How To Use Tribune In A Sentence
Grossman's Christmas present, Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, is a holiday favorite among hopheads and is one of the standouts of The News Tribune's Brew Crew Winter Beer Tasting.
To complicate matters further, the David was moved to the specially constructed tribune of the Galleria dell'Accademia, a national museum, in 1874.
His great wealth came from Jamaican estates and he was frequently reminded, when tribune of the people, that he was a slave-owner.
In today's New York Times, media writer Jeremy W. Peters examines what he characterizes as a slow decline of the Los Angeles Times newspaper since being bought in 2000 by The Tribune Company.
Does The New York Times Get It Right About The Los Angeles Times?
Perplexed Tribune auditors decided the dromedary was a capital expense and wired O'Reilly: "WHERE IS CAMEL?
Sparing no expense: Reimbursements to remember

Thomas Maier, author of a well documented history of the clan, called him, ‘a tribune for the underclass’, and he was that.
Mark Caro is the author of "The Foie Gras Wars" and a Chicago Tribune entertainment reporter.
Jim Gorant's tale of the rescue of Michael Vick's dogs, reviewed by Mark Caro
Curt Backa, who has been fist-bumped more than he liked to be, is a Tribune sports writer, copy editor and kegling savant. - Local News
Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," the leading Republican journal of the North, contented himself with referring to Brown and his followers as "mistaken men," but added that he would "not by one reproachful word disturb the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and his compatriots are sleeping.
The end of an era,
The original plan embraced by Tribune Co., Oaktree and Angelo, Gordon proposed settling claims related to the larger, first step of the Zell transaction by giving junior bondholders, such as Aurelius, $300 million in cash. - News
Indeed, the following year, in May 1947, Hecht used his own proceeds from the play to pay for an ad in the New York Herald Tribune congratulating the Irgun on “blowing up British trains, robbing British banks, killing British tommies.”
Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
[1241] "Cohort," a term descriptive of a Roman body, and "military tribune" are more literal renderings of the Greek original than "band" and "captain" in John 18: 3, 12.
Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
Of course, when working at a major swim meet, I'm usually going to be constantly walking up and down many flights of stairs from the pool deck to the media tribune for several days straight.
The cause of the dilatoriness was less referrible to the tribunes than to the senate, who, because word was brought that they were holding out with the most vigorous resistance, did not duly reflect that there is a limit to human strength, which no bravery can exceed.
The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
Note that the maniple of the centurial tribune is now at eighty percent strength, hence this maniple is usually assigned to kitchen duties.
Draining the Swamps
According to a February story in the Chicago Tribune, downloadable from the strip's website, the comic will now consist of old strips about the Pattersons, in some cases redrawn to replace lost originals or to update the material.
Archive 2008-09-01
The towering plant, identified by its white-flowered weeds, spreads fast and causes itching and skin discoloration that can last for as long as one year, the Chicago Tribune reported.
Hogweed Invading Midwestern States | Impact Lab
Stingless bees can mummify invading beetles in resin scientists have found that stingless bees are not easy targets for predators, as they can mummify invading parasitic beetles in The Salt Lake TribuneUpdated: 12/21/2009 12: 27: 04 PM MST Downy woodpecker by Paul Higgins Picoides pubescens The downy is the smallest and most widespread of American
Medlogs - Recent stories
The officers - thee men and one woman - from the local police department in Lakeland, Washington, south of Seattle, were in a coffee shop described as frequented by police officers, the News Tribune in nearby Tacoma reported on its website.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
The Star Tribune calls the total "unprecedented," noting that the three-month haul is greater than any Minnesota congressional hopeful has ever raised in an entire election cycle.
Michele Bachmann Raises Record $5.4 Million In Three Months
Superdelegates as well as all voters should learn what Cornell Fowler, former reporter for the Des Moines Tribune, wrote in today's Des Moines Register: Fowler, whose father and grandfather were both pastors from the south side of Chicago, says that to understand the ruckus over Wright, you must understand the south side of Chicago, where Obama attends church.
Blitzer: Should Clinton's swing state edge be a factor?
The great tribune of the people lost the confidence of his constituency party.
The Romans solved this problem in a typical way: by a foedus, or treaty, which allowed the plebeians to have office-holders of their own, called tribunes of the plebeians.
The media tribune was overflowing with hundreds of reporters, all drawn to an event that has been hyped incessantly since Phelps entered and qualified for the 200 free at the U.S. Olympic trials last month.
`I'm doing a piece for the Sunday Tribune -- you know, wringing their withers, lots of colour, plenty of topspin.
From 1922 his stylistically radical work was put to utilitarian ends, including the design of speakers' tribunes and latterly agitprop photomontage and graphic design.
An example of this was Robert McCormick , publisher of The Chicago Tribune.
Fashion News by: fashion - Google News Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN - 2 hours ago Be fashion forward: Aid worthy causes (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)
Uptown Girls RSS Feed
Bismarck Tribune josephferris No. 15 G'town extends Butler's funk vs. Top concordia Men's Basketball final: Felician 73, Concordia (NY) 66.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
They would pay their annual or monthly premiums directly to Tribune.
In a world at peril, socialists need to be intransigent tribunes of the poor - fighting for universal, free access to lifeline vaccines, anti-virals and antibiotics.
James Madison is known as the tribune of open government and the philosophical father of the Freedom of Information Act.
IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry - Chicago Tribune kumarworld21 IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry | IBM Corp. said Wednesday it is buying Initiate Systems, a .. luckyhendrik #health IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry: By Wailin Wong Tribune reporter IBM Corp. said Wednesday i ... noetical Nancy Pelosi's new health care plan
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Merrilees's comments come after the Port of Oakland took out a full-page advertisement in the Oakland Tribune to ask protesters not to shut down the ports, saying it would "hurt working people and our economy".
Port shutdown
By Story and photos by sara glassman, Star Tribune rss feed
The Baltimore Sun, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, New York Times and Washington Post all ran long ‘take-out’ stories datelined from different West Bank settlements during that period; the Los Angeles Times ran two such stories.
Curt Backa, whose game needs more than a ball change to improve, is a Tribune sports writer, copy editor and local kegling relic. - Local News
I will make tertiary backups of the movies for off-site storage in Fargo, in case fire consumes both Jasperwood and the Star-Tribune building.
Federal agents have discovered possible casual contacts between Kaczynski and four of the victims, according to the Oakland Tribune.
Brady, however, called on Quinn to apologize and "renounce" Hendon, he told the Chicago Tribune.
Rickey Hendon Calls Bill Brady 'Racist', 'Homophobic' (VIDEO)
So I picked up the Sunday Tribune TV guide and lamped him with it.
The Chicago Tribune called the oxbow an “outrage” perpetrated by “a set of unprincipled swindlers” intent on “building the road at the largest possible expense to the Government and the least possible expense to themselves.”
Nothing Like It in the World The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869
The fear was that a charismatic leader could use the office of tribune, with its base of power in the common citizen, to become a demagogue.
A Star Tribune investigation this year found that many Twin Cities coin brokerages, including International Rarities, have been staffed heavily with ex-cons and individuals with substance-abuse problems. rss feed
Tiberius next filled up the vacant tribuneship by getting one of his own dependents put into the office.
Edwards, on the other hand, is pitching himself as the tribune for the forgotten Middle Americans who will protect their tax cuts.
Offices required popular election, and tribunes represented a plebeian constituency.
We have not fallen from grace or lost all sense of decency, as some disgruntled tribunes of the people would have you believe.
RICK PEARSON, POLITICAL REPORTER, "THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE": Well, it sounds like the attorney general may have tried to interpret something from a tabloid Chicago newspaper report that said that the governor was considering resigning.
CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2008
As is the custom at the Star Tribune, the editorial was long on invective and short on facts.
The pope and the sacred college had never been dazzled by his specious professions; they were justly offended by the insolence of his conduct; a cardinal legate was sent to Italy, and after some fruitless treaty, and two personal interviews, he fulminated a bull of excommunication, in which the tribune is degraded from his office, and branded with the guilt of rebellion, sacrilege, and heresy.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Today, ladies and gentlemen, Exhibit A in the Star Tribune's ruthless efforts to becloud the issues of the day on behalf of the Democratic Party is the column by editorial board member Jim Boyd attacking your humble Power Line servants.
Octavius had refused, whereupon Gracchus had “called upon the gods to witness that he did not willingly wish to remove his colleague,” had balloted the eighteenth tribe, and achieved a majority, and Octavius had been stripped of his tribuneship “reduced to the rank of a private citizen, he departed unobserved”.
Imagining a Germany in the middle of the road - International Herald Tribune BERLIN: Could you get elected German chancellor Sept. 27 next year if your opponents say your goals are "emancipating" Germany and Europe from the United States, and setting a policy course for a Europe "equidistant" between Russia and the Americans?
European Tribune
Minneapolis Star Tribune: 'Hazzard' plot is itty-bittier than a pair of Daisy Dukes
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
His opponents retaliated by having the optimate tribune T. Annius Milo organize his own band of thugs.
B. Military Dynasts and Civil Wars
The possessors and a considerable part of the patricians complaining that a person at the head of the state was recommending himself by his tribunitial proceedings, and that he was making himself popular by giving away other persons 'property, had transferred the odium of the entire affair from the tribunes to the consul.
The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
We were landed with legislators and tribunes who were ineffectual and unaccomplished, with no track record as strategic thinkers or ability to communicate.
Archive 2009-06-01
His father was one Suetonius Lenis, a military tribune and wearer of the angusticlave.
The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
Christopher Borrelli at The Chicago Tribune is reporting that at least one-fourth of the audience at the screening he attended last weekend walked out, apparently having walked in unaware what type of movie they were going to be shown:
Who walks out on the Watchmen? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
But on the city's South Side, the Tribune reports turnout is down considerably from the presidential election.
President Obama Talks To Chicago Radio Station, Asks Voters To Have His Back
The word bleachers is an Americanism that first appeared in 1889 in the Chicago Tribune.
The Vail Trail - All Sections
The five that had already fallen when John received the vision were the regal power, the consular, the decemvirate, the military tribunes, and the triumvirate.
The Last Reformation
The Chicago Tribune called Kreis 'performance one of the best of the year) before hitting Broadway.
Latest Broadway Buzz
The result of the trial is as follows: "the tribunes gave as their decision that the aedile had been lawfully driven from that place, as being one that he ought not to have visited with his officer.
Heck, when celebs who are accused of murder like Robert Blake and OJ Simpson walk, do you think the trier of fact would pick the Tribune Company against Beatty?
Lonna Saunders: Warren Beatty's Birthday Gift: Dick Tracy is Yours
NEPOS, QUINTUS CAECILIUS METELLUS brother of Celer and brother-in-law of Pompey, who sends him back from his legateship in the East to stand for the tribuneship and guard his interests in Rome
A front-page editorial in the Chicago Tribune called for immediate impeachment proceedings against the President.
There were two consuls so one could serve as a brake on the other and there were specific magistracies that represented class interests, like the Tribunes, who could veto legislation that was considered to be inimical.
Philip Giraldi: Neocon Ancient History
Cassiodorus, the Praetorian praefect, is addressed to the maritime tribunes; and he exhorts them, in a mild tone of authority, to animate the zeal of their countrymen for the public service, which required their assistance to transport the magazines of wine and oil from the province of Istria to the royal city of Ravenna.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Official Publications are Medical Tribune, Medical Progress, MIMS, Tap chi thoi su y hoc and Vietnam Business Forum.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
So the aristocrats who sought elections as tribunes had to be able to play the demagogue.
IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry - Chicago Tribune kumarworld21 IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry | IBM Corp. said Wednesday it is buying Initiate Systems, a .. luckyhendrik #health IBM buys firm that serves health-care industry: By Wailin Wong Tribune reporter IBM Corp. said Wednesday i ... noetical Nancy Pelosi's new health care plan
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
As Victor Hanson points out in his column in today's Tribune, "responsible Democrats in national office had been convinced by Bill Clinton for eight years and George W. Bush for two that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was both a conventional and terrorist threat to the United States and its reginal allies.
See, Kirk is not for changing course in Iraq after all
Today's Tribune, on the other hand, genuflects thoughtfully at the remarkable sums cultural productions entice to the coffers of the city's tourism industry.
As the maniple whose tribune is now promoted to centuriate staff is under-represented, a pro tempore candidate is selected to be the manipular sub-tribune.
Draining the Swamps
The corn fed Landes fowl is La Tupina's house specialty and helped earn La Tupina one of the best bistros in the world award by the International Herald Tribune.www.
Karen Schaler: 20 Fabulous French Finds in Bordeaux and Basque Country
And the Salt Lake Tribune declared on the day after the election, ‘While the nation and most of Utah tilt further to the right, Salt Lake County is solidifying as a bastion for the left.’
Note that the maniple of the centurial tribune is now at eighty percent strength, hence this maniple is usually assigned to kitchen duties.
Draining the Swamps
The great tribune of the people lost the confidence of his constituency party.
I take it personally, as I suspect Nethaway, senior editor of the Waco Tribune-Herald, intended it.
Tribune's exit from bankruptcy has been delayed in part by claims that investor Sam Zell 's $8.2 billion leveraged buyout of Tribune in 2007 was flawed and rendered the company insolvent from the start.
Tribune Set to Name Caretaker Managers
-- "What is it you call the tribune?" cries M. Bonaparte
Napoleon the Little
Sura, and various candidates for the tribuneship whose names will be familiar to you.
A clammy conferva covers everything except the mosaics upon tribune, roof, and clerestory, which defy the course of age.
Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Second Series
John 18 implies that a Roman tribune (or maybe even Pilate, but there is no evidence for this) ordered part of his cohort to accompany the chief priests and the Pharisees in arresting Jesus on Thursday.
He told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that Coury's arguments probably won't sway him.
Oakland Tribune publisher MediaNews, but many consumers are turned off by the idea of keying in their credit card number for a few dollars every time they want to read an old story.
SFGate: Top News Stories
And as the stock market continued to climb, he found his next niche: tribune of the New Economy.
When the term of his tribuneship expired, Tiberius presented himself for re-election.
“I presume it means the clause which appoints you to the command of the legions on the Euphrates, thus giving you legal immunity from prosecution now that your term as tribune has expired.”
His father clearly rose through the ranks, so this would suggest that he did not start among the privileged elite who would have had tribuneships from their youth.
In other words, the tribuneship was designed to be a political dead end—a place to confine the ranting and the rancorous, the incompetent and the unpromotable: the effluent of the body politic.
And yet, The New York Times, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Fox News, and Wall Street Journal all printed transcripts with the word "scripted" altered to "unscripted" - some transcripts rewriting more than just that one word, editing and adding at different points.
The Blog from Another Dimension
Mayor Daley's vision for a high-speed train from O'Hare to a "superstation" under Block 37 at State and Randolph faces major hurdles, as Jon Hilkevitch points out in the Chicago Tribune; a proposal by the Midwest High Speed Rail Association may offer some solutions.
Curtis Black: Which Way for O'Hare Express?
The tribune of the plebs was a clever man and not a bad speaker; he had now got amongst his opponents a man of insolent temper and hot tongue, whom he could irritate and provoke into saying things which would bring odium not only upon himself, but upon his cause and upon the whole of his order.
The History of Rome, Vol. I
Copy down everything relating to the tribuneship of Tiberius Gracchus and his agrarian bill.
Thus returning towards the camp, with their bare swords in their hands, they saluted him as Caesar; whereupon Martialis, the tribune in charge of the watch, who was, they say, noways privy to it, but was simply surprised at the unexpectedness of the thing, and afraid to refuse, permitted him entrance.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
The Chicago Tribune called it the most acclaimed jazz festival in the country.
The original plan embraced by Tribune Co., Oaktree and Angelo, Gordon proposed settling claims related to the larger, first step of the Zell transaction by giving bondholders, such as Aurelius, $300 million in cash. - News
At least two residents have approached The Tribune, alleging partisan behaviour.
Here you can print on one sheet our pride and joy - what we call our bedsheet ballot of all Tribune endorsements for contested races and the one constitutional amendment on the ballot. - News
So please your idiocy, thou art an ass," said Cromwell; but, instantly recollecting that the corporal had been one of the adjutators or tribunes of the common soldiers, and was therefore to be treated with suitable respect, he said, "Nevertheless, if it be the device of Satan, please it the Lord we will resist him, and the foul slave shall fly from us.
Woodstock; or, the Cavalier
Immigrants come to the United States because they ache to live as they choose, to pursue their own purposes, and we remain the world's foremost tribune of freedom and opportunity.
A tribune of the soldiers simply walked from one end of his row to the other, stopping before each decury and pulling a tablet from his basket.
Fortune's Favorites
In a section of the programme on the club's rich heritage, Luftwaffe (air force) chief Goering is pictured sitting on the club's honorary tribune, with uniformed Nazi officers behind him.
That's what the tribune -- you know all the newspapers that are called the tribune?
CNN Transcript Aug 5, 2002
As the Chicago Tribune said, "Nevada Barr is a park ranger who can write up a storm.
Nevada Barr biography
In response to Wall Street Journal questions about the Tribune holding its story at Mr. Fitzgerald's request, Tribune spokesman Gary Weitman cited a statement released Tuesday by Gerould Kern, the Tribune's editor, in which he said that such requests are granted in what he called isolated instances.
Article Put More Pressure on the FBI to Move In
This tribune was appointed by the Emperor or the Senate.
According to the East Valley Tribune, that population is about 75 percent of the 8,000 people being held in Maricopa County jails.
The Media Consortium: Weekly Diaspora: Why Detention Reform is Desperately Needed
A Roman tribune gathered twenty maniples from the rear lines of the Roman right wing and led them in an attack on the flank of the Macedonian right.
Sometimes the birds had prevented elections, refusing to allow the offices to belong to interreges; above all the tribunes, by managing affairs in the city so that they instead of the praetors conducted games, hindered the remaining offices from being filled.
Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
Continuing to boom radicalism from the tribune of the Assembly, he had offered the king and queen his secret services as an adviser.
The comitia curiata were founded by Romulus; the centuriata by Servius; and the tributa by the tribunes of the people.
The Social Contract
One should keep in mind that Tantan is anything but a tribune of popular democracy.
The Chicago Tribune is running "gavel-to-gavel" coverage, and from their handy summation of yesterday's testimony we learned that according to a review of Governor Blagojevich's computer files Rezko raised $1.4 million for Blago, nearly three times what has been publicly acknowledged.
TGIF for Rezko - Real Clear Politics –
When Caesar was a praetor, he supported a tribune who wanted Pompey recalled to restore order in Rome.
The effect of this speech, as the orator, pale, exhausted, shattered, unstrung, with nerves like the torn cordage of a ship that has outridden the tempest, descended from the tribune, baffles all description.
Edmond Dantès
Those assets include major metropolitan papers such as the Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Baltimore Sun; television stations in nation's biggest TV markets, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Dallas; cable TV "superstation" WGN in Chicago; and the Chicago Cubs baseball team.
Broad, Burkle Bid On Tribune
Mishaps too numerous and familiar to mention have blotted the Dear Leader's credentials as a tribune of the People.
She lashed out at the children, aged 10 and 7, after their parents died of an undetermined illness, possibly AIDS, according to the Tribune.
The pre-tax charge helped erode Tribune's quarterly profits by a whopping 58%.
He was the antithesis of the ‘governmental’ socialist: in revolt against the taxman, the big banks, the judicial system, a tribune of the people emerging from a classic Left in deep trouble.
Club members oppose electoral slates as these proved so destructive of the Tribune Group and Campaign Group.
For example, the "Jukes" were of mixed race, as were the interestingly-named "Slaughters" of upstate New York, who may have been the "Slahters or Slaters" mentioned in the New York Tribune article Lovecraft read that helped inspire this story.
Kenneth Hite's Journal
So set my ransom as you wish, tribune -- calculated in talents not sesterces.
This is not to deny that socialists can use parliament as a tribune from which radical ideas can be put across to help build workers' confidence.
Frustrated there, he ran for tribune of the people and was elected for 133.
Tribune Co., Todd Ricketts grew a beard, donned fake glasses and, for a late-season nine-game homestand, took on the identity of a job-seeking roofer with a name cobbled from those of former Cubs stars - News
Sam Zell Tribune said Thursday it had agreed to settle a debtholder lawsuit that had held up its efforts to emerge from bankruptcy court.
Tribune Agrees to Cede Control to Big Debtholders
For the Post, the International Herald Tribune partnership was as much a personal bond between the two newspapers and the two family dynasties as it was a business deal.
In life the king and his family could watch the liturgy from the tribune above, and in death their tombs occupied the Pantheon itself.
The Arizona Republic and the East Valley Tribune were selected due to their wide circulation in the Phoenix Metro-East Valley area.
First line: "MINNEAPOLIS STAR-TRIBUNE - June 11: Local barrister Nicholas Ward was arrested yesterday for releasing more than 100 live lobsters into the indoor pool at the mayor's mansion in Minneapolis.
Archive 2008-06-01
He can deceive himself with impunity on the tribunes, comitia, and dictatorships.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Our Lady's Chapel has a bold kind of portal, and several ceilings of chapels, and tribunes in a beautiful taste: but of all delight, is what they call the abbot's cloister.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
A small-town and rural press persisted and neighborhood and suburban newspapers sprang up, generally serving more as community cheerleaders than as community tribunes.
Ich gab Boyes Schilderung wieder, wie sie sich hatte betören lassen dem Mann mit dem bleichen Hysterikergesicht auf der Tribüne in der überfüllten Sporthalle, und wie sie zu spät erst das Ruchlose seiner Reden begriffen habe.
Archive 2010-09-01
Morris described herself as a "groundbreaker" in an interview with The Oakland Tribune in - News
In 123 he stood for the tribuneship and was a second time elected in the following year.
Finally the republic was torn to pieces by rival power-hungry tribunes or dictators like Pompey, Sulla, and Julius Caesar.
“So please your idiocy, thou art an ass,” said Cromwell; but, instantly recollecting that the corporal had been one of the adjutators or tribunes of the common soldiers, and was therefore to be treated with suitable respect, he said, “Nevertheless, if it be the device of Satan, please it the Lord we will resist him, and the foul slave shall fly from us. —
The Herald Tribune Another article that appeared last week in the Herald Tribune maintains that FDA has been "hampered" since the passage of DSHEA in 1994, when it warned of the seriousness of reported adverse events and their increasing number.
The US Safe Haven for Dietary, Nutritional Supplements - Under attack... from within
The revolutionary is an ever-present backdrop to this production; the war with the Volscians is to prevent the corn revolution and the plebeians are incited to revolution by the tribunes after the battle.
The moment you lose the legal immunity conferred by your tribuneship, the aristocrats will have you in court and fighting for your life.
Clarence Page is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune.
All the senior reporters working from the Chicago Tribune were out on assignment.
Elected tribune in 123, Gaius wanted to transform Rome into a democracy along Hellenic lines.
JENNY MICHAEL, REPORTER, BISMARCK TRIBUNE (via telephone): Well, ground searchers at 2: 45 Mountain Standard Time saw vehicle tracks leading into this duck pond with oil residue on the surface.
CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2009
An inscription on one of the dishes shows Marcellianus to have been a tribune - a unit commander or staff officer.
I think what compounds my frustration is the fact that there are only two major sources of news in the city of ames; the Daily and Tribune.
Archive 2005-07-01
The Tribune found that lead appears to be in a form that's not easily extracted or "leached" out.
Senator Seeks Federal Investigation Following Report Of Lead In Reusable Grocery Bags
A patrician could serve as tribune, though this was not common.
Curt Backa, not much of a roper or a rider, is a Tribune sports writer, copy editor and kegling misfit. - Local News
[Footnote *: The word tribune is used in Florence to designate any large niche.
The South of France—East Half
A Tribune reporter insisted that ‘all the red-headed, cross-eyed and frowsy servant girls’ in the city turned out for the occasion.
JOHN KASS, "THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE": He's merely a Chicago politician who was caught on tape.
CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2008
There is only one manipular sub-tribune (nine manipular tribunes, and one centurial tribune).
Draining the Swamps
After the Tribune, he moved to the other side of the speaker's rostrum, becoming the public affairs manager of the Transit Authority.
He was born in Turkey sometime in the third century and was a Tribune in the Roman Army.
According to an unnamed correspondent for the New York Tribune: All sense of manhood seemed to be forgotten....
And now Camillus, being called to his sixth tribuneship, desired to be excused, as being aged, and perhaps not unfearful of the malice of fortune, and those reverses which seem to ensue upon great prosperity.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Curt Backa, now answering to 'Who Dat?', is a Tribune sports writer, copy editor and resident kegling scribe. - Local News
He was a tribune (which possibly equates to colonel) in the Roman army during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian.
The Roman crowd, initially siding with Caesar, has been redirected by its tribunes to oppose his theatrical coronation, just as the plebeians will be swayed by Brutus and Antony in turn in the forum.
While at Yale he freelanced for the Albuquerque Tribune and wrote for the Yale Daily News.
Each legion was commanded by a legate supported by a senior tribune, Roman aristocrats whose career included a range of both civilian and military tasks and who served with a legion for a few years.
Only that summer he had secured a tribuneship for his crony Gabinius: he still kept a hand in politics.
The Union-Tribune, like most newspapers, does not print the names of rape victims without their consent.
The Chicago Tribune reports that a grand jury has been convened, but no evidence substantiating the government's position has been released.
You can see what way the wind is blowing when the Minneapolis Star Tribune editorializes in favor of Roberts.
During the American Revolution the words of pamphleteers such as Thomas Paine established the press as the people's tribune.
Gooznews rh reality check enter the jabberwock five thirty eight alternate brain arkansas blog orcinus blog active tom dispatch talking points memo huffington post booman tribune fired up missouri
Firedoglake » Advancing the Ball on Censure
(October Fifth), in Austrian prison, in Jacobin tribune, armed for insurrection (August Tenth), keeps her carriage, fustigated, insane.
The French Revolution
As tribune, Gaius reaffirmed Tiberius' Land Act and saw to it that it was finally implemented.
He was awarded a military tribuneship and equestrian rank.
As tribune in 49 he defended Caesar's interest in the Senate as civil war loomed.
Those who know him best say that the title dearest to his heart is that of "Founder of the New York Tribune.
Lights and Shadows of New York Life or, the Sights and Sensations of the Great City
Nor does anyone love Caesar himself unless in some way Caesar is a person of great merit; but we love wealth, a tribuneship, a praetorship, a consulship.
The Bass Handbook of Leadership
At 10: 36 p.m. PDT, Google's "crawler" -- the technology that finds Web pages -- discovered a new link on the Web site of Tribune's South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper in a section called "Popular Stories: Business.
UAL Story Blame
From 1922 his stylistically radical work was put to utilitarian ends, including the design of speakers' tribunes and latterly agitprop photomontage and graphic design.
One has to read through some 23 paragraphs of Shiny Happy People text in Jodi S. Cohen's Back to books in the bayou article published in yesterday's Chicago Tribune before coming across the following:
Can Tulane Law Library Survive?
Display advertisements on The Tribune Online Edition can be placed in the form of linked / unlinked banners or panels.
They may be tribunes of the people but they are also deeply self-interested.
In ten years, he was editor and publisher of the Tribune, and a rich man.
The stair placed in the centre of the house represents an early stage in Soane's systematic development of the theme of the top-lit tribune that was to reach its apogee in his design for the National Debt Redemption Office.
The new wisdom - being taught to a guy at the Star Tribune - is don't pick a fight with guys who buy pixels by the passel.
It was called the domiciliary, Santorum told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review when his father died in 2011.
There is only one manipular sub-tribune (nine manipular tribunes, and one centurial tribune).
Draining the Swamps
Therefore Publius Apuleius, a tribune of the people, who ever since my consulship has been the witness and partaker of, and my assistant in all my designs and all my dangers could not endure the grief of witnessing my indignation.
The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
Severe penalties were to be inflicted on those harming the tribunes or other plebeian officers.
Saint-Just monte à la tribune; il entame un discours dans le même sens que celui que
Moniteur/Morning Chronicle
Johnson, Chicago Tribune: Taj Gibson didn't practice Sunday after suffering what he called a pinched nerve in his right foot.
While electricity for Iraqis runs only a few hours a day, the embassy construction site is “floodlighted by night,” as a June 2006 Chicago Tribune piece succinctly put it.
U.S. Embassy Building will Rival the Vatican
That's the main shopping area downtown. There's the Chicago Tribune Tower.
Note that the maniple of the centurial tribune is now at eighty percent strength, hence this maniple is usually assigned to kitchen duties.
Draining the Swamps
With this in view, he sent for his countrymen, the Goths, from their own homes to come to the Roman territories, and appointed his relatives to be tribunes and chiliarchs.
Observers in the press tribune commented on the ease in which China appeared to do the most difficult elements.
Her editor said the second column had been sent to the Union-Tribune clearly marked as a repeat.