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trial balloon

  1. a balloon sent up to test air currents
  2. a test of public opinion

How To Use trial balloon In A Sentence

  • Sounding out is also used, where trial balloon ideas are sent to the other side to test their reaction.
  • A good cabinet officer will take a policy proposal, put a trial balloon out.
  • They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.
  • They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.
  • It could be simply a defensive move, but some thought it could be a trial balloon for something more intimate.
  • They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.
  • A good cabinet officer will take a policy proposal, put a trial balloon out.
  • It seems that NASA is already floating a trial balloon insinuating that the Chile quake was so large that it will, by itself, begin a wave of larger and more frequent quakes.
  • They floated the trial balloon of actually cutting Social Security.
  • When in the late summer of 2008 he first publicly floated a trial balloon about seeking a third term, he did it by saying he\'d have to \ "seriously think about\" running if the Council decided to upend the two-term constraint. Jarrett Murphy: Power Politics: Bloomberg Unchecked
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