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  1. the coordinated universal time when a transmission is sent from Earth to a spacecraft or other celestial body

How To Use TRM In A Sentence

  • U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee threw out the banks as defendants last year, saying that allegations "that the banks and [R.A. North] were in cahoots with TRM" were "simply implausible. Lure of quick profits snared investors in Carolina land deals
  • And by the look of that whizzy new (- ish) ClustrMaps widget, the majority of visitors are from the US. Happy First Bloggiversary to BoP
  • During the novel Lady Bertrmm and Sir Thomas never display a great deal of affection towards one another.
  • In multiparous women the referral rates are much lower than in nulliparae (MacVicar et al 1993, Hundley et al 1994, Waldenstrm et al 1996). 1. INTRODUCTION
  • Based on USB Bus, Design the miniaturization, modularization, all-purpose digital multimeter with self-reacting, photoelectric isolate, TRMS/DC, self-correcting technology.
  • The pair will each haul more than 100 kg in food, fuel and equipment from Ammassalik on the east coast to Sondre Strmfjord, 535 km to the west.
  • ATIR (TM), a donor lymphocyte preparation depleted of alloreactive T-cells, is under development to reduce transplant related mortality (TRM) following an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Undefined
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  • [[User: SamHB | SamHB]] 22: 30, 20 August 2008 (EDT) \ {N, N+1/N\ | \ N \textrm {\ is\ an\ integer} \ge 2 \} \bigcup_ {N \textrm {\ is\ an\ integer\} \geq 2} (N, N+1/N) Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
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