How To Use Treasured In A Sentence

  • But a surge in thefts of treasured relics from ancient temples and monuments has reached such a level that an agonised debate has begun over bringing back the death penalty.
  • The years of youth are given to us only once by the Creator, to be treasured while possessed.
  • The only factor preventing major incursions into treasured civil liberties is the resistance of the population at large - and, for the moment at least, the public appear to be acquiescing in the government's plans.
  • You do not behave like that in our most treasured house of the people. The Sun
  • Tattooed crosses, icons and parts of the Sacred Land are all talismans and amulets which are treasured with respect.
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  • Madison’s Main Street is treasured for its art cinema and an independent bookshop that plays host to top authors and bejewels its heavy wooden cases with staff-scrawled book recommendations. Beauty and the Beach
  • At auction, cherished memories are trashed as treasured possessions are sifted and ascribed their price in the name of the bottom line.
  • The cathedral is now a vibrant and living component of the cultural and religious life of Waterford city and is one of our most treasured architectural gems.
  • Although not hugely valuable, they were both treasured family heirlooms.
  • What's more, treasured wood was decorated with bone, jade, gold, bronze and shells adding to the value.
  • Michelle and dad Tony brought her home for five treasured days over Christmas so the family could be together.
  • Like a graduation, it is a bittersweet moment: something treasured coming to an end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her religion is an obscure chaos of theogonies as old as the world, treasured up out of respect for ancient customs; and of more recent ideas about the blessed final annihilation, imported from India by saintly Chinese missionaries at the epoch of our The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Even when, later still, the general's eager hand, stretching forth for the dusky flagon (it was sacrilege to sweep away those insignia of age and respectability), managed to capsize the candelabrum and sent the fluid "adamantine" spattering a treasured table-cloth (how quick the dash of the young trooper's hand upon the flame -- and its extinction!), a gentle smile was the sole rebuke, followed by a "Thank you, Mr. Harris. Tonio, Son of the Sierras A Story of the Apache War
  • And in the FOR ME column of our imagined list, not in the treasured top slots but up there, would be the gift of Joycean spam upon a digital reemergence: boltmaker stippled scrapy heartedness burgoo overplentiful unended hydrophobous. Eveline | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • Such a lesson should be treasured up in our memory.
  • A cascade of treasured memories come flooding back; my own upbringing taking in Soul Weekenders, warehouse parties, and stints as a pirate radio broadcaster.
  • Yaz brings back so many good memories, my Grandfather was a rabid Redsox fan, and I spent a few treasured nights watching him play in Fenway park. The real deal (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The shop is situated in one of Ireland's treasured beauty spots, Sandycove, named after the cove near the rocky point on which the Martello Tower was built.
  • A nightclub hostess has been charged with relieving a 56 year old American of his treasured valuables.
  • A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. John Milton 
  • The loss of a treasured chunk of sovereign territory is not its most pressing concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • In previous seasons they would come undercooked but fresh, bursting for the treasured experience of wearing the blue and white hoops. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new princess's radiant happiness will be a treasured memory of this amazing day. The Sun
  • Jim treasured the gold pocket watch that his grandfather had given him.
  • We recall the time at school when our treasured anthology of love poetry was seized by the class bully. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The experience of molding clay sculpture and pottery is one that is usually remembered by the child and treasured for life.
  • Our most treasured rights are also enshrined in law, laws are something that only humans can make and comply with or break.
  • There's not much you can do about that but don't leave your treasured flower unobserved.
  • Treasured as an ingredient in baking, morellos are mostly found canned or dried.
  • A generous pile of cushions, or a treasured marble bust can add the required decorative touch.
  • ‘I'm reluctant to pooh-pooh the idea of true love, because it's such a treasured view in our culture,’ says Hazan.
  • Words that once were treasured and saved for moments of extreme emotion now spring from the tongue at the mildest invitation.
  • Natural Family Planning cooperates with the natural law and teaches that fertility is to be treasured, not feared.
  • Mr Walsh is credited with saving the life of one treasured friend, Tiger the dog, by his nominator.
  • He was posthumously awarded a Certificate of Bravery which is still a treasured possession in the family.
  • SPORTS stars have lined up to back the new bid to save our treasured playing fields. The Sun
  • Treasured by kings, wise men and people of discriminating taste for millennia, the aroma of frankincense and myrrh evokes feelings of warmth, comfort, majesty, reverence and peace.
  • You do not behave like that in our most treasured house of the people. The Sun
  • In ancient Iran, dogs were particularly treasured and well-treated animals. Dogs: Iran's new symbol of rebellion
  • The loss of a treasured chunk of sovereign territory is not its most pressing concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was also a doting uncle who could always be depended upon to looking after his treasured nieces and nephews.
  • They will ring out this call in vigorous swooping defence of a treasured tree full of berries. Times, Sunday Times
  • She still treasured the pen the teacher gave her.
  • He goes about his work like someone polishing a treasured artefact and pausing to admire his reflection in his work.
  • A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. John Milton 
  • The now derelict site, next to one of England's most treasured heritage sites, has been a blot on the landscape since the Jolly Boatman pub was demolished.
  • She rushed over to her dresser and produced from her reticule a tiny silver key, which she inserted in her most treasured possession; a small trunk lined with black velvet.
  • The loss of a treasured chunk of sovereign territory is not its most pressing concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the dad-blasted whippersnappers will be effortlessly streaming multisense through their inter-cranial brain-to-cloud hookups, while you try desperately to find some information formatted for your treasured, antique 2D touchscreen. here. The Register
  • Photographers like Vance captured studio dream and camp reality, treasured as mementos of a personal journey by the forty-niners and their female relatives.
  • He treasured his church family, Bible studies, Gideon involvements and singing in male quartets.
  • It was treasured, but it was also coveted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The more covert and salacious these prints were, the more they were treasured by the general populace, who at such times were also frustrated by limits placed on their dress and behavior by strict sumptuary codes.
  • These rare coloured stones are highly treasured; their coloration comes from traces of elements such as boron and nitrogen or from structural flaws in the crystal lattice.
  • It is sufficient to know that the name to which I do myself the honour to refer, will ever be treasured among the muniments of our house (I allude to the archives connected with our former lodgers, preserved by Mrs. Micawber), with sentiments of personal esteem amounting to affection. David Copperfield
  • Your personal relationship is to be respected and treasured as it has withstood the test of tide and time.
  • Curiously, though, my boys had recently watched my treasured copy of that brilliant Beatles parody All You Need Is Cash about the semi-legendary Rutles. David Wild: Giving Thanks to Paul, Ringo & the Long and Winding Road
  • Switzerland on Thursday desperately sought to reassure its citizens and international banking clients that it would safeguard a treasured tradition of confidential accounts after taking tax fraud and agreed to pay 780 million dollars to the US tax fraud and agreed to pay 780 million dollars to the US government, cooperate in an ongoing probe and name scofflaw clients, the - Articles related to To woo customers, public banks extend home loan schemes
  • In previous seasons they would come undercooked but fresh, bursting for the treasured experience of wearing the blue and white hoops. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were such a close family unit and time together was treasured and precious. The Sun
  • The book went through several printings and was obviously much-treasured by those who purchased it.
  • The new princess's radiant happiness will be a treasured memory of this amazing day. The Sun
  • Among the unlikely Winona titbits treasured by her fans are the facts that she suffers from both insomnia and aquaphobia, that she really has blond hair, that her godfather was drugs evangelist Timothy Leary, that her brother Uri was named after the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, that her father knew Allen Ginsberg and that Johnny Depp had to have his tattoo altered from "Winona Forever" to "Wino Forever" when they split up. Film |
  • It had been a birthday gift from someone he didn't remember when he was small and he had always treasured it.
  • Madison's Main Street is treasured for its art cinema and an independent bookshop that plays host to top authors and bejewels its heavy wooden cases with staff-scrawled book recommendations. Beauty and the Beach
  • For those who incline towards spirituality, divine icons and sacred pictures could be gifts to be treasured for a lifetime.
  • And what of dignity or meaning could be said? where talking of sacred subjects is not allowed, under the pretext that it scatters those blessings which should be carefully treasured up; and bestowing much information concerning the secular plans of economy practiced by your own to the other sex is not approved; and where to talk of literary matters would be termed bombastic pedantry and small display, and would serve to exhibit accomplishments which might be enticingly dangerous. The Communistic Societies of the United States From Personal Visit and Observation
  • Anyone could knock your shooter out of the ring and, guess what?---there goes your treasured Christmas agate.
  • Treasured memories live and grow more precious with time.May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today's sorrow.
  • Only on the bodies of the most dashing Italian motorcyclists does one now see leather in such flamboyant combinations, and only on the cases of treasured antique radio cabinets can one find such florid marquetry.
  • Sometimes the smile that comes through the tears – the more hardily won – is the far more treasured one than the simple grin that comes from simple pleasures. Happily Ever After… at SF Novelists
  • In a new series which lets us snoop into the kitchens of the country's best chefs, Hartnett shows us the most treasured room in her east London home, a gorgeously appointed basement kitchen-diner. The Guardian World News
  • Realistically, the national team that has ended Zambia's treasured record of seven straight appearances at the Africa Cup finals would have found themselves not only ill-equipped for the Tunisia job but also untalented.
  • For now she wore a Burberry, her most treasured possession, which she had got for £8 in a Sue Ryder shop. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • In it were all of her personal letters, her journal, and a few treasured childhood trinkets.
  • In the novel, the poem's been torn out of a college textbook and treasured by Bruno, the murdering, sociopathic boozehound dilettante who exists, leech-like, on his mother's allowance.
  • Your much loved dog, a treasured pet and honorary member of the family dies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Glenda Larke is a skilful worldbuilder and in this new series she creates a remarkable desert land where water is treasured and the waterless are the outcasts of society. Another review
  • In his backyard was a dock that stored his private speedboat and yacht, two items which he treasured.
  • During his time, he was regarded as a treasured healer and humble human being, and the people loved him and mourned his death with great sorrow. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Treasured memories live and grow more precious with time.May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today's sorrow.
  • A generous pile of cushions, or a treasured marble bust can add the required decorative touch.
  • What most readers (my few; my treasured), who know me as an essayist, a writer of non-fiction, may not know is that I also write poetry, that I began writing as a poet . . . and that I then wrote (and published) jazz lyrics to tunes written by such composers as Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans, Kenny Dorham and Hank Mobley. Elizabeth Boleman-Herring: Alas for the Egg That Is Greece
  • And yet so little was the pace to him that he fairly gamboled in playfulness as he went slashing along, until the deacon verily began to fear that the honest old chap would break through all the bounds of propriety and send his heels anticly through his treasured dashboard. How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney Kept New Year's And Other Stories
  • Jim treasured the gold pocket watch that his grandfather had given him.
  • They were unhurt, but most of their treasured possessions have been destroyed.
  • I spotted all of the traditional Greek dishes I have treasured over the years, including a few surprises from the islands of Mykonos and Santorini. Jay Weston: Xandros -- Greek Food and Dancing in Beverly Hills
  • The National Trust is the guardian of almost 50,000ha - 123,550 acres - of Wales 'most treasured coast and countryside. WalesOnline - Home
  • So ancient a title endeared him to the people, among whom the memory of their former lords still survived and was the more treasured the less they felt they had gained by the change. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • Among my most treasured possessions is a set of classic recordings, each and every one of which was lovingly compiled for me years ago on cassettes from the original gramophone records in the collection of my elder brother Hamish. Archive 2009-08-01
  • He takes up a treasured tradition by playing his own cadenzas in both concertos.
  • A grieving mother today told of her despair after thieves stole treasured mementoes of her dead son as she visited his graveside.
  • So ancient a title endeared him to the people, among whom the memory of their former lords still survived, and was the more treasured the less they felt they had gained by the change. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Volume 03
  • They also took him further afield on occasions to dances and socials and he treasured their goodness and kindness in a very special way.
  • Shellfish can remind us of treasured times - going clam digging with the family, slurping down oysters on the half shell at a raw bar with friends, or shucking them yourself in the hopes of finding a pearl.
  • He was the first person to teach me that expressing yourself through writing, music, painting or acting was something to be treasured.
  • The friends she sometimes brought home with her to stay a few days usually treasured pictures of Tab Hunter and Rory Calhoun. THE THORN BIRDS
  • This ring is my most treasured possession.
  • It worked, and she grinned as Sebastian bent to pick up her treasured possession.
  • My own connection with ancestors is one of my most treasured relationships – it is always my sense that, to the best of their abilities, they are looking out for us. A Letter from Alice Walker to Aung San Suu Kyi
  • It was treasured, but it was also coveted. Times, Sunday Times
  • A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. John Milton 
  • A generous pile of cushions, or a treasured marble bust can add the required decorative touch.
  • The care with which Christians had treasured their Bibles, prayer books and hymn books was very touching.
  • Among very few references to specific wines, the treasured South African Constantia is considered a suitable restorative for a young lady in Sense and Sensibility.
  • The old pine settle is another treasured find.
  • As part of the ceremony a woman was spreading eagle feathers on the crowd, sharing one of the most treasured possessions among native people, a true welcoming gesture.
  • But it was as an example of superstar egos on the back burner that it will be treasured. Times, Sunday Times
  • To have your religion distorted and ridiculed and then to have one of your culture's most deeply treasured expressions purposely profaned - well, it's not very pleasant.
  • We who are the objects of that divine love are infinitely more treasured by our heavenly Father than we can know.
  • A battered old guitar was his most treasured possession .
  • The loss of a treasured chunk of sovereign territory is not its most pressing concern. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was a multi-talented handcrafter, taking great pleasure in creating sweaters and other treasured gifts for her family. Knox
  • As former Secretary of Bacon for five years, Hobbes reformed Arestotles' Rhetoric, treasured deduction and induction simultaneously, and endeavoured to hurl down the dogmatist authority.
  • On their way to the diggings, these early miners would brave many hardships such as heat, cold, lack of water, unfriendly tribes and shortage of food, just to obtain this treasured mineral.
  • His employer treasured him, admired his skill greatly and paid him well.
  • After giving their treasured vehicles a final polish, the drivers joined the parade to the delight of spectators of all ages.
  • This old violin had been her father's most treasured possession.
  • At one time, they were treasured possessions, but now have fallen on hard times.
  • A tough stance on crime should not be at the expense of innocent people losing their long-treasured liberties.
  • A personal trainer with a sense of humour is something to be treasured. Times, Sunday Times
  • SPORTS stars have lined up to back the new bid to save our treasured playing fields. The Sun
  • Parlabane was, he would admit, a comparative ingenu in the world of serious drug usage, but he felt confident enough in his limited knowledge to be able to identify this treasured object as a teabag. Boiling a Frog
  • However, he kept several treasured mementos from the expedition, which were inherited by his great-nephew.
  • The familiar, pyramid shaped box which Nico treasured, now resides in its new home of oddments that were once his sanctuary. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » CarsonArtist’s Review Forum
  • His most treasured possession is a signed photo of his footballing hero.
  • If Johnny was to convey the treasured keepsake it seemed right he should know why. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Beautiful landmarks like St. James deserved to be preserved, if only for their historic merit; they spring from a staggering flowering of American imagination that came, almost out of nowhere, at the turn of the last century, a period only now just beginning to be understood, reappraised, and treasured for the renaissance it was. Catholic Cleveland: Historic Church Saved, But Others Still in Danger
  • This is a perfect environment to rear treasured specimens and plants that might be slightly hysterical if left to their own devices. Times, Sunday Times
  • My most treasured possession was a pair of silver six-guns in a holster.
  • One one year I received a lovely night twinset and nightgown, all in beautiful liberty lorne (excuse spelling) that she'd made (mum was a fantastic home seemstress) another year i received a kimono, these home made gifts were among the most treasured I ever received. Dreaming of a Cheap Christmas
  • Fate treasured in her gloomy womb, altogether undescried by man, the hour and the scene in which the most ardent wish of William Brandon was to be realized. Paul Clifford — Volume 06
  • Yet, in spite of historiographical shifts, and the steady drift of population to the cities, pastoral Australia retains a treasured place in the national imagination.
  • It pleased the Father that for all saints and sinners all fullness should be treasured up in Christ Jesus.
  • She treasured and shared this experience and kept contact with the friends she made there.
  • Even schools, where milk had long held a treasured spot on every child's lunch tray, became fair game for soda marketers.
  • Certainly, if grammar collapses and language unravels into a tangle of meaningless, ill-considered phrases, we will have lost something that should be treasured.
  • The curler-wearing charlady, played by Jean Alexander, lived with husband Stan in a house decorated with her famous flying ducks and treasured Alpine ‘muriel’.
  • Clarke took off his helmet and donned the most treasured piece of headgear in Australian sport.
  • This includes the loss of treasured possessions, not to mention the upheaval of moving out for five to seven months.
  • In England puha is known as sow thistle I believe, but here in New Zealand it is best known as a delicacy much treasured by the Maori country folk - it can be delicious picked young and boiled with some pork bones.
  • It was not, however, recognized by many country gentlemen, who bitterly resented this devaluation of their treasured status.
  • Our holy and glorious temple, where our fathers praised you, has been burned with fire, and all that we treasured lies in ruins.
  • There is a splendid passage where he explains Worm's treasured unicorn horns as the spikes of narwhals – Worm has already worked out what a monster a horse would be which could support such a protrusion. From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón - review
  • Look, the marsh marigolds we treasured have disappeared this spring gobbled by deer, overrun by reed canary grass but still the redwing blackbird sings. Alice d’alessio | days we are given « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • This includes the loss of treasured possessions, not to mention the upheaval of moving out for five to seven months.
  • No doubt this book will become a treasured heirloom in the Murphy family.
  • A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. John Milton 
  • It is elaborated as a quality possessed by the sages but also treasured as folk wisdom and wit.
  • Izzie preferred poison darts, shot through a blowpipe which hung constantly around her neck like a treasured piece of jewellery.
  • This brings me to my next point, which is how highly treasured math and science are.
  • Home-owner Richard Gavan had thought that chaining his treasured Piaggio Liberty to the pipe under his front window was a foolproof way of keeping it safe.
  • His most treasured possession is a signed photo of his footballing hero.
  • We were such a close family unit and time together was treasured and precious. The Sun
  • Shoppers have two days this weekend to bring their most treasured possessions to the centre to be critiqued and valued.
  • The large casement windows in his bedroom and the porch off his sitting room offered magnificent views of his treasured landscape.
  • This pen that my grandfather gave me is one of my most treasured possessions.
  • In the middle of a street in my home town, it ignores all of the fine architecture and engineering structures that I have always treasured - the Town Hall, the Market Hall, the many viaducts and bridges.
  • The one can no more block up the wind-pipes of living dogs and watch their dying convulsions, and the other can no longer lead the minds of youths and maidens to seek and find beauty in the visible world about them and recognise in it the hand of God -- but the world has known which of these men led the youth of Oxford to look up and which to look down, and to-day a merciful oblivion covers the names and doings of this triumphant vivisector and his valiant supporters, while to the farthest inch of the English-speaking realms the writings of Ruskin are treasured in a million homes and his name acclaimed with grateful reverence. Great Testimony against scientific cruelty
  • Now her treasured possessions are to go under the hammer at Dale Wood Auctioneers in Batley, next Tuesday.
  • Treasured memories live and grow more precious with time.May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today's sorrow.
  • a treasured heirloom
  • At the same time it would make our treasured sport of football so much more credible while alleviating some of the pain millions of football fans have to suffer as a result of unfair, "correctable", injustices. Undefined
  • Mr Holland searched high and low for some convenient storage solution for his son's treasured possessions.
  • Like the kiwi and the kakapo, our school should be valued and treasured.
  • These handmade, finely detailed products will be treasured for years to come.
  • As forces change the environment, the bohemianism of Echo Park is soon to be only a treasured memory of history. Gordy Grundy: The Artist's Time and Place in Echo Park
  • Ideally you'd like one captain as it should be a treasured position. Times, Sunday Times
  • They now recommend anyone visiting hospital for painful tests to pop a treasured picture into their bag to help them cope. The Sun
  • This becomes a treasured keepsake and a priceless gift.
  • This change was a dramatic demonstration of Christ's message: the messianic community cannot be contained by old patterns, or be defined by past rituals, no matter how treasured they are.
  • And yet so little was the pace to him that he fairly gambolled in playfulness as he went slashing along, until the deacon verily began to fear that the honest old chap would break through all the bounds of propriety and send his heels antically through his treasured dashboard. The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories
  • Treasured memories live and grow more precious with time.May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today's sorrow.
  • That is, students warrant exposure to what is important and treasured about Maori culture, with the proviso that this doesn't signal handing over knowledge that is deemed tapu or intensely personal.
  • A battered old guitar was his most treasured possession .
  • The friends she sometimes brought home with her to stay a few days usually treasured pictures of Tab Hunter and Rory Calhoun. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Mira missed the treasured days spent strolling along the Shannon, picking bluebonnets and dangling bare feet into the water.
  • Its February 2008 Final Report advised a collaborative "planned approach" - as opposed to "haphazard" - protecting Maine's "treasured ... scenic and natural resources. Knox
  • His most treasured possession is a signed photo of his footballing hero.
  • They now recommend anyone visiting hospital for painful tests to pop a treasured picture into their bag to help them cope. The Sun
  • This has allowed for the preservation of the family's many treasured possessions.
  • Should I have loved you from the beginning had we toddled to the rencounter; and would my love have passed safely through the "gallous young hound" period; and could I love you more now in any case, had I _all_ your days treasured up in my heart, instead of less than a year of them? An Englishwoman's Love-Letters
  • This letter is one of the treasured curios in the collection of a professional photographer in the city.
  • In the desperate flee from their homes the Hurworth families had been unable to take everything with them, so buried some treasured possessions under a tree.
  • Chances are the burglar and your treasured possessions will be long gone before the police arrive.
  • We were such a close family unit and time together was treasured and precious. The Sun
  • Excuse my (treasured) ignorance, but why might it be 'excusable' for journals to be evasive about turnaround time? Airminded
  • The real significance of publications such as this are often only really treasured years later.
  • It was treasured, but it was also coveted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dennis, who is a committed environmentalist, says Cheney has gotten a bad rap as a despoiler of the land, since he has often quietly worked behind the scenes, doing things like torpedoing prospective mines in Wyoming that would pollute treasured cutthroat fisheries. FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • Among these was the latter's agreement to respect a number of human rights treasured in the west.
  • These dogs are significant assets: treasured, precious and guarded. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will ring out this call in vigorous swooping defence of a treasured tree full of berries. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have to accept that your most treasured things are just junk to anyone else. Times, Sunday Times
  • These dogs are significant assets: treasured, precious and guarded. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've collected my tree decorations over many years and each holds a treasured memory.
  • They merely confirmed that, for the second time in two decades, the BBC had lost one of its treasured institutions to the arrivistes of commercial television.
  • This pen that my grandfather gave me is one of my most treasured possessions.
  • A rival duchy, the House of Bavaria, schemes to use him against the House of Baden to gain possession of the treasured ‘Baden palatinate.’

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