How To Use trochaic In A Sentence
- The stanza is thus seen to comprise three tetrameter trochaic catalectic verses. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
- Iambic, Trochaic, and Anapaestic verses are further designated as dimeter, trimeter, tetrameter, according to _the number of dipodies_ (pairs of feet) which they contain. New Latin Grammar
- It is well known that, from earliest times, iambus seems to designate iambic trimeters and trochaic tetrameters (including their choliambic variants, and with the subsequent addition of the epodes and the asynarteta).
- If the first two syllables be regarded as anacrusis, the first line would be trochaic, with a dactyl substituted for a trochee in the second foot. The Principles of English Versification
- Acceleration of the speed at which a simple trochaic succession is presented results thus, first, in a more rapid trochaic tempo, until the duration of two rhythm groups approaches more nearly to the period of subjective rhythmization, when -- the fundamental trochaism persisting -- the previous simple succession is replaced by a dipodic structure in which the phases of major and minor accentuation correspond to the elementary opposition of accented and unaccented phases. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
- trochaic dactyl
- The Stabat Mater is composed of six-lines stanzas of trochaic dimeters, the third and sixth lines being catalectic.
- The only notable exceptions are the trochaic tetrameters of ‘The Phoenix and Turtle’ and the iambic tetrameters of Sonnet 145.
- The metre which was his favourite, and which he used with most success -- the trochaic dimeter catalectic of seven syllables -- lends itself almost as readily as the octosyllable to this frequently fatal fluency; but in Wither's hands, at least in his youth and early manhood, it is wonderfully successful, as here: -- A History of Elizabethan Literature
- The former is trochaicthe latter is octameter acatalectic, alternating with heptameter catalectic repeated in the refrain of the fifth verse, and terminating with tetrameter catalectic. The Philosophy of Composition