How To Use Trinity In A Sentence
Moreover, I realized -- experienced, even -- at long last, that "the Body of Christ" is a good deal more than a figure of speech; it is an appalling truth and mystery, uniting us beyond our knowing with one another, and uniting us with an ever greater mystery, the perichoresis ( "circling dance") of the Holy Trinity Who is our One God.
Scott Cairns: Recovering the Body of Christ
Shiva the destroyer is a necessary part of the trinity because, without destruction, there can be no recreation.
The homilist was Father Jerry Wooten, assistant pastor of the church that hosted the Mass, Holy Trinity in Gainesville, Va.
Solemn Mass in Virginia: A Hopeful Sign of the New Liturgical Movement
Topics include his exegesis, Mary and the incarnation, divinization and eschatology; but the Trinity and the Holy Spirit are the constant background.
It hosts the HMCS Trinity centre that gathers and analyses naval intelligence received from national and allied sources.
Canadian Naval Officer Charged With Leaks
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Trinity say that no extra cash is available and that Jackson must honour his existing contract.
There was, reported clerk Bob Park, a family living in a caravan parked in a layby on Trinity Hall.
He wants to teach us, move us, and convince us how much the whole Trinity cares for us.
After the wreath laying ceremony at the cenotaph and the service at Holy Trinity Church conducted by Rev Botwright, the parade will march past the civic dignitaries and finally be dismissed in Newmarket Street.
Educated at King Edward's School, Birmingham, he began as a classicist, was a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and then professor of Greek at Sydney.
Many churches teach nothing at all about the life of God as trinity.
A mythological trinity of ancient Greek goddesses, another triangulation, provides a clue to the meaning of the three parts of the work.
The opening minutes saw the Trinity goal a swarm of bodies as Emmaus launched several attacks that had Trinity on the back foot.
Trinity, we understand that true openness does not mean loss of individual identity but profound interpenetration.
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Whittaker was elected as a fellow of Trinity College in 1896 and became first Smith's prizeman in 1897 for a work on pure mathematics, namely on uniform functions.
Between this pillar and the pillar of the true Trinity there was a gap three cubits wide in the wall.
Trinity's recent performance has compared favourably with others in the sector.
This outcome of the circumincession of the Persons in the Trinity is so far from introducing Sabellianism, that it is of great use, as Petavius has also observed, for (establishing) the diversity of the Persons, and for confuting that heresy.
NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
The trinity of "liberté, egalité, fraternité" outlived those who had butchered in its name, and was deposed from the French currency only during the time of Vichy (which replaced it with the less sonorous "travail, famille, patrie").
Reactionary Prophet
When the yellow fever broke out in New York, and caused much alarm, nearly forty years ago, the first cases occurred in the vicinity of Trinity Church, and until destroyed by a black frost, it spread gradually in every direction from this common centre, insomuch that the "infected district" was clearly defined and marked out from day to day.
Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
A meeting about the 2007 freshet and potential for flooding was held by the Township of Langley and the City of Abbotsford at Trinity Western University on Tuesday, May 15, and was attended by more than 400 residents.
Many contributors were Trinity graduates, parading classical learning and disdain for the vulgar.
The eighth is the identical in text, but not in music, to the Introit of the feast of the Holy Trinity, and has a different versicle accompanying it; the last of these nine is the famous “Ubi caritas.”
Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
A loud smack of something hard meeting with something soft was heard before Trinity spoke up.
The message was clear - turn from your greed and your wickedness or the whole of the Trinity will be destroyed.
Many intellectual lights of the day were attracted to the movement: writers Tennyson and John Ruskin, philosopher William James, Nobel Prize-winning physiologist Charles Richet, prime ministers W.E. Gladstone and Arthur Balfour, and especially Frederick Myers, the inventor of the word "telepathy," and Trinity College professor Henry Sidgwick.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
He was educated at Rugby and at Trinity College, Oxford, where he was rusticated.
Mahashivratri is a Hindu festival dedicated to Shiva, one of the deities of the Hindu Trinity.
This is an incidental allusion to him on the cartulary of Holy Trinity Priory, Aldgate, which shows him in a more favourable light.
At its best, the summer school brings the Trinity College debating society or the television studio in the local parochial hall or hotel conference room.
Like Kathy, she had found great spiritual consolation at Holy Trinity in the wake of a broken marriage.
So there is a sense in which the Trinity is always seen as a bit of a hard or difficult topic.
He rejected certain Christian doctrines such as the Trinity and the Incarnation, which in his judgment failed to meet the test of rational coherence.
He appears in the cartulary of the Holy Trinity, Aldgate, as an alderman in 1249 and 1250, was associated with the parish of St John, Walbrook and had an estate in Bishopsgate.3 But little is known of his origins; indeed, his mysterious background evokes Bedes comparison of the passage of a mans life with the flight of a single sparrow through a chieftains banqueting hall.
'I wouldn't have given it him, but it is _rude_ -- it is _bad manners_, not even to ask!' the supposed victress was saying to herself, with quivering lips, her eyes following not the Trinity freshman, who was their latest captive, but an older man's well-knit figure, and a head on which the fair hair was already growing scantily, receding a little from the fine intellectual brows.
Robert Elsmere
Afterward he was for some time at Eton, where he had the ill-luck to receive some fifty-four stripes for his shortcomings in Latin; thence he goes to Trinity
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
Mrs Gover said she would like to come to an arrangement with Holy Trinity Primary School in Great Cheverell to arrange visits by schoolchildren to see the wildlife flora and fauna on the farm.
For if it is true, then, indeed, there is such a person as God, who has created us in his image; we have fallen into sin and require salvation; and the means to such restoral and renewal have been provided in the incarnation, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the second person of the trinity.
Warranted Christian Belief
It was believed that disrupting any triangle was like disrupting the trinity.
He was awarded the Trinity Cross in 1978, his portrait adorned two postage stamps and six calypso songs were penned to commemorate his triumph.
But people's moral righteousness is tuned up by a most unholy trinity: sex, nationalism and empire.
That Holy Trinity is different from most Catholic parishes is evident at a glance.
At Trinity College, Cambridge, he associated with the evangelical group led by Isaac Milner, being studious and earnest, modest and timid.
In his eighteenth year he entered Trinity College, Dublin, as a sizar, that is, a poor student who pays in part for his tuition by doing certain kinds of work.
Selections from Five English Poets
It brings in the Trinity,so you have Trinitarian theology becoming a bit more solidified at the council of Nicaea.
She mounts a scholarly exposition of the widely held doctrines of Trinity, original sin, and divinity of Christ, relegating them to later accretions in history.
It is always to be remembered, that Saint John's Church thus consecrated and set apart to the worship of Almighty God, is by the act of consecration thus performed, separated from all worldly and unhallowed uses, and to be considered sacred to the service of the _Holy and undivided Trinity_.
The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
All three members of the Trinity are given equal importance in Christian worship.
The flagship of Trinity House Lighthouse Service, her function is to cruise the coastal waters of England, Wales and the Channel Islands, servicing and repairing lighthouses, lightships, buoys and other navigational markers.
Father belongs by nature to the Second Person of the Trinity, and concluded that the theophanies were His work.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
He uses metaphors and illustrations that confuse the persons of the Trinity and describes God's being as changing, over time, from one divine person to another (an idea known as modalism or patripassionism).
Trinity gasped as she sat up, her side hurt from hitting herself in her sleep.
Although the term trinity is a theological expression devised by the early Church Fathers in countering various heresies, such as Gnosticism, Sabellianism, and Arianism, and not to be found explicitly in the Bible, it is everywhere assumed and alluded to.
To the objection that this example is contradictory, he replies that he's not trying to give a consistent model of the Trinity, but only explicating the meaning of perichoresis.
None of the persons of the Trinity can forsake any other person in the Trinity.
The modern Chams find no difficulty worshipping the Hindu Trinity,the linga, the bull of Siva, a pythoness, Allah-- who is believed to have been an eleventh century Cham king-- plus Mohammed and a number of uncomprehended words taken from the Muslim invocations and regarded as the names of deities, each with its special function.
Archive 2005-07-01
Hardy had just come onto the staff at Trinity and he acted as a private tutor to Mercer.
In Brief: Lois and the other BFFs again confront the Trinity.
Annotations for Trinity issue #43 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
I observed that, as a raconteur, he held court in the Trinity faculty dining room, befriending administrators, liberal artists, science professors, waiters, and busboys equally.
After graduating from University College, he matriculated at Trinity College Cambridge in 1871.
Graeme Goldsworthy argues that the doctrine of the Trinity is the foundation for prayer.
Mirror Group was merging with Trinity, and nobody knew if the new entity would want the title.
These men advanced the same arguments against Holy Trinity that conservative theologians employed against the progressive Church.
As a freshman councilmember, she studied the Trinity River project and saw that the tollway, which is projected to have a speed limit of 55-mph, had morphed into a much larger entity than the four-lane, 35-mph road initially envisioned a decade ago.
Down by the Riverside,
The tower, built in 1720 by Trinity House as a seamark for £724, used to have a roof like a castle, which its owners are intending to recreate.
‘An unholy trinity of poverty, ecological degradation and despair threatens to destabilize whole regions,’ he said.
The new season introduces the Trinity Killer who got his name becuase he kills in threes who moved to Miami after evading capture for almost three decades.
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And what was he as the pastor of Holy Trinity supposed to do to satisfy them?
Yet at the same time they deny the doctrine of the Trinity, of the Incarnation, of the Atonement, and of justification by faith alone.
Holy Trinity, which has 12th century foundations, medieval stained glass, 18th century box pews and an unusual saddleback roof, was rescued from oblivion by Goodramgate's traders, who evolved into the Friends of Holy Trinity.
The composer first occurs during 1476/7, as a lay clerk of the choir of Holy Trinity collegiate church, Arundel.
The "skirl" of the nighthawk ceases; but away through the woods, down at the creek, the whippoorwill begins her oft-repeated trinity of notes.
Some Summer Days in Iowa
God's infinity is not formlessness but rather the beauty of a boundless agape, eternally and freely shared within the Trinity.
Ratliff quietly casts shame upon the walking dead of Trinity by allowing for gray area and trusting that his audience is keen enough to know a flimflam when it sees one.
On two occasions I have attended such ceremonies as a graduand - one in Trinity College Dublin and the other in Cambridge.
Irish Blogs
By 1939, married and with two children, he had become organist of Holy Trinity, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, founding both the Leamington Bach Choir and the Warwickshire Symphony Orchestra.
Stanley Vann obituary
For the rock 'n' roll generation, Eminem, né Marshall Mathers III, is the most compelling figure to have emerged from popular music since the holy trinity of Dylan, Lennon and Jagger.
A century earlier, Franco of Cologne had explicitly associated the idea of ternary rhythm with the Christian trinity, but from now onwards, every value had to be able to be divided by either two or three.
Archive 2009-04-01
Holy Trinity also sponsors ambitious programs in adult education, Jesuit spirituality and social outreach.
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At Trinity College at the University of Toronto, he was even more socially maladroit. He assumed the pose of young Republican and put a poster of Ronald Reagan on his wall.
These men advanced the same arguments against Holy Trinity that conservative theologians employed against the progressive Church.
But this assertion evidently denied the coeternity of the three persons of the Trinity; it suggested a subordination or inequality among them, and indeed implied a time when the Trinity did not exist.
History of the Conflict between Religion and Science
The Holy Trinity Church is one of the West's architectural treasures but the cost of maintaining it in such condition is extremely high.
The long recess between the Trinity and Michaelmas terms empties the colleges of Oxford, as well as the courts of Westminster.
Memoirs of My Life and Writings
But when he had spoken awhile of some sacred and mystical numbers, as three for the Trinity, three for the heavenly Hierarchy, seven for the Sabbath, and seven times seven for a Jubilee; and lastly, -- seven times nine for the grand climacterical year; she, perceiving whereto it tended, began to be troubled with it.
Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth
The Bible does not contain the term trinity either, but repeatedly it refers to the “threeness” of God being God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Can America Survive?
The Trinity affirms an image of God rooted in plurality and multiplicity.
Jason Derr: A New Conception of the Trinity for Post-Trinity Faith
The essence of the Trinity is the self-revelation of the Father through the revealing hypostases of Word and Spirit.
A stellar career has included stints as Poet in Residence at the Frost Place, New Hampshire, and Writer in Residence at Trinity College.
Even grander, Sedaris has become one-third of the Holy Trinity of modern American literature -- a writer that this certain portion (young, educated, white) exalts with the highest hosannas, as if they personally discovered him and must personally spread his gospel.
David Sedaris, sharing his slights-of-life tales
Three is the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
None of the persons of the Trinity can forsake any other person in the Trinity.
A member of Trinity College's class from Newton, Massachusetts, he majored in history and religion.
The revealed theology of the Anglican formularies is based on the Catholic dogma of the Holy Trinity and the function of Christ as mediator between God and man that was and is the standard of Christian orthodoxy.
The humanity of Christ provides the opportunity for the manifestation of the Trinity.
It was actually formed by a number of scholars, mainly centred in Trinity College in Cambridge.
As he passed through the congregation, Jim picked out the faces of people who had helped Tom transform Holy Trinity.
He was sent away to boarding school at Ampleforth and from there went to Trinity College, Cambridge, to read architecture.
This comprises outlines of the teaching on the persons of the Trinity, eschatology, eternal life, witness, and so forth.
After receiving a licentiate degree in canon law in 1981 from St. Paul University in Ottawa, Father Martin returned to Washington and resided at Holy Trinity Church from 1981 to 1986.
John F. Martin, Catholic priest
*The name Haile Selassie, incidentally, means 'Holy Trinity' or 'Power of Trinity' in Amharic TEXTING IN GE'EZ.
Trinity gasped as his movement sent shivers up her spine and her arms broke out in gooseflesh.
He will be brought to Trinity University Chapel on Thursday for necrological services before the cremation of his remains on Friday.
The earliest symbols for the Trinity were abstract: the equilateral triangle, sometimes embellished with rays; an eye enclosed within a triangle, referring to the all-seeing eye of God watching from the Trinity; the triangle enclosing a circle, suggesting the eternity of the Trinity; three interlocking circles to imply equality, unity, and eternity in the persons of the Trinity; or three equal intertwining arches, the triquetra, an early Christian emblem for the Trinity.
A Handbook of Symbols in Christian Art
All three Persons of the Trinity were involved in creation, including the creation of Satan, (or rather the cherub who fell and became Satan).
Trinity mathematics department chairman Saber Elaydi says that 13 professors from three academic departments will be collaborating on the new minor in biomathematics.
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A conciliatory gesture, some argued, would appease the cardinal and Holy Trinity would live to fight another day.
The present Holy Trinity church was consecrated in 1845 on a site on the main road and beside an already established village.
For the last day, we settle for some easy reef dives - a pinnacle of rock at Flat Ledges with vertical sides and gullies across the top, then a flatter gullied reef at Trinity Rock.
In the early centuries of the Church, there were maddeningly diverse and often conflicting beliefs on core issues such as the human and divine natures of Christ, the unity and trinity of God, and much else.
Still, in rebutting the charge that the Trinity is against reason, the philosopher may offer conceptual clarity to the skeptic and show that the doctrine is not incoherent or irrational.
Educated at Trinity College, Oxford, Aubrey carefully enquired into Shakespeare's life and left brief and hectic jottings about it, amidst a chaos of manuscripts first edited by Andrew Clark in 1898.
The tondo in Plate II, for example, is the earliest known version of the Trinity with God the Father mourning over the body of his dead son.
“I have had several letters,” he wrote to Professor Edwin Mims, of Trinity College, North Carolina, “about an 'excoriation' (Great Heavens!
The Life and Letters of Walter H Page
At Trinity Hall, the thirteenth day of October, 1704, in presence of John Findlay, deacon, compeared John Watson, John Youngson, William Pirie, John Kempt, Patrick Gray, John Mair, and George Gray, and submitted themselves to the court of the Wright and Coupar Trade for their abuse therein in contravening and vilipending the deacon and other mis-demeanours.
In order to fend off any reminiscences of pagan polytheism, Philoponus points out that unlike the individually differentiated gods of the pagans the three divinities of the Trinity are all of the same, single divine nature in the universal sense of ˜nature™.
John Philoponus
The same idea must be carried further and applied not only to the Logos himself, but to the other persons of the holy Trinity.
It was actually formed by a number of scholars, mainly centred in Trinity College in Cambridge.
The powerful movement is from trinity to unity.
The same idea must be carried further and applied not only to the Logos himself, but to the other persons of the holy Trinity.
By making an example of Holy Trinity he could punish his Jesuit adversaries and demonstrate his orthodoxy in a single swoop.
A great chest was filled with the ornaments of the churches -- sacred vessels, such as chalices, patens, monstrances, censers, chrismatories, etc. -- which we have now most carefully returned to their owners; so that your Reverence was enabled to fill four floats with these ornaments, in the solemn procession which his Lordship held in Manila on Trinity Sunday, in thanksgiving to God for the victory.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
By using the concept of perichoresis, Moltmann moves away from a Hegelian understanding of the trinity as a dialectical development in history (Cooper 2006, 251).
Lo, now the Trinity appears unto me in a glass darkly, which is
The Confessions
We start briefly with the Donatist schism, which was basically political; and then we have a prolonged and detailed discourse on Platonism and the doctrine of the Trinity, which I must say explained both in more lucid and provocative terms than I recall reading anywhere else.
Gibbon Chapter XXI
Rev. Wright is on tape spewing some pretty vile anti-American stuff from the pulpit, yet Klein accuses Davis of being the one "spreading the poison" for having the temerity to question whether it was appropriate for Barack Obama to sit silent in the pews of Trinity United for 20 years.
Lanny Spreads 'The Poison' - Real Clear Politics –
This incompatible trinity has become self-evident for academic economists; today, this insight is also shared by the majority of participants in the practical debate.
The Prize in Economics 1999 - Press Release
Figures representing the other three terms (Trinity, Hilary and Easter) enter, leading a ‘poor’ man who is made ‘rich’ as they present him with rich apparel, a page and a pander.
The modern Chams find no difficulty worshipping the Hindu Trinity,the linga, the bull of Siva, a pythoness, Allah-- who is believed to have been an eleventh century Cham king-- plus Mohammed and a number of uncomprehended words taken from the Muslim invocations and regarded as the names of deities, each with its special function.
Some Travel Writing
Even within the Trinity, the persons exist separately only in relation to one another.
Though the term trinity isn’t in the Bible, the truth of God’s three-in-one nature is.
Can America Survive?
First, however, this is a Trinitarian pneumatology, which sees the Holy Spirit always together with the other two Persons of the Trinity in a shared work of creation and restoration.
Trinity Sunday celebrates the belief in the incomprehensible mystery of God, not only as Spirit, but also as God creator and God incarnate.
The immanent Trinity is the life of God as experienced by God: it is a mystery we cannot fathom.
Trinity management wanted to concentrate on its core activity and aborted the joint venture with Bonnier.
Between the arms of the cross, the fancier pendants had the image of a flower of French origins, the fleur-de-lys which represented the Trinity.
Archive 2009-05-01
And if we try to draw together those seemingly incommensurate attributes, it might be possible to develop a different conception of the Trinity.
At least there is no Trinity in trinity, no Superman in superman and no Wonder Woman in wonder Woman.
Is the Bat out of the bag? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
And if we are created in his image, I also believe we are a trinity.
Trinity councillor Tony Lambert has been to inspect the hole and is furious at the lack of action.
Over the whole aisle on each side runs a broad gallery usually called the "triforium," lighted by Perpendicular windows in the outer wall; and above is the "clerestory," or "clear-story," affording a narrow passage in the thickness of the main wall, lighted by the original Norman windows; thus the height is divided into three parts -- ground-story, triforium, and clerestory; and the breadth into the same number -- nave, north aisle, and south aisle; probably designed as a type of the Trinity, as it is thought by many that these symbolical considerations were used in the building of churches in early ages.
Ely Cathedral
Saint Patrick used a seamróg, called a trefoil or three-leaf clover, to illustrate the concept of the trinity to the people.
Trinity's office tower shuddered and dust began to penetrate the building down elevator shafts from the top.
That Holy Trinity is different from most Catholic parishes is evident at a glance.
It is curious how little interest even Athanasius shows in the Unity of the Trinity, which he scarcely mentions except when quoting the Dionysii; it is Didymus and the Cappadocians who word Trinitarian doctrine in the manner since consecrated by the centuries -- three hypostases, one usia; but this is merely the conventional translation of the ancient Latin formula, though it was new to the East.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
The story revolves around a private eye who is hired by someone to hunt down a computer hacker known as Trinity.
For Mr. Schutze, the campaign to build a high-speed toll road between the Trinity River levees is premised on half-truths, outright lies and obscured facts.
Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » The DMN’s Hatchet Job On Jim Schutze Made Me So Crazy I Stayed Up Til 4 AM Typing This — ON VACATION!
100 years ago, an important discovery was made during restoration work to the nave arcading on the north side of Holy Trinity Church in Micklegate, which had been walled up for several centuries.
The Book of Kells is Trinity College's greatest treasure.
The dexterosphere takes it to mean that two conditions were necessary for the candidate to remain affiliated with (or at least to feel comfortable at) Trinity United Church of Christ: Pastor Wright had to both retire and acknowledge that his anti-American sermons were wrong.
Slick Barry: A New Clinton Moment
Whatever needs to be said about how the three persons of the Trinity are related to each other within the life of the Godhead, the New Testament declares that the Spirit's mission in the world is bound up with the glorifying of the Son.
Trinity Rail GmbH produces all types of railway freight wagons, including intermodal, and tank wagons.
He had early resolved that the boy should follow his own honourable profession, and Peter Blood, being quick to learn and oddly greedy of knowledge, had satisfied his parent by receiving at the age of twenty the degree of baccalaureus medicinae at Trinity College, Dublin.
Captain Blood
For instance, several alabasters depict the Trinity, with the crowned and bearded Father majestically robed and enthroned, supporting the crucified Son between his legs, the cross surmounted by the dove representing the Holy Spirit.
Giving Physical Form to Faith
Over the past generation, there has been a reorientation in focus away from speculation on the Trinitarian relations within the Godhead toward an attempt to understand the Trinity in the actual economy of salvation.
Every human being is created in the image of God, so all human relationships are called to be a reflection of God's life of communion as trinity.
I don't understand a modern day account of the Holy Trinity.
Destiny was about Trinity's height and weighed a good fifty pounds more.
Nonetheless, most models of the Trinity that have been proposed and defended have leaned in modalist or tritheistic directions.
Educated privately, he went to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1782, and graduated BA in 1786.
Don't miss Trinity College, the streets, parks and squares of Georgian Dublin and the Guinness brewery.
Responding to the needs of a growing community at Lawkholme, Holy Trinity Church had been consecrated in 1882.
By making an example of Holy Trinity he could punish his Jesuit adversaries and demonstrate his orthodoxy in a single swoop.
British culture now appears to revolve around the unholy trinity of sport, shopping and sex.
British culture now appears to revolve around the unholy trinity of sport, shopping and sex.
Other items stolen from the Holy Trinity Anglican Church included candlesticks, vases, antique tables, a communion vessel and a chalice.
Nor did it seem to appreciate the accomplishment of Holy Trinity School.
Some further thoughts remain to be thrown out in the third place, as to the prëconceivable fitness or propriety of that Holy Union, which we call the trinity of Persons who constitute the
Probabilities : An aid to Faith
The children were baptized by Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Rev. Wright also officiated at Obama's marriage.
Unsurprisingly, the best comparisons are with manuscript illuminations produced in the Winchester and Canterbury workshops, such as the famous Trinity Gospels in Cambridge, which were probably made in about 1020.
In recent years, Trinity has encouraged members to tithe.
Two antiphonal trumpets join the soloist to represent the Trinity.
For Mary of the Passion, all led back to the Unity-Trinity of God truth-love, who communicates himself to us through the paschal mystery of Christ.
However, most Indonesian food shares the nearly universal culinary trinity of fish, coconut and chili.
Trinity's makeshift pack were no match for Halifax's big six and Bishop was a great general behind them.
However, I have saved my tacky-souvenir money for a college scarf: the black and white of Trinity Hall on one side, the two-tone blue of Cambridge on the other, appropriate embroidered crests on each side.
What such a passage of literature would be to us, the journal of to-day may be to some long distant age, when it is disentombed from the crumbling corner-stone of some Astor House, Exchange, or Trinity
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It was a combined service to allow for a series of photographs of the congregation to be taken for inclusion in a historical review centenary coffee table book on Trinity.
On Tuesday evening the removal took place to the Church of the Holy Trinity, Rathdowney.
John is greater than man, peer unto the angels, sovereign holiness of the law of the gospel, the voice of the apostles, the silence of the prophets, the lantern of the world, the foregoer of the Judge, and moyen of all the Trinity.
The Golden Legend, vol. 5
The Trinity House records of the time describe him as 5 feet 8 inches tall, with black hair and dark complexion.
Ye see, "says he, shaking his pawky old head," the day ye find a priest sittin 'in the court at Trinity is a day ye'll be able to skate over Dublin Bay from Bray to Balbriggan - an' as for seein 'St Stephen's Green from the court, well, I doubt if even ould Faylen could see that far from heaven, where he's been this five-and-thirty years, God rest his soul.
I am sure that Edmund Burke would never have gloated over the defeat of the Trinity College football team or the Middle Temple hockey team, if those great institutions had football and hockey teams.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Self-hating Wolverine
During this time he took a Masters degree course in Trinity College in Anglo-Irish literature and his interests gravitated towards Dublin.
If any sort of pro-life argument had a chance to receive a favorable hearing at Holy Trinity, this was the one.
He questioned the validity of the Trinity which is central to all Christianity.
The second dishcloth is knit in Trinity Stitch in varigated blue cotton yarn.
Archive 2008-09-01
abnegation of the Holy Trinity
Cecil matriculated at Trinity College, Oxford, on 16 July 1621 but did not proceed to a degree.
But in the Pagan and Oriental religions this trinity was nothing else but a tritheism.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
After the award of his doctorate, Wittgenstein was appointed a lecturer at Cambridge and he was made a fellow of Trinity College.
St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland, explaining the Holy Trinity by the shamrock, which is three persons in one God," says Byrne.
Winnipeg Sun
At a dinner which was given at Trinity College, Cambridge, to the Duke of Gloucester, as Chancellor of the University, when the cloth was removed, Parr at once started his pipe and began, says one who was present, "blowing a cloud into the faces of his neighbours, much to their annoyance, and causing royalty to sneeze by the stimulating stench of mundungus.
The Social History of Smoking
He has studied at the Bath Academy of Arts, Trinity College, Dublin and the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan.
Likewise, Scripture reveals that God himself exists in the Trinity.
In obedience to the command of the most holy Theotokos, the evangelist wrote down this teaching about the mystery of the Holy Trinity, afterward granting it also to Gregory.
Like Kathy, she had found great spiritual consolation at Holy Trinity in the wake of a broken marriage.
He would do everything he could to accommodate Hickey, short of radically altering the ethos of Holy Trinity.
Mr Peare was one of the first corps of business studies graduates to emerge from Trinity College in 1965.