How To Use Trivialize In A Sentence
Now of course, I don't want to underestimate or trivialise the experience of other people.
Who feel that terms like "pansexual" trivialise the identities that they have fought so hard for.
Myths about Bisexuality
It's people like Prather who trivialize the world, turning a buck on whatever rare loveliness they can defile in the name of commerce.
Women's historical writings were often trivialized or marginalized, considered not truly history but memoirs, genealogy, or gossip.
When you use a song for a TV commercial, it trivializes the meaning of the song.
Trivialized for decades by mass-market tourism, Hawaiian culture - from classic hula dancing to outrigger canoe racing - is being embraced enthusiastically.
Sex discrimination meant the exclusion of one sex (almost invariably women) from equal salaries or promotion prospects; it was not trivialised into a crusade for women to dress as men and men to dress as slobs.
I don't want to trivialise the problem, but I do think there are more important matters to discuss.
Let us not trivialise this by saying that it is because of parapsychology or telepathy.
Although music is a serious business for the duo, mention of sex glorifies rather than trivialises it.
You have trivialized a great masterpiece of Indian cinema.
The play is a retrospect, an incomplete remembrance of a summer some 40 years past, trivia recalled, major events trivialized.
The word "awesome," has become so trivialized these days.
Joseph Bobrow: Veterans Come Alive in the Great Outdoors
Although irreverently trivialized in the Western world -- perceived by outsiders as uncultivated or lacking structure -- dances like Lamba from the Bambara people of Mali could rival any French derived Grand rond de jambe.
Sasha Brookner: Sabar: African Hip-Hop
Local forms are endlessly trivialized, bastardized and wedded to the worst aspects of Western speculative ‘architecture’.
I neither want to overdramatise it or just trivialise it.
Palaeo– and dendroclimatology were enlisted to trivialize the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period before it, both periods of time when the human impact on global climate was arguably quite slim.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Climategate” and the Social Validation of Knowledge
So then those who "trivialize" a non-telic approach to biology, they being akin to holocaust deniers, should then be subject to the same judicial remedies.
A Solution to ID?
He refused to be a part of anything that was false, that was anti-life, anti-love, but he was loathe to talk about it in terms like that, not wanting to trivialize it, to make it sound trite, as I've done by talking about it here.
The article trivializes the whole issue of equal rights.
These governments took a significant political risk to make these statements - don't trivialize it.
I can think of many worthwhile areas where this money could be spent, so let's not trivialise it.
Through their limited focus, these groups trivialize women and their significant role in getting things done in the public sphere through what I call a Cindy-Lou Who approach to dealing with women in politics.
They trivialise this party as protectionists.
It's simply wrong to trivialize the atrocities committed by the Confederacy.
DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
I am happy to debate the policy; I am not happy to see such an important debate trivialised by saying that the law defines women as fathers.
If you're a Bohm or a Charley, you may trivialize or vulgarize or bestialize your wedding, but solemnize it you don't, for that is not "up to date.
Lady Baltimore
The article trivializes the whole issue of equal rights.
The result is incredibly cinematic, and manages not to trivialise the imagination and atmosphere of the movies.
The debate has been trivialized by the media.
The article trivializes the whole issue of equal rights.
Steyn then compared the torture memo controversy to the Miss California / gay marriage flap, all the while claiming he didn't want to "trivialize" the issue of interrogations.
Media Matters for America - Limbaugh Wire
But there is another reason this story amuses, which is that we all know that confessing your sins over an iPhone will trivialise the whole thing, just like every other attempt to modernise ancient rituals - online funerals, online weddings and so on. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Mr. Obama certainly feels that it is his right to demonize and trivialize and misstate the concerns of his opponents.
Obama calls for civil debate, takes shots at critics
I'm no wowser, but the lives of many people are in your hands at sea and it can't be trivialised.
As a result, the film seems to trivialize important events in Dutch history.
It says something about our cultural scene that Welles after his death can be both monumentalized and trivialized.
Israel also objects to attempts to "trivialize" the Holocaust.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Whether a phrase like “the rape of the countryside” trivialises rape or not it is not part of the distinct process of abjection that results in racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise asininely bigoted slurs.
On Profanity: 4
In fact, many Christians argue that secular display of the Ten Commandments places them in an improper context and trivializes the important role those teachings play in our lives.
To tolerate his teaching would seem to trivialize it in some sense, to render it harmless.
It's people like Prather who trivialize the world, turning a buck on whatever rare loveliness they can defile in the name of commerce.
The list of people I'm hot-wired to bust is a fairly long one, including but not limited to anyone who does one of the following things to women: Condescends, objectifies, ridicules, trivializes, and so forth.
Karen Stabiner: The Philip Roth Reader: When He Was Good He Was Very, Very Good -- and Something of a Feminist
This trivializes the death of thousands of innocent victims.
The effect is to infantilise further, even trivialise the lives we are observing.
Times, Sunday Times
It's far from a single-issue film, and never romanticizes, vulgarizes or trivializes Josie's coming of age.
The article trivializes the whole issue of equal rights.
One could argue that making jokes about the incident trivializes it, but once the 11 o'clock news is over, virtually everything is fair game for satirists and gagsters, and the Emmy special gets a special dispensation where topical jokes are concerned.
One-sided sketches of globalization that celebrate its prosperity unforgivably trivialize the poverty and hardship of the vast majority of the world's people.
They truly suffered, especially in 1915, and I am in no way willing to minimize or trivialize that tragedy.
Even though they might have chosen to act as surrogates, the motives of these women would have been commercial, and the whole enterprise seemed to trivialize and vulgarize childbirth.
It trivialises these horrendous crimes, insults the intelligence of your readers and sullies the name of the band.
Times, Sunday Times
She argues that the paper trivialises legitimate public concern over GM foods.
Doctors and authorities have attempted to dismiss and trivialise those sorts of health effects, and have said they have nothing to do with the spray, so they are not included in the health statistics.
I don't wish to trivialise a potentially fatal disease but received wisdom isn't always infallible, not even received medical wisdom.
(Although perhaps I shouldn't trivialize it quite so much by calling it "blather"; it's precisely this NYT-style blather that helped get us in the current "complicated" mess in Iraq.)
Narrative Strategies
It's people like Prather who trivialize the world, turning a buck on whatever rare loveliness they can defile in the name of commerce.
Not to trivialize his work, but one of the reasons I believe his work is so popular is the aphoristic style of his writing.
He still has a Quaker-like faith that if only people could hear the truth, untainted by spin, untrivialised by the media, they would begin to see the light.
We should not trivialise it just because I am impersonating someone.
It is a sadly inverted and trivialized world in which all that is unimportant becomes important and all that is important becomes unimportant.
For some reason - whether through snobbery, ignorance, or the peculiarly British disease of self-deprecation - this valuable national treasure has been systematically trivialised and ridiculed over the years, to such an extent that today it remains almost unknown.
Hillary Clinton and John Edwards caught making comments about getting rid of other candidates in debate the ones who quote, "trivialize" debates.
CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2007
Yet television's soundbite culture, its inbuilt tendency to trivialise, is seen as being in direct opposition to the complexity and subtlety of the law.
See, what color-blind ideology has done is reduce and trivialize the cry for justice and fighting back against institutional racism into a cry for help and a handout, thus reducing a people who are not afraid of standing up to them to infants as if they needed their help of their allies.
Think Progress » GOP Claims It’s Upholding The Legacy Of MLK, A Fighter Against The ‘Injustice’ In Health Care Inequality
I can think of many worthwhile areas where this money could be spent, so let's not trivialise it.
Except for a few very visible tokens, the voices and lives of women are trivialized, if not simply cropped out of the scene altogether, and this is the crux of the problem.
I don't mean to trivialize sports and the important role they play in our society.
Your analysis falls into the typical simplism of those who dont understand the complexity of our HCS and tends to be trivialize it in a simple argument of Amricans being backward and caring more for their money than their country's health and so on.
The Guardian World News
Maybe you should "trivialize" Mr. Murtaugh's letter, in its entirety.
McCain Campaign's Muddled, Self-Contradictory Message On Ayers
Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!
When we do not apply the term charismatic to figures like Khomeini, we trivialize them and we trivialize their followers.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 2
I just think the song trivializes John's death instead of paying homage to a great person.
In a very real sense, presenting an e-book reader as a sort of substitute for a printed book underestimates and trivializes the future.
Let us not trivialise this by saying that it is because of parapsychology or telepathy.
Postmodern thought tends to trivialize this desire, if not ignore it altogether.
And there is a tendency to kind of trivialize those things as you get older, to kind of be patronizing about those things.
Michael Sheen: Interview with 'New Moon' star on fitting in with the cast |
It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world's environmental problems.
And that law in Europe is ridiculous; I think it is anyone's right to 'trivialize' the holocaust after the zionist-driven holocaust industry has produced endless books and movies and used the holocaust as justification for further crimes against humanity and jewish religious fundamentalism.
Dissident Voice
Critics of cameras in court often worry about the way today's TV might sensationalise the law, and claim that the presence of the cameras could only distort, trivialise and change the dynamics of the court.
The nature of average war cinema is one that trivializes the human consequences of war for a focus on pure excitement, strategy and technicality.
As every student of Women's Studies 101 knows, what's called aggression in men is usually trivialized as "bitchiness" in women: Men get angry; women suffer from bouts of inexplicable, hormonally-driven, hostility.
Barbara Ehrenreich: Hillary's Gift to Women
A characteristic of recent expansionist arguments in the field of copyright has been to minimize or trivialize the public domain.
The debate has been trivialized by the media.