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How To Use Tripartite In A Sentence

  • By explaining the way Japanese and Western scholars periodize Chinese history using tripartite classical, medieval, and modern frameworks, he places his history in a framework that makes it more accessible to Western readers.
  • Hemichordates are distinguished by a tripartite division of the body.
  • In my view that must depend upon the arrangements reached between the parties in this tripartite scheme and the commercial realities of the situation.
  • The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
  • Ordinary Lao are likely to use the tripartite classification or even derogatory terms for those designated Lao Theung and Meo.
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  • Mythology combines with philosophy to account for the tripartite division of Fate into the Parca: FORTUNE, FATE, AND CHANCE
  • a tripartite division
  • He returned to Palestine empty-handed and politically weakened after the tripartite summit this week with President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mideast peace talks going nowhere
  • The parallel import involves the tripartite main body, parallel importer, domestic dealer, patent holder.
  • He has warned that the tripartite system introduced in 1997 would leave no one in charge and worries that the same might happen now. Times, Sunday Times
  • As in Christian theology, Plotinus believed in a tripartite of divinities, these being the One, the Intellect and the Soul.
  • The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
  • While the tripartite meeting was on in New Delhi, the ‘Adivasi Vikash Parishad’ of Dooars and ‘Amra Bangali’ - a communal outfit - called a bandh in dooars area which brought life to complete standstill from Siliguri to Alipurduar. No Headway in Tripartite ���Gorkhaland��� Meet but Solace for Gurung
  • The tripartite division was East Germanic (Gothic and other extinct languages), West Germanic (German, Dutch, English), and North Germanic (Danish and the other Scandinavian languages.) LOWLANDS LANGUAGES.
  • The tripartite coalition in power got 78 seats out of 121 while needing to win only 63 seats to hold the control of the upper house.
  • These gentlemen certainly developed our tripartite system of government, but it was hardly an easy task or a harmonious process.
  • However, serious disagreements among the parties soon developed, and the tripartite federation failed to materialize.
  • It appears that people think aspiring candidates who top the list of the three selected for further scrutiny are automatic candidates in the forthcoming tripartite elections.
  • The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
  • Tom Doyle b. 1928 fells cherry, oak and sassafras trees to make his carved, rough-hewn tripartite sculptures, some of which he casts in red and brown patinated bronze. The Shape of Things
  • The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
  • First, we need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the tripartite arrangement, now that it has been tested and found wanting. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were three introductions before his speech, three questions from the audience after his speech, and the speech itself was tripartite to a fault.
  • She noted that there would be a tripartite meeting with the British Government by the end of September and hopes that the issues at hand concerning integration will be addressed.
  • Philo adopted the Platonic concept of the soul with its tripartite division.
  • What however the agreement failed to reflect was that the partnership was tripartite and that Mr. Kemp's earlier efforts had been bipartite.
  • Janken, as the first known true RPS game, was roused into existence by application of the Guu Choki Paa or Sansukumi way of thinking, which can be defined as a nontransitive tripartite system, or, in laymen’s terms, a three-way impasse. THE OFFICIAL ROCK PAPER SCISSORS STRATEGY GUIDE
  • In terms of Roman Jakobson's tripartite scheme of intralingual, interlingual, and intersemiotic translation, translation from Old and Middle Irish to Modern Irish could then be seen as intralingual in nature.
  • The Roman triumphal arch was one of the main sources of Neo classical expression with it tripartite division of four equal columns unequally spaced.
  • A successful education system is one that is based on a tripartite alliance - teachers, parents and scholars - all working together to make education a success.
  • With the delay of the two ministerial decrees, a tripartite forum comprising employers, trade unions and government representatives will deliberate the issue next month.
  • The Fates are a tripartite entity, and she gives up the first job, and is invited to the next after spending some time as a mortal again. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: With A Tangled Skein - Piers Anthony
  • She also examines three of the four border regions of Indian culture where this tripartite classification does not prevail: Kashmir, Kerala and Bengal.
  • Peirce's tripartite division of semeiotic is not to be confused with Charles W. Morris's division: syntax, semantics, and pragmatics (although there may be some commonalities in the two trichotomies). Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Recently, it has been proposed as the base of the Upper Ordovician in a formal tripartite subdivision of the system.
  • a tripartite treaty
  • Last on the list was the tripartite classification of the productive factors.
  • By January 1942 the members of the Tripartite Pact were ranged against the ‘Grand Alliance’ of Russia, Britain and America.
  • Frequently these tribunals were tripartite, one member appointed by each party to the dispute and the third pursuant to a stated procedure.
  • The tripartite coalition Cabinet ended its first 100 days in office facing a tide of criticism of its social and economic policies, and a series of question marks loom over the road ahead.
  • Both organisations welcomed Mbeki's acknowledgement of their continuing role in the tripartite alliance.
  • Legislative changes should be the outcome of tripartite recognition and debate rather than the imposition of one parties views on the other.
  • The king made the statement just two days before tripartite talks by the parties.
  • Within the tripartite division of the spiraling cochlea sound travels along the liquid-filled canals with much greater force and speed than when it entered the outer ear.
  • Note 13: CPR, 1547, p. 148 (Oct. 7th); for other grants that employed the tripartite indenture regarding property in conveyance when Henry VIII died, see CPR, 1547, pp. 4; 13; 23; 39; 116; 151; 157; 161; 178; 179; 239; 241 back From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Ten years ago he helped to set up this tripartite system. Times, Sunday Times
  • One specifically African belief, however, is retained in a tripartite human being consisting of a body, a soul and a spirit.
  • Facades on all sides, except the south, are tripartite with a central projecting section and plain walls rising from a rusticated base and surmounted by a balustrade.
  • But he moves beyond Austin and Searle's tripartite distinction between locution, illocution, and perlocution.
  • The tripartite division of Jewish tradition into Law, Prophets, and Writings does not favor a midpoint, or at least has not led to a discussion of center, despite the importance of the Torah.
  • The document itself however was not signed and dated by CWCL until 20 June 2003 when the tripartite agreement was returned to me.
  • The tripartite agreement between Carmarthenshire County Council, the National Assembly and the Millennium Commission will now be presented to the attraction's board of trustees.
  • It also reminds us that, no matter how we attempt to preserve it, faith is essentially invisible and this multi-layered meaning is carried through in the principal element of this tripartite work.
  • There are different types of guarantees, such as bipartite and tripartite guarantees, continuing and limited guarantees and demand guarantees.
  • In this year's tripartite elections, we as nation must ensure that people and issues that affect their livelihood should be at the centre of the campaigns.
  • A zygomatic bone may also be tripartite, possessing extra sutures and accessory bones.
  • The tripartite definition has obvious attractions.
  • The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
  • After the widely hailed tripartite elections of September 28, the country now needs to move forward.
  • Crustaceans have developed a complex tripartite brain and paired, ganglionated ventral nerve cords. Crustacea
  • Modem military thinkers may make a tripartite classification of topics of military thought into strategy, military operations, and tactics, but such categories were alien to the Byzantines, who knew of such ones as strategy, tactics, stratagems, poliorcetics or the art of besieging a city, and naval warfare. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Strategy of Heraclius
  • A zygomatic bone may also be tripartite, possessing extra sutures and accessory bones.
  • The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.
  • The tripartite division was East Germanic (Gothic and other extinct languages), West Germanic (German, Dutch, English), and North Germanic (Danish and the other Scandinavian languages.) LOWLANDS LANGUAGES.
  • The tripartite dispute that both sides of devoid and patients trusts mediates processor compose.
  • A tripartite agreement brought together government, industry and trade unions in an effort to reduce unemployment.
  • The liability of each party will be negotiated upfront and incorporated in the tripartite agreement.
  • It is suggestive how the Armorican tradition seems to manifest itself, either directly or indirectly, in nearly all the "Lives" of the Saint which are considered the best; in St. Fiacc's, in the annotations of the Scholiast, in the "Tripartite Life," in the Fourth "Life," and in the Fifth by Probus. Bolougne-Sur-Mer St. Patrick's Native Town
  • The tripartite division of Jewish tradition into Law, Prophets, and Writings does not favor a midpoint, or at least has not led to a discussion of center, despite the importance of the Torah.
  • If the government did not agree to foot the bill itself, the union would not hesitate to organize "strike action and protests in the street," COSATU, which is part of a tripartite alliance led by the African National Congress, said. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The tripartite system of regulation, which he defended last night, clearly has not worked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because there were no actual conveyancing documents in process regarding the lands the executor-councilors claimed that Henry had "promised" them, a tripartite indenture was not relevant to complete their (nonexistent Henrician) grants. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • It seemed a pretty good idea at the time and certainly better than the risible tripartite system that went before. Times, Sunday Times
  • These can be made available for tripartite joint ventures on the lines described, with smallholders organised around larger corporate or cooperative mother units.
  • A dictatorship is much more sensitive to the frailties of its leader than a bipartite or tripartite system.
  • Construction quality is checked and accept via entrusting tripartite, satisfy contract requirement entirely.
  • Well, toward the end of the third clause within this tripartite relative clause we find the following sequence of words.
  • The tripartite system needs rethinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, a final objection is raised, as on this view of the matter the elements -- earth, water and fire -- which are eaten and drunk, are already tripartite, each of them containing portions of all, and thus are of a threefold nature, how can they be designated each of them by a simple term -- _earth_, _water_, _fire_? The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • In my analysis of this tripartite division I shall identify the rational soul with the ego, or self-obsessed reactive mind of Buddhism.
  • Miller, who is a graduate student in composition at the Juilliard School and had backpacked through Europe prior to receiving this commission, describes the tripartite composition as the result of "a personal pilgrimage that has helped him approach music in a different way. Donna Fish: Artists to Watch
  • His Masonic erudition is about as great and as little as his proficiency in Kabbalah; he quotes Carlyle as "an authority," applies the term orthodox to French Freemasonry exclusively, whereas the developments of the Fraternity in France have always had a heterodox complexion, while his tripartite classification of the 33 degrees of that rite and of the Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • The tripartite structure was incoherent, without clear lines of accountability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arrow worms were considered deuterostomes based on their tripartite coelom and the retention of the blastopore to form the anus.
  • Two talks are to cooperate to perhaps negotiate, tripartite talk is mediate.
  • The council of the tripartite ruling coalition decided that the pullout should happen according to schedule.
  • The two parties are part of the tripartite coalition Cabinet, together with the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, but failed to come up with a joint candidate for the first round of the elections.
  • The trilateral memorandum for the construction of the oil pipeline will be signed in Sofia by April 15, a tripartite committee of Bulgaria, Russia, and Greece has decided in Moscow.
  • Agriculture has taken a centre stage in this year's tripartite elections with the Government already intensifying the delivery of inputs into the hinterland.
  • Burnout has been defined by Maslach and Jackson as a tripartite syndrome comprising emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment.

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