How To Use Travelled In A Sentence

  • He travelled widely in pursuit of his ornithological passion, making many new discoveries. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Despite having all the appropriate authorisations in their possession, they were unable to produce the program for which they had travelled to the country.
  • For the past decade they have travelled the world, haranguing its leaders about the effects of globalisation, campaigning for ‘fair trade’ and chanting about the dangers of climate change.
  • Through his teens and beyond he was an athlete and travelled the world competing and training on the circuit.
  • In the seven games that they won the young squad travelled thousands of kilometres, lording it over 191 other contesting schools.
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  • My parents are missionaries and have travelled the world since before I was born.
  • We, being my partner Brett and I, set forth to the agreed hotspot, taking a 25 minute journey along a bumpy and seldom travelled track known only to a select few.
  • He travelled each morning with bread supplies for Port-laoise but in the afternoons he travelled on the country byroads bringing Brad-bury's breads and confectioneries to rural shops.
  • Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book.
  • Carpathia that he has often grumbled to the officers for what he called absurd precautions in lying to and wasting his time, which he regarded as very valuable; but after hearing of the Titanic's loss he recognized that he was to some extent responsible for the speed at which she had travelled, and would never be so again. The Loss of the S. S. Titanic Its Story and Its Lessons
  • Amongst those who have travelled furthest to take part in the Festival are a group from Northern Ireland.
  • He hadn't travelled far in love himself and was still curious about everything to do with affairs of the heart. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • The team, in existence for just three years, travelled south confident that they would be capable of making the difference between the teams count.
  • My mind travelled back to a hot sultry day in the little town.
  • When I moved back to the north-east in the early 90s I travelled up with our furniture in a removal van with two blokes from the west end of Newcastle. Sportsmen and their women: history's great divide
  • We invariably travelled on some clapped-out smelly bus that made us nauseous with the diesel fumes.
  • He's travelled everywhere in Europe.
  • As Michael travelled agonisingly slow down the pit lane, Brawn watched for Hakkinen to come from the chicane and seize the lead.
  • Then footloose and fancy free, Terry travelled Australia for the next couple of years.
  • Hundreds of people travelled to the southeast Queensland home of RM Williams at the weekend to buy saddlery, tools and machinery from the estate of the bush legend.
  • The surge travelled southwards along the coast.
  • They travelled by rail to the coast and thence by boat to America.
  • Two or three educated and travelled 'loppies' were to be found amongst the 'table-men'.
  • An impressive viaduct spans the valley a reminder of the time when visitors travelled from Lancashire, Yorkshire and beyond to spend a day around the falls.
  • His mind travelled back to his youth.
  • In vain he travelled to the most esteemed saints and the most celebrated martyries. Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
  • Slowly, the moon travelled across the sky, rising higher and dipping lower, until it began to sink below the treetops in the West, and kiss the tip of the horizon.
  • Managed by Seamus Cox from Aghamore, the band travelled the length and breath of the country playing to packed halls and marquees.
  • His model was the epicycle-deferent model where the motion of the heavenly bodies was circular, but based on a number of circles whose centres travelled around circles.
  • Around 8,000 people had travelled to the shipway on the Southside of Glasgow for the original planned launch of the ship on Friday April 8.
  • My mind travelled back to a hot sultry day in the little town.
  • Paula says she travelled along a main road used during the Pol Pot genocide and it was heavily mined.
  • A doting couple travelled 3,000 miles so their baby could be christened in the same cathedral as his mother and grandmother.
  • She travelled a lot in her student days.
  • George Thomas, a much-travelled Glaswegian, is a member of the PSOE, the Spanish socialist party, in Xabia on the Costa Blanca, which will have a number of expats on its candidates' list, although he is not under any illusions about the difficulties of integration. Most Brits in Spain say no gracias to integration
  • That was not so bad, but it turned out that the pedlar was a woman, and she came with a rawhide and camped in the office for two days waiting for Jimmy, while he came in and out of the back door, stuck his copy on the hook by stealth, and travelled only in the alleys to get his news. In Our Town
  • Julian travelled with Caribbean Connection, the UK 's leading Caribbean tour operator .
  • Letters from relatives on the Continent became a rarity; those that did reach British shores had usually travelled a roundabout route via neutral nations.
  • The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.
  • She had little formal education but travelled widely in Europe where her somewhat dramatic taste led to an interest in Italian Mannerism, German Romanticism, Pre-Raphaelitism, and the decadents.
  • Many of the young people are quite untravelled and unsophisticated, and have very limited horizons.
  • I snapped that rope as a ringmaster snaps a whip; but though the rope end travelled with great speed and the act must have been unexpected, the creature caught the rope in one of its chelae before it reached its face. Pirates of Venus
  • We lived in squats and abandoned buildings, didn't really go to school, travelled, hitch-hiked.
  • He has travelled widely.
  • It is thought thousands of people travelled for hundreds of miles bringing their cattle with them for the feast, which was held after the Roman invasion.
  • As he was crossing the road, a yellow off-road motorcycle, covered in mud, travelled down the street at speed on one wheel.
  • No one was quite sure where it had come from, but it had travelled with the K, they were the two voiceless velar Semitic consonants, they went back to the desert, to caph and koph. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • He never travelled to any of the European capitals outside Vienna, and he lacked percipient champions who could both recognize his worth and noise his talents abroad.
  • One of them was a really courageous person who travelled a few thousand kilometres on a two-wheeler bike. Naomi Campbell Interviews Vladimir Putin (PHOTO)
  • The airmen of RAF 100 Squadron, based at RAF Leeming in North Yorkshire, took Terence under their wing and with them he has travelled the world and beyond.
  • It is the way of the young to sometimes seek untravelled paths.
  • Hundreds of stargazers had travelled as far north as Orkney and Shetland to witness the spectacular celestial event, but most were thwarted by clouds which obscured the rare phenomenon.
  • The film had been so well-travelled that the lettering was starting to break up. KC Recalls the Creation of the V for Vendetta Collection » Comics Worth Reading
  • They travelled across the snow in a sleigh.
  • I travelled home from central London on a coach that, inevitably, became snarled up in traffic.
  • Few women travelled unescorted in those days, so Dubtach probably sent an escort with her.
  • After the impact the passenger train was derailed, but remained upright until it travelled over a set of points which deflected it into the path of the freight train travelling in the opposite direction.
  • Some of the inspiration for this move came from botanists who had travelled to the tropics and other exotic locations.
  • My sister was the one who travelled farthest.
  • They travelled to Portsmouth, where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown.
  • We invariably travelled on some clapped-out smelly bus that made us nauseous with the diesel fumes.
  • A native untravelled Scot would rather be right then rich, whereas many of the best leaders can be both.
  • Although I've travelled a lot without a valid ticket, I've never bought or sold to a ticket tout.
  • -- when their lords travelled from place to place -- with summer-oats, with providing for their cosherings, or feasts, at Christmas and Easter, with "black men and black money," for border defence, and with workmen and axemen from every ploughland, to work in the ditches, or to hew passages for the soldiery through the woods. A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Complete
  • We travelled one hour up the Pearl River by high-speed jet boats to the port of Zhongshan.
  • I'm now trying to view gear like one of the countries I have travelled to.
  • He then travelled with members of the maquis to Paris from where he was conducted along the safe route to Spain.
  • We travelled further inland the next day.
  • Many travelled long distances to join in the tributes and pay their respects.
  • As a much travelled male, I can say with confidence that Irish women are as classy as they come, and classier than most.
  • She is now set on spending the rest of her life with Eric and he travelled to Spain with her when she worked on the movie.
  • This last mentioned person had been bred with an apothecary, and sometimes travelled the country in the high capacity of a quack doctor, at others, in the more humble station of a merry-andrew. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • When the Scots diarist James Boswell travelled to Corsica in 1765, he was warned he would be killed instantly if he so much as attempted ‘to debauch any of their women’.
  • She travelled sweetly throughout, easing to the front over a furlong down to beat the other horse by a length.
  • The 81-year-old from Great Horton travelled with his daughter to visit battle grounds and cemeteries where his comrades have been buried.
  • Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book.
  • Liz travelled round the world for a year with her boyfriend James.
  • I travelled by foot, by hitch-hiking and by clambering onto the wagons of freight trains.
  • They had travelled south from York to seek fame and fortune, and seemed well on the way to finding both.
  • We travelled about 4 hours on hard blue ice, and I was allowed to geologize the last hour down the two outer lines of boulders. The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
  • Because we travelled so much, Sam and I asked a broker to act on our behalf.
  • The rumba - which originated in Africa - travelled from Zaire via the slave trade to Cuba and the New World, then back to Barcelona, where it was adopted by the gypsies.
  • When Herodotus narrates what he was told by the barbarians among whom he travelled, he narrates fooleries, after the manner of the greater part of travellers. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The twin-engine aircraft travelled through the so-called red zone of anticipated dense ash over Scotland in a 45-minute flight from 7 p.m., following which no ash was found even after inspections with a video boroscope inserted into an engine and checks on filters that had been replaced beforehand, Walsh said. -- Top News
  • Of the seven summer signings made by Billy Davies - balancing something of a mass exodus at the end of last season - David Kelly must be the widest travelled.
  • Amongst those who have travelled furthest to take part in the Festival are a group from Northern Ireland.
  • Cagliari," they were as intimate as though they had travelled round the world together, and had been as long about it as Captain Cook. The Bertrams
  • Although dressed in the buckskin of the frontiersman, he travelled in style, accompanied by a gamekeeper from his Angus estate and an Iroquois cook.
  • I am not asking you to be happy about losing your job, which ofcourse is inconceivable, I am asking you why your job should be protected when it could just as well have been lost to a Canadian in North America, or an American who has travelled to India or an Indian who has never stepped out of his country. Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They argued that it was enough that the communications in that case travelled by means of an instrument of interstate commerce, such as the phone system.
  • These representatives of companies travelled round the country displaying samples to prospective customers and taking orders.
  • He lived with a woman called Macy and travelled widely through Europe, returning to Ireland only on rare occasions, always in disguise.
  • Unfortunately, this meant that Spartan generals were famous for going doolally whenever they travelled outside Sparta and were confronted by big piles of gold, usually in the hands of people without the best interests of Sparta at heart…
  • By the time the tsunami had travelled 3,500 miles and was nearing the coast of east Africa, news of the dreadful toll in Asia had preceded it.
  • We felt that that the tradeswoman's voluntary and active participation in the war was made clear enough by showing the great distance which she has travelled to get into it.
  • Halfway up the meadow she turned and walked unhesitatingly into the woods, with the familiarity of someone repeating an oft-travelled route. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • Devaji's family, like other Marwari nomads, has travelled all over the country before reaching the city five years ago.
  • Reid appears to have travelled to Belgium via the Netherlands with the same aim in mind.
  • Another is the Queen of Sheba, who travelled from what is believed to be Yemen at great peril to herself to meet King Solomon in Jerusalem. Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi: Just a Century Ago, a Woman Ruled in the Gulf
  • Ruben Dario was a very famous Nicaraguan poet and he had travelled all over the world. DESPERADOES
  • How many times I have read that event and wished the King and Queen had travelled in a smaller less conspicuous coach and not the large yellow berline described by historians. Capture at Varennes
  • In 1061 he travelled to Rome again in order to obtain his pallium as archbishop of York.
  • He travelled throughout Latin America drumming up support for the confederation.
  • In 1585 he travelled to the West Indies and the coast of Florida where he sacked and plundered Spanish cities.
  • He travelled extensively after he retired, pursuing his interests in wildlife and wild places, and, in particular, ornithology.
  • We measured thigmotaxis (amount of time in the outer versus inner zone), and general activity levels (velocity and total distance travelled). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Those who had travelled from afar were allowed to carry home their treasures.
  • He travelled with English marmalade, an egg cup and insisted on English mustard.
  • He said he is not very widely travelled and does not describe himself as a globetrotter.
  • Proof positive, they'll agree now, that it wasn't young Paula who travelled here last Wednesday. THE QUEST FOR K
  • Almost 1200 supporters had travelled to back them, but only a fraction stuck it out until full-time.
  • Up to the late 1700's, everybody travelled on the left side of the road because it's the sensible option for feudal, violent societies of mostly right-handed people.
  • So they would have travelled to Barnet in good heart to play another former Conference side who had lost their opening three matches.
  • After doing roles that even junior actors would hesitate to accept, Kamal has chosen the untravelled path in real life too.
  • Parents in some parts of Britain have travelled abroad or paid privately for single vaccinations against the individual diseases.
  • It is the way of the young to sometimes seek untravelled paths.
  • They talked vaginas, more vaginas, the radicalness of mommyblogging (from a dad’s perspective), the reasons why the road more medicated is sometimes the road best travelled, corpses in bathrooms, team building and swallowing cameras, how to be almost sort-of always sometimes Canadian, and – because it wouldn’t be a well-rounded week of guest posts if it didn’t come full circle back to genitalia – balls and porn. Getting Back To Business | Her Bad Mother
  • Some of the men now coming over it with the police had travelled it with Wolseley a few years previously and would have vivid recollections of the flies and mud and portages and the need of manufacturing skidways over the bogs, but they would also recall the irrepressible and uproarious spirit in which they used to sing of their additional accomplishments in the rollicking "Jolly Boys" chorus: Policing the Plains Being the Real-Life Record of the Famous North-West Mounted Police
  • For years, her mother travelled to London on business yet they rarely met up.
  • About 10,000 England fans travelled to the World Cup warm-up match in Amsterdam, including about 2,000 ticketless supporters.
  • He has travelled widely in Asia.
  • A radiance as bright as the sun shone from the stone and travelled part way down her arm.
  • When he woke up next morning, he discovered that the boat had, in the meantime, travelled to Calais.
  • All the inhabitants live on the coast, and the interior is only travelled over in the winter with komatik and dogs. Le Petit Nord or, Annals of a Labrador Harbour
  • In March 1340 he travelled to London on community business, to show proof to the city authorities that Lynn burgesses were exempt from murage exactions there.
  • He then travelled the short distance to the German chancellery.
  • As the trip progressed, many in the group confessed they had travelled to China with misgivings.
  • They travelled around the Caucasus more than the other nationalities and were the main commercial traders.
  • In 1856 he took up a position as a private tutor close to Washington and he often travelled to that city to study mathematics in the libraries there.
  • They have both travelled widely.
  • A steady drizzle soaked the crowd travelled the half hour from downtown to bid him godspeed.
  • That night, Lenin travelled incognito to the party headquarters.
  • Hence, while they wouldn't blink an eye at half-inching a Nana Mouskouri vocal sample, or appearing as deranged doctors for The Everlasting Blink album, their musical map has always directed them down the road less well travelled.
  • The prisoner travelled under police escort.
  • She travelled partly by carriage and partly on foot, carrying her basket.
  • We also travelled to Mumbai and Pune in search of the perfect sizzlers.
  • He travelled for a year, before embarking on graduate studies.
  • Ahead of us lies 27 km of pristine, sparkling and largely untravelled water.
  • As part of the promotion a Morris Oil team travelled around the region demonstrating the zippy Citroen Xsara and inviting people to sign up for the giveaway.
  • I became a mountain bike rider, serial holiday-maker, gardener and travelled the world watching football. The Sun
  • His model was the epicycle-deferent model where the motion of the heavenly bodies was circular, but based on a number of circles whose centres travelled around circles.
  • Some of them travelled in fifth class, which consisted of boxcars totally bereft of comfort.
  • Dad always likes to dress up for any occasion, so he travelled, in the height of summer, in a three-piece tweed suit, large overcoat and brogues.
  • They travelled in a westward direction.
  • A socialism puckishly shark pleasurably agropyron in the san luis china is untravelled to cuneus any interoceptor overly the sweatshop, priesthood stare hal bedder unjointed this anemography. Rational Review
  • I once travelled in the back of a van and the girl driving made me lie flat on the floor to prevent any passing police seeing me.
  • We travelled aboard the same flight.
  • Do Ho Suh shows a multicolored sculpture made of tiny model figures; Olafur Eliasson lets a yellow Think Sphere shine on the art globetrotters; Pawel Althamer exhibits the billy goat costume with which he has travelled the world; FOS present two birds that cover newspapers with their excrements; and finally there are several shiny Anish Kapoor's and colorful Haegue Yang's. VernissageTV: Frieze Art Fair London 2011
  • We travelled along the Wharfe into the Dale, that takes its name from the river, which reaches from York about 20 miles, enlivened almoft all the way with gentlemens feats at a little diftance from each other; and left Otley-cheven, on the fouth fide of the river, a fmall market - town, no otherwife of note than for its fituation, which is under a large craggy cliff. A tour through the island of Great Britain : divided into circuits or journies ...
  • He frequently travelled abroad and it was during one trip in 1973, while taking mudbaths near Naples for his lumbago, that he was overthrown.
  • He was the leadsman, that is to say, it was his business to sound the depths of the sea; he had plumbed the profound abysses of the ocean, calculated the elevation of the land and the apparent motion of the sky; he knew the exact time by looking at the sun, and he could tell from the stars how far they had travelled. In Midsummer Days, and Other Tales
  • She travelled the highways and byways of Scotland collecting folk songs and local traditions.
  • I travelled by train from Edinburgh to Penrith, changing at Carlisle, and then it was just a short taxi ride to the resort.
  • Then, in 1963, he travelled to California and developed a Pop Art style all his own - blazing colours, delicacy of line, geometrical buildings painted in oil and acrylic.
  • This is the man who travelled the length of the Maine coast by Greyhound bus to find out what was going on in its marine research stations.
  • Several travelled long journeys to pay their respects and sympathize with the family.
  • As the Hon Maurice Williamson said, we have all travelled around places where we have experienced unruly behaviour that is not only unbefitting to the person but brings discredit on other people.
  • It may also be called a breccia, for it is composed of black fragments, larger or smaller, derived from other rocks, whose angular shape indicates that they have not travelled far from the spots where they occur. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Pittaway is a well travelled lepidopterist with a passion for sphingids.
  • Those who travelled to Ireland may well have sought the protection of their castle at Dundrum and, perhaps, buried their most valuable treasure there.
  • From there, still an alcoholic, he travelled to South Africa, still looking for deliverance.
  • To be honest, it's left me feeling a little second-rate, a little less than cosmopolitan, a little untravelled and - even though I hate to admit it - dull.
  • By the end of my second year there, I'd travelled to most continents, and my air miles account was truly bulging.
  • We travelled west for two days.
  • They travelled by sea and by land to distant countries in search of aromatics and artefacts.
  • We travelled by land until we reached the sea.
  • In one year it did 90 trips between Helen Springs and Camooweal and according to Vestey company records it travelled about two million miles carting cattle around the outback.
  • Our visitor had travelled in a dog cariole.
  • She travelled the globe in search of good writers of children's stories.
  • She and Sid also travelled a lot, and were generally very content with their lifestyle.
  • It was noticeable from their warm-up match against a Dublin selection on Wednesday afternoon that they have travelled without a big target man in the mould of Barry Hall or Wayne Carey.
  • On the opposite side of the room was a large, massively-constructed copying camera, the front of which, carrying the lens, was fixed, and an easel or copyholder travelled on parallel guides towards, or away, from it, on a long stand. The Red Thumb Mark
  • For example, the taximeter used by the Greeks to measure the distance travelled by the wheels of a carriage employed only pairs of gears or gears and worms to achieve the necessary ratio of movement. Archive 2005-10-01
  • His attention was arrested by a young lady who, standing at an angle not far from him, was the last to whom his eyes travelled.
  • He travelled across continents in his quest for adventure.
  • For the rare treat, fans had travelled from far, slept outside and braved the winter weather.
  • Safe journey to all our invalids, helpers and pilgrims from the parish who travelled on Sunday to participate in the Annual Armagh Pilgrimage to Lourdes.
  • The men, middle-aged and raddled by the inevitable broken roads they have travelled, struggle to come to terms with their lives and damaged relationships.
  • The next generation of talented tyros at St Peter's School were out to emulate the success of their peers when they travelled to Filey School today in the first round of the Daily Mail Schools Under-15s Cup.
  • The scale and precise role of the retinue of officers and servants who travelled with a prince has not been established.
  • He travelled overseas extensively gaining the necessary knowledge to carry out these new otological operations.
  • At the age of 13 he travelled to the Nevada desert to track wild mustangs and observe their behaviour.
  • As you would expect from such a literate, well travelled and much experienced man, the brief author's note at the end is full of good stuff.
  • Just waiting," answered Jake's dad, his voice slipping into the gruff tone it could take on when they travelled into rural Alaska, when he moved closer into the country that had roughened and raised him. The Place He Had to Go
  • His work was honoured by the award of a number of prizes, for calculating the distance travelled by a ship, for a study of ship's anchors, and for a study of cranes and windlasses.
  • If the customer charter is to be believed it would appear that those passengers who travelled to Dublin that morning are entitled to a refund on their fare.
  • Her shop and cafe looks like the sort of cramped, slightly chaotic set-up you might stumble across in a village post office, but the food from £3.50 is well-travelled, cosmopolitan stuff. South London's top 10 budget eats
  • He travelled around West Africa trying to muster support for his movement.
  • He's travelled a long way and I'm sure you can spare a day out of your busy schedule to talk to him.
  • The stairs leading from the servants level to ground were well-travelled routes, with untold scores of menials scurrying to and fro between their masters and duties.
  • We travelled to California for the wedding.
  • Mother and I travelled on the passenger vessel Olympic, a sister ship of the Titanic.
  • In April of 1677 Barrow travelled to London where he contracted malignant fever.
  • The past two weeks have shown how far we have travelled in the debate about introducing legislation in Scotland aimed at protecting people from the damage that passive smoking causes to health.
  • If it has come from something like that, then the airborne bacteria what we call a plume could have travelled over several kilometres given the right weather conditions, and that's the scenario we are looking at now. WalesOnline - Home
  • Despite her love of the estate, Iris craved intellectual outlets, and until the war she travelled constantly, usually alone.
  • This compares to the total force of 12000 who travelled to France with Henry, although some 3000 were lost during the preceding siege of Harfleur, and through dysentery. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Last week, the Terriers had travelled to Spotland with only 12 fit players, though that game was cancelled as the pitch was unplayable.
  • My mind travelled back to a hot sultry day in the little town.
  • In the past month alone, the Dunmore East lifeboat crew had travelled 48 miles south east of the harbour to the rescue of a dismasted French yacht and brought it ashore.

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