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How To Use Trestle In A Sentence

  • We arranged the party food on a trestle table in the garden.
  • They were taking railroad spikes off a train trestle.
  • We had a trestle table positively groaning with gifts to unload, so it wasn't a quick process.
  • The interior is a delight, a beamed, strawed, trestle-tabled, dimly lit farmhouse attended to by waiters in sashed smocks.
  • In the cart house across the street, swept clean in advance, a barrel of Guinness was set on a trestle and the black stuff was dispensed to all comers.
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  • Apparently no structures other than a trestle appeared on the branch to Ansted.
  • Like the beekeeper taking his stand in the garden, it requires the prolonged use of miniaturized verbal trestles that can be dismantled once the swarm has gone.
  • Along the entire length of the shed, and on the opposite side of the track, a timber trestle is erected, strong timber beams are laid from the top of the cribwork to the top of the trestle, 4 feet apart and at an angle representing the slope of the mountain, as nearly as possible. Canada and the States
  • The North Platte was bridged with a low, timber trestle built on cedar piling.
  • She pushed the stallholder out of the way, jumped onto the trestle table, knocking over a set of saucepans. CHAMELEON
  • Both lead to a cobblelock patio area and a winding path through the long narrow garden, which is planted with flowers and shrubs and features some attractive rose trestles.
  • The barrel (20) is supported on means such as a trestle (11) which has roller bearings (15) to facilitate free axial rotation of the barrel.
  • Over the bedstead (more often than not, by the way, it is composed of four planks of varying lengths and thickness, placed across two trestles) I used first to place my oilskin, then my _p'u-k'ai_, and that little creeper which rhymes with hug did not disturb me much. Across China on Foot
  • It was after 4pm by now, and Puffing Billy had gone for the day, so I looked around for the road back to Belgrave, to see if I could beat the train to the trestle bridge, the one in all the postcards.
  • Their water tanks were usually steel on stone bases, or sometimes supported on a trestle base made of rail.
  • Any profits help rehouse the city's homeless, so you might expect it would be run like a soup kitchen with trestle tables and urns of stewed tea.
  • Closely related to these was the exhibition's main event, a line of 26 small bronze figures marching down a long wooden tabletop set on metal trestles.
  • The site, which is 5 metres by 7 metres, comes with two trestle tables, 20 plastic chairs and picket fencing.
  • And equipment - filing cabinets, telephone handsets, trestle tables and folding chairs - kept arriving in great strength. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • We heard the tables being broken down, then the dragging and scraping of the trestles against the stone floor.
  • There are also animal images, such as a large ducklike sculpture fashioned from a trestle, some pipes and tubing, a piece of carpet and a few bits of wood.
  • Our little sitting room behind the shop was transformed into a card and calendar showroom, with trestles over the settee.
  • The bridge was the most important civil engineering aspect as streams and rivers were crossed by bird cage or trestle bridges of timber.
  • There was a soldier behind a desk which was really only a trestle table with a grey blanket on it.
  • Nathaniel Faithburn's body is there, on the bier, placed on trestles in the centre of the room.
  • In a record time of 43 seconds, they cut off a piece of the log, not minding that the sawing trestle almost capsized.
  • The barrel (20) is supported on means such as a trestle (11) which has roller bearings (15) to facilitate free axial rotation of the barrel.
  • He recalled the trestle west of the forest where the bindlestiffs from the Pacific Fruit line jungled up at nights, or during long layovers. Strange Alliance
  • Half-drowsing in the train seat as dawn came, I looked out the window at a little sign before a trestle that identified the river it spanned.
  • Next to the pigpen is a long, planed board propped on makeshift trestles, and on the board is a cash register-the silver kind where the buttons pop into the window: 50¢, $1, No charge. Songs of the Humpback Whale
  • Jarvis had set up a trestle table on that terrace where pupils had once assembled for the annual school photograph.
  • Along the short end of the L was a rough wooden trestle table and chairs. CLASS TRIP
  • Among the ship's fittings were lanterns with hinged and sliding doors as well as furniture, including stools, benches, folding stands, trestles and tables.
  • Jaimie Todd's timbered design successfully evokes the world of the trestle bridge and the desolate prison.
  • Motorists queued yesterday outside the plant to buy bargain £4 bottles from the display on trestle tables.
  • Resting, appropriately, on mortuary trestles, the piece is a kind of reliquary for the doomed 1854 vessel that was designed to lay the first transatlantic telegraph cable.
  • In one instance an entire black regiment had entrained for Charleston to be mustered out of service when someone uncoupled the cars and isolated them on a high trestle bridge. Between War and Peace
  • The oxen are represented by paired trestles, one of steel, the other wood.
  • They built barrel bridges, roads, tramways, light railways, trenches, bunkers, pontoon bridges, trestle bridges and the Inglis Bridge.
  • We arranged the party food on a trestle table in the garden.
  • She and her brothers rode homemade luges, explored caves, and jumped from train trestles into tree branches.
  • No, but the trestle is the sticker," some one remarked. Joe Strong, the Boy Fish or Marvelous Doings in a Big Tank
  • an unreliable trestle
  • Nearby, the engineers are also building a timber trestle bridge to allow year round access for Klaipeda's rural residents to cross a flood plain.
  • Those who arrive at Thekla can see little of the city, beyond the plank fences, the sackcloth screens, the scaffoldings, the metal armatures, the wooden catwalks hanging from ropes or supported by sawhorses, the ladders, the trestles.
  • Thinking of their oily flesh, and the cruel malady that now swept the colony, Neil fixed his eyes on the trestle table outside the kitchen. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Plus we got some hot new Electric sunglasses, and Web took me to surf Trestles three days straight.
  • In ‘New Music’ a writer gets up an hour before her husband and children to work at her computer in a makeshift sewing room, the table a cheap plywood door laid on trestles.
  • They built barrel bridges, roads, tramways, light railways, trenches, bunkers, pontoon bridges, trestle bridges and the Inglis Bridge.
  • Just beyond the swamp we crossed the Warrior and Tombigbee rivers on high trestles.
  • The serving men were clearing the last of the cups, and the Danes themselves began to take the tables off their trestles and to bring in the pallets from the passageway.
  • As the tiny White Bear managed to stage that, I would have thought the run across the trestle bridge could have been attempted by the technically superior Southwark Playhouse.
  • The network of the trestle was a maze of incised lines against the shaded bank opposite. The Return of Blue Pete
  • Two trestle tables, which had been pushed together, were positioned on an elevated section of the floor in front of them. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • There is also a Scottish flag, plenty of trestle tables and several large street lamps which allow fresh air boozing to continue after the sun has set.
  • All the tables were ready-set on their trestles, and the walls hung with fresh-cut greenery and flowering branches.
  • Back near Cisco, a snowslide knocked out a trestle bridge and caused a blockade. Nothing Like It in the World The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad 1863-1869
  • A wide courtyard lay before it with trestle tables and wooden benches ready for visitors who wished to sit and have a drink or a meal. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • He hadn't immediately recognized the purpose of the pairs of gleaming metal rails which ran down long ramps and intricately braced trestle bridges from several dark openings in the mountainside.
  • Meanwhile, both men and women bustled about a huge factory floor under wooden beams, jointing, assembling, gluing and fixing the wooden aircraft wings together on trestles. Wildwood
  • The trestle was a double-decked structure of yellow pine, with 10 by 10-in. posts and sills, 10 by 14-in. intermediate and top caps, and 2 by 10-in. longitudinal and cross-braces. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The Site of the Terminal Station. Paper No. 1157
  • We would have taken any way rather than this; but it was late and growing dark, and the trestle was a short cut home. The Story of My Life
  • This included 80 lb. rail, more ballast, filling in trestles etc.
  • As Torrance watched, the end car slowly glided back toward the trestle and, to the sharply extended arms of an overalled brakesman, came to a standstill with a few inches of the truck overhanging the gossamer structure. The Return of Blue Pete
  • We swore we wouldn't have one Army trestle table in the place or one drop of magnolia on the walls.
  • You couldn't be more vulnerable if you were stripped naked and wheeled out on a trestle table for the waiting room to gawp at.
  • We arranged the party food on a trestle table in the garden.
  • The weatherboarded top was originally supported by the timber trestle, which has since been enclosed within a brick roundhouse.
  • City leisure chiefs plan to have around 50 per cent of the market stalls made in a traditional German style with wooden trestles and canopies.
  • What began as a trestle table selling kippers became a smart, but never off-putting, restaurant offering the best seafood in the world, notably locally nurtured mussels and oysters.
  • I kep 'on linger'n' 'roun' sorter keepin 'one eye on the rheumatiz an' de udder on de distemper, twel, bimeby, I begin fer ter feel de trestle-wuk give way, an 'den I des know'd dat I wuz gwineter gitter racket. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
  • I even quite like the ostentatiously distressed trestles and folding chairs they use outside, and the formulaic battered club chairs in the window.
  • Fifty or more counters sit at trestle tables shuffling the ballot papers into piles of 50.
  • Farms, mining camps, trestles, hobo camps, and whole towns cracked and burned.
  • Construction through the rock and muskeg required many trestles.
  • As the Union Pacific Railroad was being constructed, an elaborate trestle bridge was built across a large canyon in the West.
  • For this, reasonable use existing way, build trestle, become the one big characteristic of annulus road.
  • We arranged the party food on a trestle table in the garden.
  • He looked at Sam, who was standing next to a long polished trestle table he probably ate at. DOLL'S EYES
  • He climbed off the concrete supports for the trestle and onto the rocky island shore.
  • Drinkers were served in the taproom, a large single room furnished with trestle tables and benches.
  • Drinkers were served in the taproom, a large single room furnished with trestle tables and benches.
  • Retell “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce using a local train trestle and creek as the setting. Short Eerie Reads...
  • One room looked a bit like ballroom only much smaller - a fair amount of faux glitz on the walls, a decent amount of light and a trestle-tabled bar on one wall.
  • He adds: When one sees an ill- formed man, with great big feet and long shapeless shanks, built like a trestle.... hump- shouldered and skew- backed, and one wants to mock him, one says, 'Look, what an austringer!' Archive 2006-08-01
  • One room looked a bit like ballroom only much smaller - a fair amount of faux glitz on the walls, a decent amount of light and a trestle-tabled bar on one wall.
  • A trestle and Formica table lined one wall; polystyrene boxes of paints, pastels, coloured pencils sit on rough-sawn benches opposite.
  • The eastern monolith had then been pulled over a rock-cut pit onto two masonry trestle supports, one at each end of the stone.
  • Rouse told the jury that the Wine Train changed the trestle from a wood to a steel structure after it purchased it from Southern Pacific in the late 1980s.
  • The two bodies lay under canvas sheets on wickerwork mats supported by wooden trestles.
  • Behind the familiar trestle table with its grey army blanket, sat the commanding officer flanked by two others of lesser rank.
  • A particularly interesting feature of the trestle piers was the method used for founding them on irregular river beds.
  • It burned the wooden ties on the trestle, which is about four miles north of Chama.
  • The goofy-footer put on a standout performance on his backhand at Lower Trestles and expressed the disadvantage of surfing on his backhand against the competition. Transworld Surf
  • In one of my common recurring nightmares as a child, I was riding with my family on a train that went off the end of an unfinished trestle bridge.
  • When I was twelve I sat in the streamliner alone with a shoebox of sandwiches and deviled eggs my mother made, and ate everything right away as I headed north by the Sound where the trestles of derelict trolley lines roosted nations of seagulls. Homestead
  • He gave me an appraising look, then picked out a white t-shirt from a pile on a trestle table by his cubbyhole. DEAD BEAT
  • Behind the familiar trestle table with its grey army blanket, sat the commanding officer flanked by two others of lesser rank.
  • Towering flames burned conifer stands like prairie grass and came over the ridges, as one survivor recalled, with the sound of a thousand trains rushing over a thousand steel trestles.
  • There are occasions during The Trestle at Pope Lick Creek when the excellent cast are wrong-footed by their author.
  • When I was twelve I sat in the streamliner alone with a shoebox of sandwiches and deviled eggs my mother made, and ate everything right away as I headed north by the Sound where the trestles of derelict trolley lines roosted nations of seagulls. Homestead
  • The weatherboarded top was originally supported by the timber trestle, which has since been enclosed within a brick roundhouse.
  • However, the long-term safety and adequacy of the trestle is the primary concern, and if those considerations dictate a necessity to replace the whole thing, we will do it," he said.
  • What you see on the loaded trestles and sagging stalls, lining the waterfront here, will end up on a thousand restaurant tables by the end of the day.
  • The next day the boss looks at you like you've been living unbathed under a railroad trestle since Windows 7 came out. That bin Laden Letdown
  • He gave me an appraising look, then picked out a white t-shirt from a pile on a trestle table by his cubbyhole. DEAD BEAT
  • Eventually he came to the railroad trestles that crossed the Androscoggin River at the top of the falls over the small dam that focused water into the canal.
  • I kep 'on linger'n' 'roun' sorter keepin 'one eye on de rheumatiz an' de udder on de distemper, twel, bimeby, I begin fer ter feel de trestle-wuk give way, an 'den I des know'd dat I wuz gwineter gitter racket. Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings: The Folk-Lore of the Old Plantation. By Joel Chandler Harris. With Illustrations by Frederick S. Church and James H. Moser
  • Little baskets of strawberries are piled on trestles at farm gates.
  • While most beekeepers prefer to raise their hives on stands or trestles at least a metre off the ground to keep them out of reach of the badgers, they can also be secured on the ground with metal straps, pallets or wire.
  • Up ahead the engine rumbles across the trestle and clatters over the crossing tracks at State Line diamond.
  • He climbed off the concrete supports for the trestle and onto the rocky island shore.
  • The river being nearly two miles wide and very shoaly, they thought a trestle bridge could be made to stand.

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