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How To Use Travel expense In A Sentence

  • You can claim back your travelling / travel expenses.
  • The attendance of the workshop doesn't need fees, but the travel expense and the hotel expense could be submitted by the company.
  • There is no charge to participate, and ESPA will provide hotel accommodations and reimbursement for other allowable travel expenses.
  • Britain would pay travel expenses and initial accommodation costs, and provide a counsellor to oversee their rehabilitation.
  • The fee does not include travel expenses incurred by the guest (which need to be reimbursed separately).
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  • It also provides financial help to family members to cover travel expenses, hotel costs and phone bills.
  • As a practical matter, a receipt showing the amount of the expense is an absolute prerequisite to substantiating a travel expense.
  • Lenzabile approves of this comment by the Mayor of Hamamatsu City as convincing and practical criticism: “We need to put our heads together and come up with ideas, such as allowing reentry once recipients have repaid their travel expenses”. Global Voices in English » Japan: For the Price of a Plane Ticket…?
  • Instructions came from on high to reduce our travel expenses.
  • As both were unemployed and receiving benefits, they were entitled to recover their travel expenses.
  • They also reimburse entrants to the tune of £250 for travel expenses if they raise a minimum of £750.
  • he received reimbursement for his travel expenses
  • Britain would pay travel expenses and initial accommodation costs, and provide a counsellor to oversee their rehabilitation.
  • The courses are tailored to fit around school holidays and nurses taking part are guaranteed a minimum of 10 hours pay a week with additional financial assistance for childcare and travel expenses.
  • An allowance for travel expenses was built into the budget.
  • In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.
  • The general sense of the Caucus is that the people of South Carolina have suffered enough as a result of your recent actions and the current allegations against you," the members wrote to the governor, referring to his disappearance from the state in June and subsequent investigations into his travel expenses. S.C. House Republicans tell Sanford to resign
  • Travel expenses with proof of purchase up to 120 refunded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instructions came from on high to reduce our travel expenses.
  • Taylor Patten Communications paid travel expenses and honoraria to the working party members.
  • Despite his non-attendance, he is still entitled to a basic allowance of £2,536 per annum plus travel expenses.
  • In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.
  • An allowance for travel expenses was built into the budget.
  • In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.
  • His wife's travel expenses could not be refunded.
  • His total claim of £128,053 went towards paying for housing allowances, office costs and travel expenses.
  • In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.
  • The evaluation will be provided at no charge, and, in most cases, patients will be reimbursed for their travel expenses.
  • Participants in the high-power group considered the misreporting of travel expenses to be a significantly worse offense.
  • A companion accompanying an ill member during repatriation will be covered up to a maximum of 955 euros in travel expenses.
  • How excited I am to be able to preview one of my films in my home town - and for the first time I have turned down travel expenses!
  • Attendance allowance is paid to assist a member of the reserves with travel expenses when required to attend a specified place within Australia to render reserve service.
  • The Defence Travel Card is a corporate credit card used to pay for business travel expenses including accommodation, meals, incidentals and surface travel.
  • In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.
  • He received a per diem allowance to cover his travel expenses.
  • A modest investment in the latest technology can save enormous amounts of time and travel expense.
  • The company has been paying my accommodation costs and my additional travel expenses.
  • Each of the authors has received research grants and travel expenses or lecture honorariums from one or more of these three study sponsors.
  • You can claim back your travelling / travel expenses.
  • On the other hand, there is no tax on fellowships and scholarships if the craftsperson is studying for a degree at an educational institution including tuition, lodging, equipment and travel expenses, nor is an award taxable if it comes from a governmental agency or school. Daniel Grant: A Word About Taxes
  • He was given a sum of money to cover his travel expenses.
  • A modest investment in the latest technology can save enormous amounts of time and travel expense.
  • Travel expenses with proof of purchase up to 120 will be refunded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The charges purely cover the cost of any travel expenses, blank CDs etc etc.
  • Mr Callely, who was banned from the Seanad for 20 days without pay for deliberately misrepresenting his normal place of residence to claim travel expenses, claimed he had been painted as a "chancer" and "a rogue" and "thoroughly despicable". - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • This after years of wholesale abuse of the system in which lords and ladies of all persuasions have claimed distant holiday homes to enable them to get the accompanying unreceipted travel expenses. Unnecessary respite from reform
  • Travel expenses will be recoverable from the company.
  • Travel expenses, with proof of purchase, of up to 120 will be refunded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your travel expenses, and those of your spouse and children if appropriate, should normally be borne by your employer.

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