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How To Use Tremble In A Sentence

  • When he spoke, his voice fair trembled the heavy timbers that arched the hall. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • wherefores," his "how do you knows" and "how do you proves," that I quite trembled for the victim. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • Her hand trembled slightly, and then it began to positively shake.
  • Her lower lip trembled as if she was about to cry.
  • Dalmius nursed the invigorating fire-drink from a horn-flask, ensconced in leather, e'en as his thin hands trembled.
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  • Brave as he is, trembles at the sight of a snake.
  • Now, as he spoke, his voice trembled with that peculiar vibration which is the result of tensity. Sister Carrie
  • Drogo, ever the clever Dothraki punster, says that he'll give Viserys "a golden crown that men shall tremble to behold" and then coronates the would-be king by pouring molten gold over his head. Game of Thrones Postmortem: Harry Lloyd on Viserys' Golden Crown
  • He trembled slightly and said he wanted to be friends.
  • My fingers trembled so when I went to unclip it I couldn't do it. WEB OF DREAMS
  • These golden autumn leaves still tremble, but they are less noisy than when they were green. Times, Sunday Times
  • A hand that trembled slightly brushed against his forehead as if it could wipe away the weariness.
  • ` ` Na, Laird, '' Jeanie replied, endeavouring as much as she could to express herself with composure, notwithstanding she still trembled, ` ` I canna gang in --- I have a lang day's darg afore me --- I maun be twenty mile o 'gate the night yet, if feet will carry me.' ' The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • His touch set something inside her atremble, too.
  • It emphasizes the three - step shakes and trembles rhythm and downward strong beats.
  • Who else challenges us as we look at depths in his life that makes us shake and tremble with longing to be like him? Christianity Today
  • The eggs are done when they are just set but will still tremble slightly in the ramekins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poluski's quip; but that fleeting glimpse had thrilled her with subtle recognition of something grasped yet elusive, of a knowledge that trembled on the lip of discovery, like a half remembered word murmuring in the brain but unable to make itself heard. A Son of the Immortals
  • I long to move - my whole body trembles with excitement - but the restraints on my legs and wrists keep me firmly in place.
  • In the street, Miguel will spot some foxy muchacho, and ayayay! - he trembles, he staggers, he has to cling to my arm, or Rosario's.
  • She began to tremble violently as she felt an odd sensation come over her.
  • He hunched his shoulders to force his body away from the trembles.
  • Technicians misread critical monitors, and the core of the plant begins to tremble and quake.
  • An official at the meteorology and geophysics office here said the new trembler, measuring 5,7 on the Richter scale, jolted Aceh at about 11.52 am.
  • We've all seen them before: Those rattly sidewalk grates that tremble and shake each time someone steps on them. Walkers: Watch out for these grates in D.C.
  • She felt them tremble with expectation, parting, a little out of control.
  • Seas will boil, the earth will tremble, man will be sent scurrying back to the caves.
  • My hands tremble tying the ropes around his finnesko. Wintering
  • The bridegroom's hand trembled visibly, and no one heard his replies. Little Women
  • She felt it with a tremble of happiness and hope as her dreary eyes watched the clouds turn from pink to white, the sky from orange to blue…
  • Isabelle, in a slightly drunk and uninhibited state, flaunts her desire at being desired while Gerald trembles at her physical closeness.
  • Her hand trembled with the effort of keeping the metal sensor strip in place.
  • The worthless overture of the 'Prophete,' disfiguring this fine ensemble, had been hissed by some students of the Conservatoire, and, accustomed as I was to the blindness of the general public, knowing its implacable prejudices, I trembled for the fate of the magnificent septuor about to follow. The Great Italian and French Composers
  • Luke, from Harper's, wore a beatific smile as the room trembled from the gateway's power.
  • Who dareth name the fiend?" croaked an awful voice, whereat Black Lewin halted, gaped and stood a-tremble, while beneath steel cap and bascinet all men's hair stirred and rose with horror; for before them was a ghastly shape, a shape that crouched in the gloom with dreadful face aflame with smouldering green fire. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • I trembled with excitement as my ship rumbled to life.
  • She trembled with fear as she went along the moonlit passages. Wives and Daughters
  • Clear and bright pupil, the MI, long eyelash tremble slightly, white flawless skin with light pink, thin lips like rose petals delicate drips.
  • Thus would we do in the old time when we drew anear some shore, and the beacons were sending up smoke by day, and flame benights; and the shore-abiders did on their helms and trembled. The Story of the Glittering Plain; or, the land of Living Men
  • It is notorious that many of the leases of new dwelling-houses contain a clause against dancing, lest the premises should suffer from a mazurka, tremble at a gallopade, or fall prostrate under the inflictions of "the parson's farewell," or "the wind that shakes the barley. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 536, March 3, 1832
  • The fame of whose name made all men quake and tremble, and who then had commaunded all the troupe of the Gentlemen of his Court, to go and seeke the forlorne louers, so long time lost and vnknowen. The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
  • I had acquaintances in every clan company, and no longer trembled every time a man looked too long at me or called me a lewd byname, as I used to do when I was a newcomer to the Marchfield. Wildfire
  • The shy emerald mantles the valleys and fledges the heights; the pussy-willows tremble by lake and stream; the wild crocus brims the hollows with a haze of violet; trailing his last ragged pennants of snow on the hills, winter makes his sullen retreat. The Trail of '98 A Northland Romance
  • His lips trembled, and he felt strangely compelled to shout a defiant slogan.
  • Her voice trembled and broke at times, but she consistently looked upon Angie's face with eagerness.
  • All at once a bright fire seemed to burn through her veins, making her skin glow and causing her limbs to tremble.
  • Clear and bright pupil, the MI, long eyelash tremble slightly, white flawless skin with light pink, thin lips like rose petals delicate drips.
  • Together they make booze so sublime that angels weep and Europeans tremble. Times, Sunday Times
  • He grins as his body trembles with the thrill of true fear, the first he's felt since he faced the Masks.
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • I confess I was moved to pity him when I spoke it, for he turned pale as death, and stood mute as one thunderstruck, and once or twice I thought he would have fainted; in short, it put him in a fit something like an apoplex; he trembled, a sweat or dew ran off his face, and yet he was cold as a clod, so that I was forced to run and fetch something for him to keep life in him. Moll Flanders
  • The trees trembled, the rocks quaked and all the animals fled in alarm.
  • Athletes from other countries catch sight of our sportsmen and sportswomen and tremble. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.
  • Upon entering the room he felt his limbs tremble, his heart flutter, his tongue falter; he attempted to undraw the curtain, and called for a light to the bedside. Candide
  • Their pleasures gave but a pinchbeck joviality after all, were but a thin lacker spread over mercenary cares and heart-aching jealousies -- not the jealousies of passion, but the nipping vulgar vexation with which a shopkeeper trembles lest a customer should go to his rival over the way. Modern Women and What is Said of Them A Reprint of A Series of Articles in the Saturday Review (1868)
  • Her lip trembled and she tossed her head, but she didn't answer, which was probably the best response she could have made.
  • Twist some dials, and the machine trembles, two robot arms pick up soldering irons and hunch down on him.
  • Together they make booze so sublime that angels weep and Europeans tremble. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he spoke, his voice fair trembled the heavy timbers that arched the hall. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • When, in his most characteristic gesture, he presses a gesticulating finger to his forehead, his hand trembles.
  • '_Trembles Yggdrasil's ash yet standing; groans that ancient tree, and the Jotun Loki is loosed. CHAPTER 14
  • Nodding and smiling at Mr. and Mrs. Blyth, and Zack, till her vast country bonnet trembled aguishly on her head, the good woman advanced, shaking every moveable object in the room, straight to the tea-table, and enfolded Madonna in her capacious arms. Hide and Seek
  • The fur was very soft and warm and the rabbit trembled slightly as I probed its smashed up hind legs with the tips of my fingers, then suddenly recoiled as they sunk into wet, ripped flesh.
  • She began to tremble in fear when her heart's steady pace quickened into a fast-paced minuet, her breath's stable rhythm raced into a sixteenth note, and her feet's adagio tempo sped into a presto.
  • Her lower lip trembled as if she was about to cry.
  • His lips trembled; his whole face quaked and looked like it really would shatter like a piece of china. Olivia
  • They can frighten you, scramble your brains, make you tremble.
  • Neverthelesse I finding him once of a good humour and on the point of honnour encourages his son to break the kettle and take the hattchett and to be gon to the forraigne nations, and that was of courage and of great renowne to see the father of one parte and the son of another part, & that he should not mispraise if he should seperat from him, but that it was the quickest way to make the world tremble, & by that means have liberty everywhere by vanquishing the mortall enemy of his nation; uppon this I venture to aske him what I was. Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson
  • There was a slight tremble just before that which had a magnitude of around 1.1.
  • The piston in its cylinder rocked, trembled, didn't move.
  • The spider trembled and swayed in the sudden gust from the open bathroom window.
  • If I were named 'Charles X., par la grace de Dieu roi de France et de Navarre,' I should tremble in my shoes at the fate those letters anagrammatize. Bureaucracy
  • Indeed it was the religious fervour of our forebears that caused them to "tremble before the Lord" that early won them the nickname of Quakers from the verb to quake or tremble. Friends Service Council - Nobel Lecture
  • But when she was carried into the diagnosing room, she began to tremble and to salivate. ON CATS
  • France, by the perfidy of her leaders, has utterly disgraced the tone of lenient counsel in the cabinets of princes, and has taught kings to tremble at what will hereafter be called the delusive plausibilities of moral politicians. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 14 — Philosophy and Economics
  • The pillars of heaven tremble are astonished at his reproof.
  • But she drew back her hand, and trembled all over. Vanity Fair
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Labyrinth of Life, enjoyed the perplexities and quarrels of the scene, and exacerbated the already furious combatants by their poignant infantile satire. Burlesques
  • His hands trembled and sweat broke out all over his body.
  • I pulled my summer diary from the enclosure and my hands trembled as they slid along the rawhide cover.
  • As the aftershocks of an earthquake unsettle a city, the great memories trembled inside him and only gradually died away. The Broken God
  • And he smote the air with his fists, and believers trembled with excitement.
  • Hannah's voice trembled as she said this and she took shaky steps toward her sister's bedroom door.
  • But, a red-tapist by nature, and hating innovations, owing to weakness of mind, he trembled inwardly and cried in agony: The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • The way he obsesses about her, the way he berates her, the way he trembles when he calls her evil: this must be unrequited love.
  • The ground beneath him trembled and bits of dirt fell from the undercarriage of the truck.
  • No sobs or splutters or hiccoughs spilled from her trembling lip, although, her lip did tremble.
  • OTHER TERMS: The word temblor not trembler is a synonym for earthquake. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • I watched her close her eyes and they seemed to tremble, the muscles of an eighty-year-old involuntarily twitchy.
  • A hero is any ordinary American who refuses to fight war, who refuses to tremble in the face of terror, who refuses to strike back at his lasher. What makes a hero?
  • His lower lip trembled.
  • Yeah, hats off to them, no doubt most of them have been in bother that would make any man tremble. Our Friends From The North « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He felt that the hot breath floating across his cheek was heavy with contagion; he knew that fever raged and burned in the blue veins that swelled over those drooping arms and the unstockinged feet, but, he neither shrank nor trembled at the danger. The Old Homestead
  • The sun trembled for an instant on the edge of the distant hills, then started to sink behind them.
  • The poplar trembles before the blast, flutters, struggles wildly, dishevels its foliage, gropes around with its feeblest branches, and hisses as in impotent passion. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.
  • She just stood there; the look of terror on her face increased and she began to tremble with the fear.
  • Even when Mr. Taylor reminds Lisa and I about our detention I only experience a slight tremble.
  • A woman in Sheffield told the cameras that her dressing table had trembled slightly but nothing had fallen off.
  • Ed was already at work, his fingers trembled slightly but still they danced lightly and quickly over the keyboard.
  • Like a pavid kid in the talons of an eagle, that young creature trembled in his huge Milesian grasp. Mrs. Perkins's Ball
  • Her fingers trembled, making it even harder to untie the knot.
  • The fly is atremble with fear as she sees the looming danger, tries to break free from the sticky threads, tries hard to escape, and is exhausting herself in her desperate attempts.
  • I trembled like a tuning fork, but my shoulder fakes absorbed the worst of the shaking.
  • The man trembled whenever he thought of the perdition.
  • Time goes on; Tremble is lamed by an accident and becomes a dissolute alcoholic. Empire of Dreams
  • The tight face trembled like a squall rippling over the surface of the sea. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • When I woke the next morning, it was with a pounding headache and a slight tremble in my limbs.
  • With Britain atremble with the thought of another summer of voyeuristic frenzy, Channel 4 was pumping out story after story about the adventures of the 10 new housemates.
  • And yet what I hear is so remote, a tremble displaced in time, so indifferent, its spent passion whizzing above my immobile frame.
  • He literally trembled with excitement as he slid his right foot into the flimsy garment and pulled it up to his thigh.
  • Abe's eyes grew moist, and his chin trembled, but he called himself to order, no babyism now. Little Abe Or, The Bishop of Berry Brow
  • Please understand this," she began, a tremble in her voice.
  • Give 'Em All Guns and Hope For the Best yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Give \'Em All Guns and Hope For the Best '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: We\'re packing arms and weapons into Pakistan to shore up General Musharraf as he trembles on the edge of defeat in his own country. Give 'Em All Guns and Hope For the Best
  • The fiction of a tardy repentance absolved the fame and the soul of her deceased husband; the sentence of the Iconoclast patriarch was commuted from the loss of his eyes to a whipping of two hundred lashes: the bishops trembled, the monks shouted, and the festival of orthodoxy preserves the annual memory of the triumph of the images. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The bleached earth trembled beneath the soles of my boots.
  • The entire world seemed to tremble beneath his feet from the sheer magnitude of the howl, more powerful than a thousand lions' roars.
  • The atom bomb and the bacterial bomb, wielded by the wicked communist or the wicked capitalist as the case may be, make Washington and the Kremlin tremble, and drive men further along the road toward the abyss. Bertrand Russell - Nobel Lecture
  • At the forge, the blacksmith was putting out his fires and calling his two dogs, who trembled as they felt, with that sixth sense that humans have not, the threat of the oncoming storm.
  • It was all she could do to keep the tremble from reaching her voice, and keep the eye contact from breaking.
  • Comet… I remember standing on the edge of a runway at Farnborough in 1959 watching a Vulcan taking off, feeling the ground tremble and the air roar like a god in the prime of his power.
  • Harper lookit to be told to take it back to the place where he found it, an 'trembled at the thoucht, wonderin' hoo he was to get haud o 'me an' naebody the wiser, for he didna want to show fricht i 'the day-time, to his grit surprise an' no sma 'pleesur, the gentleman set the skull on the chimley-piece. Donal Grant, by George MacDonald
  • You can’t convince me that they would tremble in their boots at the prospect of being called meanies by the president. The Volokh Conspiracy » What New Bond Covenants Would You Demand
  • Her lips trembled and her gaze widened with tears. The House of Mirth
  • Margaret's lip began to tremble, and finally came waterworks of tears.
  • 10 They shall walk after the Lord: he shall roar like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children shall tremble from the west. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Clear and bright pupil, the MI, long eyelash tremble slightly, white flawless skin with light pink, thin lips like rose petals delicate drips.
  • My hands trembled slightly as I locked my bike in front of the Rittenhouse Hotel.
  • She could hear her raging heart beat wildly in her ears and she trembled with excitement and anxiety.
  • But the criticism, will do a lot more than make his lower lip tremble, it will melt the facade of confidence, and reveal the thin skinned egotist beneath. Obama gives a big thank you to fundraisers
  • The pavid matron within the one vehicle (speeding to the Bank for her semestrial pittance) shrieked and trembled; the angry Dives hastening to his office (to add another thousand to his heap,) thrust his head over the blazoned panels, and displayed an eloquence of objurgation which his very Menials could not equal; the dauntless street urchins, as they gayly threaded the Burlesques
  • :: a loud tremble comes from the north as the ground rumbles and shakes, over the horizon a stegosaurus with dub riding on its back appear; dub tips his sombrero:: howdy, fags. PRO LIFERS PROTEST ‘HORTON HEARS A WHO’
  • A hidden smile trembles on your lips; ask of it the reason of my failure.
  • Yet she appeared confident in innocence, and did not tremble, although gazed on and execrated by thousands; for all the kindness which her beauty might otherwise have excited, was obliterated in the minds of the spectators by the imagination of the enormity she was supposed to have committed. Chapter 7
  • There was a slight tremble in her voice as she recalled her husband.
  • His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began to tremble all over.
  • I heard the tremble in his voice as he said her name, like he was afraid to mention her.
  • The eggs are done when they are just set but will still tremble slightly in the ramekins. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alcoholized brute could not stand up, became sleepy and stupid, and, when set on his legs, trembled in an inert mass: the other dog experienced at once frightful attacks of epilepsy. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 24, March, 1873
  • Bond further noted that all the Antillean thrasher and trembler species have immaculate, greenish blue eggs, like those of Melanotis, Melanoptila, and Dumetella, but unlike those of any species of Mimus.
  • The clerk, standing beside the filing cabinet, began to tremble.
  • He had indeed ceased to look for any result from it, when all at once, as he stood amongst the laburnums and lilacs of a rather late spring, something seemed to burst in his brain, and that moment he was Endymion waiting for Diana in her interlunar grove, while the music of the spheres made the blossoms of a stately yet flowering forest, tremble all with conscious delight. Thomas Wingfold, Curate V1
  • Who else challenges us as we look at depths in his life that makes us shake and tremble with longing to be like him? Christianity Today
  • His voice was shaking slightly as he spoke and his lower lip trembled.
  • Civil authorities in Rome tremble at the expected hordes coming to celebrate the jubilee while Israel also braces for huge numbers of pilgrims.
  • My body quivered, my hands trembled, and my eyes began to fill with tears.
  • It is the new element, the higher something which abashes the unabashed, and makes John, who caused Henry's nose to bleed, tremble when little The Uncalled A Novel
  • Now crept the worm down to his place of watering, and the earth shook all about him, and he snorted forth venom on all the way before him as he went; but Sigurd neither trembled nor was adrad at the roaring of him. The Story of the Volsungs
  • And after the last head had disappeared, Monsieur le Directeur continued to rave and shake and tremble for as much as ten seconds, his shoebrush mane crinkling with black anger -- then, turning suddenly upon _les hommes_ The Enormous Room
  • In thousands of schools, tens of thousands of children jumped as one to the fruity voice of the announcer, setting the kingdom all atremble, the calisthenics and marching done, out of time, to the tune of “The Grand Old Duke of York.” A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine. Che Guevara 
  • Whilst he was writing the book in 1782 Beckford wrote in a letter, ‘I am at work on a story so horrid that I tremble whilst relating it, and have not a nerve in my frame but vibrates’.
  • And then Wendy sneezed, she sneezed so forcefully that the door trembled slightly under her fingers.
  • Hope's hands trembled as she filled a shallow earthenware saucer with a thin layer of water. BEAUTIFUL DREAMER
  • His breath was warm on my face and I could swear I heard a tremble in his voice… or maybe that was just me.
  • His lower lip trembled.
  • ‘Thou lubber, better for thee that thou wert not now, nor ever hadst been born, if indeed thou tremblest before this man, and art so terribly afraid; an old man too he is, and foredone with the travail that is come upon him. Book XVIII
  • Even though your knees trembled and your heart fluttered and you felt weak with longing, how could you melt, knowing that?
  • At the ZimRights Association on Fourth Street, they'd never heard of the case, and were so atremble at a visit from a foreign journalist that I'm not sure they would have said if they did know. ‘Let’s Kill the Baby’
  • He often trembled lest some future explorer of manuscripts might be found as sharp-sighted as himself.
  • Her lips trembled and her gaze widened with tears. The House of Mirth
  • When Christine Hakim's eyes glaze over and her voice trembles when she talks about the conflict in Aceh, the first thought might be, uh-oh, here comes a touch of the crying game to get her point across.
  • In the hallway my hand trembled as I picked up the receiver.
  • Without warning, she felt the tremble of a sob wrench her body to the floor, hot tears pouring down her cheeks.
  • Spawned during one of the most tumultuous eras in history, Coltrane's ideas were reflective of a period in which the foundations of American life trembled to the core.
  • I looked at her coldly; the torrent of her words was suddenly checked, something in my expression daunted her; she trembled and shrunk back. Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
  • Jennifer grabbed her car door for support, and was heated with the evanescence of the shock wave, a slight tremble of the ground.
  • But when she was carried into the diagnosing room, she began to tremble and to salivate. ON CATS
  • The messenger fared forth and presently returned and reported, “I saw an army like the dashing sea with its clashing surge: and their horses curvetting till earth trembleth with the tramp; and I know no more of them.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His oily, insinuating tones, his greasy smile and his monstrous self-conceit grated on my nerves till sometimes I was all in a tremble. Chapter 6
  • My subconscious absences countermarch and unexpectedly just escalators a thigh, the ground of foot suddenly trembled to quiver.
  • Who else challenges us as we look at depths in his life that makes us shake and tremble with longing to be like him? Christianity Today
  • She trembled with fear as she went along the moonlit passages. Wives and Daughters
  • Then I saw that his bloodless lips were pulled back from his huge white teeth ... I trembled with fear and horror.
  • For an instant the familiar grounds glare and tremble, the prisoner rages at his bars.
  • But just as she was about to strike, the ground began to tremble and quake, knocking her off-balance, but she managed to regain her footing.
  •  The night comes when she lays unconscious way past dinner time, and he's getting himself a snack when he realizes she is still sleeping, thinks about his meeting that night, thinks he will take her up a cup of tea and then hears the stertorous breathing and shakes her, and his trained hands tremble and almost fail him as he tries to jab the buttons on the phone. Addicts
  • At the close of the third wafture, a roar as of thunder broke and rolled about the place, making the huge hall tremble, and the windows rattle and shake fearfully. St. George and St. Michael Volume II
  • Good-bye, my cockbird," said he, wringing my hand with a grip that made it wince again, a tremble the while in his voice and something suspiciously like a tear in his eye. On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
  • Gliding and floating, soaring and diving, every twist and turn makes the hairs on my arms stand on end and a shiver tremble down my spine.
  • Shivering from his cold sweat, Erik refused to acknowledge Maria, instead he clamped his arms tightly to his body, trying not to tremble.
  • As the aftershocks of an earthquake unsettle a city, the great memories trembled inside him and only gradually died away. The Broken God
  • And so I spent the night, atremble, convinced that I had obliterated the school.
  • He spoke very quietly, but the deep register of his voice was such that Quinn felt every word tremble the air around him. Harbinger
  • I scarcely dared look at her; but I felt that those large black eyes were fixed supplicatingly upon me, and I, too, trembled. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • She touched him gently there, delighting when his entire body trembled, followed by his sharp intake of breath.
  • Elsie, on the contrary, was excessively and painfully sensitive, as if her nature constantly protended an invisible multitude of half-spiritual, half - nervous antennae, which shrunk and trembled in every current of air at all below their own temperature. Adela Cathcart, Volume 1
  • I hesitated, I trembled, and when with a supreme effort I at last grasped the burnouse and cast it from me, I still lacked the courage to ascertain what it really was, and stood shivering before the white heap it made upon the floor. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • The hairs on Rolando's neck bristled and he trembled with fear but continued to run after her.
  • The eggs are done when they are just set but will still tremble slightly in the ramekins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upon entering the mist, they could hear thundering hooves from the other side as the ground trembled beneath their feet.
  • But she drew back her hand, and trembled all over. Vanity Fair
  • She grew up on a farm, and her voice trembled before crowds. Times, Sunday Times
  • His lip started to tremble and then he started to cry.
  • In the morning the bright sun rose and quickly ate up the thin ice covering the water, and the warm air was all atremble, filled with the vapors of the reviving earth. Tolstoy III: Invisible Larks
  • I felt my bottom lip beginning to tremble.
  • Stuffing a strand of hair behind her ear, Darcy answered without a tremble in her voice, though inside she felt like her bones had turned to jelly.
  • Each strum of the guitar trembles through the amplifier to turn feedback into magic.
  • Passing ships after CaribbeanSea when all trembles with fear, most feared meets Barbour a Sa group.

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