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How To Use Tree In A Sentence

  • She tore her eyes from them for a moment to spy the bodhrán player in the tree, tapping out her rhythm with her eyes closed, not noticing the spy amongst them.
  • The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Saturday June 20 Part II)
  • Sometime in the early eighteen hundreds, they trekked to the flat plain between the Ohio River and Lake Erie and settled in Mount Vernon, which was then a few small buildings in a forest of tall trees. A Renegade History of the United States
  • The Pepper Street gang, of which Jackie was the acknowledged leader, was not a gang of drug-selling hoods.
  • I usually sqirt a drop or two on the front and back of my boots, and a few drops on a wick around the stand. i never used the buck pee though. i have used a couple of tarsal glands from a buck that my friend killed. had small buck circle the tree i hung it from a couple times. When to use What deer pee?
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  • We must remember that the prime motive for Housmann's boulevards and circuses was to ensure that a strategically placed cannon could fire down many streets, quelling the citizens who were periodically disposed to revolution.
  • And in a way I want to make my language as mimetic as possible, as sensual as possible, so that you can feel the treetops, taste the lamb chump chops, and hear the wind and the sound of the surf beating on the beach.
  • The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
  • The largest of these primitive ‘trees’ were giant lycopods reaching upwards of 20 meters, but most of the plants grew to less than a meter above the ground.
  • The Subaru then veered across the road and hit a telegraph pole, eventually becoming lodged between the pole and a tree.
  • It is an Extended Family Tree - showing all the collateral branches of a family, i.e. all the descendants.
  • They kept to the brush and trees, and invariably the man halted and peered out before crossing a dry glade or naked stretch of upland pasturage. War
  • The nearby street was littered with shattered vehicles, pieces of glass, bricks, mangled steel and scraps of clothing.
  • The prehensile tail porcupine in South American actually lives in the treetops.
  • The scene near the Chennai Kaliappa Hospital, on Tuesday was supremely ironical, and drew sharp reactions from tree lovers who were passing by.
  • trees heavy with fruit
  • The "lawmen" in the Justice Department, etc, who are doing the hard work to bring these Wall Street criminals to the courthouse will be compromised. Stephen Gyllenhaal: Goldman and Sachs and Lipstick and Rouge
  • Race your mate and shake your coconut down through the palm tree!
  • There's nothing you can do to change the little ones' minds about the gewgaws and gimcracks they expect to find beneath the tree - or to stop your in-laws' annual onslaught, for that matter.
  • No, Jack won't have nobody tell him what he can't ever be, even if he weren't born with a silver spoon in one end and an Harley Street hooter up the other. Jack Scallywag
  • Beyond the stand of trees, well away from the road, the hiking trail became dark.
  • There is a fine square here called Madison, in the centre of which trees rise from fountain-watered grass, and statued figures of people who were men in their day and did things, palatial buildings, dignifying commerce, form the square. Impressions of a War Correspondent
  • Philips is also exploring the potential of applying LED to help 'declutter' city streets increasingly obscured by a variety of elements, including lighting fixtures. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • You must avoid applying concentrated materials to the tree at gallonages that allow the material to dribble to the lower surface of the fruit.
  • We earthed up the roots firmly when we planted the trees.
  • A drunk was standing in the middle of the street, swaying uncertainly and trying hard to stay upright.
  • Hold to my hand while we cross the street.
  • A swingle-tree hung at the pole's end, and a second pair of reins was fast to the driver's seat, the four cheek-buckles lying crossed over the wheeler's backs. Ambrotox and Limping Dick
  • Before reaching the main square, the vehicle swerved left and entered a narrow side street filled with people, most of them in uniform. Somewhere East of Life
  • It has full-size trees, sand banks leading down to a stony beach, and water cascading down a rock outcrop.
  • A homeless woman is back on the streets again after being evicted from a telephone box.
  • For a start, when you drive through the gate, instead of just driving through just a field of grass, you actually drive through copses of trees and little forests.
  • We now read that men are to be targeted with a range of pink summer wearables by the high-street fashion chains 'cashing in' on the growing phenomenon of ' metrosexuality.
  • Ted, a tall, brown tree-trunk of a man, raced outriggers for more than 30 years.
  • On a tree that is virtually bare, one can often see a solitary leaf still fluttering on a top twig. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not just getting used to the layout of new streets and kitchen and neighbours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sun was bright in a sky already shading into a cooler, breezier blue, and the trees surrounding the compound glowed with the first, bright brush strokes of fall.
  • These were monitoring variables like humidity and temperature, information that is invaluable to the horticulturalists attempting to propagate the trees.
  • Plantations of exotic non-native trees use up large quantities of water, which can have adverse affects on natural habitats.
  • In the trees a pair of wood pigeons churred away happily.
  • But in accordance with the idea that malaria is a product of paludal decomposition, the trees selected have almost always been the _eucalyptus_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • The RV maker last month posted its third-straight quarterly profit, topping Wall Street forecasts, as motor home deliveries rose.
  • Stahl Real Estate has applied to demolish two early 20th century buildings, but preservationists are firing back, arguing that the 190 rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments, which sit between 64th and 65th streets near York Avenue, have played a vital role housing lower- and middle-class tenants for nearly a century. New Spat Over Upper East Side Rent
  • The greatest difficulty which presents itself in entering the southern mouth arises from what in America are termed snags, that is, large trees, the roots of which are firmly planted in the bed of the river, whilst the branches project up the stream, and are likely to pierce any boat in its passage down. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • For the last five years, he's been a fixture on Houston street corners begging for money, a life Edwards describes as dehumanizing and empty. CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2009
  • Clear information boards indicate the location of different types of trees which include Persian, Japanese and black walnut trees, coastal and dawn redwoods, cedar of Lebanon, atlas and deodar cedars, and swamp cypresses.
  • In the Mhow area of India, where it is common practice to feed goats on the leaves of trees gathered in the forest, an experiment was conducted with uncastrated male goats aged about 14 months and weighing some 25 kg. Chapter 6
  • We ended up walking the streets with our suitcases and had to spend the night in a flea-bitten youth hostel, with lots of old men and young lads.
  • There is a comic sight to be seen in some elder trees at present. Times, Sunday Times
  • Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports
  • The forest all along the mountain curve was spotted with dots of red, yellow, purple and gold, trees just beginning to turn with the season.
  • So far the scenery around her had been thick fur trees and dense foliage.
  • Most often, this implies a life on city streets begging, panhandling, petty theft, and using charity and soup kitchens close to the drug source.
  • Plastic bags, crisp packets, plastic bottles and soggy newspapers lie abundantly in the verges, or caught in trees and hedges.
  • They stood, without any respect for regularity, on each side of a straggling kind of unpaved street, where children, almost in a primitive state of nakedness, lay sprawling, as if to be crushed by the hoofs of the first passing horse. The Waverley
  • I also have a goldenrod-colored scarf (you know, one of those pashmina-y things) that goes nicely with this, and about two weeks ago I was in "the city" (which seems to be what you call San Francisco, if you live near it) wearing this dress, that scarf, and an old denim Levi's jacket I swiped from my Dad in roughly 1987 (with bright pink leather gloves sticking out of the breast pocket) and a tourist actually STOPPED ME ON THE STREET and asked to take my picture. The Return (With Butterflies) - A Dress A Day
  • The Australian was interested in Iroquois Falls because the Paper Company owns the whole town; they have made the streets and the municipality, and the stores, and they were good enough to rent premises to Dr. Monteith for his liquor store, to make some revenue. Northern Ontario
  • copasetic" [used so nicely in "West L.A. Fadeaway"] -- and such stunts as dancing down Broadway in 1939 from Columbus Circle to 44th Street in celebration of his sixty-first birthday. The Annotated "Alabama Getaway"
  • Her enthusiasm was undimmed by the paucity of choice on the high street at the time: 'My mum used to shop in menswear shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • His hobbies included tending the many trees in his garden, hillwalking, classical music, opera and photography. Times, Sunday Times
  • I looked up and saw that the trees I was standing under were eucalypts, which had released their oily, pungent aroma into the wet air.
  • I'd chase along the street nearest the river, dodging out side streets to the riverbank.
  • Casey James Confectionery Store has sold sweets and candies on St Mary's Street, off the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, since 1954.
  • This has purely been a casual meeting in the street.
  • He kept his gaze on one particular tree.
  • Just outside the pub, in Quartz Street, is The Braai & Meat, a small outdoor restaurant, with happy customers tucking into pap and braaied meat.
  • The only recent changes have been trees blowing down and the repair of thatched roofs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I waited at the top of East Street.
  • Along the rocky paths Buddhist monks appear like ghosts and vanish mysteriously into the trees.
  • Tree surfing’ is euphoria-induced skylarking on a windy day.
  • I was haunted by the beauty of the landscape all about, of the natural ferneries then disappearing, and of the domed forest-trees on the slopes, and was fortunate in meeting a gentleman intent on preserving in art the beauties of his country. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • Side streets, because there are no houses on them are a uniform 50MPH posted (60MPH actual), so even an electric scooter is out and a Vespa is pushing the limit. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » 1.4 Billion
  • The case - possibly the ultimate in town versus gown - revolves around a former manse on a quiet street in St Andrews, where students already occupy more than half the town centre accommodation.
  • The path follows the river closely, occasionally deviating round a clump of trees.
  • When equipped with the full unit, a patient sees a display of phosphenes, which looks, as the Wall Street Journal put it, like ‘the light-bulb array of a stadium scoreboard,’ and which approximates - very roughly - the outlines of objects.
  • Saxby Bridge has enthusiastically marketed all sorts of tax effective schemes involving things like tea trees, macadamias, wine and even online lingerie.
  • We're on a misty riverbank, with lush, flowering trees and towering storybook castles in the background.
  • A broad avenue of lime trees led up to a grand entrance with huge oak doors.
  • In comparison to a data structure, a linked list is similar to a binary tree in a way that the information is linked together.
  • A summer palace was half bosomed in trees.
  • Trees lined the sidewalks, creating shade for relaxing walks on summer days.
  • Environmental health officers hope the cotes will keep pigeons off the streets and discourage them from feeding on waste food and titbits offered by tourists.
  • Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-pern, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison. The Scarlet Letter
  • Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased.
  • Trees masking cameras will be pruned to improve the view and community groups such as Homewatch will be developed.
  • What is the common factor of unexpected packages in a pear tree? Times, Sunday Times
  • Late in the day, just after we had feasted on the fruits of a wild cacao, we came upon a three-toed sloth climbing slowly through the upper branches of a cecropia tree. One River
  • Number Ten Downing Street is the British prime minister's official residence.
  • Suddenly a deep voice boomed out from some of the trees nearby.
  • She emotionally recalls what it was like as a teenager running into her homeless dad on the streets and pretending she didn't know him.
  • I got baked on tequila last summer and passed out in the street.
  • You got a big hefty looking bloke who looked like he could handle himself in a barney, put him and a bunch of like mates out on the streets at all hours of the day and night as a visible presence.
  • Except for the frequent conferences now in the new Forty-second Street offices that commanded a view of two rivers and a vast battledoor and shuttlecock of the city, it was the first time in all those years that stretched from the night at the Waldorf that they had sat thus tête-à-tête. Star-Dust
  • They are then strung from trees and dangle in the scorching sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recollecting the day he saw Napoleon on the street, the poet imagines what must be the tumult of thoughts behind Caesar's moveless mask-the cities, the factories, the armies rising in the conqueror's dream of power.
  • This initially meant they were loath to adopt a reportage style, preferring empty streets and unobscured buildings, with people represented only to provide an area of scale or as pure portraiture.
  • Ten days of frenzied reporting had not been stilled by increasingly angry Downing Street statements.
  • The relationship between the street and the galleries inside is not as intrusively immediate as is suggested by the open-ended, perpendicular orientation.
  • There are pine trees as far as the eye can see.
  • She could walk without ever slipping on railroad tracks, across the tops offences, on swaying tree branches.
  • This year's induction festivities in Cooperstown delivered a much-needed boost to the local economy, as large groups of Cubs and Red Sox fans spent gobs of money along the village's Main Street.
  • At street-side stalls that are sometimes nothing more than a bowl on the ground, fish are gutted and sold and vegetables haggled over.
  • Finally, mounting the crest of the hill, they reached the juniper trees.
  • The tree's coppicing habit, the way one specimen can have dozens of trunks, means that in places the pines look like a wall of bamboo, rather than relatives of the giant Araucariaceae that line the foreshores of Sydney beaches.
  • Quinn specialises in smaller, high street firms that, because of their reliance on risky areas such as conveyancing, are seen as the hardest to insure. Top stories from Times Online
  • Its interest is that within it survive all the elements of a medieval forest: great timber trees, coppice woods, pollards, scrub, grassland and fen, deer and cattle, and a rabbit warren.
  • He escaped a rolling road block by turning into the street where he lived, only to find it blocked by another police car. Times, Sunday Times
  • The activity centres around the big top in Stockton High Street offering free all day entertainment with live broadcasts and personal appearances.
  • This species was a cultivated tree, or possibly a survivor of natural woodland in the area, on the campus of the University at São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo state, in south-east Brazil.
  • They have dug down the big tree.
  • There is even an evolving language of street markings that uses chalked symbols to alert passers-by to a WiFi network nearby.
  • After consultation with a resident, a beech tree was successfully pruned to reduce overhang.
  • In the background is a large lacquered coffer, its side decorated with a flying bird and another perched in a tree.
  • Across the street, protesters denounced what they called a fraudulent vote and urged a boycott. Undefined
  • The Government should impose strict measures to contain illegal cutting down of sandalwood trees.
  • In the event, Gabriel got work with a road crew, digging up the streets of north London for cable companies; Andrea, again unable to persuade a bank to give her an interview, took up house- cleaning.
  • For years, I had identified with what I saw in my community: the gang members, drug dealers, street hustlers and even the winos sitting in the alley.
  • Myanmar officials have repeatedly asked for more help from the IMF to help the government simplify the country's unwieldy foreign-exchange regime, which involves multiple exchange rates—including an official rate of about six Myanmar kyat per dollar, compared with a street rate of about 800 per dollar. Clinton Encourages Myanmar
  • You can walk the cobbled streets, visit the house where they lived and take a peep inside the tiny garden room where they studied. The Sun
  • He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born.
  • I spotted Adrian later in the afternoon staring at the distant tree line with a look of pondering in his eyes.
  • I saw houses that looked like that in Katmandu, Nepal, – they weren’t in trees, but looked the same. Largest Solar Powered Building in the World Unveiled in China
  • Risky - and often fatal - backstreet abortions continue to be the only alternative for some.
  • Paris doesn't feel that old, especially after all the time I spent in the compact, windy streets of the old City of Zurich.
  • The fungi also coat tree roots, protecting against microbial pathogens and drought.
  • A young twig is easier twisted than an old tree
  • Rivlin said that anti-immigration rhetoric has galvanized immigrant voters, bringing them to the streets in protest and to the polling booth.
  • Almonds, plums, apples, cherries, and lemons are enjoyed in many households fresh off the trees in family gardens.
  • A new study showed that while street crime is rocketing, the number of thugs brought to book is plummeting. The Sun
  • He stated that his van was missing and it was found, smashed into another vehicle, up the street.
  • CORONATION Street has been cleared of inciting crime after an arson plot sparked a flurry of complaints. The Sun
  • We'll find ourselves on the streets if we don't pay the rent.
  • Illiberis ulmivora Graeser is an important leaf - eating pest of elm tree in Shanxi province.
  • The road itself twisted and contorted as much as the river as it dodged through and around clusters of trees and boulders: indigenous and erratics.
  • Free-range pigs have shelters shaped as triangles or half circles, but most porkers were lurking inside; pine trees had snow plastered on the north side of their trunks and the hot sun on the south side.
  • It is typically French in plan: formal and neatly patterned, with rows of trees and gravel paths.
  • Now we want to know why the psychiatric services let her out on the streets. The Sun
  • The boatmen were sitting under a tree, out of the blazing heat.
  • The attention shone on her, as strangers stopped her in the street to ask about her imminent arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • They approached the first crossroad and turned right, the road soon becoming smoother and wider as the trees started to thin.
  • The front was embossed with a teal hummingbird sitting on a tie-dyed tree stump.
  • As soon as the door closed behind her I hurried to the dirty window in the front room and I watched as she walked down the street looking remarkably out of place in the drab surroundings in her bright green dress.
  • From early spring to late fall, he will leave his apartment, limp across the street and coax whoever is willing to play patty-cake with him until the bus arrives.
  • Scattered trees, mainly acacias and junipers, dot the savanna.
  • The evening takes the form of a memory play told by the elderly Kat, now a shoeshine boy working the streets, who looks back at his younger self.
  • I say this because in the mid distance is the Swinden Limestone Quarry, and they are removing one hill, and making another with the quarry tailings, and successfully grassing over the spoil and planting trees.
  • Tall trees obstructed his view of the road.
  • A shuffling street drinker with a string of convictions over eight lost years, she is now notorious as the woman who exposes herself in public.
  • The scientists will study the variety of trees and observe which are fruiting.
  • Heavy equipment or materials such as pallets of payers can squash a tree's shallow surface roots.
  • Unlike much of the valley, the shrubs and trees closer to the building were unburnt. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Street vendors sell bundles of sticky rice bound in banana leaf. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fleet Street was choked with red-headed folk, and Pope's Court looked like a coster's orange barrow.
  • Xuanrang the streets, for you to squat in the tight loose shoelace.
  • The only relief from this cold is that some of the trees in conifer forests seem to grow so close together that they encourage a microclimate, which usually has less extreme temperatures.
  • Large packs of black matted mastiffs prowl the streets for scraps, occasionally breaking into fights of heart-stopping ferocity.
  • If the abundance of leather, suede, sheepskin and fur heading for our high street fashion stores is anything to go by, the answer is a resounding yes.
  • To the rear of Old Hall is a large walled garden that has lawns and a variety of plants and shrubs, as well as strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, rhubarb, plum and apple trees.
  • Gil probably should have thought about that and realized that a street address with the word rattlesnake in it was most likely a bad omen—that things probably wouldn’t turn out well if they tried living there. Fatal Error
  • The fruit of the fig is about as big as a rounceval pea, or very small gooseberry; and each of them, upon breaking off the stalk very close, produces one drop of a milky liquor, resembling the juice of our figs, of which the tree is indeed a species. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 13
  • Võibolla on siin süüdi see, et alustasin ulmega lähemat tutvumist Seiklusjuttude sarjast mille raamatud olid alati kobedalt illustreeritud aga minuarust annavad head illustratsioonid ulmekale väga palju juurde. Hyperion Cantos – kanoonilised kaaned
  • Its popularity in 1948 with both schoolchildren and adults saw the Blossom Street picture house bursting at the seams during matinees and evening performances for weeks on end.
  • Tree species, numbers, individual girth or height of trees and plants, their arrangement within the space, and area of the space were all recorded.
  • Then the truck roared down the road, crashed into the ranks, turned over and hit a tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • Insects swarm about the damp light of the street-lamps, their buzzings reflected very slightly in the bitumen below your feet.
  • Lou's car turned around, and sped off down the quiet dark street as Ted stood under the glow of a lamp post, reflecting on all that had happened that night.
  • I would add another category to your dichotomy (trichotomy?) and that would be 'the street'. Online Content Bundling, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The apple trees were blighted by frost.
  • Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.
  • On the other hand, subtrees) and) are trifurcating, and we need to resolve them to find the optimal tree.
  • So, no need to trawl the high street! The Sun
  • We ordered moussaka and dolmas and ate them on a nearby street corner with some wine.
  • He waits eagerly for people to recognise him in the street, and sometimes they do, and tell him off for being so horrid and mean. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interval between the two trees measures 40 feet.
  • It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • Her poetic styles vary from haiku to streetwise dramatic monologue, using the conventions of ‘standard’ English, as well as the defiance of Ebonics.
  • Toledo'sdistinctive twisted streets and covered passageways evoke thecity's golden years as part of the Arab Empire.
  • Catherine Street were largely ignoring shoplifting and simply passing its cost on to their customers.
  • Over the years, I'd gone from what I fondly imagined to be a switched-on, youngish-minded mum to a rancid, middle-aged harridan, glaring at shrieking texting huddles in the street – youngsters I didn't even know, but would consider lightly birching. It's all too easy to hate teens – try a little love instead | Barbara Ellen
  • The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding.
  • What she did notice was how the avenues and streets became more organized and concentrated the closer they went to the center.
  • Every evergreen bough groaned with half a foot of snow; the streets and sidewalks had disappeared.
  • A local publication, The Evening Bulletin said, ‘The reporter had been horrified to see two fatted calves strolling up main street!’
  • Some of the passages can be explored, and are accessible from Princesshay, parallel with the High Street.
  • The Dutch successfully transplanted trees to the East Indies.
  • The street urchins had decided views on literary value, and they were always keen to hand on advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over 6,000 policemen and women were on the streets of central London backed up by mounted police, three police helicopters and numerous plainclothes spotters on the roofs and in the crowd.
  • At the end of an hour, the ascent becoming every moment more abrupt, we had passed the belt of trees and bushes, and reached the smooth and scoriaceous cone, which, during the rainy season, appears from the bay to be covered with a velvety mantle of green. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
  • The huge trees offered shade from the sun.
  • He looked amazed and slightly stricken in the streetlight. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • It's the equivalent of a course in arboriculture for the amateur gardener and landscape professional, including the history and culture of trees, suggesting the climates where you might find them growing. Books to inspire endeavors in landscape design, gardening
  • From the dark streets of the city, whether lit by a single streetlamp or brazenly flashing neon signs, to the desolate coastline, where Marlowe is first blackjacked by an unknown assailant, there is no safe haven from disorder and danger. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • A woman is approached in the street by a scruffily dressed youth who opens his mouth - and asks for directions to the local mosque.
  • To the front and rear of the house are lawns and shrubberies, but the grounds also contain two acres of young trees, a wildlife pond, mature woodland and banks of rhododendrons.
  • The tree is native to South America but is widely cultivated throughout the tropics.
  • As well as pollinating the orchids, the bees are the chief pollinators of canopy trees.
  • For three hours a mysterious cloud of acrid smoke hovered over some of London's busiest streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may claim to dislike walking and it is often an unpleasant experience when confined to hard pavements, and busy, polluted streets. How to Lower High Blood Pressure
  • The approach to Broad Street was silent but for the sound of a beating drum.
  • Another, presumably later, inhumation cemetery lay in and around the southern boundary ditch at its Ryknild Street end.

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