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How To Use Triploid In A Sentence

  • The aleurone is part of the triploid maize endosperm whereas the coleoptile, scutellum, scutellar node, and root are derived from the developing embryo.
  • human triploid fetuses are usually spontaneously aborted
  • The diploid, the triploid and the pentaploid hybrids tested had the expected number of two, three and five rDNA hybridization sites, respectively.
  • The populations showed continuous morphological variation connecting the species, but karyotypically they consisted of only three types of plants: diploids, triploids, and tetraploids.
  • Two samples from the original data set were omitted because one was from a triploid plant and the other from a tetraploid.
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  • Crossing experiments and field observations have shown that triploid individuals are sterile and no fruits are produced.
  • Abnormal diploid, triploid and tetraploid nuclei with separated dual color signals were clearly distinguishable from normal nuclei.
  • So-called triploid fish are unable to reach maturity and so are unable to breed.
  • Only triploid or late-maturing rainbows are used, with steelheads, golden, tiger and blue trout.
  • In humans, 10% of spontaneous miscarriages are due to triploidy, but triploids of fish and amphibians can grow to adults and some species are even fixed in the triploid state.
  • The Tahiti or Persian lime you usually buy is a species that does not have seeds "because it is what we call a triploid," said Fred G. G.itter Jr., professor of citrus genetics and breeding at the NYT > Home Page
  • Double fertilization of egg cell and central cell initiates development of the diploid embryo and the triploid endosperm, respectively.
  • Long-term plans allow for the stocking of triploid grass carp, as well as dredging deeper holes and boat lanes.
  • I'm guessing the triploid was a goliath when it escaped. New Record Brown vs. New Record Rainbow: Apples and Oranges?
  • Quantative trait loci(QTL) were identified and its effects were analysized by using triploid endosperm genetic model and interval mapping.
  • Multiple gestation, gestational trophoblastic disease, triploidy, trisomy 21 syndrome, and hydrops fetalis have been associated with an increased incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum.
  • The populations showed continuous morphological variation connecting the species, but karyotypically they consisted of only three types of plants: diploids, triploids, and tetraploids.
  • Moreover, the high loads of inviable or weak aneuploid pollen produced by triploids induce high selfing rates in normally self-incompatible sexual diploids.
  • In a swift maneuver at its hatcheries, Fish and Game has developed a rainbow trout over the past year that is not sexually viable, called a triploid, that will be stocked this spring and early summer at many lakes where trout plants could have otherwise been stopped. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Intergeneric-interploidy hybridization between Hylocereus species and S. megalanthus yielded triploids, pentaploids, hexaploids, and aneuploid hybrids.
  • To test their model I constructed and tested triploid and tetraploid cells, which, contrary to their model that predicted that they should be more resistant, became progressively more sensitive.
  • An extra-large number of pen-raised "triploid" rainbow in the 1 - to 2-pound range were purchased from a private contractor and planted this spring in many area lakes to help make up for fish lost to the Bellingham Hatchery closure. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • For three decades, Supan has been developing new oysters by mixing up their chromosomes in a process known as triploid production. - Local News
  • A wide variety of fish were killed in the Mackle Park including a fish species park personnel added to the lake called triploid carp, snook, mangrove snapper and others. Stories
  • For example, the triploid primary endosperm nucleus of Triticum aestivum has in prophase a DNA content of 6C, while the pentaploid primary endosperm nucleus of Gagea lutea has in prophase a DNA content of 10C.
  • Being a triploid, having three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two, it is sterile and reproduces by suckering, which precludes any genetic diversity.
  • In this type of endosperm, which is the most common in cereals, development starts with several rounds of divisions of the triploid nucleus without cytokinesis.
  • Mixoploidy has not been reported for Polycelis nigra, but examples from triploidy to hexaploidy and hyperploidy are frequent.
  • Chromosome configurations at metaphase I of two triploids and two aneuploids were comprised of univalents, bivalents, and trivalents.
  • The first hypothesis assumes that triploidy is associated with the origin of parthenogenesis and that both diploid and tetraploid parthenogenetic forms are derived.
  • In triploids, three separate haploid chromosome sets have been observed, as well as one diploid and one haploid set.
  • In their opinion, this helps spread the fishing pressure and tends to hold down the practice of "creaming" -- throwing smaller fish back in hopes of catching larger triploids for a limit. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • Although triploidy and haploidy of chromosomal regions in humans often cause viable or semiviable developmental defects, it is difficult to identify regions of the genome that are haplolethal.
  • All respect to the Konrads, as they are working hard, smart, and skillfully on a unique fishery, but I feel that the triploids should be asterisked since they are genetically modified. New Record Brown vs. New Record Rainbow: Apples and Oranges?
  • The bad is that the avidly-sought "triploid" rainbow of 1 to 2 pounds which the agency purchases from a private contractor is down substantially this year for two reasons. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
  • Little is known about the transition from diploidy to polyploidy but in some species, triploids are thought to function as intermediates in this transition.
  • The first stage, grain enlargement, involves early, rapid division of the zygote and triploid nucleus.
  • Little is known about the transition from diploidy to polyploidy but in some species, triploids are thought to function as intermediates in this transition.
  • In humans, 10% of spontaneous miscarriages are due to triploidy, but triploids of fish and amphibians can grow to adults and some species are even fixed in the triploid state.
  • The occurrence of apomixis in the Pomoideæ, and the high frequency of diploid seedlings, 23 out of 39, in a family of pears we raised from crossing the diploid variety Fertility with the triploid variety Beurre Diel, suggested that they may have been apomictically, or in part apomictically, reproduced. Mark Bazer: A Grapple a Day...Won't do Much for You
  • In contrast the data do suggest that gene transcript level in the hybrid triploids is related to genomic dosage.
  • One solution might be to plant triploid trees if they prove to have low fertility.
  • The aim of this work was to assess the fertility and breeding potential of the triploid and aneuploid hybrids with a view to developing an improved vine cactus crop.
  • However, in our study we found one case each of triploidy and of tetraploidy.
  • In this type of endosperm, which is the most common in cereals, development starts with several rounds of divisions of the triploid nucleus without cytokinesis.
  • It may be triploid, that is, with 3 sets of chromosomes instead of the normal double set, and this would account for its barrenness. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952
  • The endosperm, a result of double fertilization in flowering plants, is a triploid tissue whose genetic composition is more complex than diploid tissue.
  • At this stage the triploid endosperm nuclei are approximately the same size as the diploid nuclei of the pericarp and nucellus.
  • The triploid and aneuploid clones studied yielded viable seeds whose number per fruit was strongly dependent on the pollen donor.
  • The complete set of chromosomes has been duplicated in triploid and tetraploid nuclei.
  • Before examining the transcript levels in triploid hybrids, the effects of triploidy per se need to be considered.
  • Sixty-one triploid F 1 plants were crossed with diploid pollen donors for testcrosses.
  • The triploid endosperm nucleus is derived from the fusion of two polar nuclei from the female parent and one sperm nucleus from the male.
  • The strategy of producing triploids of low fertility has been exploited in the production of seedless fruit.
  • The occurrence of apomixis in the Pomoideæ, and the high frequency of diploid seedlings, 23 out of 39, in a family of pears we raised from crossing the diploid variety Fertility with the triploid variety Beurre Diel, suggested that they may have been apomictically, or in part apomictically, reproduced. Mark Bazer: A Grapple a Day...Won't do Much for You
  • The different aneuploid types were then binned into the same genome content classes used for the progeny of the CCC and CWW triploids.

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