How To Use Tref In A Sentence

  • So I hied myself downtown to a famous pet shop named Trefflich's, where there was an entire floor filled with chattering squirrel monkeys. Jay Weston: Do Monkeys Make Good Pets?
  • Co.rtesy Loree Rodkin Co. Jessica Biel shows off white-gold and diamond quatrefoil earrings with briolette dangles. Loree Rodkin's Star Studded Jewelry
  • Dudley Turner Westerham, Kent• Sorry, but I don't want to have post-Christmas breakfast looking at the page-four photograph of the Beaufort hunt and then turn to the centrefold to find yet another "traditional" hunting scene. Letters: Morris dancing beats hunting for Boxing Day fun
  • The bishop is represented as in the act of benediction, with a pastoral staff, and in full pontificals; his head is shown as resting on a cushion, and is surmounted by a trefoil arch with a crocketed gable, and a censer-bearing angel on each side. Ely Cathedral
  • Tall grassland is scattered with hawkweed, ragwort, wild carrot and melilot flowers, along with clumps of bird's-foot trefoil, lucerne and goat's rue, and there are regular uprisings of brambles and wild rose, and sprawls of sallow and birch scrub. Country Diary: Canvey Wick, Essex
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  • Wat mij betreft is haar laten gaan inderdaad een vorm van kindermishandeling en ik vind het niet vreemd dat de kinderbescherming zich daarmee bemoeit. Global Voices in English » Netherlands: Too young to sail the world alone at 13?
  • Some of the resulting works clearly echo organic, generally floral, motifs such as Apsaras, whose swelling blue and green quatrefoils swirl out from a central node.
  • Friedman combined these by twisting wire to form the simplest knot there is - an overhand knot mathematicians call a trefoil - and then dipping it into soapy water. Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews
  • Movies that look deeply into the human soul and uncover putrefaction are hard sells.
  • Tilden postulated that improper diet led to stagnation of food in the colon, which then putrefied and formed toxins.
  • To this fusion are added Gothic style elements in the legs (a rounded arch above and a trefoil below each), colorful French ceramics with a Moorish flavor, and exotic serpents on either side of the ceramic cylinder.
  • She too becomes a zombie, though that's not a bad thing because along with the putrefaction comes a dramatic rise in Patsy's sex appeal.
  • The gable is ‘enlivened with twisting colonnettes, leaded windows in arched openings, and quatrefoils.’
  • I can't tell you how much I'd love to read a Welsh account of Boudica's sack of Rome; in its absence, this will do nicely, and the first line of the text gave me a thrill of recognition: "Amathaon uab Don a oed arglwyd ar y seith cantref Dyuet ...
  • Gatekeeper and speckled wood butterflies flit between hemp agrimony, dusty ferns, patches of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and blue tufted vetch. Country diary: St Stephens-by-Saltash
  • Another trefoil that can be found in fields now is hare's-foot. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I was a child, Owl ran a full centrefold of a spider, closeup. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Soon, it putrefies into a machine that fails to win even elections... Savitri Era Party is the alternative
  • Most of these products were from natural sources, liable to putrefaction and of non - uniform quality.
  • Once you have painted all your M16/M4 magazines desert TAN and attached gutted 550 cord pull-carry loops you are ready for rapid recovery when emptied from your weapon: www. The best way to get the pull-carry loop into the snaplink/carabiner is by grasping it with your weak hand's trigger finger and using the other fingers to grasp the body of the snaplink/carabiner. - Articles related to World Trade Center (PG-13)
  • Gatekeeper and speckled wood butterflies flit between hemp agrimony, dusty ferns, patches of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and blue tufted vetch. Country diary: St Stephens-by-Saltash
  • Sicilian marquetry furniture is immediately recognizable by the rosettes with eight petals, similar to the quatrefoil of Genoa and the star of Naples.
  • Neither a minimum effort to embrace this "second choice plot" with a clear, social commitment as a real attach to prohibition and its social putrefactive actions or the need to put on top of emergence priorities the drugs law reform and definitively send the DEAs and the Reagans/Dubya philosophy to the horrors cellar.... Werner Herzog’s Bad Lieutenant Added To Toronto Fest Lineup | /Film
  • Her sea-pinks, meadow-sweet, hairbells, daisies, trefoils, orchids and clovers are all still there in a rich rug of purples, blues, pinks, yellows and creams.
  • It was the smell, the smell of his own dug-out, a vile odour of putrefaction, of rotting bodies, of blood, of stale human sweat. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Because trefoils are legumes, they fix nitrogen into the soil for later use by grasses and forbs.
  • The architectural moldings divide the wall into rectangular fields and cusped trefoils, rigorously inscribed by straightedge and compass.
  • So, this erstwhile Cosmo centrefold (seriously), what's he going to do then? Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • If these sugars cannot be broken down, they will sit in the large intestine and putrefy, leading to a bloated feeling and gas.
  • A field with a standing crop of wheat had a wide wild-flower margin with ox-eye daisies, red clover, sainfoin, poppies and trefoils – to name a few – and I was disappointed not to see a single butterfly, perhaps because it was overcast. Country diary: East Yorkshire
  • The traditional trefoil window arch expressed in timber is ubiquitous, along with corbelled timber dentils used as a supporting cornice.
  • We muft beg leave to abridge confix derably 'his pompous account of a putrefying animal fubftince* which is diffufed through four pages. The Monthly Review
  • Mr. Ellis observed by his microscope near the surface of all putrefying vegetable or animal matter, which is the mucor or mouldiness; the vegetation of which was amazingly quick so as to be almost seen, and soon became so large as to be visible to the naked eye. Note I
  • Bill, who spends the rest of the year running a herd of pedigree Welsh Black cattle at Trefawr Farm, Llanfyrnach, confided that loose leaf tea was the secret of a good cuppa.
  • The hubby was researching our church's stained glass windows and told me, "They have this thing that I finally found out is called a 'quatrefoil', but I can't really find out anything about the symbollism... A to Z: Q is for Quatrefoil
  • The trefid pattern tea spoons are mostly inverted and we see no indication of any spoon tray, or silver sugar longs, for the page is using his fingers to dispense the lumps of sugar.
  • It may be as well to mention an early Venetian design of about 1475 wherein the Emperor has a three-pointed trifoliate crown surmounted by a trefoil.
  • His blood congealed, his heart putrefied and he knew he had to react sharply.
  • Thepefulence amongft our cattle, though it has diftreffed, and utterly undone, fo many thcufands* yet what one vifible alteration has it madein the courie of our lives? The sermons of Mr. Yorick
  • Tall grassland is scattered with hawkweed, ragwort, wild carrot and melilot flowers, along with clumps of bird's-foot trefoil, lucerne and goat's rue, and there are regular uprisings of brambles and wild rose, and sprawls of sallow and birch scrub. Country Diary: Canvey Wick, Essex
  • The moneyer's name, Eoba, is on the reverse, each letter in a petal of a quatrefoil.
  • The smell of the putrefying corpses which lay around the walls and in the doura crop, together with the unhealthy climate and the filth of the town, was a fertile source of disease. The River War An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan
  • These features are also shared with marginal sculptures of predominantly secular subject matter, such as several quatrefoils from the west portals of Amiens Cathedral and figural corbels from Noyon.
  • Anything organic is going to putrefy or ferment very, very rapidly.
  • The ever-present bacteria in the stomach are thus permitted to attack the protein and putrefaction commences, rendering nutrients in the protein food largely useless to you and producing toxic wastes and foul gases, including such poisons as indol, skatol, phenol, hydrogen sulphide, phenylpropionic acid, and others. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • Bird's-foot trefoil and bugloss, poppies and cornflowers, fumitory and fleabane – there were about 20 species all in bloom and, aside from the great surge of colour, the highlight for me was the bumblebees, mainly common carder and red-tailed bumblebees, that trafficked through the flowers all day long. Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
  • Hemp agrimony, bird's-foot trefoil and knapweed attracted the attention of commas, common blues, red admirals and the only painted ladies we've encountered so far this year. Country diary: Durham coast
  • Reply Obj. 2: Christ's body was a subject of corruption according to the condition of its passible nature, but not as to the deserving cause of putrefaction, which is sin: but the Divine power preserved Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • The bodies were left as a warning, to putrefy dangling in public.
  • These features are also shared with marginal sculptures of predominantly secular subject matter, such as several quatrefoils from the west portals of Amiens Cathedral and figural corbels from Noyon.
  • Tyndall had shown that in the moving particles of fine dust discovered by a ray of light in a dark room the germs of low forms of life, which would cause putrefaction, were ever present, and ready to spring into life when a favorable "nidus" for the development of the organism was provided. Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
  • Plants thriving on the meadows include oxeye daisy, yellow-rattle, meadowsweet, bird's-foot trefoil and common knapweed.
  • Illness was said to occur when one humour was retained in excess - 'becoming plethoric' - or putrefied. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abundant marsh-marigold, northern marsh-orchid and meadowsweet occur in wetter ground; carpets of spring squill, bird's foot-trefoil and heath spotted-orchid cover cliff tops; the wetter heaths turn golden with bog asphodel; and grazing-sensitive kidney vetch and wild angelica have re-colonised some seasonally grazed pastures.
  • Neither a minimum effort to embrace this “second choice plot” with a clear, social commitment as a real attach to prohibition and its social putrefactive actions or the need to put on top of emergence priorities the drugs law reform and definitively send the DEAs and the Reagans/Dubya philosophy to the horrors cellar…. Nicolas Cage is Werner Herzog’s BAD LIEUTENANT | Obsessed With Film
  • Every time you scratch the surface, a terrifying smell of putrefaction comes out.
  • In these Lammas days, the flowers of the sun are bird's-foot trefoil, meliots, medicks, St John's wort, yellow-wort, ragwort and hawkbits. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • At first the immediate landscape was beautified by wild flowers; the blue of the harebells was exquisitely set off by masses of golden St. John's wort, and on our walk to The Rocks we would trample down meadow-sweet, marsh mallow, bird's foot trefoil, and potentilla. Lines in Pleasant Places Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler
  • The taste was so putrefying that I felt as if I were about to double over.
  • The body starts to putrefy within a minute or two of death, and bubbles of gas come up through the mouth.
  • One might suggest that the positive trefoils formed after the first strand-passing reaction will be unknotted in the second round of the process.
  • An improved method of cryogenic freezing called vitrefication "turns a body into something like glass, thereby leaving tissues undamaged."
  • The mihrab arch was cusped into the same trefoil shape as the club-symbol on a pack of playing cards, while the capitals were carved with a band of kufic commemorating the building of the mosque eight hundred years previously.
  • ` splinter '/picote ` smallpox'; minet ` kitten '/minette ` hop trefoil.' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 3
  • At the tops of the windows, the artist has fun with the trefoils and quatrefoils, turning one into a black flower with yellow petals and another into a hovering cartoonlike form ringed by orange dots.
  • On a deeper level, I do believe that kids can intuit many aspects of the nihilist worldview - the possibility that suffering is meaningless, or that the only thing that happens after death is putrefaction.
  • From the outside with its pinnacles and quatrefoils, the gallery resembled a cathedral.
  • When an extremity has been invaded by bacteria and the blood supply is choked off, the limb begins to putrefy.
  • * Hmmm. Sweet trefoil is purportedly yet another name for this close fenugreek relation. Toast:
  • Although the trefoil, bell, and other tracery figures had previously appeared in mural decoration, they acquired exceptional importance around 1500.
  • In the context of this militant polygenism of 1854-57, the new anthropology professor Quatrefages accepted a version of black perfectibility.
  • It appears to be the remains of a dog, in a moderate state of putrefaction.
  • However, it now joins list of plants recorded that are said to prefer moister soils: square-stalked St. John's wort, gipsywort, marsh thistle, greater bird's foot trefoil.
  • Four purlins (the main longitudinal timbers) run along the roof, with quatrefoil wind braces between them.
  • Afterwards, Hong Fen Gao (Mercuric Oxide Paste) was applied to transform putrefaction and generate flesh.
  • Science has never successfully answered the question, "Why do some bodies remain incorrupt when others rapidly disintegrate in the natural process of putrefaction? The Mummies of Guanajuato: Powerful Memento Mori
  • Dating from the post Commonwealth period, circa 1660, the Trefid spoon appears in many different forms, but always has a flat stem and the diagnostic terminal where the stem is divided into three sections.
  • My ownership of any detergent immediately putrefies it. Archive 2008-01-01
  • In these hot June days, meadow brown and ringlet butterflies, together with six-spot burnet moths, bumblebees and solitary bees and hoverflies, visit the pea family plants of bird's-foot trefoils, melilots, medicks, vetches and clovers. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Normally there were nine arcs to the tressure instead of the four around the head of Edward I, and the points of the tressures are variously fleured or have trefoils upon them.
  • Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.
  • For cutting, excising, sewing, binding, applying putrefacient means to the anus, - all these appear to be very formidable things, and yet, after all, they are not attended with mischief. On Hemorrhoids
  • And if we say that she is resolved into common putrefaction in worms and into ashes or dust; it behoveth us to weigh and think such thing as appertaineth to so great holiness, and to the seignory of such a chamber of God. The Golden Legend, vol. 4
  • Ganges water does not putrefy, even after long periods of storage.
  • From it rise a column and four shafts with trefoil arches and ornamental gablets, each containing a shield.
  • Morphine, for example, is prepared by allowing opium to putrefy; and the process for preparing leucin, a substance which contains 10.72 of nitrogen, is to bring cheese into putrefaction. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Rome had fallen into moral putrefaction
  • Within the quatrefoil was a seated Figure, with something like scales in one hand, apparently representing our Lord in His glory. John Keble's Parishes
  • If the Iheriff return that the diftrefs is eloigned, fo that he cannot deliver them upon the replevin, or upon the retorno bar itendoy the withernam goes; for where it appears there cannot be a delivery made of the fame, the law commands an equivalcniK The law and practice of distresses and replevin;
  • In addition, the top areas of the main windows are decorated with stone tracery describing trefoils, quatrefoils and Moorish arches.
  • Suppofi ng the former to be originally the refult of putrefaction, yet, after the earth has been lixiviated, and all the vegetable alkali has been carried off by water, how is it impregnated afrefh, merely by expofure to the fun and air; and where does it obtain this inexhauitible fupply both of the alkali and its combining acid? A journey through Spain in the years 1786 and 1787
  • The smell was awful. Putrefaction had already set in.
  • In these Lammas days, the flowers of the sun are bird's-foot trefoil, meliots, medicks, St John's wort, yellow-wort, ragwort and hawkbits. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • Butterflies and bogflies flutter above and around trefoils, daisies, clovers, sea-pinks and orchids.
  • He was looking at it as though it were an animal, days dead and far gone in putrefaction, that had been malevolently dumped on a pristine altar consecrated to solemn rituals and tended to by votaries of an elite cult. Florence of Arabia
  • He writes: "Nature never multiplies anything, except in either one or the other of these two ways: either by decay, which we call putrefaction, or, in the case of animate creatures, by propagation. Bygone Beliefs
  • Quilt designs may have been influenced by this change in fashion, as grid designs filled with motifs such as hearts, flowers, pinwheels, and quatrefoils became common.
  • Above the quatrefoil is another representing the Redeemer seated on a cushioned throne with the Virgin, and below another representing St. Michael overcoming Satan. Chats on Old Lace and Needlework
  • Their Gothic strap-work splats with quatrefoil cut-outs in the lower portion indicate their origin in Philadelphia, where this pattern was popular.
  • It was the smell, the smell of his own dug-out, a vile odour of putrefaction, of rotting bodies, of blood, of stale human sweat. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Made of mahogany with boxwood and maple inlays and black walnut, tulip poplar, and yellow pine secondary woods, the distinctive feature is the mastic or pitch used to fill in the quatrefoil and scalloped inlays on the legs.
  • The officer cap, for instance, has a quatrefoil because when the Marines used to be snipers up in the masts of sailing vessels they would tie ropes on top of their hats so they could be identified by the friendlies and not be shot.
  • From this standpoint, the Medicare bill is an object lesson in the putrefaction of democracy in the US.
  • “The long-term maxima of surface air temperature occured in the central decades of the trefoil intervals” Unthreaded #14 « Climate Audit
  • Three is also found as a foundation element in beliefs from around the world, from different times and ways of thought, and it is respresented by myriad symbols: triskeles, triskelions, trefoils, triquetra, tomoye, and more. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Is this then the end of the long march of human civilisation, this spiritual suicide, this quiet putrefaction of the soul into matter?
  • Saint Patrick used a seamróg, called a trefoil or three-leaf clover, to illustrate the concept of the trinity to the people.
  • Targeted at "men between 18 and 80", Playboy began publishing half a century ago with Marilyn Monroe as its first centrefold. Playboy tycoon Hugh Hefner tries to dodge Penthouse's $210m seduction
  • This protracted process resulted in a backlog of bodies that were often putrefying by the time they were cremated.
  • HIToolbox 0x91537e3a SendControlDefTrack (HIView*, CGPoint const&, unsigned long*, void (*) (OpaqueControlRef*, short), OpaqueEventRef*, short*) + 311 25 com. apple. Discussions: Message List - root
  • The pieces, which depict attack scenes between lions, bulls, and griffins, are distinguished by the trefoil rendering of the ears and the braided pattern of the hair along the body contours of the lions.
  • It had that taste of something vile that had been slowly putrefying in the hot weather.
  • Plants to look out for include wild thyme and bird's foot trefoil on shallow rocky soils, white-flowered brookweed in wet areas and yellow-flowered tormentil on dry heath-land.
  • You do not use to be so kind to everybody, let me tell you; for as they seek to eternize their names, it would be much better for them to be thus changed into hard stones than to return to earth and putrefaction. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Between the slab and the black marble base is a double arcade of carved alabaster delicately embellished with trefoil arches, crocket capitals, and pinnacles.
  • The most common legumes are alfalfa, red clover and birdsfoot trefoil.
  • As soon as a gap to the underlying chamber was opened, the unmistakable stench associated with putrefaction became terribly evident.
  • In addition to exercise, bathing, healthful diet, and moderate sex, Publicius includes a sneezing powder recommended by Constantinus Africanus that is made from the gall of crane and elder oil and said to cure lethargy. 63 Ficino describes how to use the gifts of incense, myrrh, and gold leaf to make an elixir for the elderly that will "beyond any doubt, protect your natural humor from putrefaction. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • These are ferments, such as _Bacillus amylobacter, _ or butyric ferment, and _B. septicus_, or ferment of the putrefaction of nitrogenized substances. Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884
  • Rather like the Venetians - the difference being that Venice went on evolving: its Byzantine ogees and trefoils made room for Palladio and all that.
  • Sanguinem inficiunt, saith Villanovanus, they infect the blood, and putrefy it, Magninus holds, and must not therefore be taken via cibi, aut quantitate magna, not to make a meal of, or in any great quantity. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The fermentive action of the bile is trifling; it dissolves fats, to a certain extent, and is antiseptic, that is, it prevents putrefaction to which the chyme might be liable; it also seems to act as a natural purgative. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • In Trafford, the silence was signalled by the firing of maroons at Streford, Sale, Altrincham, Urmston and Partington, where services also took place.
  • First of all, the discovery that germs cause infection was an outgrowth of Pasteur's studies demonstrating that germs cause putrefaction of animal and vegetable material outside the body.
  • Other fodder plants introduced from Europe include the yellow or white melilots,, which may be seen in mid to late summer on the Sawston by-pass, and a larger form of Bird's foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus ssp.var. sativa) which often grows nearly a metre high on the South Down.
  • It moves actively through the stagnant water in its passage to the surface, aerifying it, and at the same time doing faithfully its work as scavenger by consuming vegetable germs and putrefying matter. Four Months in a Sneak-Box
  • Both artists represented what has come to be called the small-pattern Holbein type, which has a field of offset alternating rows of strapwork octagons and quatrefoils that vary in number in carpets of different sizes.
  • The body had putrefied beyond recognition.
  • “Sharárif” plur. of Shurráfah = crenelles or battlements; mostly trefoil-shaped; remparts coquets which a six-pounder would crumble. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In addition to its striking formal presence large and strong and yet flowerlike the quatrefoil has iconographic resonances that go far back in time.
  • In the meanwhile the fruit will become literally putrefied in the strong enzymes and extra time it takes to digest the protein.
  • Adidas is cracking down on underground designers who replace the company's "trefoil" logo with a pot leaf. Adverts Subverted
  • From the vantage point of the bench, we can see in the center quatrefoil that each semi-circle contains a Calluna vulgaris ‘Sunset’. Foliage? In January? « Fairegarden
  • The structure reminded Manda of a creepy haunted mansion she'd often seen in movies, the grouped chimneys and pinnacles, the sloping roof, the parapets and the oriel and quatrefoil windows.
  • That they did not bury any of their dead, and the reckless slaughter they perpetrated, point also to an entire ignorance of the putrefactive process. The War of The Worlds
  • It's the story of King Alazian and his struggle to subdue an overmighty vassal, Duke Varrel of the Five Cantrefs. Archive 2010-02-01
  • The moneyer's name, Eoba, is on the reverse, each letter in a petal of a quatrefoil.
  • So it was fitting that, immediately after a funeral and cremation in Aberystwyth, her birthplace, she should have been remembered in a service at the small Bethel chapel in Trefenter, the Cardiganshire village on Mynydd Bach, the mountain with which her life had been closely entwined. Lowri Gwilym obituary
  • Is this then the end of the long march of human civilisation, this spiritual suicide, this quiet putrefaction of the soul into matter?
  • Here, the highly ornamental plant container, held up by a complex quatrefoil trelliswork and spilling over with flowers, forms an architectural ziggurat that is not unlike the theatrical flower beds of the landscape garden.
  • An indoor caf looking out on the courtyard boasts a welcoming marble fireplace with a bronze USC seal and a quatrefoil motif that carries over nicely into the decorative wall tiling. What George Lucas Wrought
  • One was characterized by a centralized motif, frequently a quatrefoil, the colors pulsating, the rhythms circular or spiraling, the space nebulous, shifting between surface and depth.
  • The window is an "oriel" in the Perpendicular style, separated vertically by mullions into three lights in front, with one at each end of the projection, and horizontally by transoms into an upper and lower tier, the former having a trefoil heading to each division. Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less
  • Un Dimanche qu'il falust rester a une petite Ville nomée Harford ou pres de la il y a la maison de Campagne du Comte d'Essex fort antique que ie fus curieux de voir et jy fus venu civilement. dans ce Palais magnifique i'observay dans un grand dome des peintures grandes et extraordinaires dans le Cabinet du Comte quantitéz de pieces rares et antiquitéz tres Curieuses; et dans une grande Sale ie crus voir sur une table de marbre un lutt des fluttes et autres instruments, avec des livres deployéz de musique, item un jeu de carts deployé, une bourse de jettons plusieurs pieces d'argent et plusieurs autres gentillesses tres bien faittes et quand ie viens plus pres de la table ie fus bien surpris de voir la ouvrage d'un Second Appelles, que ces pieces que ie croyois effective n'estoient que contrefaittes en peinture ce qui fust ou me Sembloit le plus curieux est que la Superficie de Cette table de marbre estoit si bien polie qu'on auroit cru que c'estoit des peintures dessous un verre ou une glace, et on y pouvoit verser de leau Sans gaster la table ny la peinture, assurement il faloit que cela fust peint d'un vernis merveilleux. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • As it putrefies and decays, your breath smells bad, your sweat smells bad, and your bowels smell bad.
  • I'm just a regular jackassed geek and really not worthy of a centrefold spread.
  • The blind fret carving on the chest-on-chest illustrated here forms an interlaced pattern of alternating quatrefoils and diamonds.
  • Raw meat putrefies because it is an ideal food for micro-organisms.
  • He took his young friends to see the ancestral home of the Treffry family and acquainted us with one of the prettiest towns in all of Cornwall - Fowey.
  • The thick fillet, sprawled on a banana leaf like a centrefold, was served sprinkled with the odd caper, like little khaki army helmets camouflaged under a limp coriander net.
  • The formula of continued life is death, or putrefaction.
  • The ship's holds were all open and I caught the smell of the five men beginning to putrefy from the quay. A DARKENING STAIN
  • An artist can look at a mathematical shape and envision unlimited possibilities, even from a shape as seemingly simple as a tetrahedron, a trefoil knot, a Möbius strip, or a fractal surface.
  • Lactic acid-producing bacteria were thought to inhibit the growth of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.
  • We saw a lot of wild garlic, scabia, buddleia, bird's-foot trefoil and greater knapweed. Country diary: Longburton, Dorset
  • Certain then it is that variolous matter may undergo such a change from the putrefactive process, as well as from some of the more obscure and latent processes of nature, as will render it incapable of giving the smallpox in such a manner as to secure the human constitution from future infection, although we see at the same time it is capable of exciting a disease which bears so strong On Vaccination Against Smallpox
  • Considering one of the postcards she's sent contains an image worthy of a Penthouse centrefold, I'm amazed they weren't censored by Australia Post too.
  • Wat mij betreft is haar vader in een soort tunnelvisie terechtgekomen. Global Voices in English » Netherlands: Too young to sail the world alone at 13?
  • In the springy short turf along the coast grow species including sea pink, spring squill, bird's foot trefoil, sea campion, scurvy grass and sheep's bit which also transform some stretches of cliff into colourful ` hanging gardens’.
  • In these Lammas days, the flowers of the sun are bird's-foot trefoil, meliots, medicks, St John's wort, yellow-wort, ragwort and hawkbits. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • The paper also explains a fallacy often put forward by Natural Hygienists, that carnivores have short GI tracts because “they must get rid of the meat quickly before it putrefies”. Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part II | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Your new girlfriend appears on the centrefold of Sub-aqua Answers.
  • Trefor started working in the theatre as a wig maker / dresser and soon began doing make-up for opera companies.
  • Butterflies and bogflies flutter above and around trefoils, daisies, clovers, sea-pinks and orchids.
  • What are the tim - ber trefpafles? cutting down trees and taking them away; as airigh timber, athar timber, fogla timber, and lofa timber. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicus
  • In its first year, the Buzz Project found that in fields containing margins of natural clovers and trefoils an average 1,850 bumble bees were found per hectare.
  • Hence spontaneous fermentation, vinous, acetous, and putrefactive, is the natural decomposition of animal and vegetable matters, to which a certain degree of fluidity is necessary; for where vegetable and animal substances are dry, as sugar and glue for instance, and are kept so, no fermentation of any kind succeeds. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • The grassland areas are grazed by a mixture of cattle and Jacob's sheep, and are sprinkled with wild flowers including devil's-bit scabious, oxeye daisy, bird's-foot-trefoil, harebell and tormentil.
  • If there is too much protein in our body it putrefies due to the long process of digestion required.
  • Some iconographic citoles have tailpieces, while on others the strings attach directly in the trefoil area.
  • Inflammation of the colon owing to prolonged chronic constipation and a critical deficiency of live active enzymes and moist raw fiber in the diet; the first and foremost measure against this dangerous condition, which often results in surgical colostomies, is to thoroughly clean out the colon of putrefactive wastes and solid obstructions with a 7-day fast and twice-daily colonic irrigations, followed by dietary adjustments to prevent recurrence. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • And the minute that the magnificent, multifaceted Crenshaw arrives to putrefy all around him, the scene is set for classic comedy.
  • The age is approaching when Dr. Johnson will define network as 'anything reticulated or decussated at equal distances with interstices between the intersections,' or will modify his hasty statement that Buckingham's comedy, the Rehearsal, had not 'wit enough to keep it sweet,' with the corrected version: 'It has not vitality enough to preserve it from putrefaction.' On Dictionaries
  • But it cannot be in an avowry to a replevin, becaufe the avowry is to juftify the taking the cattle \ and whether the mo - ney is paid or not, is not the queftion; but if the diftrefs was rightfully taken, the avowant muft have a return; if wrongfully, he muft anfwer the plaintiff's damages. Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's bench; with some special cases in the courts of Chancery, Common pleas and Exchequer, alphabetically digest under proper heads;
  • An addition this time to her print offering is a centrefold that explains the basic dance poses and mudras.
  • Iedereen die mee wil doen is welkom, alle anderen mogen wat mij betreft weg blijven. Larp in de Gelderlander
  • For the first, the ornaments of images gilt, or of marble, which are in use, do well: but the main matter is so to convey the water, as it never stay, either in the bowls or in the cistern; that the water be never by rest discolored, green or red or the like; or gather any mossiness or putrefaction. The Essays
  • Another substance which has been found to have an injurious action is ferrous sulphate or "copperas," a substance which is apt to be present in badly drained soils, or soils in which there is much actively putrefying organic matter. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Oh, under that hideous covelet of vapours, and putrefactions, and unimaginable gases, what a Fermenting-vat lies simmering and hid! Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • The architectural moldings divide the wall into rectangular fields and cusped trefoils, rigorously inscribed by straightedge and compass.
  • At the top of these lancets is a small quatrefoil oculus or rose. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • It is also believed by some that the chemical change in the muscle partakes of a fermentive character; that, under the influence of the proper ferments, the substances break up into other and simpler products, thus setting free heat and force; and that this chemical change is followed by a secondary oxidation by the oxygen in the arterial blood, thereby forming carbonic acid and water, as in all putrefactive processes. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • Strictly speaking, a quatrefoil is made up of four circles that intersect at the same point; more loosely, it is any four-petal vegetal motif.
  • The etymology of gangrene derives from the Latin word "gangraena" and from the Greek gangraina, which means "putrefaction of tissues". Find Me A Cure
  • In a bravura distillation of possibilities, each painting creates one geometric set out of a series of curves: first a triangle, then a set of squares, then a pentagon, then an ever-expanding set of red quatrefoils.
  • Since at least the first part of Mark's mission was meant to be public and demonstrative, there was no reason why every soul in the enclave should not take an avid interest in it, and there was no lack of gratuitous advice available from all sides as to how it could best be performed, especially from old Brother Dafydd in the infirmary, who had not seen his native cantref of Duffryn Clwyd for forty years, but was still convinced he knew it like the palm of his ancient hand. His Disposition
  • Just pop this disc in the player and you'll have all the putrefaction you could ask for.
  • If the fermentation is of vegetables or fruit, the toxins are irritating, stimulating and enervating, but not so dangerous or destructive to organic life as putrefaction, which is a fermentation set up in nitrogenous matter -- protein-bearing foods, but particularly animal foods. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • Fulmars, uncharacteristically quiet today, sit on their ledges among more splashes of bright pink, cascades of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and the last of the blue spring squill. Country diary: Shetland
  • Above the upper arches are three irregular-shaped openings, arranged pyramidally, the two lower being quatrefoiled, the upper sexfoiled. The Cathedral Church of York Bell's Cathedrals: A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Archi-Episcopal See
  • The putrefaction of the trade unions had reached an advanced stage.
  • Trefaldwyn from Cardiganshire, one in North and the other in South Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • River water begins to putrefy when lack of oxygen promotes the growth of anaerobic bacteria, which produce the tell-tale smell of stale water.
  • He (that is, man) as a rotten thing, the principle of whose putrefaction is in itself, consumes, even like a moth-eaten garment, which becomes continually worse and worse. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Postreferendum exhaustion is perhaps almost as much of a factor as postelection confusion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flowering period of an important early flowerer, the common Birds-foot Trefoil ( EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Scotland ampersand angora animals architecture artichokes chullo classes cochineal damask dye fonts gansey habu inscriptions jacquard mantegna medieval motifs oxo painting purl quatrefoil recycling red roman shoddy suzani typography Archive 2009-02-01
  • -- Ici il n'y avoit pas moyen de aier que ce fut une belle et bonne fleur de lys; mais comme la malle ne valoit pas un corset, les Commissaires se contentent de rayer les lys, au lieu que la malheureuse pendule, qui vaut bien 1200 livres, est, malgre son trefle, emportee par eux-memes, qui ne se fioient pas aux Chrocheteurs d'un poid si precieux -- et ce, en vertu du droit que A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part III., 1794 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • Some being of the opinion of Thales, that water was the original of all things, thought it most equal [II. 1] to submit unto the principle of putrefaction, and conclude in a moist relentment. [ Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • On the left upright a dove with olive branch, alluding to the Noah story, is enclosed in a trefoil representing the Holy Trinity, and on the right, in a cruciform shape, is a pansy, or heartsease, traditionally the flower of the Trinity.

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