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  1. a film or illustrated lecture on traveling

How To Use travelog In A Sentence

  • Giant mosquitoes notwithstanding, on one level the film serves as a travelogue of the north.
  • Some travelogs insist that part of CAN has some great canine tours to such emptywheel May 4th, 2009 at 9: 34 am posaune @ 8 Firedoglake
  • For author Mickey Mahaffey, who will launch the national tour for his stunning debut memoir and travelogue WHISPERS OF MY BLOOD at Asheville's Malaprops Bookstore on September 10th, walking becomes an act of redemption from the tourist meccas of the Great Smoky Mountains to Mexico's famed Copper Canyon. Jeff Biggers: Walk, Pray, Love: New Travelogue Explores the Redemptive Power of Walking: Interview with Author Mickey Mahaffey
  • Among the plethora of books, travelogues and pictorial accounts portraying the city, one recent local publication clearly stands out.
  • It is mainly worth renting as a Montreal travelogue and for Marlon Brando's utterly surreal appearance.
  • He is also at work on his third novel - a self-confessed homebody, Wharton refers to the work in progress as an ‘anti-travelogue.’
  • Instead, what she shares here are entries that seem to come from her journal, a travelogue of her experiences.
  • The score is a mix of golden oldies, including a clever travelogue made of songs about every state in the Union, and silver newies by the show's musical director, Patrick S. Brady, and stage director, Mark Waldrop.
  • He has authored eight books, including a travelogue.
  • Instead it is part culinary adventure, part travelogue, part gonzo journalism and part social politics, and it is a hilarious page-turner to boot.
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