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How To Use Traverse In A Sentence

  • The final section of the traverse was a bit of a challenge: delicate, balancey moves with next to nothing for hands or feet.
  • The bonus of having to traverse a network of constantly changing roads?
  • Vehicles would move to ‘points of domination’ (the intersections) to maximize the ability to traverse the turret and use the CITV.
  • The criticism of our time ... is indissociable from an investigation and experience of its transcendental field (s), of the (impersonal) tendencies and haecceities which traverse it, as well as the potentialities, utopian ones perhaps, with which our present can be composed. The Skeptic's Field Guide
  • At 3.1 kilometers, this dive is the longest underwater traverse of two cave systems in the world.
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  • There are other fault lines that traverse the earth. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • All told, we'd traversed some forty-eight miles, paddling and portaging.
  • The three rivers can become impassable after rain, and trampers usually traverse west to east, so that the river wades are predictable at the time of departure.
  • Although most skiers traverse the Inside Road from north to south, both directions demand stamina with substantial elevation gains and losses.
  • Climb the groove on rock then grass until you are level with a scary looking traverse back to the left.
  • One of the more interesting paths Donoghue sets out to traverse is what she terms the borderline territory of "murkily criminal" lesbian sex as found in mystery and detective fiction. Edmonton Sun
  • The show presents its monumental architecture, its military might, the way it controlled and administered its dominions through provincial satrapies and the network of roads that traversed its vast distances.
  • It is traversed by veins of quartz, containing cannulated and often articulated prisms of rutile titanite two or three lines in diameter. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Traverse, I say these things to you that being 'forewarned' you may be 'forearmed.' The Hidden Hand
  • We made the traverse out and were at the last climb for the easy path leading back to homebase.
  • Under Kevin Sutley's direction, this production finds a queasy pace, coloured as much by the insane bingeing on stage as the emotional minefield it traverses.
  • The way on is a traverse round a mud bank to the left, which climbs into a passage above the calcite floor.
  • Those who traverse the earth's wild land often end up full of wonder and respect for it.
  • So for another thirty days I traversed the whole southland of the continent, from Wood to Huss. Enjoyment
  • A narrow inclined rift leads out to the head of the pitch, and a large wedged block provides an initial belay for a traverse at roof level to the first section of the pitch.
  • _Entry_ (Mauser), over the centre of the right zygoma; the bullet traversed the right orbit, nose, and left orbit. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Each node would carry only one pointer field to traverse the list back and forth.
  • That allowed him to traverse the Arab world, meeting hundreds of actors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gun is placed under a vault whose generatrices are at right angles to the line of fire (Fig. 8), and which contains a niche that traverses the parapet. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • The tortuously narrow Lolo Trail, blocked by crags, trees and undergrowth, was quickly traversed by Joseph's uncomplaining cavalcade.
  • Photographer Unknown . Spider - like mountain climber executes a Tyrolean traverse between spires in the Italian Dolomites.
  • The fruit of his excursion into the Pawnee country, on the waters of the Arkansas, a region untraversed by white men, except solitary trappers, was “A Tour on the Prairies,” a sort of romance of reality, which remains today as good a description as we have of hunting adventure on the plains. Washington Irving
  • Out at his eyes it would go, traverse the dim stairless space, and sport with the wind-blown monster. Robert Falconer
  • I didn’t post the insane plank and chain traverse pics. More Hua Shan Mountain pics | My[confined]Space
  • Around Britain a series of deep seismic traverses has revealed many of the structures produced during the Caledonian orogeny and other earth movements that are continued out over the continental shelf.
  • an untraversed region
  • Accounts by military and civilian air-traffic officials agreed the commercial airliner had received proper permission to traverse the zone.
  • They marched by the sound of atabal and comet, and, as they traversed the streets of the capital amidst the acclamations of the soldiery, they made the city ring with the shouts of "Castile and Tlascala, long live our sovereign, the emperor. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes
  • From the mean squalor of the sordid life that limits him, the dreamer or the idyllist may soar on poesy's viewless wings, may traverse with fawn-skin and spear the moonlit heights of Cithaeron though Faun and Bassarid dance there no more. Miscellanies
  • It was traversed by broad avenues, in many places half grown up with brush-wood, where the beauties of former days used to take their stand to see the stag coursed with greyhounds, or to gain an aim at him with the cross-bow. The Waverley
  • It's vague, but I remember really liking it, but in "canticle", the story traverses many eras, and, deals with the theme ultimately of global violence. Where did the film THE BOOK OF ELI come from?
  • The phenomenon of granitic spherical weathering is frequently encountered in railway engineering which traverses granite areas.
  • The traverse east to west across the island is a pilgrimage that many famous geologists have made. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • The defendants traversed the allegation "that the ship was broken, damaged, and destroyed, and rendered incapable of pursuing the voyage, by any perils which the said assurers by the said policy did take upon themselves."
  • The gate particle has the larger positive valence and traverses a greater fraction of the membrane potential drop; thus it contributes the majority of the gating charge displacement.
  • Kevin Jones, engineering manager at JVM, said: 'The HP400 accelerates in the linear axes at around 1G to 60m/min rapid traverse in all axes, which is fast for a machine of this size with ballscrew drives. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • The elevation and traverse are powered hydraulically.
  • I was once more on the Great Conglomerate, -- here, as elsewhere, a picturesque, boldly-featured deposit, traversed by narrow, mural-sided valleys, and tempested by bluff abrupt eminences. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Herbert was not mistaken: he broke the stem of a cycas, which was composed of a glandulous tissue, containing a quantity of floury pith, traversed with woody fiber, separated by rings of the same substance, arranged concentrically. The Mysterious Island
  • Gröschl stepped on the rocker plate which controlled the power traverse and at the same time adjusted the elevation handwheel. Panzer Aces
  • Within the tapestry of Indian thought, solitude is an extremely important path which has to be traversed for the attainment of moksha or nirvana.
  • As he traversed the globe I learnt to switch my mind off to all the dreadful disasters he may encounter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boiler is the same as that in the standard type of engine, but the wheel base is 17 ft. 7 in., and in order to allow it to traverse curves easily, the front axle is fitted with a radial axle-box, which is in one casting from journal to journal, and fitted at each end with brass steps for the bearings; the box is radial, struck from the center of the rigid wheel base, and the horn plates are curved to suit the box, the lateral motion being controlled by strong springs. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • The quartermaster of the battalion in the fort immediately sprang forward, and seizing the fallen flag tore it from its hold and leapt on to the traverse, where he stood under the heavy fire immovable, until a jurymast was rigged and raised in the place of the shattered staff. The War in America
  • NAKRI will traverse the ridge axis of the steering subtropical ridge and recurve.
  • We live in a time when people traverse lots of music, but in classical music the composer traverses larger musical structures.
  • Most mail traffic is never encrypted as it traverses its way around the Internet.
  • The wintry worlds you traverse are bright and detailed. The Sun
  • Most rocks and soils are traversed by cracks along which water can flow much more easily.
  • To gain access to the car park itself one has to traverse a miscellany of surfaces grass verge, lightweight kerbing and footpath and then, would you believe, one is confronted by two sets of sleeping policemen within yards of one another.
  • But he acknowledged some business and civic leaders were suspicious at first: "They seemed to think I wanted to turn the place into the People's Republic of Traverse City.
  • Only special events cross busy route 322 and traverse the scenic backyard and in-street trackage leading to the end of the line.
  • FRANKFURT — Two German merchant ships have traversed the fabled Northeast Passage after global warming and melting ice opened a route from South Korea along ... Jennifer Schwab: Renewable Energy -- Not in My Backyard!
  • As the plane came within range, the searchlight traversed its flight path only to hit a cloud.
  • He'd make a powerful traverse, knock off a good-sized avalanche, then turn around and make a few turns where the slide had scoured.
  • To school plodding stubbornly through the snowdrifts in short trousers with chapped knees to sit in a draughty classroom in abject fear of a teacher who had recently traversed Europe inside a tank turret and who took no prisoners with his booming voice, the result of his deafness. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • -- N.S. (Fig. 147.) Shell small, thick, sub-acute; whirls, seven or eight; apex sub-tuberculated, constricted above, and traversed spirally by rather coarse raised lines; apex papillated, and the first whirl is spirally lined, and without tubercles or short ribs. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The kingdom of the Greeks is now dismembered by them, and deprived of territory so vast in extent that it can not be traversed in a march of two months.
  • General faradization, so-called, consists of a series of local faradizations, administered during one and the same séance, until the current has alternately been made to impinge upon and traverse the entire or at least a large portion of the body. The Electric Bath
  • Empathy with the landscape is expressed not only through the extended architectural promenade that traverses the contours of the site, but also through the material character of the Natatorium.
  • Stanley traversed the continent from west to east.
  • Once this is performed, intelligent resamplers traverse the three-dimensional model to combine the pixels into the desired map projection and scale.
  • Instead of cold dry snowstorms, wet snow and warmer than normal temperatures should occur as storm systems traverse the southern third of the United States in late winter.
  • The thief and his pursuers were uncertain on their feet while they tried to traverse the unstable landscape.
  • The daily trek was two miles each way and taking the cross-country route they traversed five fields.
  • O, that’s a brave man! he writes brave verses, speaks brave words, swears brave oaths, and breaks them bravely, quite traverse, athwart the heart of his lover; as a puisny tilter, that spurs his horse but on one side, breaks his staff like a noble goose. Act III. Scene IV. As You Like It
  • My wife, perhaps becoming complacent, went ahead across the steep traverse, lost her footing and slid at terrifyingly high speed, bumping to a halt on some rocks where the terrain levelled and badly grazing her arm.
  • The virus traverses the placenta and, may seriously interfere with organogenesis.
  • The Wonderland Trail, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington: This 93-mile circumnavigation of the mountain traverses lowland forests and subalpine meadows.
  • The northwest front has now five arches with ramparts fallen in; northeast barbette battery unserviceable; east front scarp much scaled by slant fire, with large craters under traverses; principal injury at level of arches and terreplein; two-thirds of southern wall east of magazine damaged; stone abutment unhurt and protected by rubbish; gorge not damaged since yesterday. Memoirs of the War of Secession
  • The committee was also privy to Cabinet papers that had traversed the issue with a lot of scrutiny.
  • Each time the gun is fired, the tube must go into detente for cartridge ejection, and the power traverse of the turret is inoperable during ejection and reloading operations.
  • Mousa fled in disguise from the palace of Boursa; traversed the Propontis in an open boat; wandered over the Walachian and Servian hills; and after some vain attempts, ascended the throne of Adrianople, so recently stained with the blood of Soliman. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The pressure required to traverse an arterial stenosis and perfuse the distal tissues of the foot may not be met.
  • Crawl through then traverse around the corner and along the small ledge to belay in the corner beneath the chimney.
  • It was filmed from the right handlebar of Jonas's bicycle as he traversed the streets of an unnamed Third World city.
  • When he discovered that the revolutions in Central Italy traversed his plan, he should have warned Victor Emanuel and Cavour that this new condition would warrant him in breaking his compact.
  • Bounded on the east by Lake Winnebago, the county is traversed by the Wolf and Fox rivers.
  • We continued, however, to ride on without pause and even when night fell and overshadowed the desolate wilds which we traversed, we were, as I understood from Mr. Jarvie, still three miles and a bittock distant from the place where we were to spend the night. Rob Roy
  • Another step of his heavy boot knocked loose stones free from the ledge, and Chaltiford realized that the traverse was a little more challenging than he had first suspected. The Dragons of Krynn
  • I have traversed elevations of 700 meters (.5 miles) and higher while pulling a 100 kilogram sled (220 lbs) and experienced an Antarctic hurricane that caused damage to my tent, which was fortunately reparable. Johan Ernst Nilson: Status Update: Trekking Through Antarctica
  • Kondō rushed headlong into lands that looked untraversed by human steps, into the virgin lands of the high-mountain wilderness. SERIAL 9: Kondo Katsusaburo among Taiwan's Atayal/Sedeq peoples, 1896 to 1930
  • Each gutter had become a flowing stream, and each dip in the road had become a ford to traverse.
  • With this retort he withdrew overland through Aetolia, and by roads, moreover, which no army, small or great, could possibly have traversed without the consent of the inhabitants. Hellenica
  • When the playing field is the worldwide internet and today's trailblazers can just as easily become tomorrow's forgotten url, Phair's dedication to continued excellence anchors The Outnet firmly in untraversed waters. Anisha Lakhani: Social Media Princess Stephanie Phair: The New Face of the Outnet Empire
  • As we had seen from our camping-ground, it was an immense undulation that we had to traverse; the ascent on the other side felt uncomfortably warm in the powerful sun, but it was no higher than 300 feet by the aneroid. The South Pole~ The Start for the Pole
  • The can get a perfect enfilade on the redoubts so we are going to strengthen the traverses. The 5th Seaforth Highlanders in the trenches
  • On either side of the anus, in the ischio-rectal space, D D, Fig. 1, Plate 51, is found a considerable quantity of granular adipose tissue, traversed by the inferior haemorrhoidal arteries and nerves-branches of the pudic artery and nerve. Surgical Anatomy
  • You had to traverse a small bridge to get there. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • I duly followed, passing a man trying to negotiate the slabby traverse.
  • With its action, the state's highest court has potentially granted exclusive fishing rights to anyone owning land traversed by a recognized navigable waterway.
  • Numerous active and historic gas and oil utility corridors traverse forests of the region.
  • It was his second time on the traverse and his return this summer was in preparation for a winter assault negotiating the eleven peaks.
  • Probes were constructed, thankfully unmanned, that could traverse space for long enough to touch down on the face of a planet and act as a beacon, or as a receiving antenna for the light matter.
  • To get here they had traversed mile after mile of rugged terrain while strafed by aircraft.
  • The rest of those twenty feet took eons to traverse, and it was immeasurable suffering.
  • The moisture which currently sustains the rainforest is mainly provided by north-west winds, the efficacy of which would have been reduced as they traversed land rather than water.
  • I have traversed five years of university to decide that academia is my probable vocation.
  • Big drop-offs in the use of contraceptives occur when women have to invest more time and traverse greater distances to get them.
  • the traversers slowly ascended the mountain
  • His feet sank deep in the sand, then trod lightly over vast stretches of short sun-burned mesquit, then again traversed hot shifting reaches of naked sand. Lahoma
  • But, besides attending to such cases as the village may afford, he is day and night at the service of every one who may command his assistance within a circle of forty miles in diameter, untraversed by roads in many directions, and including moors, mountains, rivers, and lakes. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • The course then ended up in a series of traverses across the mountainside and switchbacks, bringing it to the finish.
  • It was a traverse through a world of humility, patience and submission - a long and tedious journey to be undertaken with faith, conviction and cheerfulness.
  • Traverse for a variation, ski the side of a rib or drop over a roll, pick up speed, carve a big arc.
  • Do you remember, Traverse, the low attic where we used to sleep, and how on stormy nights we used to listen to the rain pattering on the roof, within two or three inches of our faces, and how we used to be half afraid to turn over for fear that we should bump our heads against the timbers of the ceiling? The Hidden Hand
  • _Entry_, immediately above zygoma; the bullet passed through the temporal fossa, fractured the neck of the mandible, traversed the mastoid process, and emerged at the lower margin of the hairy scalp, 1 inch from the median line. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • The north park is home to a couple of tiny ponds, traversed by bridges festooned with clunky metal turtles designed by a local artist.
  • It was traversed by broad avenues, in many places half grown up with brush-wood, where the beauties of former days used to take their stand to see the stag coursed with greyhounds, or to gain an aim at him with the crossbow. Waverley
  • Many travellers enjoy the ease and comfort of train travel and, for those who have time on their side, it's a great way to traverse our enormous country.
  • This is passed by a delicate traverse on the left to a scramble down and final chimney, or else is laddered also to the left.
  • They crossed the bridge and traversed the road through Southwark and out into the open country. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • In 1991, he traversed the State, covering 2,850 km on a bicycle.
  • We must keep in mind, moreover, that many things that happen even in one same body escape the notice of the entire being, especially when the bulk is large: thus in huge sea-beasts, it is said, the animal as a whole will be quite unaffected by some membral accident too slight to traverse the organism. The Six Enneads.
  • The output pinion of the traverse gearbox meshes with the gear rack segment attached to the carriage body, providing 800 mils of traverse.
  • Each and every allegation herein contained is denied as if specifically traversed and the Claimant is put to the proof thereof.
  • In Celebration, a narrow band of hot pink, blue and white, trimmed in red, diagonally traverses the glowing disk.
  • I took the wrong street and found one sadhu right on the riverbanks, which they called the Ghat, and then I said, "Oh, yeah, the holy men are generally by the holy river of the Ganges," so I traversed back and forth from one end of the Ganges to the other when I should've gone back to my original starting point and taken a different road. Amazing Race's Ron and Christina: We Were Very Aware of Our Physical Limitations
  • I mean that the Wilderness woodsmen, without orders from Clay, had converted the entire area that would have to be traversed into a natural death trap, an abatis, a French word my grandfather did not know, nor did I when I first heard it. Mexico
  • Yes; you will no doubt be astonished to hear that the plain "seedsman" at the town end, who sells you your roots and bulbs and seedlings, keeps in his pay a staff of plant-hunters -- men of botanical skill, who traverse the whole globe in search of new plants and flowers, that may gratify the heart and gladden the eyes of the lovers of floral beauty. The Plant Hunters Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains
  • As the gully became wider on the descent, we were forced to traverse ever farther left, on tiny broken ledges, eventually reaching the top of the wall.
  • In any event, what can be said is that it did not play a role in the findings of fact about causal connections which had been much traversed in two trials and two appeals and are no longer contested.
  • From there, we traversed across ledges and slabs toward the next belay.
  • Army Sgt. 1st Class Robert Talent, truckmaster for the battalion's 218th Transportation Company, helped with the assessment missions and noted the LMTVs can traverse areas flooded with several feet of water.
  • Measuring the deflection in question -- which is equivalent to the so-called versed sine of the arc traversed -- we have a basis for determining the strength of the deflecting force. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume II: The Beginnings of Modern Science
  • Finally, must characters converse so often from opposite ends of the traverse stage? Times, Sunday Times
  • Great public assassinations, political and religious butcheries, traverse this underground passage of civilization, and thrust their corpses there. Les Miserables
  • Crawl through then traverse around the corner and along the small ledge to belay in the corner beneath the chimney.
  • When I had traversed the “Hall of the Gods,” we came to a lofty two-leaved gate of brass, which stood between two sculptured propyla of Libyan stone. The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
  • After this we all adjourned to the Traverse Theatre bar, which is very nice but exceedingly expensive even by Edinburgh's standards, by way of some strange multicolour fibreglass cows that seem to have sprung up on the streets of Edinburgh for some reason. Weekend Wastrelry
  • The way back follows a less popular route, via a rocky cleft above the lower lake, which begins with a traverse on which, I must confess, I tried to avoid looking down.
  • In these flowers the calyx is normal, the tube of the corolla is traversed by ten vascular bundles, and the limb is divided into ten fimbriated lobes. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Climb the crack / grooves with continual interest until the top - at the top either continue vertically or traverse leftwards around the bulge.
  • Stacked cursors are typically used in application programs which traverse a tree structure stored in the database.
  • While patrolling narrow streets, it is nearly impossible to safely traverse the entire turret to engage enemy forces.
  • We traversed the entire backyard, picking up five or six hundred large walnut seeds and stuffing them into gunnysacks.
  • I have no doubt that if, as many believe, the aurora borealis is produced by sudden cosmic disturbances, such as eruptions at the sun's surface, which set the electrostatic charge of the earth in an extremely rapid vibration, the red glow observed is not confined to the upper rarefied strata of the air, but the discharge traverses, by reason of its very high frequency, also the dense atmosphere in the form of a _glow_, such as we ordinarily produce in a slightly exhausted tube. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
  • When the time came to retrieve the plates, we had to traverse slopes that had more than a meter of new snow.
  • So when you arrive at the gym, take about 5 minutes to traverse at the base of the wall.
  • That allowed him to traverse the Arab world, meeting hundreds of actors. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a dense city with distinct urban cores, practical and delightful to traverse on foot.
  • In order to take advantage of the more moderate terrain and the available real estate, many of the McCoy Park trails traverse the ridge top and lower meadow several times.
  • I could find only two niggles - a really naff piece of thick shiny plastic piping that traversed the dashboard, and a black hole underneath the audio system that left the display looking unfinished.
  • The Pacific in this region is an indolent blue expanse, pure and lonely, an almost untraversed sea. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Here, too, he says, veins of iron of considerable thickness were seen to traverse the rock in various directions; and he speaks of the caverns formed in the minacious schistose between the granite and the limestone, as something very extraordinary. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 369, May 9, 1829
  • You see, the alpenstock is his trophy; his name is burned upon it; and if he has climbed a hill, or jumped a brook, or traversed a brickyard with it, he has the names of those places burned upon it, too. A Tramp Abroad
  • Should the road traversed be comparatively clear of opposing troops, 20 miles may be covered in a very short space of time. Times, Sunday Times
  • I duly followed, passing a man trying to negotiate the slabby traverse.
  • Labyrinthine streets of ancient slum housing traversed the steep hill up to the impregnable city walls.
  • Soleure would fain have joined with him in conversation respecting trade and merchandize, yet the Englishman, who dealt in articles of small bulk and considerable value, and traversed sea and land to carry on his traffic, could find few mutual topics to discuss with the Swiss trader, whose commerce only extended into the neighboring districts of Burgundy and Germany, and whose goods consisted of coarse woollen cloths, fustian, hides, peltry and such ordinary articles. Anne of Geierstein
  • Then they lashed together many sad strokes, and traced and traversed now backward, now sideling, hurtling together like two boars, and that same time they fell both grovelling to the earth. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • At x 5 = 1 we obtain the degenerate symmetric case of a triangle traversed twice.
  • It may traverse the root either through the cytoplasm of cells linked by plasmodesmata (the symplast) or through the spaces between cells (the apoplast).
  • The section of the urethra that traverses the prostate gland is called the prostatic urethra.
  • The area is traversed by naval and air units of many countries, including America. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where i live in traverse city the season start is quite chilly this year so i dont exactly know if that would be true. On Early-Season Hunting
  • He reached the Neale again, and instituted a survey of the good country he had formerly traversed, occasionally approaching to within sight of what he calls Lake Torrens, but which was in reality Lake Eyre. The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888
  • We made good time to the Skeleton Domes area and squeezed up into the Rat Race to reach a series of traverses and climbs that came close to exceeding my confidence factor.
  • That would be like asking Dante to traverse his Inferno again.
  • The heavy yet hasty step of the men-at-arms traversed the battlements, or resounded on the narrow and winding passages and stairs which led to the various bartizans [Footnote: A bartizan is a sort of small overhanging balcony, built for defense or for lookout.] and points of defense. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 4
  • Wordsworth is scarcely unaware of this divided or traversed character of his poetic voice and indeed the thematization of this split character may be one reason he can think of his own story as exemplary of the growth of a poet’s mind. Subjecticity (On Kant and the Texture of Romanticism)
  • I traversed a pinnacle, swearing and pleading, and came upon a spindly tree that was blowing smoke from the end of each branch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Debates about international justice typically range over the well-traversed terrain of distribution and redistribution.
  • Your Honour, there will be a need to traverse those issues in argument.
  • The researchers showed that actin filaments and microtubules, structural elements that traverse cells like the ribs of an umbrella, could function as conduits for the spread of biochemical signals.
  • Also, skiers doing long traverses with little emphasis on making turns found the lightweight edged Nordic skis to be a good tool.
  • But he didn't answer, simply stumbled into the middle of the road, disrupting the monotonous traverse of the sedans and hatchbacks and wagons.
  • Conceived as delimiting a verbal habitus or ethos, verse instigates a traverse whose unruliness is grooved deep into the genesis of phrasing — and of its evoked and self-razed alternatives — rather than merely awaiting some transgressive gesture on the reader's part. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • To the north the plain rises gradually, traversed only by the northern _creston_, until it merges into the plain of Santa Fé. The Delight Makers
  • It was probably easier to sail to other islands than traverse from one end of an island to the other through the overgrown vegetation of tropical woodlands. Times, Sunday Times
  • That it could not stick to the coast was because of the Nilus Delta, a hundred-and-fifty-mile-wide fan of unnegotiable swamps and waterways no road traversed. Antony and Cleopatra
  • Wedding hypothesized that sunlight caused a chemical reaction with the buckwheat as it traversed the cutaneous blood vessels in nonpigmented areas.
  • A mathematician has left an untraversed gap whenever he has not tried to verify directly that each proposition in the sequence of propositions that he has in mind (as being a proof) follows from previous propositions in the sequence by a basic mathematical inference Non-Deductive Methods in Mathematics
  • The return loop between Lower Sabie and Tshokwane, which traverses the sweetveld plains, proffers one of Kruger Park's best game driving areas.
  • To enable these engines to traverse curves easily a special arrangement of draw-bar is used, consisting of a T-piece with a wheel at each end working in a curved path in the back of the frame under the foot plate; on the back buffer beam a curved plate abuts against a rubbing piece on the tender, through which the draw-bar is passed and screwed up against an Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • From Trowunna I head north, leaving behind the forested hills of the interior to traverse an expanse of rolling countryside strikingly reminiscent of England.
  • Finally, must characters converse so often from opposite ends of the traverse stage? Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Joseph,’ Conall spoke up, as they reached the edge of the forest, having traversed the distance in silence.
  • I watched the man with furtive caution as we traversed the forest, for I didn't trust him, even if he did not seem villainous.
  • This is best learned on an overhanging traverse, or at least, that's how I learned it.
  • Right before the steepest section, we were able to traverse onto a rock ledge and have lunch.
  • Any traverse by foot across this kind of terrain would be exhausting and treacherous.
  • It has been found at Calamita, Elba (with plancheite), Traversella, and Monte Ramazzo, Italy; and Baita, Romania, with wulfenite and hemimorphite.
  • Some muscles, the biceps brachii for example which acts on both the humerus and radius, can traverse two joints bringing about an action at either or both ends. Muscles Part 1
  • The light had to traverse a screen of water before passing through the C, and one of aesculin (which filters out the blue and violet rays) before passing the B. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Starting from Taiwan, he traversed the Indian Ocean after passing through the Strait of Malacca.
  • An unprotectable traverse back across the route goes on for about 10m.
  • Everybody, even our best skiers, cautiously sidestepped down the first narrow pitch, then made cautious traverses and kick turns.
  • But his plans were traversed again and again by unforeseen complications, the failure of the most promising presumptions, and the perpetual shifting of apparently stable alliances.
  • But he didn't answer, simply stumbled into the middle of the road, disrupting the monotonous traverse of the sedans and hatchbacks and wagons.
  • Mountain cycling is the best way to traverse Michoacán, exploring totally hidden routes, crossing farm fields, steep mountains and tree-filled ranges, experiencing the range of climatic changes from the forest cold to the heat of the Tierra Caliente and the tropical warmth of the coast. Guide to alternative tourism in Michoacán
  • A city of northwest Michigan on Grand Traverse Bay north of Grand Rapids . It is a trade center in a resort area. Population, 15, 155.
  • The lateral part of the anterior commissure traverses the inferior part of the brain.
  • It is the seat of vicarial house with a chapel dedicated to the Visitazione di Maria Vergine and it depend on the parish church of Traverses.
  • It was a matter traversed in the affidavit material.

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