How To Use Tremendously In A Sentence
Not only was his analysis absolutely on target, he was tremendously self-assured, well spoken and telegenic.
People vary tremendously in their individual dietary requirements.
Newsletters provide a tremendously powerful means of publicly celebrating the successes of children and the school.
Steady on, the reason we men liked her was because she was a tremendously attractive and sexy piece of crumpet…
The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.

Wall is a tremendously challenging artist, as his stuff essentially mocks both the Cartier-Bresson 'Decisive Moment' as self-glorifying bushwa, and the Modernist painters' photography-induced flight from Realism as cowardice.
Kenneth Hite's Journal
I have tremendously fond memories of the Free Trade Hall, despite its general grottiness, and its poor acoustics.
Their breeding behaviour and how they and their chicks respond to stimuli is tremendously well studied, with the studies of Goethe, Tinbergen and others being classic, pioneering works in ethology.
Archive 2006-02-01
Rodd literally jumped in his alarm, for there was a tremendously wild cissing from the pan and a horrible suggestion therewith that Mrs
The Ocean Cat's Paw The Story of a Strange Cruise
It benefited tremendously from a good “high concept” and a great cast (especially Zach Galifainakis), but the execution was just plain mediocre.
Top 10 Movies of 2009 » Scene-Stealers
I have to say we have tremendously good people working for us.
I believe that the need for saving has grown tremendously over the past century, primarily because the lifespan has lengthened and more medical care for the elderly is available and desired.
Forced Savings vs. Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
He had played tremendously in earlier rounds.
This particular bill, apart from being somewhat late in coming back to the House, is a tremendously huge, omnibus bill, and has very, very little to do with assurance of health practitioners' competence.
British racing should be tremendously proud.
The Sun
Shoving his hands into the pockets of his tremendously puffy jacket, he heard crinkling and pulled out a slight crumpled piece of paper.
It is also tremendously enjoyable to read.
The Times Literary Supplement
The chances of losing franchise players has increased tremendously.
We have some tremendously successful students.
He's a tremendously cute, long-haired, orange polydactyl (extra toes) male who has a bit of a Maine Coon Cat look to him.
University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists.
The oddest thing is that the missiles, while being tremendously destructive of human life, left quite small craters in the ground.
I admire her tremendously.
I ducked down in onto my hands and knees, and right before my eyes, I saw the jackknife that Todd was carrying discarded on the ground, it was tremendously shiny, and glittered in the company of a red handle.
He was now magic, huge, tremendously well-known and all of it without spending a dime of his campaign cash.
Like crack cocaine for the soul, Charlie's Angels delivers shameful, addictive, and no doubt tremendously harmful fun.
The gas-operated, autoloading shotgun is tremendously popular with hunters and competitive shooters, with good reason.
It helps tremendously that Montrealers haven't yet felt the first pangs of festival fatigue - timing is everything in fête season, especially in film.
As the classification in Burgundy is given to the vineyard, not to the château or the domaine, the quality of the wine can vary tremendously when a vineyard changes hands.
He acted tremendously in all of it.
It's built around the monied classes who've benefited tremendously by the emptying of the federal treasury into their pockets.
His eyes widened tremendously and his mouth opened in a scream of mortal terror at the sight of the creature within.
The way in which each sales manager handles the stresses and responsibilities of the job varies tremendously with experience and personality.
The Guide to Greatness in Sales
She has tremendously long eyelashes, but her eyes are almost green.
A Little Princess
It might be some strange curiosity from the East – father was tremendously interested in curiosities; or it might be books, as father was fond of books.
This Way to Christmas
Ovid's Heroides, verse epistles from women abandoned by their famous lovers, was tremendously popular in the first decades of print.
The argument for keeping a longtime presence in Kurdish Iraq is tremendously stronger than the argument for us trying to stay anywhere else. roger Says:
Matthew Yglesias » The War’s End
Reading causes lassitude and wearies us tremendously.
But ever since I was a sprat I have been given this vague half-formed yet tremendously potent feeling that rock music meant something.
Archive 2009-06-14
Healthy human contact and a spacious, more natural living environment improves their temperaments tremendously.
Youths stayed the night or were ushered home by designated sober drivers (non-drinking teens were tremendously popular at these events).
She stops as if she had been tremendously shocked, and a moment later the rattling of a latch-key in the inner door also stops_ JOHN _from going any further.
The Easiest Way Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911
This could be because of a weekend drinking bender, or it's more likely because the story is tremendously forgettable.
The fact that the contact prints are big enough to actually get detail out of is tremendously important, and almost every enlarger ever made can do a 6x6 negative.
Making Light: Open thread 135
It was ferine and spectral, and so tremendously violent, that the long attorney, expecting nothing of the sort, was thrown out of his balance against the chimneypiece.
Wylder's Hand
Or is it the profit contribution from sales, which might vary tremendously with the product mix individual salesmen might sell?
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
Our capabilities have improved tremendously, '' says Lt.Col. Brion Smith, an Army forensic odontologist.
The Mystery Of The Tomb
Our families worked absolutely tremendously and.
Folklore described Watson as "a powerful singer and a tremendously influential picker who virtually invented the art of playing mountain fiddle tunes on the flattop guitar."
The original Rock Band kit was tremendously noisy, and it was noise of the "clack" variety.
Dubious Quality
Both you and Gene helped me tremendously when I felt "outgunned" among the Comic Scholars at PCA.
Review: Walk the Line
Tremendously important to attract the other shallow, vacuous, winkers to the GOP.
Gingrich says Palin 'tremendously important'
We were mentored by other festivals like Farm Aid and Citizens 'Energy, who introduced us to the idea of bartering, and then, of all companies, Venezuela's national oil company, Citgo, came in and helped tremendously getting oil to poor inhabitants of Philly and other cities.
Mark Levine: Like Music and Oil. Perfect Together?
Rod Carew is a tremendously dedicated and hardworking individual. - Carew resigns as Brewers hitting coach
She's grown tremendously as a musician.
Individual susceptibly to concussions varies tremendously, however, so a 100 percent accurate "concussion sensor" for now remains science fiction.
It's not a tremendously worrisome problem, but it is an area he'll likely focus on this summer.
A more significant objection has been the charge that leys involve marker sites that vary tremendously in age.
I think the development work with this community has done tremendously in the last two years.
These modern installations affect tremendously the entire communication system.
I benefited tremendously from the intellectual stimulation of the city.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A New York Court?
This is all tremendously inward-looking, navel-gazing stuff isn't it?
Contact with protozoa, the tremendously varied group of more sophisticated single-celled microbes that includes amoeba and paramecium, has also been greatly reduced in the developed world by water and food treatment measures.
It's a tremendously stable shoe with good, firm cushioning designed for a heel striker.
He added: ‘The conditions made it tremendously difficult, and it became a scrappy game, but we had a stickability and came through in the end.’
It's tremendously ghoulish this film, with dismembering and disinterring graphically depicted.
Females are smaller, but both male and female are tremendously powerful, possessing the ability to tear branches from bushes and uproot small trees.
The Catalans have also achieved a tremendously high level of autonomy.
My quality of life has improved tremendously since I moved to the country.
And the reason I say that is because government has a fiduciary responsibility to the rest of the tax payers whose money they're spending, and most of the bureaucratical delay — now I have to say, I think we've cut that delay down tremendously over the years — most of that delay is verifying that you're owed the money.
Oral History Interview with Richard H. Moore, August 2, 2002. Interview K-0598. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.
The section on microprogramming has a brief but very clear explanation of how a microprogram operates, which was tremendously useful for my understanding of microcoding.
With increasing stress, the incidence of stress related psychosomatic and psychiatric illnesses has increased tremendously.
But it felt like the kind of homey place one could get attached to easily and feel tremendously comfortable in.
I was tremendously upset when the elder slipped a disc and spent freshman year in a full body brace.
You can extend your range tremendously by experimenting with different styles.
Training with N.L.P.
The number of women making it into the upper echelons of business management has increased tremendously in recent years.
Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
It's a tremendously important academic and scientific institution that grew out of the ashes of America's offensive biowarfare program.
I know of no problem that faces us more at the present time than the one of marketing the product that we grow in competition with the tremendously increasing imports from abroad, brought in from countries where labor costs anywhere from twenty to fifty cents a day, and at the highest a dollar a day for what they call skilled labor, most of it twenty to fifty cents, and with freight rates across the Atlantic that amount to less than half of our freight rates, or one-quarter of them.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 13th Annual Meeting Rochester, N.Y. September, 7, 8 and 9, 1922
Heel: Tremendously powerful; the entire force of your movement is concentrated into the small hard area of your shoe heel.
One is that the small investor who made some money during the bull market, may get some back through what we call disgorgement (ph) and that some of the executives may have to hand over some money, and I think the darker lesson for people like Dick Parsons of AOL Time Warner, who have a tremendously difficult job right now, they're just going to be dealing with lawyers for the next 12 months, if not longer.
CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2002
Although Anya's collection is the definition of one-note, there were no hills and valleys and she's clearly tremendously gifted.
Holly Cara Price: Rubbernecking Recap: Project Runway Finale, "And Sew It Goes"
The springs of the bed were squeaking tremendously, like an unwaxed door hinge.
Whether as a bandleader or a creative supporting player, Blade's contribution is tremendously assured.
The tremendously high count of positive ions found in most modern offices is detrimental to health and well-being.
Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
November 1973 began mild but turned tremendously cold and snowy by the end of the month.
Times, Sunday Times
These short essays add tremendously to the book, again raising it above the level of a conglomeration of stories of human stupidity.
You actually only have one book, but it's a really important book, and everyone respects you tremendously.
She was always tremendously energetic, laughing, busy, busy laughing and trying her damndest to turn back the forces of darkness that pervade our visions of the future, here & elsewhere.
Errin Vuley memorial on Friday, November 20 at 11:00am (Blog for Democracy)
The way in which each sales manager handles the stresses and responsibilities of the job varies tremendously with experience and personality.
The Guide to Greatness in Sales
I actually found all of the characters tremendously superficial and predictable in a lot of ways.
Your news and scoops have helped me tremendously.
For instance, if you read about the Paris Commune, whether or not you agree with the position of the Communards, the Paris Commune is a tremendously exciting story.
We have been supported tremendously to ensure our collectors get access to all of the art they have been searching for.
There are tremendously significant issues, and this doesn't prescind from making a judgment on people's personalities.
I felt that his comments were tremendously helpful.
But now a tremendously tusked hoarhead came at him from the left and an alligatorhead from the right.
The way in which each sales manager handles the stresses and responsibilities of the job varies tremendously with experience and personality.
The Guide to Greatness in Sales
If you've been to Afghanistan or Pakistan, you will see that the terrain is tremendously rugged.
It's a tremendously stable shoe with good, firm cushioning designed for a heel striker.
Joseph had been tremendously excited when Patrick had strolled into the dusty bookshop that morning.
This was tremendously enjoyable and Balla were the victors in the fun game.
To David Black, my agent, I am tremendously grateful for both his convivial encouragement and his clear-sighted direction.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
The latest flyby that the NASA orbiter conducted took it just 15.5 miles (25 kilometers) above the surface of Enceladus, which is tremendously close.
Softpedia News - Global
I also teach a private class in writing for teens, which I enjoy tremendously.
The film really tries to delve into the Romulus / Remus iconography of brotherhood, but louses it up tremendously.
Webster defines a rick simply as a pile, and truck sizes obviously vary tremendously, so it is very important that you get all of this straight with the seller before agreeing on a price; there is much room for misunderstanding.
Mr. Vann's feat is to make all this grubbiness feed Irene's claustrophobia until it explodes in a tremendously disturbing conclusion.
Icy State Of Affairs
The electron fluid that interpenetrates the iron nuclei is itself tremendously concentrated, capable of controlled energy fluxes that may never be obtainable by terrestrial engineering.
He's done tremendously well in the last two games and you can't get any harder than the opposition he's faced.
One was a tremendously tall man, with broad shoulders and huge muscles.
We went to war with the wrong country and they just happened to benefit tremendously from the ensuing chaos.
Think Progress » Top Republican Investigator Rep. Issa Indicates Openness To Probing Saudi Ownership Of Fox News (Updated)
I admire what Radiohead have done tremendously in seeking a new model.
The Cheap eBook Revolution: What's your Dream Price for eBooks?
Our move to the new site is tremendously exciting for the school.
The tremendously high count of positive ions found in most modern offices is detrimental to health and well-being.
Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
He was a tremendously enthusiastic teacher and that rubbed off on all the children.
A more significant objection has been the charge that leys involve marker sites that vary tremendously in age.
Miss Blau's temperament is not adapted to the type of regimentation which occurs nowadays when only intense cooperations make it possible to obtain meager results from a tremendously expensive piece of apparatus. 23
Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
I loved MJ and his music, but really, this is just so wrong. you know so many people throughout MJs carrier mooched off his success and here it is continuing after he has passed ... have some respect for him and let him go and stop this grandstanding and riding his coattails ... it's tremendously embarrassing.
House holds moment of silence for Michael Jackson
But one thing is certain, when Favre finally does decide to call it quits, his legacy will tremendously be affected by the scandal that is getting more attention than whether the two ankle fractures he sustained last week in the third quarter of Minnesota's 28-24 loss at Green Bay, will prevent him from continuing his NFL record of starting in 291 consecutive games (315 including the postseason).
Ann Liguori: Brett Favre's Legacy Tarnished
From early efforts which focussed on a single gene (e.g. the halothane gene), the technology and the knowledge of the genome has developed tremendously.
ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
Sapp is a tremendously disruptive player who forces quarterbacks into mistakes and running backs into cuts they don't want to make.
Building on this twin edifice of theory and exigence, Tovani proceeds to explain an array of tremendously helpful pedagogical strategies that all high school teachers can teach their students.
The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.
Public archives are a tremendously rich resource of evidence about our collective past.
This issue could become tremendously important with the increasing use of aromatase inhibitors instead of selective oestrogen receptor inhibitors as adjuvant hormonal treatment.
I was tremendously upset when the elder slipped a disc and spent freshman year in a full body brace.
People have recently taken a negative view of safari parks and zoos, but I think they have a tremendously important role to play.
Times, Sunday Times
Everything moves along pretty fast, and Scarlett is a tremendously engaging heroine, a lot like Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair – nothing gets her down, or not for long.
Blockbuster Month « Tales from the Reading Room
But in the postseason, he says, where every game is extensively covered and tremendously important, I would advocate making any call potentially reviewable.
Cowherd, Beadle to co-host ESPN2's 'SportsNation'
The acquisition of bulk trucking vehicles for long-distance cargo haulage has increased tremendously over the decades through increased investment.
Everyone who heard Boris was left feeling tremendously buoyant about life in general and bursting with a will to go out and do everything possible to help the Conservative cause.
The number of women making it into the upper echelons of business management has increased tremendously in recent years.
Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
The experience has been tremendously educational.
It maddened her tremendously that they should all be mockingly jealous of Earl Mowbray's betrothed.
PCBs were used to insulate transformers; because the chemical is so inert, it is a tremendously effective insulator.
One tremendously successful ship design was the two-masted brig of war.
The only show I can think of that has gone in the opposite direction — speeding things up, because DVR watchers can always pause or rewinding if they want — is (the late, lamented) _Pushing Daisies_, a rich show I found tremendously difficult to appreciate in real time.
Comics on the Screen
It is also tremendously enjoyable to read.
The Times Literary Supplement
She is tremendously emotive, contorting her facial features into the ugliest conceivable shapes.
The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.
As the marine hobby blossomed the demand for good frozen food designed for marine fishes and invertebrates increased tremendously.
One of the movies that influenced me tremendously is Lindsay Anderson's If .....
People have recently taken a negative view of safari parks and zoos, but I think they have a tremendously important role to play.
Times, Sunday Times
the lead times for many publications can vary tremendously
Like crack cocaine for the soul, Charlie's Angels delivers shameful, addictive, and no doubt tremendously harmful fun.
The film, despite dealing with a tremendously sorrowful subject, offers more than heavy-hearted investigation of the world's most grief-stricken areas.
Emissions of harmful chemicals have dropped tremendously in the last five years.
University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists.
You can extend your range tremendously by experimenting with different styles.
Training with N.L.P.
Then he marched tremendously back to the main door, his chin high, his expression haughty, his backbone rigid.
The Gray Dawn
University funding was tremendously biased towards scientists.
I was tremendously upset when the elder slipped a disc and spent freshman year in a full body brace.
The death of his child aged him tremendously
Each one of the actors and actresses assuming the roles of the cats are tremendously talented singers and dancers.
Whether as a bandleader or a creative supporting player, Blade's contribution is tremendously assured.
The reason that the schools have been constructed is because the local school districts were willing to increase the property taxes to a tremendously high figure -- in my opinion, almost to the point of diminishing returns in order to sustain these schools.
Bob Bowdon: What Can't be Said Today
We've offered this program for over 10 years now and it has grown tremendously.
UM is a great law school, and our clients will benefit tremendously from the assistance the fellows will provide. The University Of Miami School Of Law Announces Foreclosure Defense Fellowships
Having trialled it in my own school, this can be tremendously successful.
Times, Sunday Times
Negative connotations arose from the fact the orca is a tremendously vicious animal.
The Horde is Evil
As the classification in Burgundy is given to the vineyard, not to the château or the domaine, the quality of the wine can vary tremendously when a vineyard changes hands.
Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.
My son David trained him for point-to-points and helps tremendously.
By the way, I used to work for a chap who was tremendously careful with his money.
It should be noted, by the way, that those settlers, those "colons", who were the force through which largely these three countries acquired such a phenomenally rapid development -- a development which was not only for the good of the newcomers, but by which the original population benefited tremendously, have not, all of them, made fortunes, far from it.
The Algerian Issue
But if you step back, look beyond the current moment, and consider the broader context, you'll see that Democrats are actually in tremendously strong shape for the long term.
Dylan Loewe: Democrats Still Winning the Long Game
The award is a joint achievement by everyone at the site and I'm tremendously proud of every single employee.
Records show that in Mazabuka, Chibombo and Mumbwa, a large number of farmers confirm that lime usage had improved their yields tremendously.
The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.
Angelo is a very cold person with no feelings and has restrained himself tremendously throughout his life.
Hers is a performance of indisputable class making little but tremendously effective use of her famous fluttering gestures.
This enlistment of religious language to advance our nation's policies is tremendously dangerous.
I found the scene in which Percy proposed to Olive tremendously poignant.
His refutation of well-known pedantries is tremendously sharp.
Times, Sunday Times
But this douche au jet - apparently guaranteed to firm up my epidermis and get rid of nasty toxins - is, in retrospect at least, tremendously exhilarating.
Louisiana is one of the poorest states in the nation and its citizens would benefit tremendously from a public option, or even better, Universal Coverage.
'I would tend not to' support the public option, says Landrieu
The nation and, indeed, the entire world would benefit tremendously from a new method of generating energy which did not make use of fossil fuels.
Peter Sumaruck
Cell lineage analyses, mainly conducted on annelidan. and molluscan embryos, suggested that the ultimate fates of blastomeres are tremendously conserved.
The spectacle of Xerxes's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall.
People who properly identify the source of my name rise tremendously in my estimation.
I think we all know that the presidency is tremendously hard work, even for a president like this one who keeps notoriously light hours.
Mr Geoffrey John paid a flying visit to Orkney to find out more about the county's food and drink businesses and went away ‘tremendously impressed’ by what he saw.
The volume of the communications that we send and receive has multiplied tremendously.
A number of exercises enhanced student interest and involvement tremendously.
The old local order has been broken up or is now being broken up all over the earth, and everywhere societies deliquesce, everywhere men are afloat amidst the wreckage of their flooded conventions, and still tremendously unaware of the thing that has happened.
A Modern Utopia
James was also tremendously loyal to people he cared about, and in him I found a true friend.
I enjoy it tremendously and it used to be my favored drink in crêperies when on vacation in Brittany as a child.
This is a country with a magnificent past, a tremendously powerful empire with the world's wealth in their hands.
People vary tremendously in their individual dietary requirements.
They're terrific birds with a long upcurved beak and if you contrast those to the migratory waders in front of them, the big Eastern Curlews, they have tremendously long but downcurved beaks.
However, it's still tremendously funny; nervous fiancés and anxious parents everywhere should take note, it could be the perfect place for the bonding to start.
November 1973 began mild but turned tremendously cold and snowy by the end of the month.
Times, Sunday Times
Contact with protozoa, the tremendously varied group of more sophisticated single-celled microbes that includes amoeba and paramecium, has also been greatly reduced in the developed world by water and food treatment measures.
HILSUM: But you are showing Arabs being humiliated, which is a tremendously potent thing.
CNN Transcript Feb 18, 2006
In Stage 5, I take this tremendously sentimental display of family history and tart it up with lots of spaceships and cartoon characters.
He was tremendously wealthy, with city and country homes, both furnished with fine goods.
A book like it provides a vicarious emotional experience that can be tremendously valuable in helping teens navigate the transition to psychologically mature, healthy, integrated adults.
At least, he's the portliest of all the competitors, with a truly epic stomach to go with his tremendously flamboyant Kung Fu.
The popularity of quad bikes used for fun has increased tremendously in the last few years.