How To Use Tripoli In A Sentence

  • Antioch held Edessa and Tripoli under its sway and was ruled by Normans.
  • Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi's vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.
  • Where their debut looked to the KLF, Surfing the Void's psychonautical vocabulary recalls another oddball early 90s dance act, the Shamen, who infiltrated the top 10 with talk of a "shamanic, anarchistic, archaic revival" in the days when trance acts played clubs with names like Megatripolis and expounded on the mystical importance of the number The Guardian World News
  • But at least one site, where the more than 30 victims might be Gaddafi fighters or supporters, suggests that both sides may have been guilty of brutal conduct in the battle for Tripoli.
  • But it was the Libyans themselves, young Libyans who were mocked and insulted for their so-called indiscipline, it was they who took Tripoli last night ... Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
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  • A small vessel known as a ketch had recently been captured from the Tripolitans, and Decatur selected this in which to make the venture. American Men of Action
  • The capital, Tripoli, is a pan-African city of Italianate squares and Arab souks where visitors can wander without being hassled by touts or pushy shopkeepers.
  • A Spanish polacre in ballast came out of Tripoli, with an ambassador of the Grand Seignor on board, who had been sent from The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
  • He had been due to travel to Tripoli on a connecting flight from Heathrow yesterday afternoon, after taking the British Midland flight to the capital from the north-east.
  • With our backs to the chilling wind whistling in from Damascus, we ski north-west, towards Tripoli.
  • RITA HABEBE, TOUR OPERATOR MAGIC LIBYA: And (UNINTELLIGIBLE) think (ph) about Libya and Tripoli itself has seen a bit of a boomtown. CNN Transcript Dec 14, 2002
  • Tripolitans to cut away their masts, throw overboard all their cannon, cutlasses, pistols, and other arms; cut their sails to pieces; throw all ammunition into the sea, and, to use a nautical expression, "strip the ship to a girtline. The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 (of 2)
  • It was so hot when we arrived in Tripoli that we started to sweat as soon as we got off the plane.
  • The tenuous nature of the rebels' grip on the capital was clear at the makeshift headquarters of the so-called Tripoli Brigade, described as a hand-picked team assigned the job of securing the city. Top Stories
  • The town of Misarata, with the support of the powerful Bedouin tribal allies of the Wafallah confederacy, challenged Tripoli's hegemony.
  • Over the weekend, rebel forces secured the town of Zawiyah, a strategically vital staging post 30 miles west of Tripoli, on the coastal road connecting the Libyan capital with Tunisia.
  • A small but noisy crowd of regime loyalists were allowed to enter the main hotel in Tripoli housing foreign journalists yesterday morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those attending the hearing as observers included representatives of the Tripoli diplomatic missions of the United States, the Czech Republic and Canada.
  • Gigot: So that kind of a stalemate, if the opposition takes--retakes half of the country, say, and some of the oil assets, and Gadhafi sits in Tripoli and maybe some other parts of the country--that outcome for you is unsatisfactory and would be seen by the world as a defeat for the United States? To the Shores of Tripoli
  • During the drought of 1185, Count Raymond of Tripoli, the regent of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, agreed a truce with Saladin whereby the latter furnished the settlers with all the supplies they needed.
  • In a defiant, rambling speech in the capital, Tripoli, the army colonel who has ruled the North African nation for nearly 42 years appealed to supporters to take to the streets by the millions in order to cleanse Libya, home by home, village by village,'' of what he described as a misguided movement inspired by foreigners. Top Stories
  • Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd also referred to what he called multiple "feelers" from the Tripoli government, saying the Libyan leader's end "may come sooner" than expected. New Airstrikes Target Libyan Capital
  • Ali Osman, head of a state-affiliated youth organization, says they fell victim to invitations to attend a pro-Gaddafi rally in Tripoli, only to wind up on an army base in al-Baida.
  • There was dancing in the streets of Tripoli, Libya's capital.
  • Tripoli was quieter yesterday, despite sporadic gunfire. The Sun
  • Pieprz: The University of Balamand is atop a dramatic hilltop site near Tripoli, north of Beirut.
  • Tripoli; and as Tunisian corsairs had never depredated upon American commerce, the Mediterranean sea was now opened to the mercantile marine of the United States. Washington and the American Republic, Vol. 3.
  • “Leader” Muammar Gadaffi is hunkered down in Tripoli, defended by army units from his tribe and mercenaries from black Africa.
  • With only eight marines, a Navy midshipman, and 100 mercenaries, Eaton left Alexandria, Egypt, to restore Hamet Karamanli to the throne of Tripoli and overthrow his usurper brother.
  • These extortionists of the high seas represented the Islamic nations of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers—collectively referred to as the Barbary Coast—and presented a dangerous and unprovoked threat to the new American republic. The Last Patriot
  • A Libyan rebel inspects a clinic at an underground network of bunkers under the mansion of Muatassim Khadafy in Tripoli.
  • The government ransomed the Philadelphia's crew, and Tripoli promised not to attack American ships.
  • Far to the north Tripoli continued its speedy return to normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Ottomans created four jurisdictional districts, each ruled by a governor: Damascus, Aleppo, Tripoli, and Sidon.
  • After presenting the rebels' plan "from A to Z", Mlegta handed NATO officials three memory cards: the one packed with information about regime strongholds in Tripoli; another with updated information on regime sites as well as details of 65 Gaddafi officers sympathetic to the rebels who had been secretly supplied with NATO radiophones; and a third which contained the plot to take Tripoli. Reuters: Top News
  • It conveys water from the southwest towards Tripoli.
  • They accuse Nato of using eight rockets to carry out the attack, which pulverised a country estate west of the capital Tripoli.
  • The reason for this is that Benghazi's starting point, as a primary precondition is that Gaddafi steps down, while Tripoli's starting point, as a precondition is the refusal to step down. Raghida Dergham: Victims of Obstructionism at the Security Council
  • His legal team said no extradition documents had been forwarded by Libya and South Africa had no existing extradition treaty with Tripoli.
  • In interviews with Reuters in Tripoli on Monday, officials of the National Transitional Council NTC made plain that feelings are running high against neighboring Algeria, which one described as Gaddafi's "right-hand man. News -
  • It was a wooden figurehead carved in the shape of an embowed, cheerfully grinning dolphin—worn, wormholed, its paint flaking with age; the original figurehead of the schooner Enterprise, that Stephen Decatur sailed against the Barbary pirates at Tripoli, four hundred years before. THE WOUNDED SKY
  • He was sent to Africa as a medical officer and saw action in Fezzan, Libya, Tripolitania and Tunisia, where he was wounded. François Jacob - Biography
  • In contrast, as I was watching this deep dive into self-referential reporting in Tripoli, I thought about Bill Gentile, the steely Newsweek photographer I knew in El Salvador, captured in Peru by the Shining Path, the bloodiest and most savage and anarchical guerilla group in the history of Latin America. Phil Bronstein: Should Journalists Get Out of the News?
  • Before the Basha had left Tripoli he had been engaged in communications with Muley Hamid, the then King of Tunis, who was feudatory of Spain. Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
  • Peace with the Turks, comprehending under this term Constantinople, Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers and Morocco, is essential to our navigation and commerce and political consideration in Europe. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • We have gallantly crossed swords with Barbary pirates along the shores of Tripoli.
  • He had been due to travel to Tripoli on a connecting flight from Heathrow yesterday afternoon, after taking the British Midland flight to the capital from the north-east.
  • What do you think the Shores of Tripoli in the Marine anthem is referring to? I Can’t Figure It Out « Tai-Chi Policy
  • Less than a 100 years later, the young American nation fought North African pirate strongholds along the so-called Barbary Coast - battles that are recalled in the "shores of Tripoli" stanza in the Marines 'Hymn. Headlines
  • European maritime powers paid the tribute demanded by the rulers of the privateering states of North Africa (Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and Morocco) to prevent attacks on their shipping by corsairs.
  • Augila, and from thence to Fezzan, where they remained about six weeks, and then returned over a chain of mountains, where he found snow, (for it was in winter,) by Sokhne to Tripoli. Travels in Nubia
  • Tripolitania was organized into a province (vilayet) under a governor appointed by the Ottomans, while Cyrenaica formed a separate subprovince responsible directly to Istanbul. D. Libya
  • Then his example lured his elder son Bertrand to Tripoli in 1112, and his younger son Alphonse Jourdain there in 1147.
  • SOON after the liberation of Tripoli, the Libyan capital, this correspondent met a woman sporting a niqab, or face veil, along with a floor-length black dress and black gloves.
  • The six freed hostages boarded a Libyan chartered jet in Cebu yesterday on their way to Tripoli.
  • Arriving in Tripoli on 12 February 1941, he made his presence felt immediately.
  • Tripoli and rouge are used to polish precious metals, not gemstones.
  • Libyan state TV reported that what it called the "crusader enemy" had bombed civilian areas of Tripoli, as well as fuel storage tanks supplying the western city of Misrata. BBC News - Home
  • Even though we sang ‘Anchors aweigh, my boys’ and ‘From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli’ in school, I knew of no friends or relatives in those branches of service.
  • Some halfe mile vp toward the mountaine be certaine ruines of buildings, with marble pillars, remaining: heere for three dayes we were kindly entertained of the Captaine of the castle: and in a small barke we sailed from hence along the shore to Tripoli, and so to Alexandretta, where the 24 of August we arriued. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Far to the north Tripoli continued its speedy return to normality. Times, Sunday Times
  • The foreign ministers of Malaysia and Indonesia flew to Tripoli for the formal opening of the talks.
  • According to reports, the Libyan Sirte is located along the northern Gulf of Sidra in a port city, is an emerging coastal city about 600 km from the city of Tripoli.
  • The pasha of Tripoli soon agreed, in exchange for a sixty-thousand-dollar payment, to release the American prisoners and to commit no further acts of piracy against American vessels.
  • The twin-engine plane had taken off from Tripoli and was on its way to an oil refinery when the incident happened.
  • Much of it had been stored, quite precariously, in plastic jugs at three separate warehouses in Tripoli suburbs. Michael Bronner: Civil War (Hold the Mustard...)
  • Other characteristic species include: Alopecurus ventricosus, Hordeum brevisubulatum, Agropyrum repens, Puccinelia distans, Saussurea amora, and Aster tripolium. Kazakh forest steppe
  • The largest, Yifran, is 45 miles 70 kilometers southwest of Tripoli and had been occupied by government troops for weeks when rebel fighters retook it on June 3. HRW: Libya rebels detained pro-Gadhafi civilians
  • He was eventually told that we had arrived at Tripoli but we still could not reach Accra until the next day at the earliest.
  • TRIPOLI, Libya AP -- Tripoli began to look like a solidly rebel-held city on Friday, the calmest day in the capital since Muammar Gaddafi's opponents swept in nearly a week ago. Libya Clashes: Tripoli Has Calmest Day In Nearly A Week
  • He was commissioned as an ensign and put back on a ship, the USS Tripoli.
  • But to evidence unequivocal that the United States of America was never intended to provide even the first hint of adhesion to any religious orientation: In the latter years of the 1790s and early days and years of the 1800s, the North Africa states along what was known as the Barbary Coast — Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, and Morocco — were rapaciously raking American shipping. The US was NEVER intended to be Christian. Herein is the Documented Truth.
  • With our backs to the chilling wind whistling in from Damascus, we ski north-west, towards Tripoli.
  • Tripoli has now declared a sea blockade to cut off vital relief supplies. Times, Sunday Times
  • President Ronald Reagan "retaliated" by bombing Tripoli and Benghazi, two of Libya's largest cities. - Photown News
  • The night Gadhafi — then a junior officer who would later promote himself to colonel — ousted King Idriss, the first planeload of official visitors to land in Tripoli was from Egypt. Gadhafi leaned on Arab allies to stay in power
  • On Monday, the second day of Easter, the six Bulgarians attended a specially-organised Easter mass, led by the archimandrite of Tripoli, Makarios.
  • Some of the more vitriolic regime propagandists, such as pouty anchorwoman Hala Misrati, were tracked down and jailed after Tripoli's fall, alongside thousands of other suspected Gadhafi loyalists. In Tripoli Blacklist, Fears of Purge to Come
  • Libyan television reported that the air forces of what it called the "crusader enemy" had hit a hospital on the outskirts of Tripoli. Libya: Allied strikes sweep Libya as west intervenes in conflict
  • He based this scholarly conjecture on the fact that a gazelle horn, identified as belonging to a now extinct Tripolitan species, was actually discovered on the island, while an adolescent female skull of the hypo-dolichocephalous (Nepenthean) type had come to light in some excavations at Benghazi. South Wind
  • Tripoli has now declared a sea blockade to cut off vital relief supplies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foreign journalists taken on a government-sponsored tour of Al-Zawiya, to the west of Tripoli—which last week witnessed bloody clashes between opposition and pro-Gadhafi security forces—entered the center of town to see the tricolored flag that predated Col. Oil Flows as Rebels Gain
  • Rub the brass with a mixture of the vinegar and salt, wipe off immediately with warm water, use the tripoli and olive oil to polish.
  • The two leaders risked opening up splits in the international coalition by saying that no one should be fooled by Tripoli declaring a cessation of violence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tripoli might seem a long way from Beijing or Seoul, but the region's global trade linkages and rising middle-class mean that events in Libya will have a knock-on effect.
  • Or is it possible that the Government are contemplating a repetition of the 1986 strikes on civilian targets in Benghazi and Tripoli?
  • The Washinton Post reports that with a letter from Bush and a ceremonial opening of the US Liaison Office in Tripoli, the US has opened its arms to the former pariah.
  • On a street corner in the Gargaresh quarter of Tripoli, a man who refused to tell a foreigner his last name fiddled with his cellphone. Top Stories
  • It was so hot when we arrived in Tripoli that we started to sweat as soon as we got off the plane.
  • a monetary system equals anything even in southern Morocco, between which and this place the poor despised "gursh" turns up as a familiar link, not to be met with between Casablanca and Tripoli. Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
  • Tripoli has now declared a sea blockade to cut off vital relief supplies. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was a slow process, and popes continued to appoint bishops to sees like Carthage and Tripoli until the middle of the twelfth century, but traces of organised, indigenous Christian communities become rare after that time.
  • Abdel Baset al-Megrahi was found at what was described as a palatial house in an upmarket part of Tripoli, guarded by at least six security cameras and attended to by concerned relatives, CNN reported. Top headlines
  • The playboy prince was always more at home in London than Tripoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Africa, Ivory Coast stayed on course for a World Cup debut after holding Libya to a 0-0 draw in Tripoli.
  • Now the piece was ready to polish with tripoli and rouge.
  • It was so hot when we arrived in Tripoli that we started to sweat as soon as we got off the plane.
  • ‘The Bulgarian nurses sentenced to death in Libya can only partially hope for the intercession of foreign leaders visiting Tripoli,’ the article said.
  • A small vessel known as a ketch had been recently captured from the Tripolitans by Decatur, and this prize was now named the Intrepid, and assigned to him for the work he had in hand. Hero Tales from American History
  • Tripoli has now declared a sea blockade to cut off vital relief supplies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tripoli rebelled and formed its own Commune as a result of family feuds there.
  • TRIPOLI is the capital of the pashalic of Tripoli, and carries on trade with the interior of Africa. A Geography for Beginners.
  • Thomas was born in Winchester, Kentucky, to Lebanese Christian immigrants [1] from Tripoli, Lebanon, which at the time was part of Syria. Matthew Yglesias » Obama Presser
  • On Wednesday, Evan Davies talked to James Coyle, an oil worker stranded with 300 others in a camp many miles from Tripoli, where locals, armed with AK-47s, had taken all their vehicles, even their fridge-freezer. Rewind radio: Trevor Nelson; Gemma Cairney; Huey Morgan; Today – review
  • Ethnic Berber fighters, who have joined the anti-government rebellion, retook Yafran, about 100 kilometers southwest of Tripoli, on Monday. Libyan Rebels Retake Western Mountain Town
  • Whether the rebels could take Tripoli without huge reinforcements and protected supply lines is equally doubtful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gadhafi addressed his supporters from a military base in Tripoli, claiming the rebels and foreign media are deforming reality in Libya. Libyan Rebels Prepare to Defend Benghazi
  • It was so hot when we arrived in Tripoli that we started to sweat as soon as we got off the plane.
  • Tripoli was quieter yesterday, despite sporadic gunfire. The Sun
  • Libyan state television reported that several sites in Tripoli had been subject to new attacks by what it called the "crusader enemy". The Guardian World News

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