How To Use Tripos In A Sentence
Hardy was placed as fourth wrangler in the Mathematical Tripos of 1898, a result which continued to annoy him for, despite feeling that the system was very silly, he still felt that he should have come out on top.
Fundamentally an academic, he had been called up from Cambridge after an abbreviated Tripos, undoubtedly resented this.
He got a 'double first' anyone who's survived the Cambridge music tripos will know that that takes a lot of doing, then headed for postgraduate studies at Princeton; last time I heard of him, several years ago, he was freelancing as a violinist in New York.
My old friend...
In 1860-61 Cambridge appointed him moderator and examiner for the Mathematical Tripos.
In 1879 he entered King's College Cambridge becoming 11th wrangler in the mathematical tripos of 1882.
He graduated with distinction in the mathematical tripos of 1912.
He took Part I and Part II of the Classical Tripos in 1881 and 1883, being twelfth wrangler in the Mathematical Tripos of 1882.
Oxygen is indispensable for the life of the tissues, and its supply is dependent upon the integrity of the three organs mentioned, which have been called the tripos of life.
Disease and Its Causes
We expected him to be plucked on his tripos.
At Cambridge he had done very well, in the early days of the tripos, and was chosen fellow and tutor of Gonville and
Mary Anerley
The knife and the cane, menacing each other, were like tripos and short sword in a gladiatorial combat.
Tender is the Night
And Daniel in particular went on to use it as a home from home whento his surprise, I think, and certainly to ourshe eventually settled in Israel after his graduation, with a double first, in his tripos course of archaeology, anthropology and social and political science, from Cambridge.
A Question of Honour
Candidates for honours have to pass in certain additional subjects in their "little go", being then exempt from further examination until the final, or "tripos" -- a word sometimes derived from the three-legged stool on which candidates formerly sat, but now referring to the three classes into which successful candidates are divided.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
At Trinity he took a first in both parts of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos – a starred first in Part II - becoming an exhibitioner in 1934 and a senior scholar in 1935.
He was a Chinese immigrant at the University of Cambridge, and he needed to pass Part One of the mathematical tripos examination in order to go further.
Thales sent the golden tripos, which the fishermen found, and the oracle commanded to be [429] given to the wisest, to Bias,
Anatomy of Melancholy
In 1913, after some frantic cramming, he went up to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, to read for the History tripos.
Cambridge University, England, one who has attained the first class in the elementary division of the public examination for honors in pure and mixed mathematics, commonly called the mathematical tripos, those who compose the second rank of honors being designated senior optimes, and those of the third order junior optimes.
Autobiography and Selected Essays
In 1911 he became a wrangler in Part II of the Tripos.
The mathematician who came first did little work of importance after graduating: this was not at uncommon in the ‘speed test’ which the tripos was at that time.
I became interested in Renaissance while studying for the tripos in Cambridge.
Moreover, I rejoice that next year is just the season for the triennial examinations, and you should start for the capital with all despatch; and in the tripos next spring, you will, by carrying the prize, be able to do justice to the proficiency you can boast of.
Hung Lou Meng