How To Use Trill In A Sentence
Thundat and his colleagues demonstrate that they could detect very small amounts of adsorbed explosives -- with a limit of 600 picograms (a picogram is a trillionth of a gram).
An. There's a testrill of me too: if one knight giue a
Twelfth Night (1623 First Folio Edition)
Tax cuts will leave more in people 's pockets to spend and $1 trillion of infrastructure investment will reinforce demand for labour for a decade.
Times, Sunday Times
From the seed feeders on the deck come the euphonious calls of chickadees, the bell-like trill of the dark-eyed juncos, the down-slurred whistle of the titmice, the “ank-ank” of the nuthatches, the “zree” of the house finches, and the coo of doves; from the nectar feeders and flowers, the whirr of hummingbird wings.
And a younger, sprier Edwards fearlessly taunted his tormentor, U.S. Attorney John Volz, once rising to his feet for a toast in a French Quarter bar while trilling, “When my moods are over, and my time has come to pass, I hope they bury me upside down, so Volz can kiss my ass.”

Investors 'paper losses on U.S. stocks now total $8.4 trillion since the market peak one year ago, based on the value of the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 index, which includes almost all U. S.-based companies.
Wild Day Caps Worst Week Ever for Stocks
However, it said the 7,980 small-to-medium sized wide-body deliveries expected during that window would be worth $2.3 trillion.
Times, Sunday Times
How has the UK moved from being a nation that held up thrift as a virtue and considered debt a vice, to owing a trillion pounds on mortgages, credit cards and other loans?
The wildflowers, many of which bloom in May, include waterleaf, wild ginger, red trillium, Jack-in-the-pulpit, smooth and woolly blue violet, Solomon's seal, false Solomon's seal, and enchanter's nightshade.
Essentially, the more than $1 trillion that we have spent on these two wars thus far is money that we have borrowed principally from the Chinese, the Japanese and countries out in the Persian Gulf.
Op-Ed: Burdens Of War Unevenly Shared In U.S.
Based on data submitted so far, Mr. Dongarra said, the Sunway machine has "credible" sustained performance of about 795 teraflops--or trillion floating-point operations per second, a measure of scientific calculations based on standard tests.
China Supercomputer Uses Homegrown Chips
And the key to its success is that Trilling takes what Aristotle called dianoia “thought,” which he defined as a lesser element of tragedy, and makes it indistinguishable from ethos, character.
Archive 2009-07-01
Spread out over 7 years since we invaded, that works out to be about $100.57 billion PER YEAR out of an average annual federal budget of roughly $3.2 - $3.4 TRILLION ($3200 billion - $3400 billion) or in other words ... a whopping 2. 9% of every federal dollar spent over the last 7 years.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
Hynix's debt is estimated to reach 9 trillion South Korean won ( 7.5 billion US dollars ).
Then you achieve consensus that the illegal traffic in marijuana, cocaine and heroin, principally, creates its own trillion-dollar economy.
Their first challenge was to clear their books of trillions of yen in bad loans.
Times, Sunday Times
Their range includes hunch-whistles, high squeaky or piping whistles, trills, and alarm screams.
At the end of the last chorus - the last chorus, the band does something; the saxophonists do a fast kind of whinny trill.
100 Years Of Jazz Clarinetist Artie Shaw
They trilled, “Listen you two, the baby is yours the minute you hold that bundle of joy.”
Redux: Things I Should Have Done #4
The regulator says Trillium, through nine proprietary traders, sent non-bona fide orders into the markets to create false volume, thereby attracting buying or selling interest.
More radical steps the BOJ could take include an increase in the amount of Japanese government bonds it buys from the market, currently set at 1.8 trillion yen monthly.
Central Bank Expected to Expand Lending Facility
China has about two trillion dollars of currency reserves, a crucial asset at the present time.
Times, Sunday Times
And then, in less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a second, there was everything.
Then of course there is the unreported story that Obama has spent trillions in bailouts and, and [...]
Obama's Cabinet claims $243 million in federal savings
Orders are placed for 100 million cars, at a cost of a trillion dollars - a major boost to the economy.
He poured out his otherwise ignored feelings into music, making his flute wail with stormy rage, sigh soft dirges, or trill in happy abandon.
Your vote has been counted and is reflected above., the 44th President of the United States of America, but the first black man, has already made the first momentous decision of his presidency, by ordering 16trillion liters of black paint to 'redecorate' the White House : Spoof News : Front Page
Negotiations reconvene one day after the top Republican lawmaker suggested an ambitious effort to trim future indebtedness by more than $4 trillion may be unworkable.
Whether it's millions, billions, trillions or bajillions, the dollar figures are so obscenely high that they no longer have any real understandable value.
As Whitney shows, these off-balance sheet numbers are an incredible three times the size of all on-balance sheet debt, totaling $2 trillion.
These may have final postvocalic /r/ and a medial /r/ as trill or tap.
Astronomers have discovered the largest and oldest mass of water ever detected in the universe - a gigantic, 12-billion-year-old cloud harboring 140 trillion times more water than all of Earth's oceans combined. supermassive black hole called a quasar located 12 billion light-years from Earth.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
So, the cleanest, most ethical holier-than-thou Congress ever is now defending the unprecedented adoption of ram-down rules for a radical, multitrillion-dollar program to usurp one-seventh of the economy on the grounds of “two wrongs make it right”?
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
And the revenue bonds now dwarf general bonds in total volume, totaling $2.7 trillion, versus $1.4 billion for the GOs.
Fed: Telling us where our bailout trillions went would "stigmatize" banksters Nice little health care plan you've got there.
Two thousand Vietnamese rivers carry nearly a trillion cubic meters of water to the sea every year, fed by rains that in some parts of the country total an astonishing 10 feet a year.
1,000,000,000,000: Trillion. An old British tradition calls this a Billion
Families of busy mynahs chirruped, foraged for grasshoppers, and then trilled when they took wing as we approached.
Here the Robin trilled out a few of his favourite notes, but the Tortoise soon interrupted him.
Parables From Nature
More than €1 trillion will be injected into the eurozone to halt an alarming slide into stagnation, it was announced yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
Stephen Green, another Standard Chartered economist, said Friday that Beijing might "supersize" the stimulus spending plan by four trillion to six trillion yuan, bringing the total to between eight trillion and 10 trillion yuan.
Beijing May Need to Step Up Spending
The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials.
Oh, Good « Gerry Canavan
Stanley Kauffmann in his review of Stephen Becker's Marshall Field III calls in question the author's "expertise in the arts" by citing a statement of Mr. Becker on Field's interest in music: "He may not have known a mordant from a pralltriller.
Society A minor plant community within a larger community, characterized by a specific dominant species, for example, a Trillium-dominated society in a community such as an oak woodland.
An urgent and then melancholy opening was unsettled by dark bass trills and a menacing fugal theme, only to be undone by the second movement's disarming simplicity.
Pianist Till Fellner ends Beethoven sonata cycle with restrained refinement
The third is the _Mezzo-trillo_, or the short _Shake_, which is likewise known from its Name.
Opinioni de' cantori antichi e moderni. English
Elaka whimpered but kept on trying to get another grip around the Trill's neck.
The trilled ` r'is produced by vibrating the tongue against the upper teeth.
The amount of money passing through international currency markets has reached $1.5 trillion a day.
Including capital appreciation, the amount could swell to $ 12 trillion by 2015.
The domestic debt has ballooned to $10 trillion from $7 trillion as of April this year as the government continues to borrow from local banks to finance its budget deficit.
It is the number one followed by 12 noughts; a trillion pounds is roughly equivalent to the combined gross domestic product of the world's 155 least wealthy nations.
It is a multi-trillion dollar outtrade between what they were paid for and what they did.
Matthew Yglesias » The Case for More Tax Brackets
Traders fear that the bank 's 1.4 trillion balance sheet could contain more hidden problems and that the worsening global economy will add to the red ink.
Times, Sunday Times
It means that the energy of the source is of the order of a teraelectronvolt, that is, a trillion electronvolts.
At Trillium Health Centre's Maharani and Maharaja Gala, an extravagant evening featuring indoor fireworks and South Asian food and entertainment, an 85-year-old gori white woman named Hazel was belle of the ball.
Don't forget, that McCain campaigned that he would cut $1.3 trillion from medicare.
How will the health care bill affect seniors?
He said the amount of uncollected income tax in 1991/1992 was around Rp 5.08 trillion, increasing to Rp 31.08 trillion in 1999 / 2000.
CME is targeting the interest-rate swap market, estimated at more than $349 trillion in total size, as it broadens a range of clearinghouse functions for derivatives that are traded off-exchange.
CME Group Begins Interest-Rate Swap Clearing Service
This resulted in the quadrupling of the debt from $568 billion US to about $2 trillion US.
This was widely interpreted as suggesting an injection of about €1 trillion.
Times, Sunday Times
It may take several months to simulate the trillions of interactions that happen in just a few billionths of a second.
So saying, the Robin trilled out a pleasant farewell, and returned to the shrubbery grounds, where, in an ivy covered wall, he had found for himself a snug little winter's home.
Parables From Nature
The revenue would comprise part of nontax revenues needed for a ¥12-trillion spending package for earthquake reconstruction.
Japan Tobacco Net Jumps 24%
I recall his predecessor blew a Trillion on tax breaks for the top three percentiles while another few Trillion went on astrategic warfare and pointless Pentagon pork.
Army Rumour Service
Exercises for developing sostenuto, legato, trill, rapid scales, messa di voce and other vocal techniques are included.
Audiences may laugh as a post-coital scene, set amid the flowers in moonlight, soars into a Morricone-esque musical riff with a chorus of women's voices trilling non-verbal notes, the art house equivalent of Dimitri Tiomkin telling us how to feel.
GreenCine Daily: PIFF Dispatch. 5.
The Obama administration has addressed the economic crisis on several fronts, using trillions of taxpayer dollars to clean up the mortgage mess and unchoke the credit markets. News
The meeting voted to call on the Federal Government to set up a Rural and Regional Development bank using the nation's $1.14 trillion superannuation savings, which would be used to help "repopulate" regional Australia. The Northern Star
The national budget deficit is already predicted to reach $1.6 trillion this year.
Times, Sunday Times
Between July 1st and October 1st, the central bank printed over 2 trillion roubles.
This fetishistic oath, seemingly sworn and signed in blood, has kept the Republicans from saying "yes" to President Obama's offer for raising the nation's debt ceiling -- a deal that would whack some $4 trillion dollars from the national deficit.
Fernando Espuelas: Why Republicans Can't Say Yes to Obama
First, Congress responds to a crisis caused by too much debt and overleverage by … borrowing a trillion or so dollars and deficit spending.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Hair of the Dog, Part 3
Later developments included the adoption of standard signs for such frequently used ornaments as appoggiaturas, mordents, slides, trills, or turns.
With a budget of $20 trillion for special effects, I would think they could either (A) cover up the mole/wart/birthmark; or (B) explain it away as something caused by the circumstances of his birth: "Aye, we often see these moles on babes aborn on escape wessels under Romulan attack - we dinna know the cause!
Ron's Log
Faced with instant gratification expectations, has Obama reached too far in tying his presidency to his $3.6 trillion budget proposal?
Turning an ocean liner in an era of speedboats
The problem is that Congress has been “borrowing” the surplus, and currently owes SSI somewhere around 2-3 trillion in monies!
Think Progress » Rep. Blackburn touts Social Security privatization.
Since 2009, foreigners have invested just over $1 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Accordingto the Federal Reserve's accounting report, M1 is the approximate of dollarscirculating the globe, which is, approximately $1.5 trillion.
Aodhhan: There certainly is a common link between China and the US; about a trillion link$.
US, China Agree to Discuss Cooperation in Space | Universe Today
It\'s easy to wonder why he remained silent while markets were soaring and investment banks were reaping trillions in profits on a structured investment swindle which has left the global financial system teetering on the brink of catastrophe. '
OpEdNews - Quicklink: The Great Credit Unwind of '08
Special transfer payments will total 1.257988 trillion yuan, an increase of 261.295billion yuan or 26.2%, equivalent to 52.5% of total transfer payments.
The American two-party system is fracturing, as both sides are struggling with immense war debt, a crippled manufacturing base, and a Federal Reserve that is devaluating the currency in order to prop up financial institutions that gambled trillions and lost; their bets became our losses as they were "covered by the house".
Tea Party vs. Two Party
Slowly, other sounds emerge to fill the space around his voice: a slow and rhythmic drumming, the trilling of a wooden flute, melancholy chords of the stringed saz and the fluttering of an oboe-like instrument called a mey.
More rhodora blooming in the wetlands, Canada mayflower actually flowering in May, even if not in Canada, some trout lily and trilliums.
Tuesday roadkill report
A billion trillion, also known as a "sextillion," could be written as a 1 followed by 21 zeros.
Boing Boing
I will go away from this gathering, for example, knowing the name of Trilleck of Hereford, a fourteenth-century English bishop with whose name I was previously unacquainted.
In fact, a new administration could enforce new global warming regulations with common sense, focusing on large emitters of greenhouse gases to achieve reasonable reductions while spurring trillions of dollars worth of economic growth and green-collar jobs.
Wonk Room » EPA Sends Greenhouse Endangerment Finding To White House
But, I thought you couldn’t call it ‘receivership’ either, because those all trillions and trillions of imaginary dollars in notional value Credit Default Swaps have to pay out for banks that go into ‘recievership’ and to have those unexploded CDS liabilities go from imaginary to real would be the world financial system equivalent of Global Thermonuclear War.
Matthew Yglesias » Eisinger and Salmon on Bank Nationalization
The 2010 IOUG Database Growth Survey, conducted in July-August 2010, estimates that more than a zettabyte or a trillion gigabytes of data exists in databases, and that 16 percent of organizations surveyed reported a data growth rate in excess of 50 percent annually.
Steve Hamby: Top Three Technologies to Tame the Big Data Beast
Worldwide, estimates top the one trillion mark - almost two million a minute.
And if we keep doing that we'll get the national debt down to about $1.1 trillion over the next 10 years.
Central banks fuelled the boom in government bonds by buying trillions of dollars through QE.
Times, Sunday Times
The House bill (section starting on page 506) gives $4 TRILLION in 'bail-out' authority.
Senate Dems to force night session on financial reform bill
The report forecasts merger and acquisitions activity will hit $3 trillion next year.
Times, Sunday Times
Everyone knows who the scumbags are and until the police stop trying to be all things to all people and go back to unashamedly harassing the felons and the feckless we WILL all go hell in a handcart. on October 2, 2009 at 7: 28 pm | Reply Christopher Chantrill
IPCC To Investigate Barwell Deaths « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
TRILL has no limits -- people are talking about 100-way multipathing.
Are new IETF switching, routing specs needed?
The Spanish triller gets twisted when the scientist doesn't want this guy to interfere in this past tense for fear of severally messing up the future.
Quick Stop Entertainment
Fiscal irresponsibility is your secretary of defense admitting that $2.3 trillion is missing from the Pentagon.
Think Progress » Mitt Romney Claims That President Obama’s Words ‘Support’ 911 Truthers Abroad
This bird has a beautiful trilling song, but it is not delivered in the fall.
At one point a bird trilled in the Conservatory.
Join us on this special adventure exploring The Little Grand Canyon for nature's spring gems such as bloodroot, spring beauty, and trillium. -
Underneath are Himalayan poppies Meconopsis, primulas and trilliums, many of them also collected from the wild.
Fiddly pull-downs, peculiar microcopy, trillions of steps, and minimal transparency.
Carsonified » Blog
Apparently Thais don't trill their tongue skillfully enough to produce an intelligible ‘r’ sound.
Her voice was bird-like, the trill of a mockingbird, ever changing, ever shifting.
Huge specimens of eucalyptus, eucryphias, magnolias and rhododendrons are underplanted with unusual shrubs and choice perennials like Trilliums, Arisaema and blue poppies.
The song is an instrumental, centered around a long guitar solo in which Pike again keeps it slow, taking a break from his trademark hammering trills and letting the notes hang while the rhythm section pummels away furiously.
A New Dictionary of Music by Arthur Jacobs says: "These two [ornaments] are sometimes called respectively inverted mordent and just mordent; and in German Mordent means only the second, the first being called Pralltriller.
Mordents & Pralltrillers
The picture above shows volunteer Dutchman's breeches, blue and striped squills, and Trillium recurvatum.
The unified budget deficit for 2004 through 2013, on this adjusted basis, would cumulate to about $5 trillion.
Budget Woes, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Those low cost products are amounting to something like half a trillion dollars in deficit every year.
Other than some occasional scatting, which is also appealingly deft, he doesn't sing again, nor do any of the accomplished sidepersons making small big-band sounds along with him venture any trilling.
First, the very notion of a budget surplus would have been considered a bizarre "X-Files" plot when President Clinton took office, let alone a $1 trillion mid-session re-estimate.
Press Briefing
in England they call a trillion a billion
And the National Science Foundation predicts the total will soar to $ 1 trillion by 2015.
After the cor anglais, the oboe and the clarinet, the wind ensemble sings ‘Alleluia’ under a luminous haze of trills and harmonies in the strings.
NABE forecasters said they were more worried about the federal deficit than any other aspect of the economy, even though they expect it to shrink by $100 billion to $1.2 trillion next year.
Javier Castrilli, the current subsecretary in the Office of Safety in Public Spectacles with the Ministry of the Interior, mentioned that for safety reasons, he would like to see the match played at 11am local time as compared to the 4pm kickoff that is currently on the fixture.
Pompilio To Talk On Tuesday
a euphonious trill of silver laughter
HUD cannot (or will not) tell you, and indeed, it cannot tell its GAO auditors either, which is why it did not and does not pass audits, in much the same style of Bill Cohen's and Donald Rumsfeld's Defense Department, which amassed over $2.5 trillion in "undocumentable transactions" before they stopped telling people what the amount is. - Financial News
CASE IN POINT Obama tapped VP Joe Biden to "allocate" the stimulus $$trillions.
Latest Articles
The toughest task confronts the so-called supercommittee, which is supposed to come up with at least $1.2 trillion in deficit savings over the coming decade to implement the August budget and debt pact.
House passes disaster aid, but Senate Dems object
According to these self-appointed connoisseurs, he was a bawler without taste, without method, a maker of absurd trills, an unimpassioned actor of little intelligence, and many other things besides.
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
Today these phantom bonds total about $3.2 trillion, or 42 percent of the government's total outstanding debentures.
I like to say that I am not WASTING trillions of dollars to go to the health care industry while they get ricker and laughing all the way to the bank.
Obama mentions agreement for experts' panel to study Medicare waste
White and red baneberries, trillium, arisaemas… those Jack-in-the-pulpits kids love to open up and peer into, and hay scented, Christmas and maidenhair ferns… they had already staked their claim on the dry floor bed.
Central banks fuelled the boom in government bonds by buying trillions of dollars through QE.
Times, Sunday Times
And now that trillions are sloshing up and down K Street, the same muckraked fate looms for the Obama administration.
Without pause, the finale begins with strings slashing through the drumming, followed by woodwind trills and a skipping melody.
Geoengineering schemes sound like they're pulled straight from pulp sci-fi novels: Fertilize the oceans with iron in order to sequester carbon dioxide; launch fleets of ships to whip up sea spray and enhance the solar reflectivity of marine stratocumulus clouds; use trillions of tiny spacecraft to form a sunshade a million miles from Earth in perfect solar orbit.
Can a Million Tons of Sulfur Dioxide Combat Climate Change?
It was a tiny humming bird; he was sampling the vintages from a clump of daffodils, foxglove, trillium, and lady's slipper.
The disadvantages are the impossibility of playing some chords and the need to be neat-fingered when playing trills on two notes which share a string.
Your brain contains 100 billion brain cells, with trillions of supportive cells to protect and defend them called glial cells the immune cells of the brain.
The UltraMind Solution
March 9, 2008 at 3:51 pm triller zombeh kitteh mayks ur hed asplots wiv teh khyoot nd DEN eetz ur braynz
Thriller kitteh - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
The trillium, for instance, is a native plant often seen for sale.
Trillium Herbal's exfoliating sea salt polish is steeped in wonderful organic essential oils including sesame, jojoba, olive and sunflower.
In the olden days, a trillion in Britain was a million million million.
The Sun
Accordingto the Federal Reserve's accounting report, M1 is the approximate of dollarscirculating the globe, which is, approximately $1.5 trillion.
A soft hi-hat danced around what had become a seven-four time signature, marked only by the high trills that before were only starting to form.
Doing it that way, according to the actuaries, according to the Congressional Budget Office, makes the program solvent and wipes out tens of trillions of dollars of unfunded liability, and keeps our debt levels from getting out of control.
Tackling the Deficit
Still to come is the multitrillion-dollar health bill and another $100 billion to $200 billion “jobs” bill.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » This Argument Works for a Libertarian…
The number of addresses that IPv6 allows for amounts to 340 "undecillion" followed by 36 zeroes; enough for a trillion people to each be assigned trillions of IP numbers, according to Beckstrom.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Trillium species are characterized by a single trimerous flower subtended by a whorl of three leaves.
Again, her pitch was very wobbly and she was trying way too hard to trill it.
The notion came to her to improve upon the accompaniment with little trills and flourishes.
The banks were worth trillions and then they weren't.
Times, Sunday Times
~ Mind-Blowing Advances in New Computer Chips -- The world's biggest chipmaker has developed a programmable processor that can perform about a trillion calculations per second, and deliver a performance of 1.01 teraflops.
Speedlinking 2/13/07
There are no melodramatic trills or fluting crescendos in her everyday speech.
In the days following his budget speech to a joint session of Congress last week, the president has tried mightily to steamroll congress into supporting his $1.6 trillion tax cut.
The explanation for this anomaly is that the Fed's $4.6 trillion added by quantitative easing fell far short of the estimated $10 trillion needed to "reflate" the money supply after the "shadow lenders" disappeared.
Ellen Brown: How Brokers Became Bookies: The Insidious Transformation of Markets Into Casinos
in England they call a quintillion a trillion
And while Congress is consuming itself in partisan acrimony over the $60 billion, it is doing essentially nothing about the multitrillion dollar long-run deficit—which, as everyone should know by now, hinges on The Big Four: Social Security, medical care, defense and taxes.
The Economic Silly Season Is Upon Us
If the world economy continued to expand at 3 per cent annually, the output of goods and services would increase fourfold over the next half-century, reaching $172 trillion.
Schwarz had an agent who would serve as the key intermediary for this operation: Trillium, the flower code for a reputed Zionist named Andor Gross, alias Andre György, a chatty and somewhat disreputable intriguer who over the years had been a freelance courier for both the Allied and Axis intelligence services in Istanbul.
Wild Bill Donovan
Fidelity's assets under administration, including accounts for which it provides services such as recordkeeping, rose 23 percent to $3.2 trillion in 2009. --
It's a negative to have a half trillion dollar budget deficit.
His passionate performance moved swiftly and easefully onto important climaxes and drew some appealing colours in the rarified textures, such as the finale's triple trills, and the fugue was virtuoso.
US researchers have demonstrated a form of nanotube archival memory that can store a memory bit for a billion years, and has a theoretical trillion bits/square inch density.
Tew's Day!
So public perception of defense spending may be taking into account a more broad perspective on what is considered “defense”. trillo says:
Matthew Yglesias » Federal Education Dollars Are Scarce and Must Be Used Wisely
At the sound of a trilling chirrup, his eyes jerked up.
Fracking uses carcinogenic and neurotoxic chemicals, active at parts per trillion, according Dr. Theo Colborn, and other health experts.
Alison Rose Levy: Water or Gas? Karl Rove, Cheney, and Cohorts Weighing In On Key NY Race
Holding the reins of his cart pony, he gave a sharp trill of his tongue.
Yet its very banality is also somehow appropriate - for this war will be won or lost not in some grand showdown but in a trillion tiny everyday encounters, like those of commuters pouring off a suburban train.
The madrid agenda
The amount of uranium in the belt is about four billion tons, enough to make roughly a trillion tactical nuclear weapons.
Given the country's more than 1 trillion Australian dollar ($90.0 billion) pool of compulsory pension contribution funds, called superannuation, global money managers increasingly have targeted the country's investor base in the wake of the global financial crisis.
BlackRock Fund Manager Expects Right U.S. Response
Although a UPC number has 12 digits (implying a maximum capacity of a trillion items), the first digit is a category code that in practice is almost always, and the final digit is a checksum used for detecting errors.
Newcomb had used the same term to describe the habitat of the Canada violets that I had found massed in a moist shady spot, as well as for the beautiful crimson wake-robins, or red trilliums, that bloomed here and there on the forest floor.
Its magnetic field grows very intense as well, to a trillion gauss or so.
By the end of March, book inventory amount listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen have been as high as 3. $ 53 trillion, exceed the level before the financial crisis in 2008, and create record.
Trillions of dollars would have to be spent constructing thousands of dams on every river basins in the world, and many trillions more integrating them into urban stormwater management systems; wetland restoration projects; concretized rivers and irrigation channels; fortified lagoons and estuaries; abandoned tunnels; flood control structures; and every faucets, sprinklers, buckets and rolling 'hippos' throughout the world.
Hydrology vs. the Apocalypse
The union, meanwhile, says the postal service's approach of slashing expenses and shrinking operations would only further threaten the agency's chances of long-term survival by hurting service, which the union says would drive away customers and would ultimately dismantle the agency and heavily damage the U.S. mailing industry, which the postal service says generates $1 trillion each year in revenue.
Union Seeks Role In Postal Revamp
I can name sunflower and dandelion and bloodroot and trillium and verbena.
If healthcare grosses $1.2 trillion in 1999, and fraud represents 10% of that total, that means a tidy sum of $100 billion a year lost to fraudulent claims.
‘Zoe -’ Antonio said, but a soft trill sounded before he could finish.
Ballintrillick, who are the reigning champions, will be on home turf for the clash.
Is that the antique twang of an epigonion, or the sweet trill of the piccolo heckelphone?
Times, Sunday Times
So far the comments haven't mentioned the *other* lambs-quarters, Trillium erectum, also known colloquially as bethroot, birthroot, wakerobin, Indian balm, Indian shamrock, squaw root, and ground lily. MUSKOGEAN AND LAMB'S-QUARTERS.
Baucus may want to avoid bein 'balked at, perhaps, by further bringin' down the cost of this brutal healthcare bill to about half-a-trillion or less.
Baucus plans changes to his own health care proposal
In the last decades of the 20c, however, the North American use has become universal, providing the set million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion.
By 2018, Japan, the U.S. and China are targeting the development of supercomputer capable of doing 1 quintillion 1 million trillion calculations per second.
Japanese Supercomputer Claims World's Top Spot
Their first challenge was to clear their books of trillions of yen in bad loans.
Times, Sunday Times
BAT sold 800 billion of the 5.3 trillion cigarettes in the global market last year.
After all, it only has a population of 33 million and a GDP of $1.07 trillion.
It was a tiny humming bird; he was sampling the vintages from a clump of daffodils, foxglove, trillium, and lady's slipper.
Beneath the trees grow clumps of pale cardamine andwild geranium, fragrant blue phlox, ferny gold corydalis, maroon trilliums, and dainty clumps of wild wood violets.
My Garden, part 1 « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
If you walk up through Talbot Forest you will be in native forest with fine totara, matai and kahikatea and you will hear the calls of native birds, especially the trilling song of the grey warbler.
The banks have written off trillions of yen in bad loans and are finally lending once again.
Times, Sunday Times
It is six minutes of nonstop playing requiring rapid passage work, double-note trills in one hand and virtuoso octaves.
While Wall Street saw unbridled bonuses and Americans genuflected amidst a fanfare of upheaval, Main Street wasn't allowed to issue to itself the needed trillion and a half dollars to buffer itself from its own rapacious business sector.
Matthew Anderson: All Hat, No Cattle
Saudi Arabian Oil Co., the state-controlled oil giant known as Saudi Aramco, forecasts domestic gas demand will nearly triple by 2030 and is on a drive to boost the kingdom's reserves of nonassociated gas -- that is, gas from wells that don't contain any crude oil -- by 100 trillion cubic feet over the next ten years.
Saudi Desert's Gas Mirage?
The trillium or western wake-robin as it is sometimes known is an attractive perennial wildflower suitable for shady woodland gardens.
We heard the familiar trill of the lark.
I look forward to someone adding it all up, but it's easily in the trillions.
That might be too many ifs in the three years left until 2004, when the first major payout of over Rp 50 trillion falls due.
By the end of March, book inventory amount listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen have been as high as 3. $ 53 trillion, exceed the level before the financial crisis in 2008, and create record.
Peering into the bushes that fringed the gurgling mountain brook, I soon caught sight of the little triller, and found that, so far as I could distinguish them with my field-glass, his markings were just like those of his eastern relative -- the same mottled breast, with the large dusky blotch in the centre.
Birds of the Rockies
To this must be added $134 billion of subprime and Alt-A loans that Freddie purchased from private label issuers,19 for a grand total of $392 billion--20 percent of Freddie's single-family portfolio of $1.8 trillion.
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Their business with each other exceeds $2.5 trillion a year and provides jobs for some 12 million workers.
China's local government owes 10.7 trillion yuan and is in need of liquidity.
Times, Sunday Times