
How To Use Treetop In A Sentence

  • And in a way I want to make my language as mimetic as possible, as sensual as possible, so that you can feel the treetops, taste the lamb chump chops, and hear the wind and the sound of the surf beating on the beach.
  • The prehensile tail porcupine in South American actually lives in the treetops.
  • The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun. The Redemption of David Corson
  • Riders are suspended in the jaws of a vampire bat, their legs dangling free, as they swoop over the treetops and soar through the sky.
  • Instead of lining up at feeders like proper birds, they lurk in the treetops and skulk in the brush.
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  • Slowly, the moon travelled across the sky, rising higher and dipping lower, until it began to sink below the treetops in the West, and kiss the tip of the horizon.
  • From the"treetop"to the"stem of tree", the structures were followed: the pulmonary alveolar capillary network, the postcapillary venule, the collecting venule and the venule.
  • For them, a treetop is a seat at the best restaurant in town. The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
  • One hallway gets smaller as you go, until finally you stand trapped and hunched; a Garden of Exile contains olive trees hidden in huge concrete planters with only the treetops visible, unreachably far overhead.
  • Owls hooted in the treetops, while other nocturnal animals came out to forage for food.
  • Leopards are after all quite as at home in the treetops as they are and on occasion are partial to monkey.
  • A mist began to settle in the treetops and drift slowly down into the lush valley where a stream cut a ford in the road.
  • The roses bloomed, swallows skimmed low and the breeze swished the treetops.
  • The roses bloomed, swallows skimmed low and the breeze swished the treetops.
  • When infected by a virus known as baculovirus, gypsy moth caterpillars mysteriously climb for the treetops. NPR Topics: News
  • The discovery smudges the common picture of sauropods as unspecialized, lumbering dinosaurs that used very long necks to munch away at any greenery in sight, including treetops.
  • That scream from the treetops is answered by another, and another, until the tropical forest shakes under a thundering bellow.
  • The famous Treetops hotel started life in a humble way in 1932, when its first visitors gingerly climbed the wild fig tree supporting the two-room tree house.
  • the treetops whipped to and fro in a frightening manner
  • They are not popular birds, because of their loud screeching in the treetops, and also for some people because they feel alien to our countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • The view from the top of Mount Cortland of the snow-frosted treetops, the majestic Green Mountains, the glacial lakes, and the rolling valley below is breathtaking. Left Neglected
  • The roses bloomed, swallows skimmed low and the breeze swished the treetops.
  • When he looked up, he saw a shimmering star lingering in the morning sky, just above the treetops.
  • From the battlements, she can look over a bend in the River Thames, across the treetops to Eton College and out over farms, villages and shires of Berks and Bucks.
  • She saw treetops covered in white snow, which glistened and sparkled in the light of the sun.
  • Chimp muscle is actually among the strongest in the animal kingdom, probably because they need to throw their heavy bodies around acrobatically in the treetops. Peter McAllister: Manthropology: The Science Of The Inadequate Modern Male
  • I paused before closing the drapes, watching the last of the sun vanishing beyond the silhouette of treetops in the west: a darkening sky, the underbellies of high wind-streaked clouds painted sienna and salmon by the setting sun.
  • One of the habituated birds I remember best was a piping guan - a chicken-sized bird normally found only in the highest treetops - that chose to nest only two yards from a building under construction.
  • Whenever I have been fortunate to watch a party of Breckland hawfinches they were very wary, taking flight at the first alarm and rocketing into the treetops.
  • I looked up to see gigantic white pigeons in the treetops.
  • Faint glimmers of daylight were showing through the treetops.
  • When she got back, the sun was gradually setting below the treetops.
  • If you've ever had a Tarzan fantasy, the Monteverde Cloud Forest is just the place to try zinging through the treetops.
  • You can explore treetops on rope bridges, jungle walkways and platforms. The Sun
  • You can explore treetops on rope bridges, jungle walkways and platforms. The Sun
  • Still sitting in my car, I scanned what water I could see over the treetops.
  • (BTW, did I never mention that da nobble is called "Chinaman Treetops"? Orifice Supplies
  • “Reality was giving its lesson,” wrote Ted Hughes in one of his Crow poems, “Its mishmash of scripture and physics,/With here, brains in hands, for example,/And there, legs in a treetop.” Don’t Fear the Reaper
  • It was silent in the little old town on the hill; the only sounds to be heard came from the wind whispering through the treetops and the sheep bleating quietly in their pens.
  • The shot appeared to be taken from a plane and featured a dense, unbroken canopy of green deciduous treetops. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lower-planted trees were taller, and the treetops were fairly similar in height.
  • With suspended walkways and observation platforms high in the treetops, and rappels down some of the biggest, tallest trees in the world, the views are breathtaking.
  • Sitting near the front, I felt as if I was soaring up and down from the treetops myself.
  • The drums of the spirits cannonaded through the treetops; clouds gathered above him and crouched, low and ready. Spirited
  • Mists hung about the treetops so I couldn't tell how high my garden was.
  • Already he could clearly discern the treetops round about him; but it was in vain that his eye sought the view of the old brown church tower and the weather-worn roofs.
  • Their most ardent devotees had arrived three hours before the band took the stage, and outside, the more adventurous ticketless followers attempted to eke out treetop vantage points, to no avail.
  • Oh, and Health Care Reform and Cap/Trade would both pretty clearly be eligible for simple majority passage this way. treetop says: Matthew Yglesias » Judd Gregg on Reconciliation
  • A beacon of light pierced the dark and the rain, coming from above the treetops.
  • You can explore treetops on rope bridges, jungle walkways and platforms. The Sun
  • The aircraft's landing gear grazed the treetops as it landed.
  • The girl band, The Honeyz, opened the Treetop Twister - described as a bit like riding a fairground waltzer on top of a roller coaster - after a 30-minute concert on May 20.
  • By day it hides in the darkest treetops, seeking refuge from the fish eagles that are its sworn enemy. Times, Sunday Times
  • They build their massive nests high in treetops, and the female sits so deep in it that it is almost impossible to see her from below. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wild animals howl in the hills, while kites and eagles circle above the treetops.
  • Also known as the Senegal galago, bushbabies are small, nocturnal primates that leap from branch to branch among the treetops. ZooBorns
  • The last thing she had expected to see as she reached the treetop was my face. The House at Riverton
  • The suns rose bright over the treetops, bathing them in a soft golden glow.
  • By day it hides in the darkest treetops, seeking refuge from the fish eagles that are its sworn enemy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Treetops, steel girders and jagged, exposed construction timbers jutted from the water like skeletal fingers. DELUGE (Part 43) – Brian Keene
  • I looked up at the jungle canopy above me and saw a tattered cloth tangled in the treetops.
  • There is actually another Cessna in Last Thing, single-engined, "flying low, dropping a roll of toilet paper over a mangrove clearing, the paper streaming and looping as it catches on the treetops, the Cessna gaining altitude as it banks to retrace its flight path. The Black Album
  • Song thrushes are conspicuous in treetops when they are singing in spring but after July they become reclusive birds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several other yellow-throats sang their sweet, descending songs from the treetops.
  • I noticed a chimney rising just above the treetops of a spinney of ash, maple, hazel, elder, blackthorn, ivy and bramble, and what was left of a cottage orchard of walnut, greengage and apple. Wildwood
  • Small patrol helicopters hovered over the treetops beyond the barbed wire.
  • It was dark green with a faded black top and I'd parked it right by a freshly blown down treetop. Camouflage Everything?
  • They ate in silence, listening to the song of a dunnock perched in a treetop and the sweeter warbling of the woodlark, and then Heruvael pulled out the slates and chalk he had packed.
  • They can jump three to four feet from limb to limb in the treetops there.
  • The other frogmen hesitated in the treetops, glancing at one another as if they knew the Mortmaine were nothing to tangle with. Slice Of Cherry
  • By day it hides in the darkest treetops, seeking refuge from the fish eagles that are its sworn enemy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It features excellent walking trails and a "treetop" canopy walkway on a suspended rope bridge. Kuala Lumpur
  • They were blowing the treetops and shaking the fragile leaves off the few trees planted in the courtyard.
  • It hovers above the grass, but stops well below the treetops.
  • From high in the treetops he shakes flowers off the branches so they will fall onto girls passing below.
  • Goldfinches are singing here and there in the treetops. Times, Sunday Times
  • The robin carols from the treetops its loud, hearty strain.
  • And whatever real distinction there may have once been between journalism and flackery has long since been swept away by the howling, gibbering tsunami of the cable news channels, leaving only a few dazed refugees clinging to the treetops in the print press. Mjh's blog — 2005 — March
  • He shows me round the restaurant - a lovely airy room with a view of treetops.
  • A sideshow hypnotist erases her memory of her life in the African treetops and convinces her that she and Lyle are husband and wife.
  • The redish colours at the top represent the glow from the city of Yellowknife while below, Aurora Borealis swirls over treetops. The Sky Is An Amazing Thing » Dave Brosha Photography
  • On the second floor you are on a level with the treetops.
  • A troop of howler monkeys began to stir in the treetops just below us, letting loose a loud, primordial bellow.
  • The whole thing seethed, illusion and allusion swinging from branch to branch like gibbons in the treetops.
  • You might be able to see behind me part of a treetop that has been snapped off here on the beachfront down in Playa del Carmen.
  • The nests are very conspicuous in the bare treetops, as are the birds working on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Olive-sided Flycatcher sits high in a treetop, darting out after a flying insect, then returns to its perch.
  • The shot appeared to be taken from a plane and featured a dense, unbroken canopy of green deciduous treetops. Times, Sunday Times
  • I watch slack-mouthed for the fierce rush of delight as it wings its way to the treetops.
  • They sing high in the treetops repeating their double or triple whistles with great vigour, especially at dawn and dusk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of these dassies, these hyraxes, went into the rocks, but this one actually climbs into the treetops.
  • This animal has a prehensile tail, which means it lives in the treetops.
  • A plume of thick, black smoke could be seen miles away; flames billowed high above the treetops.
  • It's full of character and charm, spilling down a hill and looking over treetops.
  • Other children were high in the tall trees swinging from limbs and lounging in the leafy treetops.
  • But she has been playing for time, blathering away in an effort to avoid going 70m up into the treetops.
  • Lighting in these environments presents a twofold problem: The canopy of treetops makes it dim, and it is almost always dappled and contrasty.
  • D.W. had come in over ocean and flown low as a drug smuggler over what might as well be called treetops.
  • Its mossy floor was crawling with wildlife, and the tips of the treetops rang with the mindless tittering and singing and chirping of a thousand different night birds.
  • The documentary took Seymour into Venezuela's treetops for 21 weeks to follow a nesting harpy eagle.
  • Some of these dassies, these hyraxes, went into the rocks, but this one actually climbs into the treetops.
  • In woodlands they can swing from tree to tree or scramble over the treetops to drop to the forest floor below.
  • They are not popular birds, because of their loud screeching in the treetops, and also for some people because they feel alien to our countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pale green light shrouded the scenery, above a canopy thrived and animals and birds crawled and flew through the treetops.
  • Spider riders can move easily through woods and forests, scuttling over the treetops and through the dense foliage.
  • The robin carols from the treetops its loud, hearty strain.
  • In many views across Sutton, you see more treetops than rooftops.
  • In the wild, they are shy and solitary, often lolling about in the treetops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nuthatches are noisy with their rapid outbursts of slurred whistles in the treetops. Times, Sunday Times
  • A heap of cumulus clouds drifted, barely visible through the treetops. MINUTES TO BURN
  • The aircraft's landing gear grazed the treetops as it landed.
  • I heard unfamiliar calls from some treetops; I didn't think they were sunbirds.
  • Cries of the forest animals and the great birds of the night glided across the treetops.
  • Other activities include whitewater rafting, treetop walks and riding a zip-wire. Times, Sunday Times
  • I watch these things from above, sitting on my lofty treetop, observing this human suffering with my beady, soulless, black eyes.
  • Up in their treetop rookeries, the old rooks are tidying up last year's nests and starting to repair them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wood's emerald greenness seemed somehow remarkably rich, although - or maybe because - the clouds above the treetops were a dark leaden grey.
  • You see them in the treetops, one steadily chasing another to and fro, with further birds often joining in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Third, cut out sufficient of the last year's branch growth to evenly space all branches, allowing even sunlight penetration throughout the treetop.
  • The limousine was waiting at the airport, and an hour later we were in Treetops, which was exactly as it said it was, with a pool and 50 yards from the beach.
  • In the wild, they are shy and solitary, often lolling about in the treetops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Down in a gully, peacock pheasants in a mating frenzy are kicking up a racket, and we spot a large, black, long-armed, tail-less primate — a hoolock gibbon — flinging itself 30 feet into the next treetop. Waiting for the Plague
  • Quigley returned to the treetop retreat hours later, looking tired and cranky.
  • I heard the far away swish of the treetops way above my head, I heard the clip-clops as Arianna fled the scene, I heard Malem's heavy breathing.
  • The back commands terrific views over the Dean Village and the Firth and Forth, the horizon bristling with spires and treetops.
  • Whoo, whoo,-we would yell from the dappled forest floor into the cool green treetops where the jays chattered.
  • Other activities include whitewater rafting, treetop walks and riding a zip-wire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then it's onwards and upwards to the treetop scramble, with its rope ladders, wooden bridges and hidden routes to the little dragons' amazing secret tree-top lair.
  • Trading a small account is like flying an airplane at treetop level.
  • Magpies' old nests are very noticeable in the bare treetops. Times, Sunday Times

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