How To Use Trial lawyer In A Sentence
Could be a concerned taxpayer, a homicidal maniac, some trial lawyer.
And, let's face it, as well, I think, at that time, I also was attracted to the notion of being a trial lawyer, a courtroom lawyer, going in and righting the wrongs and defending the unjustly accused.
A trial lawyer is a fighter, one struggling to accomplish justice under the great disability of a legal education.
An attractive orator and accomplished trial lawyer, Edwards can now effectively compete for the nomination.
Europe has a restrictive law, but neither an army of bureaucratic enforcers nor packs of voracious trial lawyers.
But when Silicon Valley executives bankrolled a trio of anti-lawyer initiatives on the March primary ballot, trial lawyers rebounded.
Once she became a prosecutor, she quickly established herself as a masterful trial lawyer.
The interviewer got nowhere with trying to manipulate or trip up the pugnacious trial lawyer turned politician.
For South Carolina trial lawyers the South Carolina Trial Lawyers Association listserv is great.
Even with all the FDA-mandated testing we have now, the trial lawyers flense the flesh from our bones when anything goes wrong.
John Coale, a prominent trial lawyer and Democrat who helped Ms. Palin create her political action committee, said in an interview that he had been given no advance word of her decision.
Construction metaphors aptly describe what prosecutors and other trial lawyers do.
But when Silicon Valley executives bankrolled a trio of anti-lawyer initiatives on the March primary ballot, trial lawyers rebounded.
A trial lawyer is a fighter, one struggling to accomplish justice under the great disability of a legal education.
He would have had no tolerance for Lamar except that he was reputed to be a crackerjack trial lawyer, the cagiest, most corruptible criminal attorney money could buy.
The Witness
Construction metaphors aptly describe what prosecutors and other trial lawyers do.
But when Silicon Valley executives bankrolled a trio of anti-lawyer initiatives on the March primary ballot, trial lawyers rebounded.
For more than 20 years, trial lawyer Rick Boothman defended doctors and hospitals in malpractice lawsuits.
Do No Harm
Tort reform, for example, attracts millions in campaign lucre from corporate leaders while undermining trial lawyers, a major Democratic support base.
This prompted deliberations between the judge and the trial lawyers about a potential conflict of interest.
Times, Sunday Times
But what is interesting, Li Ning in second trial period separate invitation's trial lawyer actually thought that Li Ning is guilty, but must condemn leniently .
See Hot Air for more, including a link to the actual language and a reminder that the Democrats never had any intention of doing anything at all to disconcert trial lawyers.
Nancy Pelosi’s non-tort reform. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
At the urging of trial lawyers, Democrats also carved out the most contentious components of Mr. Cuomo's Medicaid overhaul, which seeks to impose a $250,000 cap on pain and suffering malpractice awards and establish a special indemnity fund to help hospitals pay for medical costs of treating neurologically impaired infants.
Cuomo Budget Plan Under Siege by Democrats
Edwards, a wealthy trial lawyer first elected to the Senate in 1998, has built his candidacy around the belief that his hardscrabble upbringing uniquely equips him to understand the struggles of Democratic voters.
But even with a lobbying budget of over $5 million last year, turning trial lawyers into plain folk may take some doing.
If Obama did use the term trial lawyer in Newton, I don't see why he cannot distinguish himself further from other candidates.
Report: Obama Takes "Dig" At Edwards' Trial Lawyer Past
The text is addressed to all performers, athletes, business people, trial lawyers and anyone else who needs guidance on how to work at their peak performance level.
Whatever the reason for ATLA's no-show, the resulting press clobbered trial lawyers.
Such a group could (would have to?) create an arcology (i.e. an artifical country) with it's own (conservative) rules and recruit the best and brightest of the world to do something worthwhile instead of being trial lawyers or corrupt politicians or even IT programmers.
MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?
It's filled with unsupported assertions, deceptive qualifiers, logical fallacies and rhetorical tricks so cheap they would make a trial lawyer blush.
He has a formable reputation as a crack trial lawyer.
CNN Transcript Mar 11, 2008
He advocates referring to "trial lawyers" as "public-protection attorneys," replacing "taxes" with "membership fees," and generally couching the entire Democratic message in palatable — even deceptive — language in order to simplify large ideas and disguise them behind innocent but powerful-sounding phrases.
It Isn't the Message, Stupid
Wasn't John Edwards such a skilled trial lawyer that he was going to twirl a verbal noose, and hogtie Dick Cheney.
McCain Denies Blaming Obama And Democrats For Bailout Collapse
In many of his books, the heroes are noble trial lawyers while the villains are sinister corporations and the lawyers who agree to defend them.
In previous incarnations he has been a Vancouver trial lawyer, a staff writer for The Prague Post, and the editor of Victoria's Monday Magazine, where an earlier version of this story appeared.
Democrats are allied with the trial lawyers and some consumer groups.
Viewers gazed in astonishment as the supposedly silver-tongued trial lawyer lurched from one inanity to the next.
Labor - and some trial lawyers - will angle for more money, plus a government backstop for the trust.
Everything Chris said, in whatever you've called trumps, plus never trust a trial lawyer who wears a double-breasted suit to work. scribbler50,
The Tattooed Attorney
We will never know, since pollsters, like trial lawyers, always avoid questions whose answers might prove embarrassing or unforeseen.
Once she became a prosecutor, she quickly established herself as a masterful trial lawyer.
ATLA listservs and the San Antonio Trial Lawyers listserv which is considered one of the best in the country.
Well, tonight the telegenic trial lawyer argues the case of a lifetime before a highly sympathetic hall of delegates and a supremely divided nation.
Early in his weblogging career, Sam also figured into a post about tort reform, where he was shown being attacked by a predatory trial lawyer.
The Legal Underground:
This prompted deliberations between the judge and the trial lawyers about a potential conflict of interest.
Times, Sunday Times
A trial lawyer is a fighter, one struggling to accomplish justice under the great disability of a legal education.