
How To Use Trogon In A Sentence

  • Not a endearingly ignorantly one, if discount car rental are pottery petrifying and panderer homostyled on the polygala that we all haul on. new trogonidae on the lamarckian of hot number tacky cabo san chiroptera and congius, are mischievously isolationistic cordaites. Rational Review
  • My favorites were the toco toucan, motmot, currasows, Yucatan jay, cinnamon-colored cuckoo, and pileated woodpecker and violaceous trogon (a relative of the resplendent quetzal). Studying Nature in Mexico is an Unforgettable Adventure
  • She and her colleagues spent the next 4 hours tramping around the mountain slopes trying to catch sight of a trogon actually calling.
  • Then experience the completely different habitats of El Valle, searching for orange - bellied trogons, black - crowned antpittas, white-tipped sicklebills & the like.
  • Time and again he provoked a response, be it from a Cuban parrot, a Cuban pygmy owl, a Cuban trogon or a Cuban red-bellied woodpecker.
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  • The trogonometric results include tables of sines and tangents given at 1 intervals.
  • Once more, we wound up in a junglelike forest, where the only thing we saw of note was a gorgeous trogon with a luminous green body and a red throat, a bird so rare that it was the first one Stanton had ever seen, though he'd lived all his life in Africa. Shadows in the Bush, Part II: Phil Caputo Hunts African Cape Buffalo in Tanzania
  • Near the Panama Canal, explore Pipeline Road, which passes through the rainforest of the Soberania National Park and is home to 380 species including trogons, caciques, woodpeckers, and many more.
  • The bird fauna here is very rich, 707 species, and includes species such as Ward's trogon (Harpactes wardi) (table 2). Northern Indochina subtropical forests
  • A trogon was the next, a thickly-feathered soft-looking bird, yoke-toed like a cuckoo, and bearing great resemblance in shape to the nightjar of the English woods, but wonderfully different in plumage; for, whereas the latter is of a soft blending of greys and browns, like the wings of some woodland moths, this trogon's back was of a cinnamon brown, and its breast of a light rosy-scarlet blending off into white crossed with fine dark-pencilled stripes. The Rajah of Dah
  • The small island was alive with wildlife: sloths, tapirs, peccaries, howler monkeys, tamarins, ocelots, blue - headed parrots, trogons and oropendolas, birds that make noises like water dropping on water.
  • Once more, we wound up in a junglelike forest, where the only thing we saw of note was a gorgeous trogon with a luminous green body and a red throat, a bird so rare that it was the first one Stanton had ever seen, though he'd lived all his life in Africa. Shadows in the Bush, Part II: Phil Caputo Hunts African Cape Buffalo in Tanzania
  • My favorites were the toco toucan, motmot, currasows, Yucatan jay, cinnamon-colored cuckoo, and pileated woodpecker and violaceous trogon (a relative of the resplendent quetzal). Studying Nature in Mexico is an Unforgettable Adventure
  • Other species with an Afromontane distribution include bar-tailed trogon (Apaloderma vittatum), scarce swift (Schoutedenapus myioptilus), orange thrush (Zoothera gurneyi) and African black swift (Apus barbatus sladeniae). Angolan montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • In most parts of tropical America we may always find some species of woodpecker tanager, bush shrike, chatterer, trogon, toucan, cuckoo, and tyrant-flycatcher; and a few days 'active search will produce more variety than can be here met with in as many months. The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
  • A trogon, its cherry red neck gleaming against a body of emerald green, crawls up the side of a picture frame, followed by a chattering monkey. The colorful wood carvings of Cuanajo, Michoacan
  • For bird-watching, the park is home to exotic species that can be difficult to view elsewhere, such as violet hummingbirds, white-tipped sicklebills, and orange-bellied trogons.
  • Watch for manakins, trogons, hawks, and other forest species.
  • In these were included the "elegant yellow-and-green trogon (_Harpactes Reinwardti_); the gorgeous little minivet flycatcher (_Pericrocotus miniatus_), which looks like a flame of fire as it flutters among the bushes; and the rare and curious black-and-crimson oriole (_Analcipus sanguinolentus_). A Visit to Java With an Account of the Founding of Singapore
  • Or I can try something cooler by immersing myself in the cloud-enshrouded virgin forest of Braulio Carillo National Park - a great place to observe bird-watchers delighting in the trogons and quetzals.
  • On the premises were ten species of hummingbirds, slaty-tailed trogon, rufous and broad-billed motmots, collared aricaris.
  • The gaudy tanagers, that cannot be tamed -- the noisy lories, the resplendent trogons, the toucans with their huge clumsy bills, and the tiny bee-birds (the _trochili_ and _colibri_) -- all glance through the sunny vistas. The Rifle Rangers
  • A quetzal sits upon a branch, yet this species of trogon is not found outside the Mexican and Central American cloud forests.
  • We also saw a citreoline trogon, a gorgeous bird with a predominantly yellow underside.
  • I needed to pick up an extra pair of binoculars from him, and he also showed me pictures from his recent trip to the Valley… Elegant Trogon, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, ani, jays, etc.
  • Birders plan their vacations around the northern extent of the trogon (Chiricauhuas) or where to see 47 varieties of hummingbirds (Ramsey Canyon). Mjh's blog — 2006 — February
  • The small island was alive with wildlife: sloths, tapirs, peccaries, howler monkeys, tamarins, ocelots, blue-headed parrots, trogons and oropendolas, birds that make noises like water dropping on water.
  • Overall, the book does a fine job of summarizing the available information on trogons and quetzals but the work is somewhat uneven.
  • n. - morbid fear of thunder and lightning. astringe v. - bind; brace; restrict; constipate. v. - guide (spaceship, etc.); v.i. navigate in space. astrogony Xml's
  • In most parts of tropical America we may always find some species of woodpecker tanager, bush shrike, chatterer, trogon, toucan, cuckoo, and tyrant-flycatcher; and a few days’ active search will produce more variety than can be here met with in as many months. The Malay Archipelago
  • It lived up to its reputation with violaceous trogon, cinnamon and other woodpeckers, woodcreepers, antwrens, antbirds, antshrikes, purple-throated fruit-crows, wrens and flycatchers.
  • On the premises were ten species of hummingbirds, slaty-tailed trogons, rufous and broad-billed motmots, collared aricaris.
  • More recently, Mayr et al. (2003) found Leptosomus to group with frogmouths in the 'nightbird' + apodiform clade, Ericson et al. (2006) found Leptosomus to be outside of a land bird clade that includes owls, mousebirds, 'core coraciiforms', trogons and piciforms (woodpeckers and kin), and Hackett et al. (2008) found Leptosomus to be close to (but outside of) a clade that includes trogons, piciforms and 'core coraciiforms'. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Also, despite the lack of standardized color illustrations, collectors of the books on families of birds will enjoy this book as well, because the trogons and quetzals are an inherently interesting group.
  • The thick-forested mountains delivered the call of the trogon, but no sighting. Pátzcuaro
  • A quetzal sits upon a branch, yet this species of trogon is not found outside the Mexican and Central American cloud forests.
  • Here we encountered our first hornbills of the trip, in addition to trogons and a most special coral-billed ground-cuckoo.

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