

[ US /ˈtɹɛmjəɫəsɫi/ ]
  1. in a tremulous manner
    the leaves rustled tremulously in the wind

How To Use tremulously In A Sentence

  • Half a dozen long spears were thrust rather tremulously through the gridwork. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Then, tottering down to the parlour, with a voice hollow from affright, and a face pale as death, she tremulously articulated, 'where is my sister?'
  • Against a back ground of lemon-coloured sky, with the stars shedding their spiritual lustre through the purple twilight, these gorgeous creatures, each ensphered in her beatific bubble, floated tremulously upward on the balmy breeze. The War of the Wenuses
  • Here was a cause so beautiful in its affirmation of freedom that it should have been served only by the bravery of dignified women and speeches lucent with reason and untremulously spoken, by things that would require no change of quality but only rearrangements to be instantly commemorable by art; and yet this Scotch woman, moving with that stiffness of the mental joints which nations which suffer from it call conscientiousness, had managed to turn The Judge
  • Mr. Cheerman! "exclaimed the old man, tremulously," lemme examinate that thar wild-cat skelp. His "Day In Court" 1895
  • Here was a cause so beautiful in its affirmation of freedom that it should have been served only by the bravery of dignified women and speeches lucent with reason and untremulously spoken, by things that would require no change of quality but only rearrangements to be instantly commemorable by art; and yet this Scotch woman, moving with that stiffness of the mental joints which nations which suffer from it call conscientiousness, had managed to turn The Judge
  • In the full blaze, feather-foliaged trees crowned with gigantic red blossoms offered as a sacrifice fruit which blushed before the insistent gaze of the sun; while beneath this gay canopy vine and creeper and pliant shrub wove an undergarment which screened the moist earth and created a realm of subdued light in which all the flowers were pale of tint and tremulously fragile, though of almost forbidding magnitude of form. Tropic Days
  • the leaves rustled tremulously in the wind
  • When I asked tremulously for an ice cream at Le Caprice and was presented instead with a sorbet, I perceived deliberate deceit and collapsed into hysterical sobs.
  • He commenced with being a jockey; then he became an electioneerer; then a Methodist parson; then a builder of houses; and now he has dashed suddenly up to London, rushed into the clubs, mounted a wig, studied an ogle, and walks about the Opera House swinging a cane, and, at the age of fifty-six, punching young minors in the side, and saying tremulously, Godolphin, Complete
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