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How To Use Trepidation In A Sentence

  • Xmas hurtles at us like a skateboarding troll trundling downhill - it's big, impressive, but to be viewed with a certain trepidation by those in its path. Toys R Us - Military Sword & Sorcery is coming ("#### Harry Potter! Daddy, where's my axe?")
  • Adding to my trepidation is this primary poll from Survey USA, which confirms Roulstone's campaign doesn't yet have the profile it needs. Sound Politics: Roulstone Update
  • Thanks for your kind words about the articles, but why did you feel fear and trepidation?
  • I have to say I know we shared the same trepidation about being mums to boys, but mine arrived on Monday morning and we've never been happier in the 'shwa. High-Low
  • Japanese eat fugu without much fear or trepidation because of the confidence they have in licensed chefs.
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  • He had passed an unsettled life in continued exile up to his eightieth year; having been harassed with many contumelies and injuries, he had endured with difficulty a miserable and anxious existence, in continual trepidation; famine had driven him out of the land whither he had gone, by the command and under the auspices of God, into Egypt. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • The league's slow-play may be a strategy to show a lack of trepidation about an uncapped -- and unfloored -- 2010. Andrew Brandt: The NFL Changing Before Our Eyes?
  • Like all bathroom scales, ours are trod with hope and trepidation.
  • The posthumous publication of his diaries is awaited with trepidation by some and eager anticipation by those who knew him best. Times, Sunday Times
  • Selling a property in this country can be a fraught business, full of fear and trepidation and attended by frustration and delay at every point.
  • We view so called elective ventilation of patients who might become potential organ donors with some trepidation.
  • We also have associate members who are not yet of retirement age but are approaching it with some trepidation.
  • So, it was with some trepidation that I offered to expose myself to a department of the snotty-nosed blighters little darlings, even with pay.
  • I think after the England game we had gone into the match against Italy with a little trepidation.
  • Yet there is a hint of trepidation as he voices his fears that his team might struggle to get out of their squandering habits.
  • Well, they are thinking about the next few weeks with a little more trepidation than they did before. Times, Sunday Times
  • With all the senses tingling, you can hear the hippos at the watering hole; the croak of the bullfrogs; smell the dank scent of the cooling earth and anticipate, with trepidation, a prowling lioness.
  • It was positively with trepidation that he presented himself before her very soon after his arrival; and an undeniable blush "mantled" his cheek -- if a blush can be said with any propriety to mantle the male cheek --- when he marched into the drawing-room, where she was doing a dainty bit of embroidery, and with much simplicity and directness said, "You said I might come, you know, and I have come; and I begged of Ethel to come too, but she could not leave my aunt," before he had so much as shaken hands. Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885
  • England teams used to come here with fear and trepidation and little expectation. Times, Sunday Times
  • We await your performance with interest and not a little trepidation.
  • Everywhere you look, this concept inspires admiration and trepidation in almost equal measure.
  • The sterling barkeep takes his large key over to the door and locks it, shooting the bolts home with a quiet trepidation.
  • Many foreign businesses greeted the passage two years ago of China's first antimonopoly law with trepidation. Life After China's Antimonopoly Law
  • They approached this game with some trepidation following a 6-1 mauling at the hands of the same opposition only three weeks earlier.
  • It still produced that certain amount of trepidation and fear in the pit of her stomach.
  • Cazaril approached his first assigned duty, quietly investigating the probity of the provincial justiciar, with trepidation. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • I was worried I was going to spend the day faffing and not get anything done, but I picked up the phone and with some trepidation phoned my first choice farm.
  • The nation's housebuilders are approaching the key spring selling season with more than usual trepidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The threat of an epidemic caused great alarm and trepidation.
  • He inspires grudging respect and a good degree of trepidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I approached with some trepidation, contemplating whether I was feeling ballsy enough to go back in.
  • I always feel a certain trepidation when I read the work of a friend, especially one who has given me as much encouragement and help as sartorias has. August 15th, 2006
  • I gripped my backpack, knuckles whitening as the trepidation in my gut hardened into anger.
  • In recounting his teenage travails as a Boston schoolboy growing up with a "dollop" of Catholic guilt and a full spectrum of FM stations, Sheffield navigates Reaganomics, Boy George, and Rambo with wit, self-deprecation, and not an ounce of trepidation. Kristi York Wooten: A Girl Talks to Rob Sheffield about Duran Duran (and His New Book)
  • Police patrols at the bridges have been stepped up but the detailed nature of the warning is bound to add trepidation to an already nervous situation.
  • I arrived at my first board meeting, with a great deal of trepidation, and was very impressed.
  • Of course, most people respond to a note like that with fear and trepidation and then anger.
  • The second line is supererogative in syllables, whether from the oscitancy of the transcriber, or from the trepidation which might have overpowered the modest Frenchman, on finding himself in the act of writing to so 'great' a man, I shall not dare to determine. Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1.
  • They kept dumb in fear and trepidation.
  • I don't know why I say that. [oh look i'm crying again] I watched it with a certain trepidation, and halfway through the clip, when images of the results of the white phosphorous began showing, I could not stop crying. Response: [I can't happen to think of a title]
  • We boarded the ship with trepidation, as memories of a previous trip over 10 years ago were not particularly pleasant.
  • Perhaps this importance accounts for the sheer trepidation many feel as they walk up to the podium. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the contrary: Given Boone's hostility toward the president, it's unlikely that he had any trepidation at all in penning such a smear. Terry Krepel: Pat Boone, Obama-Hater
  • It was, however, not necessary to wait for noon; for about half-past ten o'clock a boat was seen approaching the _Nonsuch_ from the shore; and when she presently drew near enough to permit recognition of the faces of those in her it was seen that the alcalde was her solitary passenger; and very shortly afterwards she ranged up alongside the English ship, and Don Juan Alvarez climbed the side ladder in an evident state of profound trepidation. The Cruise of the Nonsuch Buccaneer
  • I'll admit, when I walked into the room and noticed that the first people I saw either had big ‘NO WAR’ buttons on their lapels or were wearing chadors, I felt some trepidation.
  • Until that day, solar astronomers will continue to watch the sun with trepidation, never knowing what might erupt next.
  • I have been told on more than one occasion that arrival of the video on the doormat has been met with fear, trepidation, emotion, even panic.
  • A very nice young man, of whom no maid's mother need ever be in trepidation; a very strong young man, whose substance had not been wasted in riotous living; a very learned young man, with a Freiberg mining engineer's diploma and a B.A. sheepskin from Yale; and, lastly, CHAPTER 7
  • Today dockworkers look with trepidation at the beginning of another era.
  • We view future developments with some trepidation.
  • However, we should interfere in local government with some trepidation because local democracy and local accountability underpin parliamentary democracy and accountability.
  • Breathless messengers, fugitive Swiss, denunciatory Patriots, trepidation; finally tripudiation! The French Revolution
  • The posthumous publication of his diaries is awaited with trepidation by some and eager anticipation by those who knew him best. Times, Sunday Times
  • A degree of trepidation always surrounds a recital by an opera singer with more than 55 years on the clock. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most arrive with fear and trepidation and have to cultivate the ability to cope.
  • He vacillates between childlike bemusement and childlike trepidation.
  • Entering this weekend, both clubs cling with trepidation to fourth position in their respective leagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spin does not test your bravery like speed, but it can turn batsmen inside out and upside down with anxiety and trepidation. The Sun
  • I went along with more than a little trepidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • During her second pregnancy his wife, Shelley, developed toxemia; the couple awaited the new baby's birth with trepidation.
  • During her second pregnancy his wife, Shelley, developed toxemia; the couple awaited the new baby's birth with trepidation.
  • We recognise the familiar cushions and head rests, the trepidation of take-off and disguise of bravado.
  • Having gone into the clinic with some trepidation, I walk out of it feeling like a man who has drunk deep from the fountain of life.
  • It's personal, and you can sense, amidst the all the uncertainty and trepidation, American resolve stiffening.
  • With no little trepidation, he ran a diagnostic, pinpointing the alarm, and called up the sequence that had triggered it.
  • This he did, in fear and trepidation, taking with him two other church workers who were accompanying him.
  • That it is not a place where we have any trepidation or fear.
  • But fear and trepidation about the web also crept to the fore, leading to clampdowns and concerns about the internet's ‘potential for evil’.
  • There's a mixture of trepidation and euphoria to this song as it timidly climbs: the yearning sound of the violin constantly clawing over the quickening beat.
  • Archie describes the rappel itself as ‘fabulous from beginning to end,’ but he admits to some healthy trepidation.
  • My trepidation gave way to guilty chuckles, then belly laughs and then genuine admiration.
  • At the mention of the name the little group grew very grave, their avariciousness replaced by trepidation. The Curse of the Wendigo
  • It was with some trepidation that I ascended the stairs to my beloved Indigo last night.
  • Having come from such an ignominious background there was a certain amount of trepidation but fear not for I discovered the magic of the wok!
  • They host Norwich City today and fans would be forgiven for feeling trepidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet I approach this New Year's Eve with trepidation, for it will bring an unwelcome change.
  • If the body movements are shaky with trepidation, physical aging has affected the person.
  • She saw in his eyes a spark of anger and trepidation, as he said nothing.
  • They certainly inspired tremors of trepidation in me.
  • He will feel immense pride, and a little trepidation too. Times, Sunday Times
  • The England players are feeling excitement but also a little trepidation because we are entering the unknown. The Sun
  • The documents concerning these efforts to transfer the SIS's duties out of the FBI reflect Hoover's trepidation toward building a foreign espionage and counter-espionage organization.
  • As the calendar flips to the new millennium, I feel both joy and a sense of trepidation.
  • Like all bathroom scales, ours are trod with hope and trepidation.
  • Twice the fish is close, the tuna boat far behind, bemused fishermen watching our manoeuvres with some trepidation.
  • The scandal lies also in the fact that the transgression is visible, appearing like a strange hieroglyph on her face that others contemplate with fear and trepidation.
  • However, we should interfere in local government with some trepidation because local democracy and local accountability underpin parliamentary democracy and accountability.
  • No wonder there's an air of trepidation deep in the bowels of the new Mound complex as they look forward to seeing the entries.
  • Those who oppose the government do so with some trepidation because it used ferocious violence in the past to silence any challenge.
  • The posthumous publication of his diaries is awaited with trepidation by some and eager anticipation by those who knew him best. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only eccentrics and proselytising zealots can welcome such advances without trepidation.
  • So I have, with some trepidation, divided it into a number of eras of general human history and development.
  • F1 faces the trip next week to the troubled island kingdom, with its riots and sectarian fighting, with trepidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was business as usual, despite the trepidation and fear surrounding the resurrected grand prix. Times, Sunday Times
  • With that the cub passed out the door in trepidation to the last for fear that Brissenden would hit him in the back with the bottle he still clutched. Chapter 39
  • He must have noticed her trepidation, because he veered from the moroseness of the topic.
  • His body was trembling in trepidation as he recognized the dulcet voice of a young maid named Élise.
  • So it was with no small trepidation that I approached US Passport Control, half-convinced that the guard was going to call me on this fuck-up, that I was going to end up being carted off for the next plane home. Adventures of a Couch-Hopping Scribbler Part 1: Chicago or Bust
  • For from some deep reaches of my soul, an icy cold fear and trepidation had exploded upward.
  • The prospect now is looked upon with trepidation by the current incumbents of those famous colours. The Sun
  • The threat of an epidemic caused great alarm and trepidation.
  • So, Saturday, I ran up to the local place, armed with a certain trepidation for an inflated price. Do It Yourself
  • Presently F himself rushes in horror & trepidation from the room and while still expressing his agony & terror Novel into Drama and onto the Stage
  • Gurkhas who were in Britain as asylum seekers had awaited the ruling with trepidation as they feared deportation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I get into the plastic dinghy with not a little trepidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scaring the shit out of the viewer is his bread and butter, but imprinting lasting trepidation is the clincher. Lila Shapiro: Kiss the Bloody Rabbit: Inside New York's Most Unsettling Haunted House (PHOTOS)
  • It’s all a bit hysterical, as everyone is feeling the same sort of relief and trepidation, and most are muddle-headed as well from end-of-term all-night swotting. Dreaming of the Bones
  • I noticed in a recent issue of Newsweek Magazine that some editor decided to report on a conference where there was much trepidation about bloggers.
  • The threat of an epidemic caused great alarm and trepidation.
  • A sense of trepidation pervades the camp. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entering this weekend, both clubs cling with trepidation to fourth position in their respective leagues. Times, Sunday Times
  • I enter the changing room with some trepidation but she could not be friendlier or more approachable.
  • The vast majority of those who consult divorce lawyers do so with great reluctance and much trepidation and sadness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any sense of trepidation surrounding Haneke’s vision of a post-apocalyptic existence is heightened by his movie’s title sequence, which unfolds in deathly silence, white words on a black screen, and lasts for what seems like an eternity. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • What endeared him to those of us in the center and center left -- and I use the word endear with some trepidation when it comes to McCain -- was an honesty and unpredictability that made him seem like he was capable of rising above the GOP partisan fray when it was important for the sake of the nation. Wisconsin Primary: The Results Show.
  • With some trepidation that I might hear those two unmentionable words… ‘Tim Henman’, I asked Lewis's mother who was his tennis-playing idol.
  • So it was with trepidation that your humble reviewer handed the book to his twelve-year-old sister for her verdict.
  • Those subsequent photographs captured Jack looking at his wife with an expression that seemed to show a mixture of pain and anger and, it has to be said, gulping trepidation at the iciness with which Bridget was speaking.
  • If they do go alone, they will be sent amid trepidation and trembling.
  • He will feel immense pride, and a little trepidation too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the physical dangers of public speaking have disappeared these days, the trepidation of that poor message bearer has not.
  • Despite his trepidation, betrayed by occasional furtive glances to the right and left, Waddley was the quintessence of efficiency.
  • It doesn't come without a bit of fear and trepidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The documents concerning these efforts to transfer the SIS's duties out of the FBI reflect Hoover's trepidation toward building a foreign espionage and counter-espionage organization.
  • But right now the government is shrinking from its duty in addressing such trepidation.
  • With a certain trepidation we tried some Serbian sausages hoping they would be sausages, not hot dog type frankfurters you so often find.
  • Zack was now dry-eyed and watching his mother with a strange mixture of trepidation and calmness.
  • Things like exams, homework, and boring lectures are frequently the cause of much student trepidation.
  • Charlie I knew I was right to feel trepidation about the pen friend coming to stay. LOSING IT
  • A sense of trepidation pervades the camp. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charlie I knew I was right to feel trepidation about the pen friend coming to stay. LOSING IT
  • Since I finished the book I have watched with trepidation and wonder as Maisie has begun to attract male admirers.
  • It was with some trepidation that I viewed the prospect of cycling across Uganda.
  • The last of her edgy, perhaps irrational, sisterly trepidation slid away. A RAKE'S VOW
  • Never before had Dustin been so exposed or felt such trepidation while awaiting their verdict on him.
  • I wake up each day with a feeling of nervous trepidation, fearing what it will bring. The Sun
  • Indeed this is a work of unremitting trepidation.
  • Dread, trepidation or even uneasiness suggest a fearfulness that has mostly dissipated.
  • You are going to see Mr. Solovyov?" the old doorman said, his lower lip dangling in dumbfounded trepidation. This Side of Ultima Thule
  • Because this pervasive trepidation is unprecedented in their lifetime, most Americans have reflexively invoked the Depression in their efforts to comprehend their experience. Life In (and After) Our Great Recession
  • How much of this reflects a bullish stock market's afterglow is up for debate, but investors are kicking off the new quarter with little trepidation. Options Offer Clues to Earnings and Beyond
  • The two women chatting in the shade of a huge nonbearing pear tree watched his progress down the sidewalk with trepidation. The Kid « First 50 Words – Writing Prompts

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