How To Use Treeless In A Sentence

  • The route thither is hedgeless and treeless — I need not add deserted. A Changed Man
  • The landscape is treeless and mountainous, deeply cut with fjords and sounds along whose shores nucleated villages lie surrounded by fields and pastures.
  • The palm-tree groves and pedestrian walkways represent a welcome change from the mostly treeless parking lots elsewhere in the valley.
  • On June 2nd we crossed the last sand-ridge of the great northern desert, and before us spread the rolling gravel-covered undulations of sand, treeless except for an occasional beefwood or small clump of mulga, rolling away before us like a swelling ocean. Spinifex and Sand
  • When they first glimpsed Carmel, it reminded them of the Cornish coast (back then the area was treeless, still largely houseless, and windswept).
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  • There are numerous side channels and grassy, treeless islands.
  • the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes
  • We usually arrived at the end of May, when the treeless tundra was still covered with snow.
  • North, tumbling and rolling toward the Yellowstone in alternate "swale" and ridge, the treeless, upland prairie stretches to the horizon. Custer's Last Battle
  • She was halfway across the treeless expanse when a heavy clop and a whinny broke the stillness. SCANDAL'S BRIDE
  • He saw grey cliffs falling sheer to the sea, and beyond an uneven plateau, treeless and bleak. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • She is talking about new houses huddled beside one another in a treeless community.
  • The palm-tree groves and pedestrian walkways represent a welcome change from the mostly treeless parking lots elsewhere in the valley.
  • One is a realistic, pitch-dark forest of oaks - an ideal place for hide-and-seek in almost treeless Venice.
  • They had long since assembled from the thickets, and secret haunts of the deep forest, into the midst of the treeless and bushless plains, as the Place for their safety. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • She was halfway across the treeless expanse when a heavy clop and a whinny broke the stillness. SCANDAL'S BRIDE
  • The geobotany of the region, a transition zone between boreal forest and arctic tundra, is a mosaic of treeless expanses composed of polygonized peat bog.
  • It had been a hard winter along the slopes of the Great Smoky Mountains, and still the towering treeless domes were covered with snow, and the vagrant winds were abroad, rioting among the clifty heights where they held their tryst, or raiding down into the sheltered depths of the Cove, where they seldom intruded. His "Day In Court" 1895
  • Then the goddess sat to rest on the treeless plain.
  • A typical landscape is treeless vegetation dominated by bunchgrass and cushion plants which occur with desert like shrub, sedges, and many, with an underlying mat of lichens and moss. Cordillera Central páramo
  • Like their attempts to afforest treeless subalpine meadows, they planted forage species that had never grown in these mountains.
  • A piebald horse looms from the drizzle beside its new timber-built stable, and higher, on former downland with treeless hedges, the barley is yellowing. Country diary
  • From my hovering perch, I can see where the treeless tundra morphs into taiga - a thin boreal forest of stunted conifers, muskeg, ponds, and rivers.
  • Who would ever believe that the rainforest gullies we see all over the island today were once almost treeless and bushless pasture land where people used to graze their stocks and quite many had cricket pitches and make shift playing fields. Barbados Underground
  • Hey, man; check it out, there are men, women, and children over in that Holy Hell of a hot desert land, those refugees, who are living in tents or make-do constructions out in the flat middle of a treeless, totally mangey land, this land of dust devils and mirages, this desert of where only human compassion can save them--yeah sure. What's Hotter Than Hot?
  • The Tibetan Plateau, treeless except in the southeastern river valleys, supports a range of alpine vegetation types that includes meadow, steppe, cold desert and sub-nival cushion plant communities at elevations ranging from 3,500 to nearly 6,000 meters (m). North Tibetan Plateau-Kunlun Mountains alpine desert
  • It was the edge of a great open, a bit of the Barren that reached down like a solitary finger from the North: treeless, shrubless, the playground of the foxes and the storm winds. God's Country—And the Woman
  • From here one could drink in the scenery of the even higher, treeless peaks.
  • But clear as was the fashion of the mountains, they were yet a long way off: for betwixt them and the ridge whereon those fellows stood, stretched a vast plain, houseless and treeless, and, as they beheld it thence grey and ungrassed (though indeed it was not wholly so) like a huge river or firth of the sea it seemed, and such indeed it had been once, to wit a flood of molten rock in the old days when the earth was a-burning. The Well at the World's End: a tale
  • They point to the area flanking the existing road in northern Darién, noting that it is denuded, treeless, and barren.
  • On the treeless, shrubless prairie one could see the flag miles away, as it rose like a faint fleck of pink against the green of the prairie beyond or the blue sky above. The Moccasin Ranch A Story of Dakota
  • The term "maidan," so often applied to Tibet by the natives, implies, not a plain like that of India, but simply an open, dry, treeless country, in contrast to the densely wooded wet regions of the snowy Himalaya, south of Tibet.] forms no exception. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • Treeless saddles and even bareback pads or bareback riding, are great for teaching the rider about close contact, balance, and positioning.
  • On this treeless tableland, where only tufts of yellow spiky grass grow, the biting wind pulls tears from my eyes.
  • Rhinopomatids live in treeless arid regions and roost in caves, rock clefts, wells, houses, and pyramids.
  • Every now and then a walker, runner or cyclist would pass, a squirrel searched for a tree in a totally treeless landscape and miner bees hovered over their holes.
  • The island is very flat and virtually treeless.
  • Rather than arabesques of asparagus grass and lingonberries on the floor of a boreal forest, they envision white treeless wastes.
  • The heat was wavering up from the treeless, shrubless expanse; the white sun was over it as hot as a furnace blast. Trail's End
  • And on that treeless, rockless shore I found my partner -- dead. Rhymes of a Rolling Stone
  • Lifted up on this stately mound, whose top is fanned with air as light to breathe as nitrous oxide gas -- and bivouacked on its very ridge, (where nought on earth is seen in distance save the thousand treeless, bushless, weedless hills of grass and vivid green which all around me vanish into an infinity of blue and azure), stretched on our bears 'skins, my fellow-traveller, Mr. Wood, and myself, have laid and contemplated the splendid orrery of the heavens. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • The regions rolling hills of this region which are almost treeless like the downs of southern England, have their own quiet beauty.
  • The miles upon miles of open gray-green country, treeless, hedgeless, houseless, swoop toward one another with the strangest sinuosities and rifts and knobs of volcanic earth, till at last they sink in faint mists, only to rise again in pink and blue distances, so far off, so pale and aërial, that they can scarcely be distinguished from the atmosphere itself. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
  • The block is "uninviting", "treeless", shadowy; the buzzer is broken; the sounds of gunfire echo in the night; a "black doberman the size of a wolf" prowls nearby. The Guardian World News
  • The tundras are also treeless owing to their marshiness and unfavourable climatic conditions.
  • These soil conditions explain the treeless grassy summits as well as the belt of savanna at 500-550 m around the mountains above which the forests take over The Nimba Mountains have great topographical diversity, with valleys, plateaux, rounded hilltops, rocky peaks, abrupt cliffs, waterfalls and bare granite blocks; the whole area being a vast water catchment and reservoir. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • This year, says Griffiths, Johannesburg City Parks will continue greening the many treeless and dusty suburbs of Soweto, Lenasia and Eldorado Park, with indigenous trees.
  • The moors are a huge open, treeless upland area covered in heather whose purple flowers can be seen from space when they bloom in late August.
  • Houses were few and far between beyond the village, surrounded on all sides by treeless, mountainy bog. FALSE MERMAID
  • She had conceived of a barren desolate waste, shrubless and treeless; and she saw grassy hillocks, leafy copses, and even, as she thought, patches of dwarfish woods. The Story of Ida Pfeiffer and Her Travels in Many Lands
  • She shook her head and looked out at the treeless, snowy landscape.
  • Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.
  • Below you, though still 50 miles off, is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable.
  • I remember to have approximated the impression of such empty immensity only once before, in my younger days, when I lay on my back on a treeless, bushless mountainside and stared up into the sky for the better part of an hour. A Deal in Wheat and Other Stories of the New and Old West
  • Many of the Andorran slopes are treeless, but Grau Roig has some nice runs where you can go off-piste among sparse woods. Why Skiiing In Andorra Makes For A Great Vacation
  • They indicated that Big Savannah was completely treeless and supported an unusually dense and rich herbaceous flora.
  • There is an active programme of planting trees, especially in treeless suburbs.
  • The moors are a huge open, treeless upland area covered in heather whose purple flowers can be seen from space when they bloom in late August.
  • Unlike Angkor, the temples in Bagan are unhidden in thick jungles and can be seen rising out of a vast and treeless plain.
  • A visitor to Nebraska today wouldn ? ? t believe that the state was once a treeless plain.
  • I remember to have approximated the impression of such empty immensity only once before, in my younger days, when I lay on my back on a treeless, bushless mountain side, and stared up into the sky for the better part of an hour. The Ship That Saw a Ghost
  • The surrounding countryside is flat and almost treeless, but there is some greenery thanks to the complex of irrigation canals that feed water from the Euphrates River and other waterways.
  • Such is a part of tire strange medley that is before and around me; and amidst them and the blue streams of smoke that are rising from the tops of these hundred "coal-pits," can be seen in distance, the green and boundless, treeless, bushless prairie; and on it, and contiguous to the piquet which encloses the village, a hundred scaffolds, on which their "dead live", as they term it. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • In treeless courtyard of the grocery store, a line of about thirty people had already formed.
  • Wide, curving beaches below the treeless headland are accessible by trail.
  • So Avery Van Brunt found them, treeless and cheerless, sparsely clothed with moss and lichens, and altogether uninviting. IN THE FOREST OF THE NORTH
  • From the top one of the ridges such as billowed like swells of the sea that gray-green, treeless plain, Morgan looked back. Trail's End
  • What do the birds find to eat in these treeless and shrubless altitudes? Birds of the Rockies
  • The isolated, treeless mountain under the usually cloudless sky of beautiful blue strongly recalls the buttes of our Santo Domingo A Country with a Future
  • The hill was treeless and barren at the top, like an old man whose hair has fallen off the crown of his head. THE BROKEN GOD

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