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How To Use Trappings In A Sentence

  • It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.
  • It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.
  • So she sware to him that she would not do him any hurt or ensorcell him, and bidding bring him a fine horse, saddled and bridled with a golden bridle and decked with trappings all of gold set with jewels, gave the old man a thousand dinars saying, Use this.’’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He enjoyed the trappings of power, such as a chauffeur-driven car and bodyguards.
  • We have always tried to make her see that the inner worth of people is what is important, not the expensive trappings on the outside.
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  • The ones that really bother me, and seem to be on the decline, are the Tolkeinesque stories, but even the more modern sword and sorcery stuff, that avoids the Tolkein trappings, still has the quests and heirs and stuff that just gets old, even before it starts. SF Fanatic: I Am Not A Fan Of Fantasy, Here's Why
  • Headboards, footboards, and side rails can be unsafe, especially if a baby is left alone in bed with these trappings.
  • But super-power trappings offer only a flimsy mask for the realities of poverty and are no substitute for grassroots economic development.
  • We freed the horses from their trappings, and I went about setting up our camp.
  • It also includes used animal trappings such as harnesses, saddles, halters, reins, rope and chain.
  • Step two pulled the trappings of the outside reality into this virtual world.
  • Now, in our new climate of national affluence, wealth and all its trappings seem available to anybody determined enough to have them.
  • Sad for all that his yak was a fine, strong beast and its saddle of tooled leather with silver trappings; and despite the fact that his robe was new and rich, his saddle bags fully provisioned and his purse crammed with gold. Hero Of Dreams
  • Capitalism, with all its trappings, is the dominant financial model for the entire world. Think Progress » Cornyn Hypocritically Accuses Democrats Of ‘Hysterical’ Reaction To Right-Wing Judicial Activism
  • If we're all cashing in our hipster cred for bourgeois trappings, then at least we're doing it together.
  • You've demonstrated zero familiarity with the genre and you've ignored the multiple examples of wizard schools and wizard trappings that pre-exist Willy that have been pointed out repeatedly. Making Light: Rowling's being sued for plagiarism again
  • The trappings of upper-class life are off-putting and sterile
  • It was actually really just a good thriller; the sci-fi trappings were entirely needless and pretty unfeasible.
  • In common we all share sword, helmet, byrnie, the trappings of war.
  • Wherein we learn tearing away outer trappings of the Light merely unclothes the Light ... making the Light shine even further and all the more, even though some try to pit us and others against each other to see who gets the biggest piece of what does not matter: Jesus is stripped of his clothing and soldiers gamble for his blood-soaked garments. National Catholic Reporter
  • Similarly, his image of St. Francis conveys the saint's swooning spirituality with all the appropriate trappings - halo, monastic robe, stigmata and the animals to which he preached.
  • It also includes used animal trappings such as harnesses, saddles, halters, reins, rope and chain.
  • I have a morbid fascination for thinking about how to survive without the trappings of modern life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Ex may have all the trappings of a punk band... the pigeon-toed stances, awkward moves and the impossibly low slung guitars, but don t let that fool you. Michal Shapiro: Punk Meets World
  • Outwardly quiet and unostentatious, he was a deeply thoughtful man who shared his father's fascination with the complex iconography of ecclesiastical architecture and trappings.
  • It fizzed; it foamed; it had all the trappings of a real experiment.
  • Bedlam - one of Scotland's largest paintball operators - has scrapped the game's overtly military trappings in favour of something more akin to a 1980s sci-fi series.
  • In a sense, his undoing was the fact that he made no secret of how he revelled in success and its trappings.
  • His schmooz rambling Lieutenant Colombo impersonation has the outward trappings of Colombo, but not the Detective's intelligence. Richardson On Bush: He's Putting His Legacy Ahead Of The Troops
  • Its scarlet howdah was empty; its trappings were scarlet; the mahout was a Shan. AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA
  • It's a practical how-to that strips meditation of all the religious trappings. Times, Sunday Times
  • After 1792 the trappings of Roman republicanism became fashionable, with fasces and axes; and stern ancient patriots like Brutus, Scaevola, and Cato, familiar to all men of education, were much invoked.
  • The diversity of his choices reflects the desire of his patrons to surround themselves with the trappings of culture and gentility that at the time were equated with European antiques.
  • Want a parade saddle, complete with scrolled pewter trappings and conchos?
  • Capitalism, with all it’s trappings, is the dominant financial model for the entire world. Think Progress » SC Lt. Gov. compares people getting gov’t help to ‘stray animals’ who ‘breed’ because they don’t know better.
  • Of course I've got all the trappings of success, but it hurts when friends treat me like some circus freak.
  • Chef Andrew Carmellini said the hybrid concept will likely emerge, reflecting the "move to casual, comfort food without the trappings of a fancy restaurant.
  • Thankfully, Rucker avoided the trappings of other artists who '' countrify '' themselves. Undefined
  • Then they masked this brute coercion with the trappings of refined culture and regal bearing. Christianity Today
  • Likewise, aesthetically lacquered trappings dramatically impede the movements of the drama's main characters.
  • They not only feel better about themselves, but actually manifest all the material trappings of success in their lives. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Even the tinies of them looked every centimetre a ‘cricketer’ with all the trappings befitting a test player.
  • He was dressed in full ranchero costume, with its rich broidery and trappings; and instead of the usual "serape," he wore a purple _manga_ -- a more graceful, as well as costlier garment. The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
  • Could we not copare the warming in these places over the last 100 years to workout the impact of post-1945 building/urban effect and as to weather CO2 driven IR reradiation increases heating increases water vapors, which increases heat trappings. Unthreaded #5 « Climate Audit
  • She believes that the ritual trappings were off by about ten feet, and what was summoned just outside the magic circle was the famous Noonday Demon, rumors of which her father and his corpselike pals had whispered after the slaughter of miserable afternoons at the House of Ko-Reck-Shun: the savage demon of the second rate, the demon of everyday evil. Nick Mamatas' Journal
  • While distinctly fleshy now, sporting all the trappings of wealth and success, he still pushes life to its limit.
  • They enjoyed all the trappings of wealth.
  • They may be knee-deep in paisley but always keep the songs on a leash and never rely too much on nostalgic trappings.
  • Being a Silver Jubilee event, they took all necessary steps to attach the trappings of a celebrative ambience to the campus.
  • I slept in whatever kind of cubbyhole they had -- slept in Wayne's office at Anna Maria's -- and I'll tell you, I didn't miss what you call "the trappings of stardom" at all. I Tina
  • So remote is this little place from the stir and bustle of travel, and so destitute of the show and vainglory of this world, that my calesa, as it rattled and jingled along the narrow and ill-paved streets, caused a great sensation; the children shouted and scampered along by its side, admiring its splendid trappings of brass and worsted, and gazing with reverence at the important stranger who came in so gorgeous an equipage. The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (Volume II)
  • The Waiters household contains many of the traditional trappings of sentimental bliss: Women nestle snugly at home and babies merrily roll about.
  • While thematically they rail against these trappings, the whole album sounds like a slow process of ultimate defeat, the band seemingly unable to shake the ties they deride.
  • It also includes used animal trappings such as harnesses, saddles, halters, reins, rope and chain.
  • Questioning doctrine and the trappings of religion doesn't mean that Jones' work should be read as sacrilegious or spiritually ungrounded.
  • I've spent the last few years acquiring the trappings and signs of the middle class.
  • It has the trappings of an election campaign in the United States, with slick television ads touting the candidates.
  • To fully comprehend the nature of the criminal justice system in Mexico City is to understand that the judicial power of the colonial state and its agents was not to be found in the trappings, rituals, and royal regalia of the court.
  • Behind the trappings of old age, I knew this woman must have been uncommonly beautiful in her youth: high cheek bones, a swan-like neck, trim and dainty with long flowing locks of hair.
  • Surely the New Age philosophy is about letting go of material trappings, emptying your mind of the chaos of 21st century life and looking inward for answers.
  • The Nabobs are getting close to their moment of power and, of course, power comes with certain trappings, one of which must needs be a Palace. Archive 2008-02-10
  • As he has evidently now discovered, the trappings of high office are not limited to posh perquisites and media glare.
  • Football's biggest game may have glamorous trappings, what with the Madonna hootenanny, the khakis-casual corporate breakfast buffets and the titillating chance of a Joe Theismann sighting, but it can be a bleak curse on the team living in the host city. No Fans Were Left Out in the Cold
  • Yet, despite all these trappings of success and personal happiness, of late he has been questioning exactly where his own life is going.
  • The trappings of prominent elected offices do not shield the occupants from the challenges, temptations and failures of daily life.
  • In 11 seasons with the Pittsburgh Penguins, Jagr had won two Stanley Cups by the time he had turned 21 and he admittedly became spoiled with the trappings of super-stardom—earning him a reputation as a malingerer. Why Didn't New York Keep Jagr?
  • I have a morbid fascination for thinking about how to survive without the trappings of modern life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trappings of male finery included plumed helmets, heavy epaulettes, long swords, tassels, braid, knee-high boots, gleaming escutcheons, white gloves, white trousers.
  • My companion seemed not to bother with any of the trappings of image which worry other girls of her age and for that her cool image was boosted.
  • A far cry from the genteel group from whence they came, the WSPU immediately showed its difference in the fact that it attracted women from the working and middle-classes — women who were less inhibited by the traditional trappings of “ladyhood”. Shoulder to Shoulder | Edwardian Promenade
  • It is the question which will have crossed the minds of Gianluigi Buffon, Kaka, perhaps David Villa, in these crazy past four months and the answer most people might give will include apartments, Ferraris and all the other trappings which come with the whole Arab ownership fandangle. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Now Ulrich had long suspected the knave of bad doings, for many pearls and jewels had lately been missing from her Grace's shabrack and horse-trappings, and the groom, who always laid them on her Grace's white palfrey, knew nothing about them, though he was even put to the torture; but as Appelmann had all these things in his sole keeping, it was natural to think that he was not quite innocent. Sidonia, the Sorceress : the Supposed Destroyer of the Whole Reigning Ducal House of Pomerania — Volume 1
  • The chilling realities of street life are skilfully combined with the familiar trappings of adolescence to create a tense, powerful drama.
  • Here there were many final reminders of how people live here with few material trappings.
  • It has many of the trappings of a five-star hotel, but the service can be a bit patchy.
  • The physicians shuddered to see a fledgling organization that was supposed to be dependent on them flaunt such trappings. THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician
  • But Eofor took from Ongentheow, earl from other, the iron-breastplate, hard sword hilted, and helmet too, and the hoar-chief's harness to Hygelac carried, who took the trappings, and truly promised rich fee 'mid folk, -- and fulfilled it so. Beowulf
  • The chilling realities of street life are skilfully combined with the familiar trappings of adolescence to create a tense, powerful drama.
  • In Workplace 2000, rigid hierarchies will be dismantled, as will the ceremonial trappings of power.
  • It is to his credit that he has long resisted deification and hero worship, indeed all the elaborate trappings of being a living symbol.
  • The demonstration had all the trappings of a typical 1960s peace demo.
  • Despite his much vaunted lack of emotional attachment to the trappings of title, the marquis has been cited as conducting his business with a distinctly aristocratic hauteur.
  • But, especially on a second viewing, it is a shockingly conventional narrative, a tried-and-true caper picture guised up in brainy sci-fi trappings. Scott Mendelson: 2010 in Review: the Overrated.
  • Vasari states that in his old age Piero expressed his distaste for the sordid trappings of death, such as parasitic nurses, the visitations of weeping relatives, and confinement in dark sickrooms.
  • Indeed, the procedures and trappings of the hunt were adapted for military purposes.
  • These burly, barrel-chested men aren't quite comfortable within their macho trappings, but act as allegorical tools to explore issues of contemporary masculinity.
  • So who are we to condemn the materialistic trappings of our stars?
  • As one who works primarily with youth from the public schools, I see that they live in a pluralistic world, out of touch with both the touchy-feely liberalism and the outward trappings of Tridentine piety.
  • Mainstream films, in the end, always look like lifestyle advertisements, flaunting cover-model babes, expensive cars and other trappings of the monied classes.
  • The trappings of male finery included plumed helmets, heavy epaulettes, long swords, tassels, braid, knee-high boots, gleaming escutcheons, white gloves, white trousers.
  • The title refers to New Zealanders who have forsaken material trappings and joined the Buddhist faith.
  • It fizzed; it foamed; it had all the trappings of a real experiment.
  • Pete intuitively disliked these men, despite the fact that they rode excellent horses, sported gay trappings, and "joshed" with him as though he were one of themselves. The Ridin' Kid from Powder River
  • When he came out, he cast over his shoulders a costly robe and crowned him with a coronet of jewels; he also girt him with a girdle of silk, purfled with red gold and set with pearls and gems, and mounted him on one of his noblest mares, with selle and trappings of gold inlaid with pearls and jewels. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The demonstration had all the trappings of a typical 1960s peace demo.
  • At worst, it can be highly offensive; a horror of sexist trappings and misguided tensions.
  • Today's ceremony will have all the trappings of a wedding but without the trap as, for legal reasons, it can't be performed by a real registrar until the pair give 90 days notice of their intention to marry.
  • This entire society is geared towards males for a reason:: Because the gods hold the males in disfavor and want them distracted by all the trappings this society has to offer, ensuring they fail. Letter Two
  • Beat’s outer trappings — black turtlenecks, cigarette pants, neckerchiefs, berets — is indebted less to Jack Kerouac and his wayward cohort, who slouched about in frayed flannel shirts, than to stylized interpretations in movies like “Funny Face” or the less well-known “Subterraneans,’’ a 1960 film based on a Kerouac novel about the kinky denizens of North Beach in San Francisco. August 2006
  • It dawns on the man, in allegorical death, that it is neither possible nor necessary to cast off the trappings of culture that comprise his conditioned life, nor need he cross any putative hallowed threshold to gain the freedom embodied by the Law (a law being the one thing that is not subject to itself), because he realizes that freedom is always already the case on either side of the gate. Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites
  • Freed from the trappings of conventional morality, Van Ness is at liberty to invent his own.
  • Rigs need to be tough, but streamlined and functional without any unnecessary trappings.
  • A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings
  • Today, she couldn't care less about the trappings of success.
  • Do tourists bring more than this to see the Queen and the associated trappings?
  • The new Emir may eschew the extravagant trappings of wealth, but many of his people are less discreet. Times, Sunday Times
  • This means that all the trappings of the new state - the official titles, ministries and institutions - are just paper fictions, in danger of vanishing at any moment.
  • There is a message in the serial: too many people dream of a fast car, a big house, and all the material trappings.
  • The doctor handed her his card and twenty dollars in gold, and presently we were escorted to the little parlor with its odiferous atmosphere and tired trappings, where the ancient alienist huddled in his dressing gown beneath a threadbare blanket, shivering despite the robust fire dancing in the hearth. The Monstrumologist
  • The demonstration had all the trappings of a typical 1960s peace demo.
  • A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings
  • They undermined the social hierarchy even as they left its outward trappings intact.
  • They merely act on impulse, seeking what they think they want, glory, power, wealth, the trappings of might. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • Mighty of heart, mighty of mind -- "magnanimous" -- to be this, is, indeed, to be great in life; to become this increasingly, is, indeed, to "advance in life," -- in life itself -- not in the trappings of it. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • She earnestly, affably discusses her self-perception and how, despite a life begun at 12 in film and music, she doesn't consider herself an artist, and how this may actually be reassuring, affording her a healthy distance form the trappings of compulsory creation of Art. Michael Vazquez: 2011's Doomsday Cinema, Part I: Melancholia @ 49th NYFF plus Gainsbourg on Von Trier & Lars' NYFF 47 Press Conference (VIDEO)
  • All his life he had failed - but all his life had seen himself close enough to the trappings of success to go on kidding himself. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • The fences and barriers, speed bumps and empty watchmen's huts are the trappings of wealth, the buffers of avarice.
  • The place has been refurbished for the festival and the dhaba atmosphere has been created with a puncture shop, country liquor outlet, sweet shop, machan and all other trappings of a dhaba.
  • How one couchant beast, with its imperturbable gravitas, a heraldic chunk of London itself, moved without lifting a paw, from the site on the south bank of the Thames being cleared for the Festival of Britain in 1951, to Waterloo Station with its martial trappings, and on to its present eminence alongside the decommissioned County Hall. The Festival of Britain, 60 years on
  • Some may even be cheap knock-offs, made in imitation of the originals by later peoples who didn't understand the theory, and just aped the outside trappings.
  • When the guillotine dropped on King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, it might have been thought that France had abandoned all trappings of aristocracy.
  • Status is a funny thing, especially considering that today's must-have trappings are likely to seem ridiculous to future generations.
  • For this man, indeed, the reliques, the trappings, the minaret-crowned monuments, the barbaric chants and gold ornaments, all the thousand rich things that recalled Muscovy and the buried empire to him, and that he loved so dearly, were valuable chiefly because they were the emblems of the time that bore the happy present. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • Normally on such trips my notes run to lavish hotel trappings, distances between monuments and the number of oohs and aahs per scenic vista.
  • Heysham is also no stranger to the trappings of the modern world with its two nuclear power stations and ferry port, which has frequent car ferry sailings to the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland.
  • Albertson's recent paintings in both oil and gouache continue to feature contorted, hyper-eroticized figures enacting portentous traditional scenes amid the most vulgar trappings of popular culture.
  • In addition to the throne, the ceremony did include the presence of some of the trappings one might expect at a coronation, including the royal robes and the Crown regalia.
  • He is magically deft in the conic perspective of their open bosoms; in the glazed sheen of their blonde braided hair; in spanning the capaciousness of their tumbling satin trappings.
  • I've been meaning to write about Trappings for a while now, and then of course I "tidied" my office and an enormous number of things got put in one of those dread piles from which only now are the bravest and most stalwart to-dos escaping. January 2008
  • The physicians shuddered to see a fledgling organization that was supposed to be dependent on them flaunt such trappings. THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician
  • I am all for American regional cookery and the trappings of taste, custom, and parlance that go with each.
  • A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings
  • To date, yes: we've peddled tartan schlock in the form of hokum Burns Night suppers to generations of tourists so we can't blame them for finding novelty in the trappings of the occasion.
  • The song is just about resistance to heavy handed authority when the swagman in fact rejected most of the trappings of society, either out of necessity or choice.
  • Likewise, aesthetically lacquered trappings dramatically impede the movements of the drama's main characters.
  • Freed from the trappings of conventional morality, Van Ness is at liberty to invent his own.
  • Though he works for a fictional firm, the stature and trappings are old school, and his cohort of young associates all have the scrubbed and tweedy Harvard look about them.
  • But the trappings of celebrity were already apparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's another season full of crazed killers, zombified corpses, brutal stabbings, and all the rest of the trappings that the fans enjoy.
  • Little bits of barbecue had escaped their white-bread trappings, and scattered here and there were errant bits of coleslaw, but I could forgive a little sloppiness.
  • A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings
  • As a thorough break from London's quotidian chaos, whilst retaining all the trappings of urban civilisation, I can recommend it thoroughly.
  • An absentee father and husband, he had none of the usual trappings of normality. Notorious: The Maddest and Baddest Sportsmen on the Planet
  • Freed from the trappings of conventional morality, Van Ness is at liberty to invent his own.
  • The room had the requisite trappings of power—the fireplace, the swagged floor-to-ceiling windows—setting the scene for posterity most of the work in the building got done in a different kind of classic D.C. décor: small, verging-on-shabby rooms with furniture that was merely old, not antique. Yellow Dirt
  • It also includes used animal trappings such as harnesses, saddles, halters, reins, rope and chain.
  • They include trappings, poisoning, and gassing or fumigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings
  • But for all this luxury and high-society living, I'm glad to say that we never fell into the trappings of drug-addiction and male nymphomania (the latter could be attributed to our pre-pubescent state).
  • But Eofor took from Ongentheow, earl from other, the iron-breastplate, hard sword hilted, and helmet too, and the hoar-chief’s harness to Hygelac carried, who took the trappings, and truly promised rich fee ’mid folk, — and fulfilled it so. Beowulf, translated by Francis Gummere
  • The label arranged all the trappings of a full-fledged tour — hotels, food, promotions and the itinerary — but the best part of the experience by far, the three agree, was the fans. Space Pimpin’ All Over the World
  • You want to be one of the young star businessmen and have all the trappings of that - flash cars, flash girls and a flash life.
  • Durable and strong, and a fraction of the price of wrought iron or bronze, cast iron was the ideal material to use for these trappings in response to the growing demand for cheaper ornament.
  • If that is ever to happen, computer games will also have to esacpe the extremistic political and philosophical trappings which tend to dominate their current niche. And the sign said...
  • At his best, Reynolds manages simultaneously to acclaim and to dispense with the trappings of fame.
  • No one can take that away, and it is the one thing that is more powerful and potent than any of those outer trappings. Life Without Work
  • Her diaries and letters reveal a woman determined to succeed as a singer and who was chuffed with her success and the trappings that came with it.
  • The mix of modern life with the trappings of monarchy is handled very well. Why I’ve totally fallen in love with ‘Kings’
  • Because each of them exists as a parody of a different genre, each episode should take on the trappings of that genre.
  • So, naturally, humanist funerals tend to be simple and unadorned, stripped of any ritualistic trappings.
  • He gazes at us with disdain; the epitome of a Georgian gentleman, secure in the trappings of his position, his satin waistcoat barely restraining his ample paunch.
  • Your future holds the trappings of a rock 'n' roll superstar lifestyle.
  • But this was a warrior king who had all the trappings but little of the reality of war.
  • My father, a flamboyant millionaire, enjoyed spending his money on toys and the trappings of success.
  • The Ex may have all the trappings of a punk band... the pigeon-toed stances, awkward moves and the impossibly low slung guitars, but don't let that fool you. Michal Shapiro: Punk Meets World
  • President-elect Barack Obama, widely regarded as the techiest president yet, may have to give up one of the trappings of geekdom: his BlackBerry. TechNewsWorld
  • Founded in Seville in 1892, El Caballo is a manufacturer of harnesses and leather trappings.
  • He is magically deft in the conic perspective of their open bosoms; in the glazed sheen of their blonde braided hair; in spanning the capaciousness of their tumbling satin trappings.
  • Have you ever wanted to live in a rural setting, yet enjoy all trappings associated with living in the heart of the town?
  • Merrymakers at Shrovetide" about 1615 shows all the trappings of a Dutch pre-Lenten feast. Don't Miss: July 23-29
  • So she sware to him that she would not do him any hurt or ensorcell him, and bidding bring him a fine horse, saddled and bridled with a golden bridle and decked with trappings all of gold set with jewels, gave the old man a thousand dinars saying, "Use this. '' [ Arabian nights. English
  • The trappings of its demise are impressively rendered: the surface seemingly scarred and scuffed by the passage of years.
  • Excited graduates walk up and down, parading their finery of gowns, hoods and mortarboards seemingly oblivious to the fact that these are colonial trappings.
  • The hearing had all the trappings of a drumhead proceeding, held only for the purpose of publicly scapegoating workers and supervisors.
  • A camel ambles past, decorated in tinsel and red trappings.
  • He deserves his financial success and the trappings of wealth that come from working hard.
  • But the trappings of celebrity were already apparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has the trappings of an opera—it's through-composed, for unamplified operatic voices—but the spirit of a B-horror film. Creep Show
  • Lord Woolf's challenge to the legal profession comes after he replaced the traditional trappings of Latin phrases and legal jargon as part of a review of civil courts.
  • Giving the subject postapocalyptic trappings promises fresh interest, but it also seems to require some sort of apposite revelation or philosophical conjecture. Into Thin Air
  • With the trappings of representation obliterated, the paintings offer a lean and stripped down physicality defined by specific proportion, luminosity and surface quality.
  • I have a morbid fascination for thinking about how to survive without the trappings of modern life. Times, Sunday Times
  • She claims that while a gerund has certain trappings of a verb, it is actually a noun. 2008 February « Motivated Grammar
  • Sophist in Petrarchan and Promethean trappings and alluding freely to Byron's biography, Hemans leaves little doubt that her target is Scepticism and Its Costs: Hemans's Reading of Byron
  • Countdown" was a smart, progressive refuge and a reliable rebuke to rival Fox News Channel pundits where Olbermann would chronicle the day's events, interview guests, deliver blistering commentaries in filigreed prose, needle hand-picked scoundrels (as in his Worst Persons fixture), and wrap the whole package with literate trappings and pop-culture wit (his readings from James Thurber short stories were a regular feature). Keith Olbermann: Current TV Will Be All News In Prime Time
  • From far and near came valiant knights from all the neighbouring provinces, habited in every conceivable style of richest armour; yet none surpassed Saint David in the sumptuousness of his plume and burgonet, the trappings of his steed, the richness of his scarf, the splendour of his shield and breastplate, or of his whole armour, which, from his lofty helm to his knightly spurs, shone with resplendent beauty. The Seven Champions of Christendom
  • While the majority of the trappings of Christmas find their roots in earlier non-Christian cultures, they have been reappropriated and instilled with Christian meaning. Valerie Tarico: Is it OK to Celebrate Christmas, Even If You're Not a Christian?
  • A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings
  • For example, the reward for rock stars is surely the wealth, celebrity lifestyle and other hedonistic trappings that go with a successful career in music. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a marriage in a vacuum, with two sweet children and all the material trappings of affluence and success.
  • What they lack in trappings, they've made up for in resourcefulness, particularly in the area of sales.
  • If you've got clients visiting you all the time, or if you're in an image-conscious field, an impressive office with all the trappings of success might be essential.
  • Such trappings have been replaced by supermarket shelves and a delicatessen counter. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • However, it lacks most of the trappings usually associated with the genre.
  • For all that she had the outer trappings of a social butterfly, they imperfectly concealed the heart of a Visigoth, and she consorted merrily with the Captain in rough weather, while her husband spent the trip laid low by seasickness. On Doris Lessing « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Organized by the antimonarchist Republic campaigning group, it had all the trappings of a typical American-style block party—food, music, impromptu dancing and face painting—plus a more serious political message. Street Parties Celebrate, Disparage Nuptials
  • Another brave step, though it might seem very trivial is that he has avoided digressing from the singular plot by not invoking songs and other kitsch trappings.
  • Saracen ambassadors bring Charlemagne a white elephant complete with exotic trappings.
  • Plus, no snooty attitudes or other conventional store trappings allowed.
  • The judge wore a wig and all the trappings of his position.

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