
tree line

  1. line marking the upper limit of tree growth in mountains or northern latitudes

How To Use tree line In A Sentence

  • High above tree line, this group had survived on a diet of heather, azalea, hair grass, and the leaves and stems of cowberries.
  • Remember the tree line is not a line, but an ecotone, which is the case of latitudinal tree ‘lines’ can be very broad. Noise in Jones et al [1998] « Climate Audit
  • By nightfall, the road emptied, and dozens of lights from campfires dotted the tree line on both sides.
  • In the mid 18th century, The Mall was laid out as a fashionable tree lined boulevard.
  • Basically, what you watch for is — at the edge of the tree line, you watch for movement," Marcy says.
  • Beyond the horse paddock, a troop of capybaras, pig-size aquatic rodents, emerged from the tree line and settled serenely into a wallow.
  • I wipe daubs of mud from my face, grinning because I'm above the tree line, in wide open country.
  • The southern edge of the Southern Arctic is the tree line, a transition zone north of which no full-sized trees are found.
  • Set back from the main Tullow / Carlow Road the house is approached along a tree lined avenue.
  • the Holocene Climatic Optimum on the Taimyr Peninsula, the northern tree line was located about 450 km minimally 250 km further north than at present…. Naurzbaev « Climate Audit
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