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How To Use Triplex In A Sentence

  • He helped us convert the home into a triplex that we could rent out.
  • Duplexes must cost no more than $135,000, triplexes less than $185,000, fourplexes under $190,000 and a fiveplex must come in under $205,000.
  • He said he wants to see a moratorium on housing demolition and the construction of triplexes until the impact of the increased density allowances are better understood by council and area residents.
  • De Aethiopia intratur in Indiam, mediam, nam triplex est videlicet infima, quæ in quibusdam suis partibus est nimis frigida ad inhabitandum: Media quæ satis temperata est, et superior, quæ nimis calida. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The five centimetres of the lacquered triplex door were the only degrees separating the two from each other now.
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  • They looked on in disbelief at the once-majestic greystone triplex across from Fletcher's Field: the triplex on one of the city's most fashionable streets had fallen inexplicably into an advanced state of disrepair.
  • It took him two hours to cut the pattern into the turf using a fairway mower for the stripes and a triplex tee mower for the stars.
  • Atriplex spilled toll left of this line it?
  • I'm sure lots of lesbians have no problem having cars, cash, triplexes or being part of this system, but why is it that so many of us do?
  • Diplexed and triplexed types have a single cable input which is selectively split to the outlet sockets.
  • The local health department issues permits for systems serving single-family homes, duplexes, or triplexes.
  • Vancouver and Montreal each have a style to call their own (c.f. condos, slapdash; and triplexes, ornately balconied).
  • Investment properties such as duplexes, triplexes, and quadplexes are available as well.
  • The inverted repeat sequences of the guanine-rich 5'-half are expected to have a higher potential of forming the hairpin triplex.
  • Atriplex vestita, Sporobolus tenellus, and S. virginicus are also present as are the occasional patches of annuals such as Chloris virgata, Diplachne fusca, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, and Eragrostis porosa. Etosha Pan halophytics
  • ICS Triplex will be included in the Control Products and Solutions operating segment.
  • In the case of herpesvirus, it would seem likely that the triplex proteins, which are located between the pentons and hexons and are also released with herpesvirus pentons, perform this stabilization function.
  • For example, we have duplicate platforms in the triplex mowers but we have to target that while retaining functionality for all the markets.
  • The flight control system is a triplex digital fly-by-wire system.
  • News that the city may be hiking property taxes on undivided properties - duplexes and triplexes - is guaranteed to anger low-income housing advocates across the city.
  • A process controller having an operating function is provided to each of the triplexed process input/output units.
  • These cables are either duplex, triplex, or quadruplex, consisting of one, two or three insulated conductors wrapped around a bare aluminum or ACSR neutral.
  • Designed to be lightweight and maneuverable, the versatile triplex mower also is the choice of many superintendents for tees, approaches and fairways.
  • By forming the noncanonical DNA structure (hairpins, triplexes, and quadruplexes) and taking part in the non - Watson-Crick interactions, simple sequences may play a role in maintaining the chromatin organization.
  • Thrown by InStyle, this was at the home of Marty and Barbara Zweig, the triplex penthouse of the Pierre they purchased in 1999 for $21.5 million. A Perfect Night for Parties on the Terrace
  • A further possible pathway of guanine quadruplex formation has also been proposed that is essentially a triplex dissociation process.
  • Colin points out that if several cylinders are used in the pump, the pulsation frequency is a small multiple of the individual piston frequency, usually 2 for duplex and 6 for triplex pumps.
  • In a striking contrast to all simulations involving four d strands, the triplex assembly is not stable in the simulation.
  • Our data confirm that the polypurine TFO binds in an antiparallel orientation with respect to the polypurine DNA strand and that triplex formation requires Mg 2 + ions whereas it is inhibited by K + ions.
  • In bigger buildings, tax increases are divided between many tenants, but just imagine the impact of a big tax increase on tenants in a duplex or triplex.
  • A single coaxial feed runs from the riser switch to the lounge triplexed plate with an extension to the Master Bedroom.
  • The fringe of salt marshes that remains commonly has salt grass (Distichlis spicata), salt bush (Atriplex patula), pickleweed (Salicornia virginica) and seaside arrowgrass (Triglochin maritimum), among others. Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Washington
  • The assay can detect specific hybridization between single-stranded probes and non-denatured double-stranded targets to form triplexes, thus obviating the need to denature the targets.
  • Now a new triplex is being constructed just across the street by West Hill Homes. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Species include Aristolochia rotunda (Smearwort); Atriplex prostrata (Spear-leaved Orache); and Chenopodium album (White Goosefoot). Media
  • But specific features such as bedknife-to-reel knobs on the walk-behinds and an offset cutting-unit design on the triplex mowers can ensure you get the best cut possible.
  • The formation of the proper duplex and triplex were ensured by their characteristic melting profiles and CD spectra.
  • ‘We have to have great conditions, but with 45 holes, including a 9-hole executive course, I need more efficiency than I would get with triplex mowers,’ he says.
  • Triplexes can be designed to be livable and, compared to single-family homes, they are an affordable way to get into this community, he said.
  • In that area, natural Atriplex cover was very low, with only some prostrate plants growing on creek banks.
  • The triplex and biplex PCRs were combined before electrophoresis and loaded onto a single gel lane to form a pentaplex system.
  • Later it was found that homopurine strands can also specifically form a DNA triplex in which the AT base pair is contacted by an A and the GC base pair by a G.
  • In 1979, a New Jersey superintendent started the trend of using a triplex to mow fairways.
  • In addition, there are different edaphic communities such as the woods of Prosopis scrubs of Baccharis salicifolia (chilca) and Tessaria dodonaefolia (pájaro bobo) in humid places, Atriplex in clayish soils and Suaeda divaricata and Allenrolfea vaginata in salty soils. Argentine Monte
  • Woody plants show three ecological strategies: deciduous woody in summer: Thamnoseris lacerata var. lobata (Asteraceae-Cichoroideae), the only tree on the island. bushy woody, evergreen, microphyllous (small leafed): Frankenia vidalii (Frankeniaceae) and Atriplex chapinii (Chenopodiaceae). woody, bushy, with succulent leaves: Suaeda nesophila (Chenopodiaceae) and Maireana brevifolia (Chenopodiaceae). San Félix-San Ambrosio Islands temperate forests
  • Hic est funiculus triplex qui difficilè rumpitur, quem nobis a patria nostra in hunc carcerem usque dimissum firmiter, obsecro, teneamus: ut ipse nos sublevet, ipse nos trahat et pertrahat usque ad conspectum gloriæ magni The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • Large areas on the alluvial saline plains are characterized by halophytic plant communities including Artemisia pauciflora, A. schrenkiana, A. nitrosa and perennial saltwort (Atriplex cana, Anabasis salsa, and Camphorosma monspeliaca). Kazakh semi-desert
  • Several genera that are at times segregated from Atriplex have been variously treated as subgenera or sections, or simply placed in synonymy with Atriplex.
  • Next year, the UEC will establish a sample green roof atop a triplex to encourage surrounding homeowners to follow suit.
  • Property records show that they sold two of the other apartments, including a triplex on West 72nd Street for slightly more than they paid for them. Luxury Units Hitting Highs With Buyers
  • which include single family dwellings, duplexes, triplexes, and apartment blocks.
  • The triplex is rivetingly tacky. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, on April 1, we are launching three new triplex unedited channels.
  • Physical analysis of TNR-containing DNA strands showed that they readily adopt unusual secondary structures, such as hairpins, triplexes, quadruplexes, and slipped-strand conformations (summarized in SINDEN 1999).
  • Lands and Fair Trading Minister Doug Shave said the changes would streamline and clarify legal provisions relating to ownership and insurance of properties such as duplexes, triplexes, villas and townhouses.
  • The concept of this fairway mower falls between the triplex and fiveplex.
  • In the triplex, the Hoogsteen basepaired dT strand blocks the major groove of the duplex.
  • Carly Otness/BFA DJ Nick Cohen Ludlow Manor, Mr. Carl's latest foray into nightlife, is an over-the-top triplex space with a tapas restaurant on the ground floor and palm trees on the rooftop. Tacos to Tapas: Hot on the Scene
  • Also like The Hours, which reworked Virginia Woolf, this narrative triplex is built on a bookish foundation: the poetry and ontology of Walt Whitman. New Fiction
  • Although it was triplexed in 1982, the interior was mostly preserved.
  • Systems serving a single family dwelling, duplex, or triplex, require an installation permit from the local health department.
  • The saltbush Atriplex halimus is a chenopodiaceous plant well adapted to dry saline habitats and widely distributed in the Mediterranean Basin.
  • But the pace of these sales—including a triplex loft on Prince Street that went for $25 million, and a three-bedroom apartment at 15 Central Park West that sold for $24.5 million—have been increasing, creating a sense of excitement in the market. Apartments in Manhattan on Split Paths
  • But now the first of five translucent duplex and triplex apartments in the building at 1055 Park Ave. has just gone into contract at what brokers say was a distressed price for the prime location — less than $1,850 a square foot. Glass Condo, Rock-Bottom Price
  • We were looking for a duplex or a triplex, but triplexes are really hard to come across.
  • Two triplex amplification systems were designed for the tetranucleotides.
  • The last available unit, a roughly 3,400-square-foot triplex with four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a library, media room and chef's kitchen, just went into contract for an as-yet undisclosed amount, according to Reid Price , the managing director at Town, which marketed the property. Sutton Place: If Only Ritzy Is Good Enough
  • This suite, part of a triplex Chosa owned in the building, was reserved only for him and his occasional guests. FLOATING CITY
  • Hic est funiculus triplex qui difficilè rumpitur, quem nobis a patria nostra in hunc carcerem usque dimissum firmiter, obsecro, teneamus: ut ipse nos sublevet, ipse nos trahat et pertrahat usque ad conspectum gloriæ magni Dei: qui est benedictus in sæcula. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • Last week's three-hour public meeting about a proposed moratorium on the demolition of homes and construction of triplexes in North Vancouver City's Ottawa Gardens neighbourhood drew a crowd of some 60 area residents.
  • These cables are either duplex, triplex, or quadruplex, consisting of one, two or three insulated conductors wrapped around a bare aluminum or acsr neutral.
  • Rates generally start around $400 a night; four triplex suites command $20,000, Ms. Lefkowitz said. Deal Set for Palace
  • Restrictions on triplex construction will remain in place until city staff completes a final analysis on the effect of density change in the area.
  • Whether maintaining greens, tees, approaches or fairways, the triplex mower has the ability to deliver results that meet golf course superintendents' high expectations.
  • We have a 138-25 kV delta-Yg power transformer feeding 25 kV switchgear via 3 circuits of 25 kV - 750 kcmil triplexed cable with concentric neutrals on each phase.
  • This involves formation of a hybrid triplex by two PNA strands and a homopurine strand of dsDNA whereas the other DNA strand is displaced from the double helix.
  • Different soil compositions and geomorphic factors affect the distribution of wildlife and make room for other vegetative groups such as halophyte plants including Atriplex, Larrea divaricata, L. cuneifolia, Suaeda, and Tricomaria. Humid Pampas
  • These studies have used the fluorescence melting technique, which we developed previously for studying the stability of triplexes and quadruplexes.
  • The certificate is currently only required for triplexes and apartments.
  • Apparently, Moby sprung for one of the penthouse triplexes in the building, which the 7 Essex website says carry an asking price of $2,395,000.
  • This certificate is currently only required for triplexes and apartments.
  • The pony-tailed property owner had previously bought and sold properties without incident and had successfully bid on two triplexes in the Pointe.
  • If this were the case, the first and third of these mechanisms must involve a stable triplex substate.
  • triplex windows
  • These cables are either duplex, triplex, or quadruplex, consisting of one, two or three insulated conductors wrapped around a bare aluminum or acsr neutral.
  • But what if your spanking-new ball slices into an adjacent fairway and gets chopped and spit out by a triplex mower?

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