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trojan horse

  1. a program that appears desirable but actually contains something harmful
    the contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm
    when he downloaded the free game it turned out to be a trojan horse

How To Use trojan horse In A Sentence

  • when he downloaded the free game it turned out to be a trojan horse
  • Criminals using bank Trojan horses typically grab the money and transfer it from a victim's account to various "mules" -- people who take a cut for themselves and transfer the rest of the money overseas, often in the form of goods shipped to foreign addresses. Computerworld News
  • Stan Walley, our shop steward, reckoned it was a Trojan horse got up by management, looking for ways to lay people off. MR STARLIGHT
  • Director Wolfgang Petersen recreates a long-ago world of bireme warships, clashing armies, the massive fortress city and the towering Trojan Horse. Geek Deal: Troy Blu-Ray for $9.99 | /Film
  • See Phrack xx-x,  "Unix Trojan Horses," for info on how to create a Trojan horse which in turn creates a trap door into someone's account.] Phrack Issue #15 Elric of Imrryr's Issue
  • Microsoft executives bristle at talk of Trojan Horses and the suggestion that bundling its Net services into Windows is unfair.
  • The attacks, in the form of ‘Trojan horse’ emails, have been spammed out to a number of email account holders randomly across the country.
  • It's like the Trojan horse, Evelyn, presents that aren't really presents. SOMEBODY
  • What's repugnant is the attempt to use people's desire to help the sick as a Trojan horse for a eugenic agenda. A Scientific Worldview?
  • Older supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse that will try to destroy the party from the inside.
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