
trick or treat

  1. a request by children on Halloween; they pass from door to door asking for goodies and threatening to play tricks on those who refuse

How To Use trick or treat In A Sentence

  • By the by, Thompson went out trick or treating, as they say, last Halloween wearing nothing but a turban, a jockstrap and some lipstick, he says.
  • And as you can see, she brought along a little trick or treater. CNN Transcript Oct 31, 2008
  • On Thursday night, we will all answer the door to find assorted little devils, imps and ghosts thrusting forward a bag half filled with processed sugar to the cry of ‘Trick or treat’.
  • After a rather substantial evening meal consisting of home made meat and tater pie with all the trimmings and trifle for afters, we got ourselves prepared for the trick or treaters.
  • It's trick or treat for Halloween, the last night of summer on the last night of the month, traditionally the time when the spirits of the dead are allowed a final fling before winter sets in.
  • Trick or Treat is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys.
  • We have all been right in the middle of the season of dressing-up parties, trick or treating, bonfires and fireworks. The Sun
  • Learn how to decorate the outside of your home for Halloween trick or treater children in this do it yourself Halloween decorations video.
  • I'd have expected a more quality trick or treater round your way, I must say. You Were Rubbish, Sir
  • After a rather substantial evening meal consisting of home made meat pie with all the trimmings and trifle for afters, we got ourselves prepared for the trick or treaters.
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