

  1. one of a group of three sharing public administration or civil authority especially in ancient Rome

How To Use triumvir In A Sentence

  • But I do know there is a greater prospect he will seek a bit of equity in the distribution of investment and development of infrastructure than the present triumvirate.
  • And a seafood triumvirate of bluefin tuna, prawn in parsley purée, and scallop carpaccio with bottarga is too stingily portioned to fully enjoy.
  • The major antagonist is Octavius Caesar, one of Antony's fellow triumvirs and the future first emperor of Rome. Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • It is time that capital and labor realized that their interests are really commutual, as interdependent as the brain and the body; time they ceased their fratricidal strife and, uniting their mighty forces under the flag of Progress, completed the conquest of the world and doomed Poverty, Ignorance and Vice -- hell's great triumvirate -- to banishment eternal. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • In the Bacon Labor Government three men were invariably referred to as the triumvirate and credited with being the power behind the Tasmanian Government's success.
  • Political anarchy reigned in Rome at the hands of the triumvirs.
  • The former category includes a triumvirate of flame-heated specialties: liqueur-spiked Gruyère as a dip for French bread, meats fried in hot peanut oil, and strawberries dunked in melted chocolate.
  • In the wake of his death, three men moved forward to form a new triumvirate which would punish Caesar's assassins and then divide up the Roman world.
  • The system was revived later in the century by the triumvirs Mark Antony, Marcus Lepidus and Octavian to eliminate those judged sympathetic to the assassination of Julius Caesar.
  • He also spent some time in Sicily, and returned to Rome probably at the age of 23 or 24, where he allowed himself to be nominated _triumvir capitalis, decemvir litibus iudicandis_, and _centumvir_, in quick succession. The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
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