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How To Use Traveller In A Sentence

  • The researchers sensibly restricted the investigation to time travellers from the future, 'given practical verifiability concerns'. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suggested that attracting backpackers and independent travellers would be a good way to get that ball rolling.
  • She has also noted that business travellers are travelling less frequent than before.
  • The tea was excellent, with a light mint flavor; and the scones tasted wonderful as well, peppered with raisins and full of butter, a perfect repast for the relaxing traveller.
  • The watertight rooms, costing from £500 a night up to £3,000 for a suite, are aimed at wealthy travellers who want a unique holiday experience.
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  • But he found that a traveller's life is one that includes much pain amidst its enjoyments. Chapter 2
  • Where woods existed near undrained marsh or bog, a traveller's difficulties were enhanced.
  • A huddle of poky teashops serves the day labourers who congregate here in search of work, and travellers from the station.
  • His travel books have given pleasure to generations of armchair travellers.
  • English Roma, Irish travellers, new travellers, showmen and circus people were all consulted.
  • Travellers changing from train to bus at Southend Victoria rail station could soon have a better idea of when their bus will arrive.
  • In summer they go barefoot, but seldom barelegged, as has been lately asserted by a traveller.
  • The traveller may thereafter accept the terms of the offer, or reject them and seek accommodation elsewhere.
  • The traveller bargained his watch for food.
  • On this occasion, Campobasso gave his opinion, couched in the apologue of the Traveller, the Adder, and the Fox; and reminded the Duke of the advice which Reynard gave to the man, that he should crush his mortal enemy, now that chance had placed his fate at his disposal. Quentin Durward
  • The Rhythm Traveller comes with just the hi-hat and a single cymbal stand and cymbal.
  • They've got the adventurous outlook of the traditional budget traveller, with one important difference: dosh.
  • Fed-up rail commuters have been given a message of hope from fellow travellers on Merseyside.
  • These would be commercial travellers, wanting to write up their order books in peace.
  • The older travellers were certainly not blasés; they seemed to find pleasure and beauty wherever they looked: Ca da Mosto (1455), visiting the Senegal, detected in this graveolent substance, fit only for wheel-axles, a threefold property, that of smelling like violets, of tasting like oil of olives, and tinging victuals like saffron, with a colour still finer. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • The khansamah would appear to be the only functionary in residence until the hour of departure draws near, when a whole party of underlings -- chowkidars, bheesties, and sweepers -- appear from nowhere in particular; and the lordly traveller, having presented them with about twopence apiece, rolls off along the dusty white road, leaving the khansamah and his myrmidons salaaming on the verandah. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Many moons ago, though, the monument was a landmark for travellers heading to Worsley Village.
  • Because travellers to endemic areas are also at risk, healthcare providers should have an understanding of the spectrum of infection, how to diagnose it, and what the appropriate treatment is.
  • The long and winding railroad to London is back on the straight and narrow as Manchester travellers can once more get there without changing trains.
  • The proposals were first floated in a report produced by a council-led scrutiny inquiry into gypsies and travellers and were revealed in the Daily Echo in October.
  • Tall palm trees and thick forests of cactuses give travellers the impression that they are staying in a tropical region.
  • Until now the emphasis was more on luring foreign tourists to the country and the domestic travellers have been missed out.
  • So yet again this coming bank holiday weekend is going to be a nightmare for a huge number of rail travellers.
  • Travellers' contact with social work services frequently resulted in the loss of children into care and an alien culture.
  • Intestinal bilharziasis (or schistosomiasis) is becoming more and more frequent among Canadian travellers who come in contact with natural soft waters in tropical countries.
  • Whereas in times when there was some order and government the travellers might be safe in the open roads, and the robbers were forced to lurk in the by-ways, no, on the contrary, the robbers insulted on the open roads without check, and the honest travellers were obliged to sculk and walk through by-ways, in continual frights. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • The townspeople are hoping the fair will quietly fade away and die because of the usual clashes between the locals and the travellers.
  • The traveller was captivated by the postcard carrying a picture of a tattooed tribeswoman smoking a pipe.
  • The Esquimaux prefer it raw in these parts of the world (although some travellers assert that in more southern latitudes they prefer cooked meat), and with good reason, for it is much more nourishing than cooked flesh; and learned, scientific men, who have wintered in the Arctic regions, have distinctly stated that in those cold countries they found raw meat to be better for them than cooked meat, and they assure us that they at last came to _prefer_ it! The World of Ice
  • Tall palm trees and thick forests of cactuses give travellers the impression that they are staying in a tropical region.
  • The net result of the changes will be increased fares and reduced services for most rail travellers.
  • This last deficiency the guide is in the habit of supplying -- to such as condescend to accept his assistance -- by fastening a leathern strap round his waist, and giving the end of it into the hand of the traveller. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • Travellers are advised to find an alternative route during road repairs.
  • He came: he found the islanders beside themselves at this unwelcome resurrection of the dead and the detested; he was shown, as adminicular of testimony, the traveller’s uncouth and thick-soled boots; he argued, and finding argument unavailing, consented to enter the room and examine with his own eyes the sleeping Pict. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • “Bonderro” is a corruption of the Lusitanianized imbundeiro, the calabash, or adansonia (digitata?): the other baobab is called nkondo, probably the Aliconda and Elicandy of Battel and old travellers, who describe the water-tanks hollowed in its huge trunk, and the cloth made from the bark fibre. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Unlike those in the NASA program who face training in domestic locations in the US, travellers to Galactic Suite will undergo their astronautic preparation at a luxury hotel on a tropical island in the Caribbean, Space Resort Opens in 2012 | Impact Lab
  • For £4.99 it's a cheap but valuable back-up for the forgetful traveller.
  • Yet now, apparently, these well-off travellers are turning their nose up at cocktails beside kidney-shaped pools in tropical climes, and heading for… Blackpool.
  • Afterwards, a traveller from the future remarks that she's heard of the Beatles, having visited their memorial in Liverpool, but that she didn't realize that the Beatles also performed "classical music. Boing Boing
  • This unit auto-senses the mains voltage, and adjusts accordingly, so is most likely to benefit international travellers.
  • Instead of the passport opening frontiers to the traveller without let or hindrance, it has become the means of international surveillance.
  • The traveller is shown poking his head and right arm through a boundary of stars enclosing this everyday world and reaching out to a universe of wonders beyond.
  • They shoehorned some of them in but the British travellers clearly felt that it smacked of tokenism.
  • I tapped him on the shoulder and, using my best traveller-sign-language, indicated that he had dropped them.
  • Out in the desert the traveller is a welcome guest.
  • Dubai retains its awe for much of the area's people, offering the traveller a multitude of reasons to visit.
  • With this inside me I slept a dreamless sleep; and Traveller repeated the dose on the next evening. ANTI-ICE
  • Some previous stuff I have done on thieving pikey bastards: assorted pikey pictures and my bit on how you can not call pikey thieving gippo scum itinerant travellers. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Individuals, when recognised as travellers, are sometimes arbitrarily refused entry or access to public places and services.
  • There are the usual stone-forts and palm-leaved hovels for the troopers, stationed here to hold the place and to escort travellers, with a coffee-shed, and a hut or two, called a bazar, but no village. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Some evolve to become, like fleas, tiny travellers on the skin of a larger ant.
  • These books provide a superb introduction for the general reader or a traveller preparing for a visit.
  • She emerges from its pages as a dauntless traveller, who took on Russia and won. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Travellers on a budget might prefer to camp.
  • Now the traveller is at fault for going anywhere near New Jersey airspace? The Volokh Conspiracy » Unexpected Flight Delay => Hotel Stay => Criminal Prosecution for Gun Possession
  • From the year 1783, in which aerostation had its birth, and in which it was carried to a degree of perfection, beside which the progress of aeronauts in our days seems small, a new route was opened up for travellers. Wonderful Balloon Ascents
  • All weariness faded from the faces of the wayworn travellers, even the very camels and asses, shrunk, as most of them were, to mere skeletons, seemed to understand that labour and blows were done with, and forgetting their loads, shambled unurged down the stony path. Elissa
  • A traveller is flying from Atlanta GA to Bangor ME, and for some reason the pilot declares an emergency and needs to divert to Newark. The Volokh Conspiracy » Unexpected Flight Delay => Hotel Stay => Criminal Prosecution for Gun Possession
  • As a result of the large and continuous amount of traffic it did not take long for a hotel and store to be opened at Edeowie in 1863, to cater for the thirsty bullockies and other travellers between Port Augusta and Blinman.
  • Ask as a traveller asks the way; to pray is to enquire of God, Ezek. xxxvi. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Single travellers willing to share accommodation can bypass the single supplement charge.
  • ‘We also want to see a fairer planning system since at present the majority of planning applications from gypsies and travellers are rejected at the first stage,’ she adds.
  • To say that all Travellers are thieves would be the same as saying that all gorgios (non-Travellers) are murderers because a few of them have committed murder.
  • All they'd have to do is plant explosives in the baggage of unwitting travellers, then let the dogs sniff the explosives out.
  • It is easy to imagine travellers being waylaid here, even now, so imagine what it must have been like in the 17th century.
  • The intrepid traveller also draws inspiration from the Tibetans themselves.
  • Mark's is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers, T-shirt and shirt.
  • ‘You have chosen quite a heavy title for such a young man, Traveller,’ said the moon-faced man.
  • Women travellers should also avoid ill-fitting bikinis, armpit hair, white strap marks, streaky tans, cellulite, tattoos, body piercing and getting drunk.
  • Being an inexperienced traveller she took a good many trunks and was pretty unpopular with the steward before he could make her understand that one trunk to the stateroom was the rule. Gigolo
  • Mark's is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers, T-shirt and shirt.
  • This food can only be adequately compared to the execrable fare that used to await unwary travellers at the highway service stations of my youth.
  • The few Persian travellers in the caravansarai and the villagers come flocking around as usual to worry me about riding the bicycle, but the servants drive them away in short order. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • The site of these mighty capitals is almost erased from the map of the modern traveller; but tribute and traffic have also ceased to sustain even the dilapidated serail of the once omnipotent Sketches
  • Last month more than half of the passengers passing through Prestwick were inbound travellers.
  • As one of 8 surviving children of a railway fettler, will I have more than 37.5% of the nation as fellow travellers in the future?
  • A majority of these are based in France and represent French embassies and consulates as well as provide health information for travellers and tourist guides.
  • The path itself, or rather the portion of more solid ground on which the travellers half walked, half waded, was rough, broken, and in many places quaggy and unsound.
  • The villain was a traveller in buttons -- _buttons! The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol
  • Covering up to 40 regional, rural and metropolitan shows in a single year, showies are often seen as mysterious travellers who heartily spruik their wares before slipping away to the next town with no fanfare.
  • (Night cl.), “voilà une grande ignorance de ne savoir pas que l’on presente la main droite à un médecin et non pas la gauche” — whose exclusive use all travellers in the East must know. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The original Thugs were bands of roving criminals in India who strangled and robbed travellers.
  • Travellers can check their email at the Internet cafe in the square.
  • The growth in the number of Canadians travelling abroad continues to outpace the performance of inbound travellers.
  • When Herodotus narrates what he was told by the barbarians among whom he travelled, he narrates fooleries, after the manner of the greater part of travellers. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The Orkney makes the very similar Ashford Traveller look like it was built out of matchwood, tbh. Haldane Orkney.
  • Typical immunisations for a traveller will include a booster for polio and tetanus, and immunisation against hepatitis A and typhoid.
  • But motorists and other travellers will consider it evident that the road squads, however hard they worked, were responding to the weather when they should have anticipated it sooner.
  • a turf of grass of the varieties known as gramma, buffalo, and mezquite; and sometimes the traveller encounters a region where shallow ponds of different sizes stud the plain -- a few being permanent, and surrounded by sedge. The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
  • 171 The schism of the Persians is explained by all our travellers of the last century, especially in the iid and ivth volumes of their master, Chardin. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The porters singsonged the travellers' luggage up the mountain
  • An observant traveller, unacquainted with the historical antecedents of the friars in the Philippines, could not fail to be impressed by the estrangement of religious men, whose sacred mission, if genuine, ought to have formed an inseverable bond of alliance and goodfellowship. The Philippine Islands
  • Mark's is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers, T-shirt and shirt.
  • Oliver Mann gives the gen on the coolest new destinations for the switched-on global traveller in 2005
  • Travellers on a budget might prefer to camp.
  • Darkness was sneaking up on the travellers as they entered the forest.
  • The wanderer is like a dehydrated traveller in a waterless desert, or a lover longing to see the distant beloved.
  • He suggests "a really useful and minimal spelling reform" based on his rules "I met a traveller from an anteke land hu sed: Tue vast and trunkless legs of stone..." and ends with a section of unyielding oddities, the last of which is a word that's been discussed here:While we're at it, could we please fix the word ginkgo, which is not only difficult and irregular, but doesn't reflect any proper Japanese word? ENGLISH SPELLING.
  • The fate of many a traveller who has since passed through that pluvious region, was Eoneguski, or, the Cherokee Chief: A Tale of Past Wars. Vol. I.
  • Canadian planes were ordered to land at the closest national airport, stranding thousands of air travellers.
  • Both fields are close to ancient Silbury Hill, which is popular with travellers and tourists alike.
  • Travellers in York are compiling a book about their lives which should provide a permanent record of their community's history.
  • It is, sir," said the waiter, in reply to the "gusty" observation, stirring the fire while the traveller divested himself of his hat and greatcoat. The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands
  • The traveller champed meditatively at his steak.
  • And if there's a food place with a good write up in the independent travellers' bible, lo and behold, many food shops change their names to match.
  • Nearly all holiday insurance plans work by reimbursing the traveller after they have paid locally for treatment.
  • Travellers cite 'extortionate' demands from resorts after Conquest collapse Toronto Sun
  • British travellers can fall victim to the disease if they do not boil food and water before consumption.
  • Some of us were seasoned travellers, some were going overseas for the first time.
  • One of the characteristics of Salkantay trek is that travellers hike through the high Jungle of Cusco since the third day and arrive walking to Aguas Calientes. Four Trek | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • But now there is a cheaper way for business travellers to fly on a private jet.
  • Armchair travellers can now visit the world's most exotic countries via the Internet.
  • He is trying to provide the so-called fusion type of cuisine, which would be of interest to Bulgarians and travellers.
  • the travellers were marooned
  • The 90-unit development will comprise of travellers accommodation, local authority housing and voluntary housing.
  • To avoid illness, travellers are advised not to eat shellfish or raw foods such as salad that have been washed in unboiled or unclean water.
  • The shades of evening were growing thicker around us as my conductor finished his long narrative with this moral — ‘Ye see, birkie, it is nae chancy thing to tak a stranger traveller for a guide, when you are in an uncouth land.’ Redgauntlet
  • Today, the discriminating traveller will still be well rewarded by a summer holiday in this area.
  • The Traveller, 'walking up hill bridle in hand,' overtakes 'a poor woman; 'the image, as such commonly are, of drudgery and scarcity; The French Revolution
  • Sharp, rocky eminences began to rise around them, and, in a short time, deep declivities and ascents, both formidable in height and difficult from the narrowness of the path, offered to the travellers obstacles of a different kind from those with which they had recently contended. The Talisman
  • The travellers bought the two acre site six months ago.
  • Both Sikh temples said they weren't taking travellers any more. WHITE LIES
  • At the caravanserai is a traveller who says he hails from the Pishin Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • Review: Biography: Polo reminted: A study that strips away the myths to let us see the great Venetian traveller afresh delights Kevin Rushby: Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu by Laurence Bergreen 448pp, Quercus, pounds 19.99 Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu, by Laurence Bergreen
  • Voice over Police are already monitoring the movements of travellers convoys and the exclusion order will give them widespread powers of arrest.
  • What's more, some foreign banks charge fees of up to 6% for cashing travellers' cheques, so check before you hand over your cheques to the cashier!
  • He referred to a higher mortality rate of infant travellers and said that female travellers tended not to reach the age of seventy as often as female members of the settled community did.
  • Attractive discounts are available to frequent travellers.
  • It is a good sign, sir, to see a traveller's horse so capersome of a morning. Horse-Shoe Robinson: A Tale of the Tory Ascendency.
  • Residents used the calamity to make money by selling food, beer, waragi and local brew to the trapped travellers. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • The different categories of traveller are very hard to assess at all precisely.
  • Tour operators: Travellers who have booked a package are entitled to rebook alternative destinations or dates or, if they are not available, a refund, said Frances Tuke, public relations manager for the Association of British Travel Agents The Middle East: to go or not to go?
  • Edrisi, improperly called the Nubian geographer, who dedicated his work to Roger, King of Sicily, in the middle of the twelfth century, describes the same island, in the first climate, by the name of Al-Rami; but the particulars so nearly correspond with those given by the Arabian traveller as to show that the one account was borrowed from the other. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • Pat still gives lessons on the Traveller Language cant.
  • Those travellers who have a guard from the king or aumil (governor), or a cheprasse with them, do not pay anything for this attendance; others give them a trifle for their services, according as the distance is greater or less. A Woman's Journey Round the World
  • Trailfinders recommends travellers take US dollars as you cannot buy or sell roubles outside Russia.
  • The proposal was inspired by attempts to mediate a confrontation between travellers and residents in Westport in 2002.
  • In stories which give travellers nightmares, intercity trips usually take much longer than the official estimate.
  • He called for the female time traveller to be accompanied by a trumpet playing schoolgirl in "John Lennon-type spectacles" and her graffiti-spraying "yobbo" elder brother. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The folk marvelled at this quill, when they saw it, and the man who was called Abd al-Rahman the Moor (and he was known, to boot, as the Chinaman, for his long sojourn in Cathay), related to them the following adventure, one of many of his traveller’s tales of marvel. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • American roads also frustrated the traveller seeking to move diagonally rather than according to the four cardinal points of the compass.
  • Free competition in road passenger transport promises travellers a better deal.
  • Each of the other roles is more productive: The traveller is a stranger whose curiosity can enrich the sense of community.
  • Here let me give the traveller a hint: never venture in out of-the-way parts of France without a well-filled muffineer and pepper-box; but for our dry clean pepper and salt brought from England, even the eggs would have been swallowed with a painful effort. The Roof of France
  • The present situation is intolerable both for the residents and for the Travellers.
  • The long journey took its toll on the intrepid traveller as her petrol tank sprung a leak and her aerial fell off.
  • Fifty years ago the name Blackfoot was one of terrible meaning to the white traveller who passed across that desolate buffalo-trodden waste which lay to the north of the Yellowstone River and east of the Rocky Mountains. Blackfoot Lodge Tales
  • It promises travellers the holy grail of air travel - no more layovers.
  • It appeared that the visitor was at any rate physically strong since he emptied the Traveller in double-quick time. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Bizarreness after bizarreness harries the hardy band of travellers, all of them rendered with Miéville's impressive ingenuity and inventiveness. Iron Council Linkdump
  • Lifted up on this stately mound, whose top is fanned with air as light to breathe as nitrous oxide gas -- and bivouacked on its very ridge, (where nought on earth is seen in distance save the thousand treeless, bushless, weedless hills of grass and vivid green which all around me vanish into an infinity of blue and azure), stretched on our bears 'skins, my fellow-traveller, Mr. Wood, and myself, have laid and contemplated the splendid orrery of the heavens. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
  • The smart traveller takes a little of everything because things can, and do, go wrong.
  • The island is undeveloped and there are none of the classic Caribbean white sand beaches to which 21st century travellers flock.
  • She did not intend to travel fraudulently or avoid payment, she told the court, adding that she believed the conductor singled her out because she challenged his treatment of the other traveller.
  • A brief rest restored the traveller's vigour.
  • He was not, indeed, so luxuriously attended upon this occasion as the heroic travellers in the Odyssey; the task of ablution and abstersion being performed, not by a beautiful damsel, trained Waverley
  • You, I make no doubt, would be kenning the name of an herb in the Latin, and I have but the Gaelic for it, and that's good enough for me; but I ken the use of it as a traveller's friend whenever rains are smirring and mists are blowing. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Nineteenth-century travellers were ravished by the romantic spectacle of them, as they were delighted by the orientalism of the city itself, with its mysterious and lascivious suggestions of the east.
  • Rail travellers who try to avoid paying their fares could face on-the-spot fines.
  • This term is misleading, as the same risk factors may apply to first-class and business-class air travellers as well as travel by road and rail.
  • True to his word the travellers left in a convoy of caravans on Monday afternoon.
  • Traveller and his manservant settled down to opening up the access to the lower compartment of the craft. ANTI-ICE
  • But business travellers almost always travel on weekdays, and they hate spending a weekend away from home.
  • The European traveller from the States, who is not a Croesus, speedily finds himself reduced to a chronic state of self-conscious sordidness by the hordes of cringing robbers who clutter his steps from dawn till dark, and deplete his pocket-book in a way that puts compound interest to the blush. THE DESCENT
  • He feared that all travellers could be penalised because of the actions of a few and he also feared that travellers would be penalised because of inaction of some departments of the City Council.
  • A Italian traveller called in there in the eighties of last century, reporting a legend of a valuable ikon. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • She handles it like a sophisticated traveller unthreatened by a new airport.
  • Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers.
  • But the spirit of my kinsman soon immerged into more active life: he visited foreign countries as a soldier and a traveller, acquired the knowledge of the French and Spanish languages, passed some time in the Isle of Jersey, crossed the Atlantic, and resided upwards of a twelvemonth (1659) in the rising colony of Virginia. Memoirs of My Life and Writings
  • Up ahead was a topping of pine trees and somewhere in this was Highcliff Nab, a great nose of sandstone which is a focus for paths and a magnet for travellers.
  • He had almost finished loading the Traveller when Mike and Bill arrived, Mike riding pillion on the bike. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Travellers are shunted into sites that are like urban slums, only without the amenities.
  • Tour operators throughout Ireland were yesterday endeavouring to make contingency plans to cope with thousands of travellers.
  • Ibn-Haukal, an Arabian traveller of the 10th century, describes Balkh as built of clay, with ramparts and six gates, and extending half a parasang. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Naturally wherever the teamsters stopped for the night an eating house would be built to cash in on the passing travellers.
  • Neither should travellers be automatically regarded as troublemakers, she contends.
  • A stormstayed traveller," he said, his eyes fawning, "who has stumbled on this princely hospitality. The Path of the King
  • A company of travellers is expected to arrive soon.
  • After all, it benefits no one for pricing to be erratic and only serves to frustrate travel agent, hotelier and traveller alike, " said Garnier.
  • Do not ask for or accept information, advice, or direction except from railway officials or the Travellers' Aid.
  • AlakÚsa Kathß," in which a king's daughter becomes a disembodied evil spirit, haunting during the night a particular choultry (or serai) for travellers, and if they do not answer aright to her cries she strangles them and vampyre-like sucks their blood. Arabian nights. English
  • But he often takes a false measure of their importance; and his superfluous prolixity is disagreeably balanced by his unseasonable brevity.] 66 Chishull, a curious traveller, has remarked the breadth of the Danube, which he passed to the south of Bucharest near the conflux of the Argish, (p. 77.) The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Dandelion has what is called a "pappus" attached to its seed, rather similar to the feathery tail of the Traveller's Joy. Wildflowers of the Farm
  • Many more men were taken ‘to that bourne from whence no traveller [sic] returns.’
  • Many travellers enjoy the ease and comfort of train travel and, for those who have time on their side, it's a great way to traverse our enormous country.
  • All the travellers off the Sikh temple roof were going west to the Ruwenzoris. WHITE LIES
  • Its Romany collection of rare books and manuscripts celebrates the culture and history of travellers.
  • He heard of two English travellers having been at Fezzan, of whom one died, and the other was never heard of after his departure for Soudan; the name of Hornemann was unknown to Mr. Cervelli. Travels in Nubia
  • Armed thieves descended on the travellers.
  • The severe weather took its toll on Christmas travellers last week, with internal and external ferry sailings hit.
  • If any Lwa / Orisha were to be encouraging of unorthodox veneration, it might certainly well be Legba - the traveller, the boundary-walker, the strife-sower and line-crosser.
  • Awareness of the hallucinogenic properties of bhang, the resin from the Indian-grown variety of cannabis, certainly existed in Europe by the early seventeenth century, thanks to the adventurousness of colonial travellers.
  • Stowed away aboard trawlers and ferries, animal travellers have descended upon the islands for many years.
  • Suddenly from out the city of Ur (Kerbela), near the ancient mouth of the Euphrates, appears a traveller. A Book of Discovery The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest Times to the Finding of the South Pole
  • It listed the stereotypical traits of 10 major European nations, enabling innkeepers and postillions to identify passing travellers.

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