Central - Latest articles
- To measure parasite burden of winners and losers, we assessed the number of eugregarine trophozoites in a male's mid-gut by removing the entire gut carefully and making light microscope thin-section preparations.
- After invading the erythrocyte, merozoite de-differentiates into a round trophozoite form. - Articles related to Africa making dramatic strides in malaria fight
- The trophozoite form can't survive once excreted in the stool and therefore can't infect others.
- After invading the erythrocyte, merozoite de-differentiates into a round trophozoite form. - Articles related to Africa making dramatic strides in malaria fight
- Objective To study the staining method of active Entamoeba hi histolytica trophozoite.
- Entamoeba histolytica can be found in two forms or stages, the active (motile) trophozoite which actually causes the physical illness, and the dormant (encapsulated-form) cyst by which the disease is spread. Different Frame of Reference
- Ingested cysts hatch into trophozoites in the small intestine and continue moving down the digestive tract to the colon.
- These were determined to be the trophozoites of a gregarine parasite of the insect, and the present paper records the observations which have been made on this species.