- (astrology) one of four groups of the zodiac where each group consists of three signs separated from each other by 120 degrees
- the property of being triple
How To Use triplicity In A Sentence
- Jupiter, conjoin within the same triplicity twelve con - secutive times in 240 years or thirteen times in 260 years and travel, then, through the four triplicities in something very close to 1,000 years. ASTROLOGY
- It was harbingered also by the terrible comet of January, which appeared in a cadent and obscure house, denoting sickness and death: and another and yet more terrible comet, which will be found in the fiery triplicity of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, will be seen before the conflagration. Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
- Valens says that it is evident that the nativity is a notable one because all the triplicity rulers are in their own signs and two of them are angular.
- Mercury, triplicity ruler of the lights and ascendant, is angular and almuten.
- So if the chart is cast for noon then Saturn acts as the triplicity ruler of all the air signs; at midnight Mercury would be used instead.
- Again, for the degrees and comparative nature of good, they have also excellently handled it in their triplicity of good, in the comparisons between a contemplative and an active life, in the distinction between virtue with reluctation and virtue secured, in their encounters between honesty and profit, in their balancing of virtue with virtue, and the like; so as this part deserveth to be reported for excellently laboured. The Advancement of Learning
- The second triplicity ruler, Saturn, also the dispositor of the ascendant, is exalted.
- It was harbingered also by the terrible comet of January, which appeared in a cadent and obscure house, denoting sickness and death: and another and yet more terrible comet, which will be found in the fiery triplicity of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, will be seen before the conflagration. Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
- The triplicity of the Goddess in these texts is one of the most recurrent themes.
- As the fixed member of the water triplicity, Scorpio also relates to locations where water collects and stagnates: muddy or swampy grounds, bogs, marshes, sedimentary deposits and quagmires.