How To Use Tremulous In A Sentence

  • These largely acoustic songs reacquaint us with his tremulous, soulful vocals and cutting lyrical style.
  • As he did so something grazed his face, oh so lightly, like the tremulous wall of a bubble. EVERVILLE
  • She was the virgin poetess dressed in white, the tremulous daughter who never left her father's house, the maiden who turned to art because she was thwarted in love.
  • Album opener ‘Petrified Possessions’ is guided by a plodding piano line that's backed by a tremulous guitar adorned with tines of feedback.
  • That Stephen is said to ‘inbreathe’ this ‘tremulous morning knowledge’ becomes significant after we see the first cycle of represented inspiration, creative thought, poem text, and Stephen's reflections on the process.
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  • This is no time to listen to the voices of tremulousness, indecision, compromise and fear.
  • I drove all over York looking for her,’ says Geoff in a voice still tremulous with anxiety despite having Tessa back by his side in the cosy Cygnet pub in Price Street.
  • An empty box on the stage is not described to an audience as “empty, ” but is handled and moved about in the same way that any empty box would be treated -- though a tremulous bunny just might be hanging, unnoticed, behind it. In Defense Of Trust
  • He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that be had collected, such as the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamplight, the cymophane with its wirelike line of silver, the pistachio-coloured peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous, four-rayed stars, flame-red cinnamon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Arthur Young took a tremulous half-step out onto the truncated pier. BEHINDLINGS
  • Half a dozen long spears were thrust rather tremulously through the gridwork. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • The patient experienced muscle weakness, tremulousness, ‘hot and cold’ feelings, paresthesias, diaphoresis, shivering, and frontal lobe headache starting 24 hours after discontinuation.
  • She took a slow step toward him and offered a tremulous smile.
  • We see her tremulous schoolgirl self auditioning for the band along with a trio of equally improbable hopefuls: a ukulele-playing nun, an upper-crust saxophonist and a male drummer ready to don a frock to dodge the draft.
  • We may "pshaw" and "pooh" at Harry Gill and the Idiot Boy; but the deep and tremulous tenderness of sentiment, the strong-winged flight of fancy, the excelling and unvarying purity, which pervade all the writings of Wordsworth, and the exquisite melody of his lyrical poems, must ever continue to attract and purify the mind. International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 9, August 26, 1850
  • The voice on the phone from New York is tremulous, unfailingly polite, marked by hesitations and bursts of nervous laughter.
  • The moonlight on the lawn was tremulous, as if the sward were a rippling sea. Present at a Hanging and Other Ghost Stories
  • ‘I guess we've both been trying to keep things under wraps,’ she suggested with a tremulous smile.
  • He spoke – but no soft voice in tremulous whispers, replied. The Old Manor House
  • And then he could hear a smile and a tremulous quality in her voice.
  • Then, tottering down to the parlour, with a voice hollow from affright, and a face pale as death, she tremulously articulated, 'where is my sister?'
  • Or dost thou, the habitant of some bright star, where frailty such as ours is yet unknown, lend to lovers a rapture unalloyed by passion's grosser sense; as, symphonious with the tremulous zephyr, chastened vows of constancy are there exchanged? A Love Story
  • Tremulous took the place of a brother's name, and yesterday, when he blanked on the cities where he grew up, he learned the meanings of lambent and marcescent. A Word A Day
  • He was in a state of tremulous excitement.
  • I recalled the tremulous hand that he had offered me. The Eye of Osiris
  • Slowly, she brought a tremulous hand up, starting as she felt her fingers brush against her cheek.
  • Tree-ferns and mosses and a myriad other parasitic forms jostled with gay-coloured fungoid growths for room to live, and the very atmosphere itself seemed to afford clinging space to airy fairy creepers, light and delicate as gem-dust, tremulous with microscopic blooms. Chapter 25
  • No he looked at his daughter, blinking and smiling a tremulous smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • She meets his surprised gaze, her wide lips giving him a tremulous smile that makes his chest tighten with emotion.
  • The tradition to which I have been always accustomed is, that the aspen was the tree of which the cross was formed, and that its tremulous and quivering motion proceeded from its consciousness of the awful use to which it had once been put. Notes and Queries, Number 185, May 14, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • She could not see the tenacious Forsyte spirit working in that thin, tremulous shape against the extravagance of the emotion called up by this outrage on Forsyte principles — the Forsyte spirit deep in there, saying: ‘You mustn’t get into a fantod, it’ll never do. In Chancery
  • The girl uttered a cry, long, tremulous, heart-rending, piteous.
  • Just remember as you hear the tremulous reporter, voice quaking in empathy, why the farmer is crying.
  • In a tremulous state of dissatisfaction with himself — that any such grisly thought should have dared to obtrude itself upon him in this way — he got up and lit the lamp — re-read this disconcerting item in as cold and reprobative way as he could achieve, feeling that in so doing he was putting anything at which it hinted far from him once and for all. An American Tragedy
  • Boy, boy, _boy_!" called the old lady in a voice so entreating, though tremulous, that Bobby felt constrained to return. Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished A Tale of City Arab Life and Adventure
  • Tremulous, I park my car by the curb and slowly walk up to the front door, knocking the brass ringer.
  • Against a back ground of lemon-coloured sky, with the stars shedding their spiritual lustre through the purple twilight, these gorgeous creatures, each ensphered in her beatific bubble, floated tremulously upward on the balmy breeze. The War of the Wenuses
  • Sara blinked back the tears of hope and happiness and fear and relief before lifting her eyes to offer him a small and tremulous smile.
  • His voice softens and opens up, threading a tremulous quaver through its easy melody.
  • But, just a suggestion, I wouldn't use "tremulous" that early in a book, the people picking the book up at the store that are glancing at the first few paragraphs to see if they like the writing may put it down because they may think it's over their heads. HH Com 298
  • He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that he had collected, such as the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamp-light, the cymophane with its wire-like line of silver, the pistachio-coloured peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous four-rayed stars, flame-red cinnamon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Her playing conjured up the tremulous voice and imperious manner without quite replacing it.
  • This person is agitated, anxious restless, tremulous and looses appetite and cannot sleep.
  • Some day thou seest upspring a lowly, tremulous blossom, An Eagle Flight A Filipino Novel Adapted from Noli Me Tangere
  • But the reward was generous - a tremulous rainbow arched over the mountains, shaggy with greenery.
  • I'm plodding on with the street scene painting and it's beginning to come to life in spite of my tremulous incompetence.
  • No one can doubt that she is a lamb of the Saviour's fold, and if he is about to gather her into his bosom -- "She paused, overcome by emotion, then added in a tremulous tone," It will be a sad thing to _us_, no doubt, but to her -- dear little one -- a blessed, _blessed_ change. Holidays at Roselands
  • It's all beautifully acted, but I didn't care about Susan and John and their tremulous relationship, laden with supercilious, middlebrow significance.
  • She fidgeted in her chair as she took a deep, tremulous breath.
  • In silhouette, Grant also looked the part, with gravity-defying, ironic quiff and long tremulous limbs.
  • Here was a cause so beautiful in its affirmation of freedom that it should have been served only by the bravery of dignified women and speeches lucent with reason and untremulously spoken, by things that would require no change of quality but only rearrangements to be instantly commemorable by art; and yet this Scotch woman, moving with that stiffness of the mental joints which nations which suffer from it call conscientiousness, had managed to turn The Judge
  • They held a sederunt, and were filled with tremulous joy, for, in spite of their familiarity with all the other worlds and cycles, they had a very human awe of things sent from Ghost-land. Indian Tales
  • Among tremulous flora and fauna are tremandra plants, with their shaking anthers, the gelatinous tremella fungi, and treron pigeons.
  • Music plays: mysterious strings, tremulous with wonder and expectation.
  • By publicizing their private lives, they make us question the tremulous line between life and art.
  • No, whether they're writing tremulous lo-fi acoustica or clashing pop symphonies, their lyrically exploratory heart of darkness is at least as important to the Delgados' ethic.
  • 'My life is hard enough as it is,’ she offered with a tremulous smile his direction.
  • The woman fidgeted on her seat, toyed with the amber beads on her neck, but she would not meet the pure gaze fixed upon her; for there was a tremulousness about her lips, a moisture in her eyes, a sense of ashamedness all over her which she did not wish the child to see. Two Little Travellers A Story for Girls
  • Sauvages, by this just distinction, actually separates this kind of tremulous motion, and which is the kind peculiar to this disease, from the Genus Tremor. An Essay on the Shaking Palsy
  • These martial strains seemed as far away as Palestine, and reminded me of a march of crusaders in the horizon, with a slight tantivy and tremulous motion of the elm tree tops which overhang the village. Walden
  • Mr. Cheerman! "exclaimed the old man, tremulously," lemme examinate that thar wild-cat skelp. His "Day In Court" 1895
  • But the reward was generous - a tremulous rainbow arched over the mountains, shaggy with greenery.
  • He still felt slightly tremulous as he left the Yard and began to pass the small shops and restaurants that lined the street leading to Harvard Square.
  • “I, with my tremulous legs and marcescent arms, still love the garden's lambent light.” A Word A Day
  • I suspect that it can only break the perfection of the story, particularly its tremulous, precarious existence on the edge of my world.
  • Here was a cause so beautiful in its affirmation of freedom that it should have been served only by the bravery of dignified women and speeches lucent with reason and untremulously spoken, by things that would require no change of quality but only rearrangements to be instantly commemorable by art; and yet this Scotch woman, moving with that stiffness of the mental joints which nations which suffer from it call conscientiousness, had managed to turn The Judge
  • The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice.
  • In the full blaze, feather-foliaged trees crowned with gigantic red blossoms offered as a sacrifice fruit which blushed before the insistent gaze of the sun; while beneath this gay canopy vine and creeper and pliant shrub wove an undergarment which screened the moist earth and created a realm of subdued light in which all the flowers were pale of tint and tremulously fragile, though of almost forbidding magnitude of form. Tropic Days
  • At the bottom of the carriage step, she turned and sent Christopher a slightly tremulous smile.
  • His manner was often offensively supercilious, and then again modest and self - effacing, almost tremulous.
  • Qu'il doit etre mouille "said a small tremulous voice beside him. Three Soldiers
  • No he looked at his daughter, blinking and smiling a tremulous smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was in the muted laughter from dark alleys and the half caught lyrics from dance and jazz halls where women with tremulous voices sang about love and death, in such a way as to make one seem like torture, and the other almost jolly.
  • She could not see the tenacious Forsyte spirit working in that thin, tremulous shape against the extravagance of the emotion called up by this outrage on Forsyte principles -- the Forsyte spirit deep in there, saying: 'You mustn't get into a fantod, it'll never do. The Forsyte Saga, Volume II. Indian Summer of a Forsyte In Chancery
  • The voice on the phone from New York is tremulous, unfailingly polite, marked by hesitations and bursts of nervous laughter.
  • the leaves rustled tremulously in the wind
  • spoke timidly in a tremulous voice
  • In the first gush of our sorrow and our indignation because of this atrocity, we waited not for any official prompting to pour forth our grief in tremulous, glowing words of mingled emotion, as the irrepressible bidding of our hearts draped our homes and our sanctuaries in the weeds of a national funeral. A Discourse in Memory of our Late President, Abraham Lincoln
  • When I asked tremulously for an ice cream at Le Caprice and was presented instead with a sorbet, I perceived deliberate deceit and collapsed into hysterical sobs.
  • Greatly daring, he had himself written to Veranilda; in brief terms, but every word tremulous with his passion. Veranilda
  • Her throat tightened and she released a tremulous smile.
  • A delay has resulted from a dropped jar of sweet gherkins, and an efficient seventy-one-year-old lanky shop boy with a mop striding purposefully—not hurriedly—toward the spill, worried that the tremulous woman who dropped the jar might tumble into the slipslop of glass and vinegar. Shock of Gray
  • Arthur Young took a tremulous half-step out onto the truncated pier. BEHINDLINGS
  • He commenced with being a jockey; then he became an electioneerer; then a Methodist parson; then a builder of houses; and now he has dashed suddenly up to London, rushed into the clubs, mounted a wig, studied an ogle, and walks about the Opera House swinging a cane, and, at the age of fifty-six, punching young minors in the side, and saying tremulously, Godolphin, Complete
  • Surprisingly, I hear his voice, weak and tremulous, at the base of my neck.
  • It's all beautifully acted, but I didn't care about Susan and John and their tremulous relationship, laden with supercilious, middlebrow significance.
  • Henrietta had written it again, and again had crept into his chamber and in whatever part of the house the magnate might now be found, he everywhere encountered this pale tremulous figure who pressing her hands together and without uttering a word gazed at him beseechingly, imploringly -- only they two knew why. The Poor Plutocrats
  • He lowered it slightly and said in a tremulous voice as he gazed at the snow covered ground, ‘I pity you.’
  • There will then be the tremulous undoing of the top pyjama button - before the cry of'Daddy! Times, Sunday Times
  • A population without a balanced attitude to risk leads to extremes, with tremulous individuals cowering away from sausages while others seek out risk and self destruction through drugs.
  • On a timid, tremulous performance of REM's Everybody Hurts, she sounds like a reticent schoolgirl suddenly asked to perform at Live Aid.
  • Bring back to your slow, tremulous simmer, and cook for 4-5 hours minimum, ideally 6 or 7.
  • These largely acoustic songs reacquaint us with his tremulous, soulful vocals and cutting lyrical style.
  • Geronimo did not think it all out then, nor till long afterwards, but in steeling himself to set a point of – let it be granted – ecclesiatical propriety above the much weightier matter of human sympathy, and a regard for moral results on others, he had followed the Pharisees of old, rather than Him who imposed none but necessary burdens on the tremulous human mind. Parables From Nature
  • Over the fog-laden air came the bell for call-over, tremulous and muffled. Goodbye, Mr Chips
  • Nay, if he can only get his music by breaking the strings of his lute, he breaks them, and they snap in discord, and no Athenian tettix, making melody from tremulous wings, lights on the ivory horn to make the movement perfect, or the interval less harsh. Intentions
  • The result includes anything from dry mouth, nausea, and fatigue to dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and my personal favourite, tremulousness.
  • He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that he had collected, such as the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamplight, the cymophane with its wire-like line of silver, the pistachio-colored peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous four-rayed stars, flame - red cinnamon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • On the outside a purebred Afghan hound, on the inside a tremulous little mutt. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • She lowered her eyelids, and the deeper breathing of her bosom gave to her voice when she did speak a tremulous tone: -- The Lesser Bourgeoisie
  • The girl uttered a cry, long, tremulous, heart-rending, piteous.
  • A low, tremulous, intermitting sound, though it seems, in some respects, opposite to that just mentioned, is productive of the sublime. On the Sublime and Beautiful
  • The bride spoke her vows with tremulous modesty.
  • One peremptory glance at me and my one tremulous moment of truth had been rejected.
  • He commenced with being a jockey; then he became an electioneerer; then a Methodist parson; then a builder of houses; and now be has dashed suddenly up to London, rushed into the clubs, mounted a wig, studied an ogle, and walks about the Opera House swinging a cane, and, at the age of fifty-six, punching young minors in the side, and saying tremulously, Godolphin, Volume 2.
  • She fidgeted in her chair as she took a deep, tremulous breath.
  • But if you close your eyes, it is suddenly so clear how young he is, how high and tremulous is his voice.
  • Here reality is mirrored so faintly and tremulously, so brokenly, so as it seems evanescently, that the simplest things may be purged and refined into suggestions of exquisite beauty. Impressions and Comments
  • A shiver or shudder accompanies each: tremulousness characterizes the momentary awareness, as brief as it is unrepeatable.
  • It was not so clear a morning as the previous one, and a steamy wind on what at sea I should have called the starboard bow, as I pressed forward to the distant hill, had a curiously subduing effect on my thoughts, and filled the forest glades with a tremulous unreality like to nothing on our earth, and distinctly embarrassing to a stranger in a strange land. Gulliver of Mars
  • The ancient tower of a church, whose gruff old bell was always peeping slily down at Scrooge out of a Gothic window in the wall, became invisible, and struck the hours and quarters in the clouds, with tremulous vibrations afterwards as if its teeth were chattering in its frozen head up there. A Christmas Carol
  • Woods and fields are tremulous at twilight with the shimmering of white saltant forms, and immemorial Ocean yields up curious sights beneath thin moons. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • There was a lower class of individual out here in those days... "Mrs. Creznik's voice had grown tremulous. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • Sara felt Christopher's firmer squeeze and forced a tremulous smile.
  • It's a film where work, good and bad, is done by men, with women getting to play the tremulous wives or daughters.
  • His snore was a medley of snuffing and snorting, with an abortive demi-semi aristocratic sort of a sneeze; while to add to the effect of this three-stringed inspiration there was in each aspiration a tremulous and swooning neigh. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • Pool clapped his hands, and the little maid ran out of the house to him in tremulous, fluttery haste. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • Sara inclined her head, offering a tremulous smile between quick glances.
  • Athenian tettix, making melody from tremulous wings, lights on the ivory horn to make the movement perfect, or the interval less harsh. Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde
  • And a tremulous smile haunts her lips as she realizes that the audition is only partly to blame.
  • _Bahut, bahut salaam_, [22] Sahib!" he broke out in a tremulous fervour of gratitude. Captain Desmond, V.C.
  • Music plays: mysterious strings, tremulous with wonder and expectation.
  • Halting, my strange traveller chanted in a feignedly senile and tremulous voice, as he beat time with his foot: Through Russia
  • Back they come with the sublimely melodic ‘On The Chin’, led by one of those Ennio Morricone-style, tremulous guitar lines that have become a Tortoise trademark.
  • A silence fell, pregnant and cryptic, and, while the voices of the children and the soft mandatory protests of the Asiatic maids drew nearer from the beach, Martha Scandwell felt herself vibrant and tremulous with sudden resolve of daring. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • His voice softens and opens up, threading a tremulous quaver through its easy melody.
  • In addition, autonomic instability (i.e., increased heart rate and blood pressure level, tremulousness, diaphoresis), insomnia and sensory hypersensitivity are common.
  • 'I am anxious,' continued the gentleman, speaking in a low tone, and with a tremulous earnestness that rendered his speech peculiarly emphatic -- 'I am anxious to have painted the portrait of one who is -- who was -- very very dear to me, immediately -- _immediately_, for a few hours may make such a performance impossible. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 454 Volume 18, New Series, September 11, 1852
  • You have to dig around in the predictable constellations of hiccuping beats, tremulous chords and spooked wisps of vocal to uncover rewarding efforts, such as Modeselektor's thrill-powered techno enhancement of Morning Mr Magpie or Altrice's six-minute meltdown dare we say megamix? of the whole album. Radiohead: TKOL RMX 1234567 – review
  • As the teacher read on, her color changed, and a kind of tremulous agitation came over her. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 29, March, 1860
  • When all the atmosphere is tremulous with airs from heaven or blasts from hell, must we, forsooth! stop and philosophically investigate what Hamlet means by a "_dram of eale" _? Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 099, March, 1876
  • But while he shares some of Young's tremulous vocal ability, this is someone with a unique perspective on the America terrain.

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