How To Use Trifolium In A Sentence

  • There to this day it lies where it fell -- a mantle of moist vivid green, powdered with silver and gold, embroidered with all floral hues; all reds from the faint blush on the petals of the briar-rose to the deep crimson of the red trifolium; and all yellows, and blues, and purples. A Traveller in Little Things
  • Next the idea occurred to me of buying all the colours used in painting, and tinting as many pieces of paper a separate hue, and so comparing these with petals, and wings, and grass, and trifolium. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • There are 25 species of clovers and trefoils (Trifolium spp.), eight species of medic and alfalfa (Medicago spp.), and three species of melilots.
  • The term medium has doubtless come to be applied to it because the plants are in size intermediate between the Mammoth variety (_Trifolium magnum_) and the smaller varieties, as the Alsike (_Trifolium hybridum_) and the small white (_Trifolium repens_). Clovers and How to Grow Them
  • _Trifolium repens_, &c. &c. Another illustration of the sort is that recorded by M. Fournier, wherein the usually umbellate inflorescence of _Pelargonium_ was, through the lengthening of the main stalk, transformed into a raceme. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
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  • Blooming in the lawn areas were Calystegia sepium, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Crataegus sp., Matricaria matricarioides, Solanum dulcamara, Taraxacum officinale, Trifolium pratense and T. repens.
  • * Bersîm is a kind of trefoil, the _Trifolium Alexandrinum_ of LINNÆUS. History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • The figures for berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum) cellulose were 34.6 percent for cattle and 52.2 percent for buffalo. 6 Nutrition
  • Some shade tolerance forage species of Lolium multiflorum, Dactylis glomerata, Bromus carticus and Trifolium repens were selected to sow in pear orchard.
  • Master Pucklechurch growled at first, and foretold that nothing would come of "thicken a '"; that the "mangled weazel," as he called the mangel wurzel, would not grow; and that the cows would never eat "that there red clover as they calls apollyon;" but when the mangel swelled into splendid crimson root and the cows throve upon the bright fields of trifolium, he was as proud as any one, and he showed off the sleek sides of the kine, and the big mis-shapen roots of the beet with the utmost satisfaction. The Carbonels
  • Baillon, [265] wherein the pistil of _Trifolium repens_ consisted of three carpels, either separate, or combined so as to form a one-celled ovary with three parietal, pluri-ovulate placentæ; the ovary in these flowers was formed of the basal vaginiform part of the leaf; the three styles were formed by the petioles, while the stigmas were represented by trifoliolate leaves. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Alfalfa Seeds (Lucerne Medicago Sativa), Persian Clover Seeds (Trifolium Resupinatum, Shaftal), Berseem Clover Seeds, Sesbania Seeds , Guar Seeds , Sorghum Sudan Seeds.
  • I like to watch the Belgian hares eating their trifolium or pea-pods or grass; graceful, gentle things they are, crowding about Mr. Heaven, and standing prettily, not greedily, on their hind legs, to reach for the clover, their delicate nostrils and whiskers all a-quiver with excitement. The Diary of a Goose Girl
  • The useful products of the field are themselves beautiful; the sainfoin, the blue lucerne, the blood-red trifolium, the clear yellow of the mustard, give more definite colours, and all these are the merely useful, and, in that sense, the plainest of growths. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • Yes, she had been standing in this very spot, the table here upon her left, that chair upon her right, that trifolium in the pattern of the carpet under her feet, when Harry Luttrell had taken her in his arms. The Summons
  • White clover, trifolium repens, is a must for anyone wishing to make contact with the fairies. Fairies Part One « Fairegarden
  • One sometimes sees on a hillside a ploughed field of red earth which at a distance might easily be taken for a field of blossoming trifolium. Afoot in England
  • Diving hap-hazard into his book, Thorny demanded a "trifolium pratense. St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls, Vol. 5, May, 1878, No. 7. Scribner's Illustrated
  • Because of the presence of coumarins in some clover species, including Trifolium pratense, tests of clotting factors in future trials may be prudent.
  • Red Clover ( trifolium pretense ) helps restore and balance hormonal function.
  • Among _Leguminosæ_ a partial leafy condition (frondescence), or a more complete degree of the same change, (chloranthy) is not infrequent, particularly in _Trifolium repens_. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • _Schabecyge_ or _Chapsigre_ cheese (made in the canton of Glarus) and found that the principal ingredient which gives it so strong a perfume is the _trifolium odoratum_, or _meliot odorant_. A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium
  • The main winter crops are wheat and clover or berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum). Water profile of Egypt
  • With Trifolium repens L. as the material, the essential oils was extracted from its bud, full and downfall flowers, and the volatile components in it were analyzed with GC/MS/DS.
  • I had a trifolium plant in my hand last night at the garden centre unsure whether to buy it or not – I convinced myself now that was quite hard! that it looked too much like a clover and put it down again….. but now after seeing its blooms here I think I might just find a spot for it. Wildflowers Of May* « Fairegarden
  • _Trifolium_, _Coronilla_, &c.Prof. Oliver forwarded me a specimen of Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants

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