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[ US /ˈtɹoʊɫ/ ]
[ UK /tɹˈə‍ʊl/ ]
  1. a fisherman's lure that is used in trolling
    he used a spinner as his troll
  2. a partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time
    they enjoyed singing rounds
  3. (Scandanavian folklore) a supernatural creature (either a dwarf or a giant) that is supposed to live in caves or in the mountains
  4. angling by drawing a baited line through the water
  1. cause to move round and round
    The child trolled her hoop
  2. sing loudly and without inhibition
  3. praise or celebrate in song
    All tongues shall troll you
  4. sing the parts of (a round) in succession
  5. speak or recite rapidly or in a rolling voice
  6. circulate, move around
  7. angle with a hook and line drawn through the water

How To Use troll In A Sentence

  • The Fat Controller and I were back inside the bolt when it arrived from the bonded warehouse at Felixstowe.
  • He's managed to stay calm and controlled when the other slebs have been going a bit mad, and just got on with the winning.
  • On his first day there he approached a couple of elegant young toffs strolling around the campus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not feeling hungry again until about ten that night, we strolled along to the same street that had earlier been alive with culinary possibilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • In their summary, they state that this ape's vocal organ is not capable of producing delicately modulated or controlled sounds.
  • For a typical 3-mm-diameter lens, the dioptric power can be controlled between - 100 and + 50 diopters.
  • Faith in controlled nuclear fission is now being shown by the construction of atomic power stations.
  • The altitudinal distribution of Earth-surface processes is controlled by all these factors.
  • Xmas hurtles at us like a skateboarding troll trundling downhill - it's big, impressive, but to be viewed with a certain trepidation by those in its path. Toys R Us - Military Sword & Sorcery is coming ("#### Harry Potter! Daddy, where's my axe?")
  • Service providers haven't completely snapped their wallets shut, but the emphasis for the near-term will be on controlled spending as they look for ways to grow revenues.
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