
How To Use Tribalism In A Sentence

  • Does this risk stirring up the notorious company tribalism of enthusiasts? Times, Sunday Times
  • By undermining the nation, it encourages tribalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence also the exaggerated tribalism, the bullheaded racism of an Alf Garnett, the dogged male chauvinism of an Andy Capp.
  • Each has been tempted by an excess of otherworldliness or this-worldliness, by universalism or tribalism, by the spirit or by the flesh.
  • It is religion that manifests the tribalism of human behavior most clearly.
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  • Over the years, I have tried to help people see that this contentious debate is not purely a matter of "the evidence," but instead deeply involves such things as stereotypes, confirmation bias, disconfirmation bias, and tribalism. 2008 May - Telic Thoughts
  • I went to watch a Celtic match a couple of years ago and, being a fair old belter of ballads myself, had no objection to a bit of healthy tribalism.
  • They believe on the whole in individualism rather than tribalism, national patriotism rather than ethnic loyalty, meritocracy rather than nepotism, nuclear families rather than extended clans, law and fair play rather than privilege, corporations of strangers rather than mafias of relatives, and true love rather than the arranged marriages necessary to keep ethnic categories clear-cut. The Volokh Conspiracy » So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
  • Only at football, the historic vehicle for aggressive tribalism, did this hatred find such a willing constituency. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand, it's probably a violation of the 14th Amendment and its implementation can lead to abuse and tribalism.
  • The fact is that if voting patterns actually went on political record (rathe rthan tribalism, billionnaire's donations, spin and dirty politics), no-one woudl vote Labour in Wales at at all ... Stating the obvious
  • As ANC, in all 94 years of our existence, we have always fought against any forms of ethnicism, tribalism, racism and sexism. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • This is bigger than party tribalism. The Sun
  • Finally, the two items on tribalism and neotribalism are of great interest as well. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Overview of Peer Governance modes
  • But the out-group hostility element of tribalism is no longer adaptive in the modern, complex form of civilization we have created. Ted Cadsby: Defying Our Maker: What The New Atheists Miss
  • Finally, the two items on tribalism and neotribalism are of great interest as [...] Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Overview of Peer Governance modes
  • Mwakikagile does admit that Africa has had some successes, and that even Nigeria, which fought a civil war because of tribalism, has been able to overcome many of those ethnic issues.
  • When they get into their bureaucratic tribe, their tribalism comes out.
  • With a "cold" marketplace filled with anonymous entities, the irrationality of nationalism and tribalism is replaced by the peaceful, harmonic, and natural rationality of individualism. Hostility Toward Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule" homeland policies.
  • The lack of any compelling national interest and the difficulties posed by local tribalism argue strongly against.
  • It is rather an admirable trait, this disinclination towards tribalism and wariness about the flashiest new show in town. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it may simply be naïve to think that any country can permanently tame the tiger of tribalism.
  • This attempt appeals most fundamentally to the possibility that we might bootstrap ourselves out of our tribalisms by cultivating the moral imagination.
  • Economic and social development as twin goals of the developmental state cannot take place under the pathologies of greed, tribalism and incompetence.
  • Anthropology, both in its American and British versions, while much richer in its theoretical practices, has succumbed to a postmodern tribalism.
  • The first weeks of the finals have shown that tribalism has transcended the past and a new breed of tribalism has hit the national stage.
  • By '90, adherents numbered in the thousands, and a distrustful government began to clamp down, leveling accusations of tribalism against the movement and then banishing it.
  • The banker said the promotion of information technology is ‘one of the first priorities’ in Afghanistan because it will eliminate tribalism caused by distance and expand business opportunities.
  • “Such tribalism is not necessary in the same way now, yet we still have those characteristics because they have evolved over two million years.” Male managers as animal show-offs
  • But tribalism is at the heart of this in all sorts of ways: attempting to suppress it in the majority, while encouraging it in the ever-growing roll-call of minorities, is not a recipe for a peaceful future. The Heretical 2: Requests for Asylum and Letters from Santa Ana Jail
  • It is the logical answer to this present period of global pandaemonium based on post-Cold War tribalism and blood politics. The Corsair
  • Churchill understands that while tribalism is not the highest good, it provides cohesion in places that would otherwise unravel. A Historian For Our Time
  • Third, there is hard evidence that tribalism has a role in the army.
  • Here then is a simple model of how tribalism may play out during a rebellion or tribal insurgency: A group of extended families gains control over a sub - clan.
  • “They believe on the whole in individualism rather than tribalism, national patriotism rather than ethnic loyalty, meritocracy rather than nepotism, nuclear families rather than extended clans, law and fair play rather than privilege, corporations of strangers rather than mafias of relatives, and true love rather than the arranged marriages necessary to keep ethnic categories clear-cut.” The Volokh Conspiracy » So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
  • Our conversation returns, as they are wont to do in these circumstances, to tribalism - county rivalries.
  • This kind of politicized tribalism is something we've seen forever in third world countries, without understanding it. Obama Cartoon
  • A prime cause of this inversion is the distortion in perception brought about by rank tribalism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Israeli Version of Ship Incident
  • Economic and social development as twin goals of the developmental state cannot take place under the pathologies of greed, tribalism and incompetence.
  • According to the magazine, Africa's failures could be explained by a combination of factors, including harsh natural conditions, colonialism, tribalism, dictatorship and corruption.
  • Is there an element of bigotry here; of tribalism?
  • Where nationalism (sometimes more accurately tribalism) develops, it is often accompanied by efforts to attain economic autarchy. Energy and Society~ Chapter 8~ Changing Claims on the Distribution of Energy Surpluses
  • Although the contemporary policy ramifications of the new push toward regionalism and this new tribalism have only been briefly touched upon in this paper, it nonetheless lays some foundations for future research.
  • The debilitating disease of prejudice and tribalism is alive and spreading among our brothers and sisters.
  • This kind of argument, although true, overlooks the underlying cause of this kind of behavior - the primitive, vestigial, human survival instinct for tribalism.
  • It has been sustained by tribalism, the adaptiveness of the two parties and the electoral system. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have to cut through all forms of provincialism, parochialism, and tribalism - this is the perennial struggle of being a progressive.
  • Is patriotism and nationalism even relevant anymore, or is this another form of tribalism?
  • That sort of inane tribalism is one of the things I dislike the most about politics. Small Dead Animals And Kinsella Holocaust Victims « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The continent is doomed by its population boom, its endemic diseases, its tribalism, its corruption, its lack of infrastructure, even -- whisper some, more in sorrow than in prejudice -- its genes.
  • Where countries are still based on closed societies and forms of tribalism, this is more difficult.
  • The continent is doomed by its population boom, its endemic diseases, its tribalism, its corruption, its lack of infrastructure, even -- whisper some, more in sorrow than in prejudice -- its genes.
  • There's no tribalism or ethnicity, but race remains a sensitive issue.
  • Ameri says it is Gaddafi's regime that introduced the use of the term "tribalism", and did so to "crush the confidence of those in their own western Libya cities" as well as to "confuse outsiders into believing that the Gaddafi regime is all that's holding together a fractured and disunited people". The Guardian World News
  • The continent is doomed by its population boom, its endemic diseases, its tribalism, its corruption, its lack of infrastructure, even -- whisper some, more in sorrow than in prejudice -- its genes.
  • Jesus Christ therefore, by implication, liberates the African Christian from disease, human and natural disasters, from tribalism, racism and any monstrous and inhuman political domination.
  • The answer is misguided economic policies, mismanagement, poor maintenance, sloppiness, tribalism and corruption.
  • In the twentieth century, Middle Eastern politics was dominated by mega versions of tribalism, namely nationalism and socialism - all inimical to modern development from the bottom up.
  • Everything in football, from tribalism to prawn sandwiches, comes because football can serve up such moments as a matter of routine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The author states with a grand rhetorical flourish: ‘Rome broke the tribalism of Celtic Britain with the iron claw of its uniformity’.
  • Yet in his second return to government he has considered the conflict between party tribalism and economic judgment, and chosen badly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem isn't having so many religions or countries, or denominations; the problem is being afraid of and not being able to embrace our differences, and when our differences are played out in tribalism.
  • When the members of these teams had never met before, interpersonal trust had to be replaced by trust in the organisation, meaning tribalism occasionally got in the way.
  • Kenya continues to suffer from tribalism and corruption, as well as high population growth, unemployment, political instability, and the AIDS epidemic.
  • Why has the era of globalization been characterized by an intensification of tribalism and ethnic conflict?
  • But that doesn't excuse the tribalism from the people with my skin color who want to deprive honest and hardworking people of the chance to make it in a free society because they don't happen to have a high-IQ. A Childish Question About Immigration, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its "divide-and-rule" homeland policies.
  • The Bantustans represented an imposed tribalism, with indigenous Africans forcibly displaced onto reservations carved out of the country's poorest land.
  • In this regard, we need to recall the clarion call made by Pixley ka Seme at the founding of the ANC 80 years ago when he said that "we must bury the demon of tribalism". SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ANC, NELSON MANDELA, AT THE FUNERAL OF REGGIE HADEBE, DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NATAL MIDLANDS REGIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE ANC
  • After the military coup of 1980, however, a new tribalism or politically strategic ethnicity began to emerge.
  • The effort to invent a modern politics for Africa privileged ethnic representation-a revived, or sometimes even invented, tribalism.
  • Both the Soviets and the current government have promoted his wisdom in efforts to foster nationalism over tribalism.
  • The media as a torchbearer of the nation should be devoid of negative tribalism and sectionalism.
  • In brani come Gut Of The Quantifier si evidenzia la parentela del loro sound con gli esperimenti della scuola minimalista, in particolare quelli dei Sonic Youth; mentre in altri un tribalismo surreale (What You Need) o una ballata pastorale FallNews - they grease the roads! *truckers' pin-up edition*
  • It also definitely has a tribalism to its support as in many activities and most team sporting followings.
  • They are bound together by South African ideals; by black South African yearning for freedom and by a black South African deep-rooted and irradicable determination to banish racism, including the racism of what the West terms "tribalism," from the face of South Africa. Goals Beyond the Destruction of Apartheid
  • We have to cut through all forms of provincialism, parochialism, and tribalism - this is the perennial struggle of being a progressive.
  • Does this risk stirring up the notorious company tribalism of enthusiasts? Times, Sunday Times
  • The story is a delirious, chaotic, often impenetrable allegory of tribalism in an industrial dystopia.
  • Although tensions existed between the army and the group, the president defused them by playing the politics of tribalism and regionalism, often targeting northerners as the source of the nation's problems.
  • Because tribalism creeps in through the way we make appointments to public offices, offer scholarships to students, grant quotas, concessions and contracts to individuals.
  • With the exception of certain, fully-gentrified areas, localism and tribalism reign, provincial and backward attitudes dominate.
  • Money is a balm that eases people's shame, and a corrosive that erodes the bonds of tribalism.
  • While ecological problems are not the sole province of the Third World, it is there that the largest population increases are expected, where central governments are weakest, and where tribalism is rampant.
  • What I find kind of funny about your polemics is that your tribalism is misaligned. Sound Politics: Darcy Burner Wants More Rights for Terrorists
  • It is therefore not without significance that since the 1970s African social scientists have dispensed with the concept of tribalism and have displayed great hostility to its continued use by Westerners.
  • In fact their ideology mostly flows from their tribalism.
  • But art tribalism seldom gives way to logic. Times, Sunday Times
  • While religion promotes the in-group, prosocial side of tribalism, it also fosters the out-group, anti-social side. Ted Cadsby: Defying Our Maker: What The New Atheists Miss
  • His argument was that multi-party systems encourage tribalism.

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