How To Use Tree trunk In A Sentence

  • The tree trunk was hollow inside.
  • Weeping bedsores covered his body, and his tree trunk-like legs were riddled with blood clots. The Sun
  • Emergent species like the strangler fig (Ficus dugandii) may reach heights of over 60 m while very abundant epiphytes such as Araceae sp and Cyclanthaceae sp. cover the lower parts of tree trunks and ferns help make up the dense understory. Western Ecuador moist forests
  • A mourning cloak butterfly flew up from a tree trunk in the sunshine where it was basking.
  • Minimalists will love the temple stone garden in which sawn tree trunks weave a path through unadorned gravel.
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  • For twenty years Joe has weighed, marked, and released flying squirrels that enter live traps attached to tree trunks.
  • For example, ground birds can usually only walk horizontally on the ground whereas woodpeckers climb up and down vertically on tree trunks.
  • Push short lengths of candy cane into the base of the triangles to make tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
  • We came to a stream and crossed it on a tree trunk some one had flattened with an adze.
  • There they climb into a series of wooden constructions three metres high, made with tree trunks lashed together with lianas like tree houses perched above the flood.
  • Yucatán Maya mostly live in huts of plastered limestone or tree trunks with steep thatched roofs.
  • The rock struck the center of the tree trunk with a resounding ping.
  • Bob bumped his head on a tree trunk and conked out.
  • The natives make excellent boats from the tree trunks.
  • It's the ultimate haute Robinson Crusoe hideaway: a handful of thatched villas, constructed by local artisans without recourse to a single nail, incorporating driftwood and reclaimed tree trunks as wall supports and table legs.
  • He fastened it together with wooden pegs and made the four wheels out of short pieces of a big tree trunk. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large broken tree trunks are found randomly distributed through the coal in many different orientations.
  • Frustrated and annoyed, she sat alone upon a lone tree trunk, the soft grass glistening from the dew.
  • Putting his performance down to beginner's luck, I stepped up for another go, determined not to lay down my weapons until I had succeeded in making at least one tomahawk stick in the tree trunk.
  • The intensity of the explosion is recorded on the charred tree trunks.
  • Unlike canoes, kayaks are closed on top, rather like a hollowed-out tree trunk, sealing the person in the ‘cockpit‘.
  • The gazebo is made of concrete with supporting pillars amazingly all formed to look exactly like tree trunks and branches. The gazebo is made of concrete with supporting pillars amazingly all formed to look exactly like tree trunks and branches. The effect is to continue the forest right into the the built-in picnic tables that surround the gazebo. There is seating for about
  • Mr Bradbury said people should know better than to start any sort of fire within a forest, even if they thought it was only an old tree trunk.
  • The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk
  • In general, graffiti is removed by using paint in a colour which has the closest match to the actual colour of the tree trunk.
  • Johnny loves Mary," carved into a tree trunk by a love-struck teen might be considered an arborglyph or graffiti, depending on your view. Ottaway Online Editors
  • ─but the hail has other reasons than serving and the wet eastern wind of evening does not dream of standing watch by my disenchanged lion sobs: no longer will I run after every passage of beauty,─beauty is defeated, never again at attention will I snuff out that fire now glimmering like an old tree trunk in which hollow swallows make nonsensical nests, child's lay, unreckoning misery, unreckoning misery of sympthy. Amelia Rosselli
  • Rot in the tree trunk caused the tree to fall.
  • A profusion of mosses, liverworts, lichens and ferns cover the woodland floor and festoon tree trunks and branches.
  • It thickens the blood, enhances the constitution, and makes a man as strong as a tree trunk.
  • Police said that the migrants had been preparing to place tree trunks and other obstacles in the road to halt traffic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Streams and becks were strewn with tree trunks, branches and litter which would all block the watercourses during heavy rain.
  • Brandon sez, I'm currently studying in Leiden in the Netherlands and upon exploring just outside the south side of town, I discovered this handsome sculpture of an arcade machine carved out of a tree trunk. Boing Boing
  • Push short lengths of candy cane into the base of the triangles to make tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boards nailed on tree trunks frequently advertise computer training institutes, he said.
  • Nature notes The small birds that clamber about on tree trunks and large branches now have their offspring following them around. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the forest floor is blanketed in snow, the birds use their powerful bills to dig out ant nests from tree trunks and tree bases.
  • Put you nose right up to the pine tree trunk, inhale deeply, and the resinously woody, strangely cool aroma that you would get would be that of Agraria Balsam. Archive 2007-01-01
  • He whacked the tree trunk with his stick.
  • When the groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil was pulled from his fake tree trunk in Pennsylvania on February 2, he saw his shadow.
  • His distinctive brushwork is particularly evident in representations of foliage and tree trunks.
  • Mammoth tree trunks stretch across ceilings above hand-carved lintels, mortised into place in elaborate structures.
  • He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk .
  • The young soldier's competitor was a big burly man with beefy arms and legs the size of tree trunks, while the young duelist was small and scrawny - barely half the big man's size.
  • Dead moths had been glued to tree trunks, or moths released in desired positions during daylight, when they are torpid and remain where they land.
  • They are made of hollowed out tree trunks with cowskin stretched on either end and tied with rawhide strips.
  • The arrow vibrated in the tree trunk, twanging, and in the sudden silence of the forest around them, Kieran could hear the sound of riders closing the distance.
  • He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk .
  • It spends most of the day under stones, but can also be found under logs or tree trunks, though this is less common.
  • Say, sport, " called a frogman who was clinging to a palm tree trunk high above them, -could you maybe assist me in getting down? Galaxy Jane
  • Fallen tree trunks toss about the stream, presenting mortal dangers to swimmers and bathers.
  • Pliny (viii. 3) quotes Herodotus about the buying of ivories and relates how elephants, when hunted, break their “cornua” (as Juba called them) against a tree trunk by way of ransom. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And the beams may have been strengthened with steel, but in some rooms they still resemble gnarled tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases. Times, Sunday Times
  • I used to watch them felling trees, and sometimes I would be allowed to rind the tree trunks.
  • Fallen tree trunks toss about the stream, presenting mortal dangers to swimmers and bathers.
  • Cross-country fences are traditionally made out of solid materials such as tree trunks, and do not collapse like show jumps when struck.
  • We came to a stream and crossed it on a tree trunk some one had flattened with an adze.
  • Unfortunately, the Brownsea red squirrels are also nervous; generally they get behind a tree trunk when they hear people approach.
  • Prior to data collection, samples of lichens were collected from tree trunks at twelve of the study sites.
  • Tail square, but may appear forked when pressed against tree trunk.
  • Small beings that eat wood are nestled deeply and comfortably in a dead tree trunk.
  • Rot in the tree trunk caused the tree to fall.
  • The sittellas often forage head-downward, and the tree-creepers climb up tree trunks seeking prey under the bark.
  • a branchy tree trunk
  • Rather than being constructed on the tree, the project wraps itself around the mature pine tree and is supported on three pilotis above an S-shaped bench that skirts around the columns, tree trunk and slide pole. TreeHugger
  • A few grooves in a tree trunk, looking vaguely like a face, elevated into being the sacred image of our saviour.
  • Ashfall leaves tree trunks vertical in strata for subsequent mineralization and petrification. Man made global warming? No way!
  • One of the most touching is a visualization of bipolar disorder as a tree trunk.
  • For a moment they could see it clinging to the flume like a woodpecker clinging to a tree trunk. A TIME OF WAR
  • The area is paved, with stone curbing around the tree trunks - not the grassy sort of parks we have in the United States.
  • Gao Yang screamed, too, and banged his head against the tree trunk.
  • The other bank of the stream was open ground - a gentle slope topped with a stockade of vertical tree trunks, loopholed for rifles, with a single embrasure through which protruded the muzzle of a brass cannon commanding the bridge.
  • For a moment they could see it clinging to the flume like a woodpecker clinging to a tree trunk. A TIME OF WAR
  • He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk .
  • ‘Look, there's a nuthatch scrabbling on the tree trunk,’ the mother tells the little girl.
  • Gracie sits next to a rosebud and tree trunk, a poignant reminder of a life cut short.
  • The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
  • Pliny (viii. 3) quotes Herodotus about the buying of ivories and relates how elephants, when hunted, break their "cornua" (as Juba called them) against a tree trunk by way of ransom. Arabian nights. English
  • A fellow hemipteran insect, the Fiery Beaked Lantern Bug, like the cicada was resting on another tree trunk. Undefined
  • Today, the islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico - collectively known as the Greater Antilles - are home to more than 100 Anolis species, ranging from lanky lizards that perch in bushes, to stocky, long-legged lizards that live on tree trunks, to foot-long 'giants' that roam the upper branches of trees. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A botanist scaled a tree trunk to a height of three meters, and scraped from the trunk a sample of the tiny epiphyte for genetic sequencing. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » October : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • A profusion of mosses, liverworts, lichens and ferns cover the woodland floor and festoon tree trunks and branches.
  • Mandibles clashed, clacking together like snapping tree trunks, and spittle drooled from its fangs.
  • Ben carved his name in the tree trunk, using the point of his knife.
  • At first, we bunkered behind fallen tree trunks and heaved spear-like sticks until a birthday party ended in blood and stitches.
  • sat on a fallen tree trunk
  • Longitudinal sections of tree trunks contain knots that preserve the history of branching and can be used to interpret stand dynamics.
  • The tree trunk was hollow inside.
  • He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.
  • He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk .
  • If you're handy with a chainsaw you can simply carve a seat with a back support straight out of a large tree trunk.
  • As a girl, I confused the word heartland with heartwood and so imagined my part of the world as a beautifully grained circle in the middle of America's tree trunk. Sandra Steingraber: Escape from the Heartland - Atrazine, Susan G. Komen, and KFC
  • hollow out a tree trunk
  • Despite picking the widest route, the travellers found their clothes being snagged on sharp twigs, and they grazed their knees on passing tree trunks more than once.
  • This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.
  • Flowers explode with color, tree trunks pulse with thick veins of sap, stones appear almost like living cells in the drowsy heat of the mid-afternoon sun.
  • Nature notes The small birds that clamber about on tree trunks and large branches now have their offspring following them around. Times, Sunday Times
  • The morning drill took place before a red flag pitched on a slender tree trunk in the middle of a clearing.
  • The first day was clear of contacts, but we saw a lot of flotsam, tree trunks, containers washed off ships, etc.
  • I hopped in a low branch over a river and leaned against the tree trunk, gazing ahead of me.
  • A botanist scaled a tree trunk to a height of three meters, and scraped from the trunk a sample of the tiny epiphyte for genetic sequencing. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » October : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The storm has split the branch off from the main tree trunk.
  • The tree trunk was hollow inside.
  • Woodpeckers, accustomed to chiselling their food out of timber, have little difficulty in cutting out nest chambers in tree trunks.
  • Most species find food while climbing on tree trunks or branches.
  • opalized tree trunks
  • The earliest hives were hollowed out of tree trunks, and this practice still survives in some societies.
  • They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.
  • For best results apply mulch to a depth of least 15 cm thick, avoiding the area immediately around plant stems and tree trunks.
  • The effigy is usually a banana tree trunk dressed up in expensive clothes and made to look like a real human figure wearing a hat or crown, though the face is covered with cloth.
  • Wood peckers and other birds that climb tree trunks often have these zygodactyl toes. CNN Transcript May 16, 2007
  • He fastened it together with wooden pegs and made the four wheels out of short pieces of a big tree trunk. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • Rhythmic starbursts of green, white and yellow brushstrokes race across the horizontal canvas, punctuated by the silver-gray verticals of evenly spaced tree trunks. A Matter of Perspective
  • This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.
  • He was lounging back against the tree trunk a few yards away, consulting his compass and studying the map intently.
  • Both had wide platforms built around them in stone and mud, with three images of entwined snake gods embedded in the mud, close to the tree trunks.
  • Because the fruit grows directly on the tree trunk like some sort of sweet fungus, the best way to eat one is a “jaboticaba kiss.” The Fruit Hunters
  • Petioles of huge solitary leaves of mature plants of Amorphophallus resemble tree trunks supporting an umbrella-like crown.
  • Push short lengths of candy cane into the base of the triangles to make tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.
  • He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk .
  • A mushroom is a fungus that grows on wet, moist surfaces such as lawns, dead tree trunks, fences and wooded areas. Mushrooms
  • Carved from large pieces of minimally worked tree trunks with nailed-on extensions, his sculptures are almost always monumental.
  • Enter the Tree Descender, a safety rope that you can retrieve from a pocket and loop around the tree trunk. Whitetail Handbook: No-Fall Insurance
  • Once it was a wild sow which scuttled out of the bracken, with two young sounders at her heels, and once a lordly red staggard walked daintily out from among the tree trunks, and looked around him with the fearless gaze of one who lived under the King's own high protection. The White Company
  • Thick, sticky syrup oozes out of the tree trunk and is collected in buckets.
  • The intensity of the explosion is recorded on the charred tree trunks.
  • When it did, light splashed through larch and ash, sliding across tree trunks and falling into tangles of dark, leafless brash. Country Diary: Wenlock Edge
  • A profusion of mosses, liverworts, lichens and ferns cover the woodland floor and festoon tree trunks and branches.
  • In a branched system, a single pipe feeds smaller pipes along the way much like a tree trunk feeds the branches.
  • They stay on tree trunks to roost and nest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vertical tree trunks preserved in rock strata are evidence of continental type volcanos (as opposed to basaltic oceanic crustal volcanos). Man made global warming? No way!
  • When the forest floor is blanketed in snow, the birds use their powerful bills to dig out ant nests from tree trunks and tree bases.
  • Rot in the tree trunk caused the tree to fall.
  • Today, those arachnids are the only ones that spin webs bearing viscid silk near tree trunks, where seepifig resin would be likely to trap a stray strand of silk. - S.P.
  • Jack crouched down and hid behind a tree trunk.
  • Though for me the prettiest picture was the short white climb through wood anemones that brought us out of the valley and set us up for pastures where lambs posed on tree trunks and gambolled on grassy knolls to a backdrop of Helmsley Castle.
  • We both hit the grass and he kept on rolling until he rolled, butt first, into the nearest tree trunk.
  • But it turns out that the moths do not rest on tree trunks during the day.
  • I was walking behind and I thought, what a fine pair of legs, like tree trunks they were, and I was right! A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could see it hollowing away from the tree trunks and just ahead of the gun, before his eyes, the snow surface was damp and lacily fragile as the heat of the sun melted the top and the warmth of the earth breathed warmly up at the snow that lay upon it. For Whom The Bell Tolls
  • There is a short masterclass on how to jump from branch to branch and then another on how to vault a tree trunk. Times, Sunday Times
  • This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.
  • They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.
  • Neophyllis melacarpa is a squamulose lichen from the wet forests of southeast Australia and New Zealand which grows on rotting wood and tree trunk bases.
  • Brown remarks that the work's structure related to the concentric rings of a tree trunk.
  • The one, half-amphibian, breasting the water with muscular arms, could not hope to overtake or escape an enemy who propelled a fire-hollowed tree trunk by means of a wooden paddle; nor could the other, trusting to his own nimbleness, compete with a foe who careered wildly across the plain on the back of a half-broken stallion. The Shrinkage of the Planet
  • They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks.
  • When, for example, the ship comes upon a waterspout the ‘width of a tree trunk,’ Mr. Banks is unimpressed.
  • Vertical tree trunks preserved in rock strata are evidence of continental type volcanos (as opposed to basaltic oceanic crustal volcanos). Man made global warming? No way!
  • Protect tree trunks from rodents with wire mesh guards.
  • Nests are most often built in decaying tree trunks, but epiphyte root masses and occupied termitaries are also used.
  • Tree trunks of green banana or plantain stood in ranks, some as tall as me.
  • It held a small beerbarrel tree trunk in its beak: evidently this bird was on the beverage committee. Isle of View
  • Steroid Popping (I know they do), tree trunk armed, hollipostale and fitch (those gay looking pink shirts) wearin 'jocks. My Peers are starting to get to me...
  • I ran through the trees like a broken-field quarterback, crashing over the undergrowth, weaving through the tree trunks directly at them. The Glass Rainbow
  • The part of the copaiba tree that is used is the oleoresin (a clear yellow resin) accumulated in cavities within the trunk; it is obtained by making incisions in the tree trunk.
  • The rescue efforts were also hampered by huge boulders, broken tree trunks and thick mud.
  • The stage is bare except for three slender tree trunks, a few clay pots and a basket.
  • A clean cut in a tree trunk begins to ooze a blood-red sap, which Maya healers call K'ik'-te. On the Healer's Path
  • They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.
  • I made four-poster beds out of tree trunks, silver birch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soldiers take shelter behind a tree trunk as they await the arrival of a medevac helicopter.
  • The action in the second act is set in a forest glade framed by tall, bare tree trunks.
  • Tree trunks, ten, twenty, a hundred feet long, were scattered like jackstraws, crisscrossing each other in ragged confusion. Firestorm
  • Some still make their own bows and arrows and carve dugout canoes from a single tree trunk.
  • They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks.
  • Most people are likely to think of winter landscapes as pictures made up of stark contrasts, of dark tree trunks and branches against white snow.
  • a columnlike tree trunk
  • I stopped, put my hands flat on a tree trunk and started stretching my leg out, easing the muscle. READY?
  • When the forest floor is blanketed in snow, the birds use their powerful bills to dig out ant nests from tree trunks and tree bases.
  • He could smell the swamp and its fetid odor of stagnant water, quicksand, dead garfish on the banks, and the mushrooms that burst into bloom off rotting tree trunks. The Convict and Other Stories
  • For example, red velvet mites, which can be up to 0.4 inches long - among the giants of the Acari - can be seen hunting on the ground or on tree trunks.
  • The other bank of the stream was open ground - a gentle slope topped with a stockade of vertical tree trunks, loopholed for rifles, with a single embrasure through which protruded the muzzle of a brass cannon commanding the bridge.
  • They stay on tree trunks to roost and nest. Times, Sunday Times
  • He whacked the tree trunk with his stick.
  • An old tree trunk is useful as an improvised chopping block. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hiding in the swamp, Sammler lay under a tree trunk, in the mud, under scum.
  • He whacked the tree trunk with his stick.
  • Woodpeckers, accustomed to chiselling their food out of timber, have little difficulty in cutting out nest chambers in tree trunks.
  • The tree trunk has become a useful crutch for the inebriate.
  • The sculpture called Seminal is carved out of an ash tree trunk.
  • Ashfall leaves tree trunks vertical in strata for subsequent mineralization and petrification. Man made global warming? No way!
  • The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
  • The storm has split the branch off from the main tree trunk.
  • He lifted the axe above his head, then brought it down with a thud on the tree trunk.
  • The natives make excellent boats from the tree trunks.
  • Although they do not need it to fight they are usually armed with a big club made from a tree trunk.
  • Most of its buildings are made from soft unbaked sandstone, clay, straw and palm-tree trunks.
  • A canoe made from a hollowed tree trunk; a piragua.
  • Push short lengths of candy cane into the base of the triangles to make tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The one, half-amphibian, breasting the water with muscular arms, could not hope to overtake or escape an enemy who propelled a fire-hollowed tree trunk by means of a wooden paddle; nor could the other, trusting to his own nimbleness, compete with a foe who careered wildly across the plain on the back of a half-broken stallion. The Shrinkage of the Planet
  • Habitat and Ecology: In lowland forests attached to rocks or tree trunks.
  • Streams and becks were strewn with tree trunks, branches and litter which would all block the watercourses during heavy rain.
  • Unlike most other woodpeckers, Northern Flickers are principally ground feeders, though they also forage on tree trunks and limbs.
  • Soldiers use micro-terrain, perhaps a fold on the ground only two or three inches high as well as the more visible tree trunks, logs, and bushes.

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