How To Use Triangular In A Sentence

  • He has a triangular version of Rupert's stylised muzzle with the same pricked ears and bright black-button eyes.
  • During Vajpayee's visit, China raised the prospect of a triangular relationship between Russia, China and India.
  • They change the angle of attack from acute within the central delta, to near neutral over the outer triangular sail panel.
  • The adult ovary may present marked deviations from its typical form, sometimes being unusually long, spheroidal, flattened, triangular, crescentric, or otherwise irregular.
  • Features of ear The great majority of the people have triangular lobes but lacks Darwinian point.
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  • The glass pavilion, designed by Dirk van Pastel, is in the western corner of a triangular site, surrounded by the woods and fields of Burgundy.
  • One of the girls had been to New York before, and fairly expertly navigated us to a tiny gay piano bar set in a tiny triangular building created by the intersection of grid lines and old Indian trails.
  • Between the two crura of the fornix is a white, triangular lamina, known as the fornical commissure.
  • Now they find themselves thrust yet again into an intense triangular relationship: Jimmy the avenger, Sean the truth-seeker and Dave the unfortunate.
  • And that was for a measure – changing the tax treatment of so-called triangular mergers – affecting a relatively small number of transactions. Investing in Japan
  • Smoke from a slender chimney vents above the height of the second-level cooling room, a triangular ‘wood tube’ that cantilevers beyond a supporting brick wall.
  • Whereas if only she had been dishonest, and therefore commonplace, she would either have chucked her given word to the devil, or the deep grey sea over which she stood, and cleared for her own happiness and a marriage licence; or kept her word in one sense while making deedy little plans of triangular pattern for future reference. Leonie of the Jungle
  • The biventral lobule is triangular in shape; its apex points backward, and is joined by the gray band to the pyramid. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • Typically cited are triangular shapes on the tortoises 'shells, the occasional purple coloring of nopal coyotillo (Opuntia violacea), and the large size of human individuals in the Zone. The Zone Of Silence of nothern Mexico - scientific marvel or just fiction?
  • The jointed stems (culms) are round or flattened (never triangular); they are usually hollow except at the nodes (points on the stem from which leaves arise), where they are solid. Grasses
  • —The reflected inguinal ligament is a layer of tendinous fibers of a triangular shape, formed by an expansion from the lacunar ligament and the inferior crus of the subcutaneous inguinal ring. IV. Myology. 6d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
  • Sheep graze, rabbits burrow, the young were out, you will see a giant triangular box (probably little owl) and nearby another magic dewpond.
  • Objective To observe the effects of triangular tension band on treating the comminuted patella fracture.
  • The researchers need to test the material in a vacuum to see how it might perform in space, so they stretch triangular sheets of the cloth over four booms that form a square, and pump all the air out.
  • Circular bezel divided saltirewise into four triangular spaces filled alternately with red and yellow enamel Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • The landscape which preoccupies me happens to be in its nature fairly geometric, like the triangular gable of a roof, the crossed bars of a gate or the circular shape of an oil drum head on.
  • Make a triangular diagonal parting from the top of the head to just the middle of the ear.
  • In the first 57 propositions in On the Section of a Cone Serenus examined triangular sections of right and scalene cones made by planes passing through the vertex.
  • Short in proportion to the Corolla tho wide or bulky; the Style is very long or longer than the stamens, simple, cilindrical, bowed or bent upwards, placed on the top of the germ, membranous shrivels and falls off when the pericarp has obtained it's full Size. the Stigma is three clefts very manute and pubescent. the pericarp is a capsule, triangular, oblong, obtuse, and trilocular with three longitudinal valves. the Seed So far as I could judge are noumerous not very manute and globilar. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Among the common shapes are triangular, circular, rhomboidal, quadrate, trapezoidal, and elliptical.
  • Body black, with large, dense, not very profound punctures; elytra with the punctures towards the suture longitudinally confluent; a sub - lunate or triangular, dull rufous spot rather behind the middle of each elytrum; tergum with the punctures not smaller at the posterior mar - gins of the segments; feet dirty yellowish; thighs blackish above — Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Their abdomens are variable in shape being triangular, round to ovoid to elongate, sometimes extending tail-like past the spinnerets.
  • The archaeologists last week unearthed engravings of a bison, another ibex, part of a horse and some triangular shapes.
  • For one, slave hiring provided flexibility within the slave system that yielded benefits for all parties involved in the triangular relationship.
  • Within each bay, the thin membrane is tautly held between triangular steel trusses by a network of bracing cables and compression bars.
  • A triangular pyramid, or tetrahedron, has a triangular base and four faces, counting the bottom.
  • At different moments in Jez Butterworth's play Jerusalem, the noted Shakespearean Mark Rylance sports a pickelhaube the spiked emblem of Great War-era German militarism, a knit cap with satanic-looking triangular points, and a searing cross burned into his back by vengeful hooligans. Eamon Murphy: Theater Review: Jerusalem
  • Between the curving cross-spars, the sail adopts a vee form not unlike that on a Malay or triangular kite.
  • On the other hand, my chest - not my bosom, my chest - measures 17 1/2 inches from scye to scye - the triangular notch in the front armhole. So many dresses, they're coming out of the walls - A Dress A Day
  • Southern hemisphere ships and non-Venn ships of the north were all fore-and-aft rigged, though many had square foretopsails; raffees had square foresails with triangular foretopsails.
  • The alidade is a triangular ruler with one or more working scales on it beside other measurements. Military Instructors Manual
  • Black and colored lines delineated triangular planes of color that made up a succession of cubistic forms.
  • The triangular slave trade had begun to supply these Atlantic colonies with unfree African labour, for work on tobacco, rice and sugar plantations.
  • Stone tools of the tradition include triangular points made on flakes, racloirs, triangular bifacial handaxes, and burins and awls made on blades.
  • If only the same could be said for the so-called sopaipillas, which turn out to be triangular, cinnamon-sugared cake doughnuts - very average ones - instead of flaky balloons of fried dough.
  • I watched cabin cruisers arc through the large triangular confluence, then, my detour done, wandered back for the walk proper.
  • Her head was covered by a red kerchief, which, folden triangular, hung loosely over it: her grey hairs were combed back from her high and wrinkled brow. Three Weeks in the Downs, or Conjugal Fidelity Rewarded: exemplified in the Narrative of Helen and Edmund
  • The department said in a notice today that it will issue regulations that disallow so-called triangular reorganizations that attempt to escape tax when they send foreign earnings to a U.S. parent company.... September 2006
  • LU decomposition is a triangular decomposition approach of non-singular matrix, and the digital image can be seen as a matrix.
  • The faces on chabazite are typically smooth and lustrous, whereas gmelinite has triangular growths on the crystal faces.
  • The acquisition will be the first major deal in Japan to use the so-called triangular-merger method, which became available in May. Citigroup to List in Tokyo
  • But then you come to the third part of this sort of triangular absurdity, and what you get to is big financial institutions with extremely well-paid individuals, in the presumably pure free market.
  • If, however, you are using the basic triangular frame, you should place it over the reds as earlier described, and lift the frame slightly off the cloth and carefully move them toward the pink spot.
  • While the Korean summit made headlines, probably as important is a new triangular rapprochement fast taking place among the three main protagonists of Northeast Asia.
  • Products with a square, rectangular, triangular, or polygonal cross-section can have corners rounded along their whole length.
  • The horns of the male are sub-triangular, much compressed laterally and posteriorly; in fact one may say concave at the sides, that is, from the base of the horn to about one half; transversely sulcated; curving outwards, and returning inward towards the face; points convergent. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • A free-form patchwork of green stretched from under my nose to tall boxwood hedges on the verge of a triangular lot. MOON PASSAGE
  • This weekend police will display notices on lampposts in and around the triangular zone explaining how the orders work.
  • One of them has feathered wings, another a catlike appearance complete with a triangular nose and furry black tail, three have webbed fingers and gold, slitted eyes.
  • The pillars twisted around each other then spread out at the top to support a long, triangular roof that had strange runes carved into it.
  • Two triangular shaped plastic latches extrude from the side.
  • In the upper half of the shaft, there are sharp anterior and posterior ridges and a less significant lateral ridge, giving a triangular profile in cross section.
  • I have recently in the last year to year and a half noticed I have on my right shin bone, a perfect triangular shaped scar.
  • Lion of Scotland, ramping on his gold field within his tressure fiery and counter flory, but surmounted by a label divided into twelve, and placed upon a pen-noncel, or triangular piece of silk. The Caged Lion
  • -- (Fig. 236.) Shell small, thick, triangular, oblique; ribs strong and crenate; umbones acute. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • For our prototype instrument, we use three pinholes, arranged into a triangular pattern.
  • Mam called the triangular space “the pantry,” but our aunt had a real pantry, with windows and a glass door. Dublin: tree-trimming
  • Three-node triangular axisymmetric elements were used for spatial discretization of the plasma.
  • It is shown that unlike square antiferromagnets, the integrated spin dynamics of the hole doped bilayer triangular lattice does not show particularly universal behaviors.
  • Now, the frequently gathering crowds have become a favored market for street vendors - the young ones striding along the crazy-quilt lanes with triangular fig-filled pastries on their heads, the old and lame offering pocket-size packets of tissues. A month after revolt, Egyptians march to protect their victory as neighbors demand freedom, too
  • The lower leaves, with very short, sheathing footstalks, are large and spreading, reaching more than a foot in length, broadly triangular in outline and tripinnate.
  • Compared with surgery, MR arthrography sensitivity for detection of ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex tears was 100\%, but there were three false positives. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • The florets touched each other at their tips, creating flattened sides and triangular openings between them.
  • Their grey cheeks have turned white, and their triangular beak is striped with vivid red, yellow and blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • A magnon-phonon interaction model was built in two-dimensional triangular insulating (ferromagnet.
  • It has a deeply-keeled carapax, beautifully bossed, and a hideous triangular head, having curious, lobed, fleshy appendages, and nostrils prolonged into a tube. The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
  • Their triangular relationship, revealed through charming bilingual interplay, was the heart of this film.
  • Their ships with triangular sails known as lateen rigs allowed for greater manoeuvrability than the square-rigged cogs and knars, but they lacked the strength to make them contenders on the open oceans. With ships came viruses; What is the World Wide Web but a full-masted ship transporting the most vital goods of the age?
  • Soviet poet whose collections of verse include Parabola ( 1960 ) and The Triangular Pear ( 1962 ).
  • Craftsmen use a stainless steel knife, with a sharp edge and triangular blade, to cut rough shapes in the coir.
  • The spritsail was a simple triangular sail, whose leading edge was fastened to the mast by a rope.
  • If the latter holes are made square or triangular (base uppermost), and the metal is cut with a cold chisel so as to leave the side nearest the edge unsevered, the parts may be turned up to form supports for the barrel. Things To Make
  • From the center of the master plan also radiate the ‘lines of force’ - triangular-shaped megastructures.
  • One particular triangular relationship became the model of Simone's first novel.
  • The oral shield is approximately rounded triangular, often with an acute proximal angle and a distal projection.
  • All coxae triangular, trochanter comprising a single podomere, legs similar, composed of seven podomcres.
  • Place a triangular bandage on the casualty – long side across the shoulders.
  • The posterior part of each alisphenoid forms a triangular process which fits into the angle between the squamosal and the petrosal.
  • Make a difference in the triangular relationship.
  • They're like tiny little orange triangular men, all silently judging you as you drive past them.
  • Left to right: The triangular gable of the second aedicule, and the third, fourth, and fifth gables with their Medusa heads Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Anastylosis Projects - Antonine Nymphaeum Report 4
  • This triangle has an elementary use in probability and combinatorics, and both the series of triangular numbers and the Fibonacci series can be derived from it.
  • Shell compressed triangular; whorls eight, the first nuclear, the next three cancellate and showing little or no trace of varices, which show themselves on the next (fifth) distinctly for the first time, suture deep, caused by the great convexity of the whorls. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Frenum: that which holds things together: a lunate or triangular portion at the inner and hinder base of the wing in Odonata and Trichoptera; see tendo. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • It's a triangular route, taking in the raised ground at the join of two valleys, and each side has distinctive qualities.
  • It was triangular in shape.
  • a triangular pyrimid has a triangle for a base
  • Similarly, the transverse colon was recognised by its characteristic triangular folds and the sigmoid colon by its circular folds.
  • On the small flats, the apple-gum grew with a few scattered Moreton Bay ash trees; on the bergues of the river we found the white cedar (Melia azedarach), Clerodendron; an asclepiadaceous shrub with large triangular seed-vessels; and, on the hills, the blood-wood and stringy-bark. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
  • a triangular figure
  • Its decoration consists of incised lines forming a diaper pattern, interspersed with a punched design of tiny triangular forms arranged like the petals of a flower.
  • Taiwan could regain some momentum in the Taipei-Tokyo-Beijing triangular relationship by forming a partnership with Japan to contain China's ambitions in the region.
  • Palehomola gorrelli exhibits a downturned, sulcate, triangular central rostral spine and two lateral rostral spines.
  • At the tip of the great wing is a triangular portion, bevelled at the expense of the internal surface, for articulation with the sphenoidal angle of the parietal bone; this region is named the pterion. II. Osteology. 5a. 5. The Sphenoid Bone
  • It is furnished with three lobes: the first lobe is short, thick, and obtuse; the second is raised, triangular and with cutting edges; the third of the size of the first, but more compressed -- in short, a double-fanged tooth. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Here and there swaggered a strapping riverman, his small felt hat cocked aggressively over one eye, its brim curled up behind; a cigar stump protruding at an angle from beneath his sweeping moustache; his hands thrust into the pockets of his trousers, "stagged" off at the knee; the spikes of his river boots cutting little triangular pieces from the wooden sidewalk. The Blazed Trail
  • Eventually, they reached the head of the column, where the leading bicyclist was riding a machine adorned by a small, triangular penant. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • As water's temperature decreases to and falls below the normal freezing point, more and more of its molecules self-organize into clusters that have structures based on the tetrahedron, a pyramid with a triangular base.
  • New Yorkers called the lot "the cowcatcher" or "the flatiron, because its triangular shape recalled the common household tool used for pressing clothing and linens. Book review of "Flatiron," about a Manhattan landmark
  • Fore wings slightly hooked, with an interior undulating blackish-brown line; orbicular mark black, punctiform; reniform white, black-bordered, forming a triangular spot and an anterior point; a small exterior white costa, with mark. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • In the upper part the vertebral body is hemispherical whereas in the part it is triangular.
  • Yet the appeal to tripartition as the reassertion in triangular format of dialectical possibilities otherwise self-defeating achieves little.
  • His models wore white pan stick, triangular crimped wigs and periwinkle boots.
  • The Plica Triangularis extended into the right frontal lobe.
  • So I did a search, and found out that it means gusset, which is "a usually diamond-shaped or triangular insert in a provide expansion or reinforcement. Busy having fun
  • Some Tetraodonts are square or triangular (boxfishes), others are spherical (pufferfishes), and the filefishes are laterally compressed. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Body broadly ovate, elevated and truncate posteriorly; back oblique; dorsal impression lanceolate; scutab area very slightly excavated; ambulacral spaces broad, triangular, depressed; interambulacral spaces slightly convex; anteal furrow broad and shallow, sides slightly gibbous; sub-anal impressions broadly ob-cordate; post-oral spinous space broadly lanceolate. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The deep perinaeal fascia (triangular ligament) encloses between its two layers, C E, on either side of the urethra, the pudic artery, the artery of the bulb, Cowper's glands, and some muscular fibres occasionally to be met with, to which the name "Compressor urethrae" has been assigned. Surgical Anatomy
  • At that moment triangular shadows will be cast down the 91 steps in a zigzag pattern. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the night stand was a translucent orb atop a triangular clock.
  • It had a low cut V-neck, and the sleeves belled out into dramatic triangular petals.
  • When divided horizontally, it exhibits, to some extent, the appearance of a biconvex lens (Fig. 742), while a coronal section of its central part presents a somewhat triangular outline. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • The sagacious Romans saw that in order to control the line of the Danube and the east coast of Italy it was necessary to absorb the triangular shaped country of the Illyrians.
  • The roof sloped down on each side to form a squat triangular passage adorned with deep black scallops.
  • With the mirrors facing inwards, tape the 3 cardboards together to form a triangular container.
  • A triangular tray of _bayug_ or of _ilang-ilang_ wood decorated with palm fronds is made and suspended from the rafters of the house. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • Others had big hats, including some triangular ones in the shape of holey cheese.
  • On either side of the headband, just behind her ears are triangular shaped ornaments of sorts.
  • By the sides of the road, triangular signs warned us presence of wind socks, but those that we saw had been torn to shreds by the Atlantic gale, and so posed no risk to anyone.
  • The oral shield is approximately rounded triangular, often with an acute proximal angle and a distal projection.
  • Bat rays have a flattened, triangular shaped body that is wider than long.
  • Also, the fore-and-aft sail on the mizzenmast, originally a triangular lateen sail, was changed to accommodate the more modern rig.
  • She was beautiful in an unconventional way, triangular elfin face with big, expressive eyes and a lithe body.
  • Now companies have made it a triangular relationship.
  • It had a smooth carapace, like a beetle, and a triangular shaped head with two huge bug eyes atop each corner.
  • It's got a metallic, dark blue finish and a polished aluminum triangular logo on the front.
  • Mazda's new RX-8 sports car is unusual in its use of the rotary engine invented by Felix Wankel: a triangular rotor inside a combustion chamber that's a particular case of epitrochoid. Mazda: rotary engine comeback
  • Just before sunrise scores of little fishing-boats with bamboo masts and huge triangular mat-sails slip out of the creeks before the fresh land-wind, which lasts just long enough to carry them to the fishing-ground in the offing, and about four o'clock in the afternoon a sea-breeze springs up, and back they all come, generally laden with splendid fish. Dutch Life in Town and Country
  • Each of the resort's 44 huge over-water villas is a free-standing structure connected by a walkway to a triangular central jetty that juts one hundred metres into the lagoon.
  • The astragalar facet is tall and triangular with a rounded proximal margin. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The head shapes include brachycephaly (short front to back), scaphocephaly (long front to back), and trigonocephaly (triangular shape).
  • The tasteful and triangular green is set bang in the middle of the large village.
  • They became irrelevant as he narrowed in focus until his triangular face seemed to winnow to a point. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • The tower is four-staged, the topmost with four double belfry windows with triangular heads and mid-wall shafts.
  • Then, taking the triangular discs, he placed them with quick, sensitive hands, so that their bases were upon the outer circle, and their apices touched the inner. The Plumed Serpent
  • In reality, the brothers will probably be unable to accept such a triangular arrangement. Times, Sunday Times
  • New-builds often have rhombus or triangular-shaped windows, but you can easily make a shutter in that shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • They won all four league games and lost the final to West Indies in the Triangular in Zimbabwe.
  • “Vegetable pinguitude gives it harbor from Triangular rancors.” lacustrine. Continuing to Improve My Vocabulary « So Many Books
  • Te Namu sat on a triangular arch of sand, bounded on one side by a steep cliff and cut off on another by a stream.
  • They change the angle of attack from acute within the central delta, to near neutral over the outer triangular sail panel.
  • They change the angle of attack from acute within the central delta, to near neutral over the outer triangular sail panel.
  • You may say that the state is always a party to every matrimonial action -- even if it is not actually interpleaded -- and that such proceedings are triangular and minus many of the characteristics of the ordinary civil suit. By Advice of Counsel
  • The style may be named after the farm animal, but that doesn't mean you should also don a triangular shaped goatee on your chin - a definite fashion faux pas.
  • It has been thought that some of the buildings represented on the bas-reliefs have triangular denticulation in place of the battlements figured on the last page; [317] and there are, in fact, instances in the reliefs of walls denticulated like a palisade (see Fig. 38), but these must not, we think, be taken literally. A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • The chief characteristic is the peristome, which is not a furrow, but a broad triangular area deeply insunk and ending in Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • Lancashire play Holland and Western Province on Monday and Tuesday in the triangular competition with the final next Thursday and complete the trip with fixtures against club and academy elevens.
  • Development of personal triangular relationships can cause some anxiety.
  • A Beijing liquor company has applied for trademark registration on a triangular logo made up of likenesses of Japanese Emperors Hirohito and Akihito and crown prince Naruhito.
  • At the end of the central nave there is a large cornice decorated with mutules or rectangular blocks, and with a triangular pediment at the top.
  • Qingzhou series compound drive pump groups consists of the mating motive(diesel or motor), cardan shaft, reduction gearbox, clutch, coupling, coupled wheel, base, triangular belt and cleading .
  • One of the girls had been to New York before, and fairly expertly navigated us to a tiny gay piano bar set in a tiny triangular building created by the intersection of gridlines.
  • -- General colour brownish-grey, beneath paler; belly white; a short beard of stiffish brown hair; the horns of the male are sub-triangular, rather compressed laterally and rounded posteriorly, deeply sulcated, curving outward and backward from the skull; points divergent. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • His hair was unseeable due to the fact he had a tall triangular cap on his head that stood a good foot tall.
  • Externally, the new genus Trigonostrophia differs from Rectotrophia principally in its more definitely triangular outline.
  • Two downward sweeping stabilizing fins sat near the engines, adding to the triangular appearance of the ship.
  • In galleries, the galleon is installed against a painted map of the Tomales Bay excursion, early-modernified to look like an explorer's map, and showing the triangular route of the afternoon's trip, referring to the triangular routes of Manila galleons between San Francisco, the Philippines and Mexico. Spam/maps
  • The fort they made was a hodgepodge of triangular spaces and crazy roof angles.
  • The roughly triangular holes are regularly arranged in a matrix.
  • Description size: 3 - 4.5 mm shape: mote or less triangular colour: pale brown with blackish patches on the elytra recognition: body clothed in short hairs; last abdominal segment visible; antennae slightly serrated: each hind femur bears a tooth; large emarginated eyes 7. Important pests in storage
  • Pinnæ broadly lanceolate-falcate or the lowest triangular, strongly auricled on the upper side, densely spinulose-toothed. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • A definition of the fuzzy degree of digital image is presented by introducing some concepts in fuzzy mathematics, such as triangular norm operator and non fuzziness cardinality.
  • The Great Latke Hamantash Debate (2006) is a collection of "scholarly" presentations on behalf of the latke, the potato pancake traditionally served during Hanukkah, and the hamantasch, the triangular filled sweet pastry associated with Purim. The Chicago Blog
  • That hasn't ended collisions between the Amish and the law:•In a case pending in the Kentucky Court of Appeals, a group of Amish men say a state law requiring them to put triangular slow-moving vehicle signs on their horse-drawn buggies violates their religious freedom. Amish, state laws face conflicts
  • The old-fashioned clothes horse offered to children with a blanket and some clothes pegs lets them explore triangular three-dimensional shapes.
  • Most high-heeled shoes have pointed or narrow tips that squash toes into an unnatural triangular shape.
  • We study in this paper the structure of additive mappings on triangular matrix algebras which preserve commutativity.
  • Axillae: two small, subtriangular sclerites at the lateral basal angles of the meso-scutellum in Proctytripidae. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • These invaginations represent placental outgrowths and they extend towards the centre, enclosing the central hole into a triangular slit.
  • The ‘moths’ were triangular pieces of waterproof card with specific patterns printed on them.
  • One of the pendants is a triangular arrangement of colours, using a baguette cut peridot, amethyst and a garnet set in white gold.
  • [ASTARTE CONCENTRICA] Shell small, thick, triangular, compressed, concentric; furrows close and regular; umbones acute, recurved; margin crenate. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The flag was centered on the DCI's desk, still folded into its triangular section, called a cocked-hat. Clear and Present Danger
  • The volumetric elements are built up of large triangular planes that twist, giving the whole work a jagged sense of rotation.
  • It has Tuscan columns, a frieze with triglyphs, metopes, guttae and mutules, and is surmounted by a triangular pediment.
  • The adrenals are triangular glands that sit atop each kidney.
  • Their grey cheeks have turned white, and their triangular beak is striped with vivid red, yellow and blue. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the pitch is gentle enough, you may be able to squeeze a room into the existing internal triangular shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Body broadly ovate, elevated and truncate posteriorly; back oblique; dorsal impression lanceolate; scutab area very slightly excavated; ambulacral spaces broad, triangular, depressed; interambulacral spaces slightly convex; anteal furrow broad and shallow, sides slightly gibbous; sub-anal impressions broadly ob-cordate; post-oral spinous space broadly lanceolate. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • When sound is not being produced, the glottis is open and has a triangular form, due to the spreading apart of the arytenoid cartilages and the attached cords. Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • The superior articular surfaces of the navicular, lunate, and triangular form a smooth convex surface, the condyle, which is received into the concavity. III. Syndesmology. 1F. Radiocarpal Articulation or Wrist-joint
  • Each of the openings has a substantially triangular shape, trapezoidal or semicircular shape.
  • The serous coat (tunica serosa) is derived from the peritoneum, and covers the entire surface of the organ, excepting along the greater and lesser curvatures at the points of attachment of the greater and lesser omenta; here the two layers of peritoneum leave a small triangular space, along which the nutrient vessels and nerves pass. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • The protractor (3) with a triangular rule is arranged on a board and is fixed on the two sides on the upper part of the compasses through an elastic fixing clip (7).
  • The decrescent side is a triangular surface, similar to a pyramidal facet.
  • The _first glume_ is very small, membranous, glabrous, broader than long, cordate or triangular, broadly but shallowly emarginate, nerveless or very obscurely 1 - to A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The dorsal arm plates are fan shaped to rounded triangular and contiguous proximally.
  • Triangular pink stickers were plastered everywhere, on Levi's, sweat shirts, high-top sneakers -- even, prankishly, on the backs of unsuspecting football stars. Tune In, Come Out
  • The scutellum is the white triangular spot at the front of the elytra or wingcovers, on the thorax. What's That Bug?
  • A gusset is a triangular or diamond-shaped insert added to a garment, for example, in the crotch or underarms, which allows for more ease of movement. "Make It Yourself": Home Sewing, Gender, and Culture, 1890-1930
  • Each collects a cedar twig from the top of a tree, four equilateral triangular cuts are made with an archaic stone knife, and the twig is snapped off. The Congress of Women: Held in the Woman's Building, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U. S. A., 1893, With Portraits, Biographies and Addresses
  • The head is a pictogram attached to a human body, a symbolic figure with a beak for a nose, long dirty hair and beard, a triangular yellow hat.
  • Behind a talus congenital triangular bone might not have existed which is possible free bone fragment of the fracture of astragalar tail.
  • Incisors and canines are absent, but the anterior cheek teeth are enlarged, triangular in cross section, and canine-like. They are separated from the rest of the cheek teeth by a diastema.
  • Six triangular wedges, which can be pieced together to create a solid hexagon, have been separated and mounted along the wall of the stairway.

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