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How To Use Transverse In A Sentence

  • Transverse ridges have a higher sand supply than barchans but also exist in unidirectional winds.
  • The original building consisted of a wide perimeter block bisected by a pair of transverse wings to form three narrow internal patios.
  • The superior temporal gyrus is subdivided into two or more obliquely running, short, transverse temporal gyri.
  • The NE extensional structures style and NW transverse accommodation zone form structural framework of this region.
  • The bending property in transverse direction of tin-phosphor bronze strip is a very important quality index which has a great inference on the quality of final products.
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  • The main roof beams are given extra support by the smaller transverse beams.
  • This fusion effectively creates the gastrocolic ligament by connecting the stomach to the transverse colon.
  • He carried on working despite the debilitating effects of the spinal disease transverse myelitis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The depth of the tie beam was minimized to avoid transverse bending from the tower legs.
  • It contains a double fold of pia mater, and its floor is formed by a transverse band of white substance, the anterior white commissure, which is perforated by bloodvessels on their way to or from the central part of the medulla spinalis. IX. Neurology. 3. The Spinal Cord or Medulla Spinalis
  • The permanent six-wheel drive has longitudinal and transverse differential locks.
  • Hippocampus severnsi is distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 13 mm, standard length 15 mm); 12 trunk rings; 27 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 14 dorsal fin rays; 10 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; medium length snout which lacks a bulbous tip; raised, angular coronet; single gill opening on midline directly behind coronet supported by raised cleithral bone; scattered tubercles on trunk and tail; predominant colour dark brown (sometimes slightly marbled) with large, bright red patch covering dorsolateral surfaces of trunk rings 1-4; tiny white dots scattered all over; pale posterior section of tail with dark transverse bands. Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
  • This has plane wave solutions which are transverse waves travelling with velocity c, properties that electromagnetic waves also possess.
  • Objective : To assess the transverse abdominal incision sutured by one layer outside peritoneum in open appendectomy.
  • Transverse notches are cut in the circumference of the disks to the bottom of the score, for the convenience of marling the wad before taking it off the mould. Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
  • Shell orbicular, nearly eqilateral, smooth and radiately striated; hinge with a semi-circular row of transverse teeth. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Here is a transverse MRI scan that reveals the lobulated ependymoma.
  • The fruit is said to be eatable; the leaves cut transversely are applied to tumors as a discutient; the decoction is mucilaginous, and I am informed that it is much used in Alabama as a demulcent drink in pneumonic and pleuritic inflammations. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Leaves sometimes distichous, vertically oriented, transversely or subtransversely inserted, but with ventral base succubous and sometimes decurrent, constantly 2-lobed to 0.1-0.6 their length.
  • Calyptrina striata is characterized by regularly and widely spaced transverse organic bands and has been interpreted as a possible worm or pogonophoran tube.
  • Amputation injuries are also classified as dorsal, transverse or volar, according to the plane of the amputation.
  • The theme of"disillusion"in the urban fiction is composed of three levels:li fe, living and being, and includes two narrative structures"linear dev elopm ent" and"transverse apposition".
  • The submarine consists of six watertight compartments separated by transverse bulkheads in a pressurised double-hull.
  • Transverse section of body of human fibula, decalcified. Illustrations. Fig. 77
  • Symptom : 1. prolapsus usually indicate problem with your head , poor function of transverse colon , as well as poor memory and sense.
  • The _fourth glume_ is broadly ovate, or suborbicular, very concave, coriaceous, transversely rugulose, yellowish brown. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The portion of the large intestine - between the cecum and transverse colon - that starts on the right side of the abdomen and moves up toward the liver.
  • The framework is a truss composed of radiation beam and transverse sustainer.
  • The physical process of making sound with a reed is clearly not the same as it is for a transverse flute.
  • The distal end of the humerus, however, articulating with the radius and ulna in a fashion that no support is lent by any sort of contact with the body, is a ginglymus (hinge) joint and lateral motion, because of the long transverse diameter of its articular portions, is easily prevented by the medial and lateral ligaments (internal and external ligaments). Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • In the sacral region, these fasciculi arise from the back of the sacrum, as low as the fourth sacral foramen, from the aponeurosis of origin of the Sacrospinalis, from the medial surface of the posterior superior iliac spine, and from the posterior sacroiliac ligaments; in the lumbar region, from all the mamillary processes; in the thoracic region, from all the transverse processes; and in the cervical region, from the articular processes of the lower four vertebræ. IV. Myology. 6. The Fasciæ and Muscles of the Trunk. a. The Deep Muscles of the Back
  • Fore wings with eight wedge-shaped luteous streaks, of which three are near the base, two subcostal, two hindward, and one submarginal and transverse. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The subtle interactions between magnetohydrodynamics and high-frequency plasma waves involving transverse and longitudinal modes are investigated.
  • The present invention relates to light dropkeel sailboats in which the transverse balance of the boat is controlled.
  • The dunes of Holland are sometimes protected from the dashing of the waves by a revetement of stone, or by piles; and the lateral high-water currents, which wash away their base, are occasionally checked by transverse walls running from the foot of the dunes to low-water mark; but the great expense of such constructions has prevented their adoption on a large scale. [ Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 05 (historical)
  • The reinforcement consists of arch and transverse bars; the arch bars are spaced 6 ins. on centers 2½ ins. from both extrados and intrados, and the transverse bars are spaced 24 ins. on centers inside both lines of arch bars. Concrete Construction Methods and Costs
  • We find that the quantum smectics are rather different from the usual classical smectics in that the density correlations along the direction of the stripes manifest a Bragg-Glass type behaviour whereas those in the transverse direction are infra-red divergent.
  • One is African and supported by trigonous ovary in transverse section.
  • There are no transverse costal pits on the transverse processes of the eleventh and twelfth vertebrae.
  • Eight roots were sectioned longitudinally and another eight roots were sectioned transversely.
  • Sharp, low ridges delimit fusiform areas along the body surface with fine transverse striation recognizable in places.
  • As in, "The transverse occipital sulcus intersects the intraparietal sulcus near the level of the parieto-occipital fissure" and "The Sahara is in Afghanistan, I think." ... Boing Boing
  • Both the spin and orbital angular momentum of a beam can always be calculated from the transverse components of linear momentum.
  • The horns of the male are sub-triangular, much compressed laterally and posteriorly; in fact one may say concave at the sides, that is, from the base of the horn to about one half; transversely sulcated; curving outwards, and returning inward towards the face; points convergent. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • The _fourth glume_ is broadly ovate, or suborbicular, very concave, coriaceous, transversely rugulose, yellowish brown. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The distinguishing feature is the transverse annulation of the bell. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • The Cricothyroid Branch (ramus cricothyreoideus) is small and runs transversely across the cricothyroid membrane, communicating with the artery of the opposite side. VI. The Arteries. 3a. 2. The External Carotid Artery
  • Unless there is a dramatic change in the ship's shape at the waterline, the center of gravity remains in place and the new and old transverse metacenters cross at this point.
  • In the cladding while counting in the phase change, using the transverse shift and the phase change of the total reflected light, we derive the beat length formula of the isotrope fiber.
  • Diagram of the four secondary germinal layers, transverse section through the metazoic embryo: Figure 1.74 of an annelid, Figure 1.75 of a vermalian. a primitive gut, dd ventral glandular layer, df ventral fibre-layer, hm skin-fibre-layer, hs skin-sense-layer, u beginning of the rudimentary kidneys, n beginning of the nerve-plates.) The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Stalk lengths shredded in the transverse direction of the leafstalk do not give rise to any problems and need not be removed.
  • Head, thorax, and legs black; the two former closely punctured and thinly covered with short cinereous pubescence; the metathorax with the punctures running into transverse striæ in the middle; the sides of the thorax and the legs with a fine silky silvery-white pile; the tibiæ and tarsi strongly spinose; wings fusco-hyaline; abdomen entirely red, smooth and shining. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Thorax: the metathorax finely transversely rugose, the sides with bright silvery-white pubescence; the coxæ, the thorax beneath and on the sides, with fine silky sericeous pile; the anterior tibiæ and tarsi, and all the femora at their apex beneath, ferruginous; wings hyaline and iridescent, nervures black; the outer margin of the tegulæ testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • He discovered, however, that she had a transverse lie and a prolapsed arm.
  • Arteries can be distinguished from veins in the transverse scan because of the collapsing property of the vein when pressure is applied by the scanning probe; pulsatile vessels also are identified more easily.
  • Fine white grains of gypsum are blown by the winds to form a variety of dune types: dome-shaped, barchan, transverse, and parabolic. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • African Americans were also at higher risk for transverse myelitis, an acute attack in which the spinal cord loses its ability to transmit nerve impulses up and down.
  • The lumbar form of transverse process may be present in the eleventh thoracic vertebra.
  • Both have 'lierne' vaults [_i. e._, vaults in which short transverse ribs or 'liernes' are mixed with the ribs that branch from the vaulting capitals], and in both the triforium is obtained by prolonging the clerestory windows downward, and making panels of the lower lights, which panels have a plain opening cut through them, by which the triforium space communicates with the passage over the roof of the side-aisles. The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.].
  • A Flote by Any Other Name program, featuring performances by Naomi Senzer and Larry Zukof on transverse flute and fipple flute, and more. nmsmusicschool. org Laura Ouimette New Haven Advocate: News
  • They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sickest tongue I have ever seen
  • This was revealed by alkali-treatment of leaf transverse sections, by the shape of the fluorescence excitation and emission spectra and by the time-resolved analysis of leaf BGF.
  • In transverse myelitis, demyelination and injury to bundles of axonal nerves occurs in focal areas of the spinal cord, often leading to permanent and severe paralysis. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Objective: To investigate the clinical and radiological feature, and to evaluate the effect of partial transverse process resection-plasty for lumbosacral transitional vertebra syndrome.
  • The main roof beams are given extra support by the smaller transverse beams.
  • In spastic paralysis, whether in the slowly-developing forms in which it is seen in adults, due sometimes to multiple sclerosis, sometimes to brain tumor, sometimes following upon a transverse myelitis, or in the central paraplegia or diplegia of "birth-palsies," some very fortunate results have followed the careful application of the principles of treatment already described. Fat and Blood An Essay on the Treatment of Certain Forms of Neurasthenia and Hysteria
  • The superficial portion runs beneath the Splenius, giving off branches which pierce that muscle to supply the Trapezius and anastomose with the ascending branch of the transverse cervical: the deep portion runs down between the Semispinales capitis and colli, and anastomoses with the vertebral and with the a. profunda cervicalis, a branch of the costocervical trunk. VI. The Arteries. 3a. 2. The External Carotid Artery
  • To exclude ligamentous side effects, transverse ligaments were dissected in all specimens.
  • In addition, the inclination of fibers relative to the sagittal and transverse planes was lower than in wild type fish.
  • Because of their predominantly vertical orientation, the basilar segmental bronchi of the right lower lobe are routinely sectioned transversely on CT.
  • Face and pectus slightly covered with cinereous tomentum, the latter bluish-green; antennæ black, arista much more than half the length of the body; metathorax green; abdomen blue, sutures black; legs and halteres black; wings grey, fore branch of the præbrachial vein much curved inward, discal transverse vein straight; length of the body 2-1/2 -- 2-3/4 lines; of the wings 5 lines. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Beneath the umbilicus, N, and on either side of it as far outwards as the lower asternal ribs, K L, thus ranging the abdominal parietes transversely, percussion discovers the transverse colon, O, P, O*. Surgical Anatomy
  • Free comminution and absolute solution of continuity were also less common than in the fractures accompanying transverse wounds; hence pain from rubbing of the fragments on inspiratory movement or palpation was more common, and crepitus, either on auscultation or palpation, was more often met with. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • The _first glume_ is ovate-oblong, thickly coriaceous, smooth at the back with a truncate base and a transverse ridge at the base inside, many-nerved, with very narrow inflexed margins and very narrow wings at the top, the apex is obtuse or emarginate. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • In the reptiles (tortoises and crocodiles) a later dorsal part is joined to this earlier ventral part of the rudimentary diaphragm, a pair of subvertebral muscles rising from the vertebral column and being added as "columns" to the transverse partition. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • A thin, transversely oriented ribbon of fibers, the medial lemniscus, ascends from the lower brainstem into the midbrain tegmentum where it occupies a ventrolateral position.
  • Both knees were examined, and images were obtained in the transverse and the sagittal planes.
  • This distance is termed a radius because for small heel angles, the locus of successive centers of buoyancy approximates a circular arc, with the transverse metacenter as its center.
  • Face silvery; antennæ testaceous, black towards the tips, arista full as long as the thorax; thorax with three cupreous stripes; pectus silvery; abdomen with cupreous purple bands and with whitish spots along each side; legs testaceous, tarsi and hind tibiæ black; wings slightly greyish, blackish brown along the costa and about the transverse veins, veins black, fore branch of the præbrachial vein curved inward, discal transverse vein undulating; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • It has been found in practice, that a water-course thirty feet wide and six feet deep, giving a transverse sectional area of one hundred and eighty square feet, will discharge three hundred cubic yards of water per minute, and will flow at the rate of one mile per hour, with a fall of no more than _six inches per mile_. Farm drainage The Principles, Processes, and Effects of Draining Land with Stones, Wood, Plows, and Open Ditches, and Especially with Tiles
  • They may include a single transverse palmar crease (a single instead of a double crease across one or both palms, also called the Simian crease), an almond shape to the eyes caused by an epicanthic fold of the eyelid, upslanting palpebral fissures, shorter limbs, poor muscle tone, a larger than normal space between the big and second toes, and protruding tongue. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sickest tongue I have ever seen
  • Similarly, the transverse colon was recognised by its characteristic triangular folds and the sigmoid colon by its circular folds.
  • Grain is orbicular to ovate, concavo-convex, red-brown, and transversely rugose. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Before you begin doing any abdominal muscle exercise other than transverse abdominal contractions and pelvic tilts see pages 96-97, check your rectus abdominis muscles for separation. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • At the upper part of the fossa is a transverse depression, where the bone appears to be bent on itself along a line at right angles to and passing through the center of the glenoid cavity, forming a considerable angle, called the subscapular angle; this gives greater strength to the body of the bone by its arched form, while the summit of the arch serves to support the spine and acromion. II. Osteology. 6a. 2. The Scapula (Shoulder Blade)
  • A subtle sign of instability is a fracture of the tip of the transverse process of L5, caused by avulsion of the iliolumbar ligament.
  • The hard chine hull features a transverse step and a transom flap.
  • The new species is characterized by a transversely extended, strongly biconvex to globular shell with prominent umbones, relatively numerous costae and a notothyrial cavity supported dorsally by a short median ridge.
  • Longitudinal and transverse joints determine joint spacing by the overlay pavement thickness and the geometrics of the area to be paved.
  • This is often called the transverse tarsal joint, and it can, with the subordinate joints of the tarsus, replace the ankle-joint in a great measure when the latter has become ankylosed. III. Syndesmology. 7d. Talocrural Articulation or Ankle-joint
  • From the teeth of Mososaurus those of Pliogonodon differ in their narrower proportion, their straightness, their circular transverse section, their relatively narrower planes, and in their possession of plicae. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Either bake one large cake and carry out a transverse dissection, or bake two smaller ones and glue them together with killer icing.
  • Gastric caeca: = caecum; q.v. Gastro-coeli: a pair of usually transverse lateral pits near the base of the second abdominal tergite in some Hymenoptera. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Particularly did it differ from the Roman vault in that, while the latter had a level crown, obtained by using semicircular lateral and transverse arches and elliptical groin arches (naturally formed by the intersection of two semicircular barrel vaults of equal radius), the "Lombard" vault was constructed with semicircular diagonals, the result being that domical form which was always retained by the Gothic builders of France because of its intrinsic beauty. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • De Geer moraines, drumlin fields, transverse moraines and hummocky moraines occur there but do not form archipelagoes. Kvarken Archipelago High Coast, Finland and Sweden
  • Biology teacher Caryn Babaian of Bucks County Community College in Newtown, Pennsylvania, uses the iconic sketch as a "multi-conceptual image" in her introductory anatomy class to illustrate three crucial anatomical concepts: rotation, transparency, and transverse section. Boing Boing: September 24, 2006 - September 30, 2006 Archives
  • It can be comminuted (insert number of fragments), compound, angulated (insert degree of angulation), spiral, oblique, transverse, epiphyseal (four main types), diaphyseal or other things. Expanding Medical Codes to 140,000 Is Rx for Futility
  • Where a transverse division places sister cells at the same level of the egg axis, they are usually numbered with reference to the chirality of the previous division: if the mother cell formed by a dexiotropic division, then the clockwise product of this cell's next division is given a superscript 2 and the counterclockwise product a superscript 1. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • For the other 15 specimens, which apparently had hemispherical growth forms, only the portion including the central growth axis and immediately surrounding area was used, to avoid distortion of features in transverse sections.
  • The transverse process of the seventh vertebra may be bifid, and occasionally the costal process is replaced by a cervical rib.
  • In the very young plant the volva split transversely (in a circumscissile fashion) quite clearly, and the free limb is quite short and distant from the stem on the margin of the saucer-like bulb. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Ten days after the initial presentation the patient had an exploratory laparotomy through a transverse subumbilical incision.
  • The joints frequently communicate with that between the posterior surface of the odontoid process and the transverse ligament of the atlas. III. Syndesmology. 5c. Articulations of the Vertebral Column with the Cranium
  • The patient was taken to the operating room for an exploratory laparotomy through a transverse umbilical incision.
  • Unless there is a dramatic change in the ship's shape at the waterline, the center of gravity remains in place and the new and old transverse metacenters cross at this point.
  • It arises from the convex surface of the hamulus of the hamate bone, and the volar surface of the transverse carpal ligament, and is inserted into the ulnar side of the base of the first phalanx of the little finger. IV. Myology. 1F. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Hand
  • The abdomen was distended and the outline of the transverse colon clearly visible.
  • In the fin whales (_Balaenoptera_) it is transversely oval or trilobate, with a projecting backward xiphoid process Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Globally, transverse flutes are less common than end-blown or duct flutes.
  • Ordinary bone ash, air dried cupels must be placed in the muffle close together in transverse rows, sufficiently far back for uniform temperature.
  • Also two diagonally-projecting arms at the rear are fixed to a rear transverse rail.
  • This supply comes through a series of transverse vincula, which function as passageways for blood vessels to reach the tendon.
  • Corks are deliberately punched at right angles to the growth of the cork tree, so that any lenticels, occasional knots in the wood, remain transverse and the risk of possible leakage due to lenticels is minimized.
  • Face and pectus silvery; antennæ black, arista longer than the thorax; thorax with three broad reddish cupreous stripes; abdomen with broad cupreous purple bands; femora lutescent, tibiæ piceous, fore femora blackish towards the tips, tarsi black; wings black, tips snow-white, fore branch of the præbrachial vein slightly curved inward, discal transverse vein much curved outward; halteres tawny, with black tips. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Head black, white about the eyes; antennæ testaceous; abdomen clothed with short black bristles; legs testaceous, tarsi piceous; wings grey, with a lurid tinge towards the costa; veins black, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by about its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the præbrachial transverse; alulæ slightly testaceous; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The differential salt tectonic deformation is mainly represented by structural differentiation at different levels, and structural zonation and segmentation in transverse and longitudinal sections.
  • from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully
  • A fracture of the transverse process of a lumbar vertebra may damage the ureter.
  • A common modification occurring in many hetero- and hoplonemerteans is a dorsal vessel and transverse connectives.
  • But when we wish to compare discharge of different kinds, for the important purpose of ascertaining whether the same amount of current will in its _different forms_ produce the same amount of transverse action, we find the data very imperfect. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • The two subcardinals are for a time connected with each other in front of the aorta by cross branches, but these disappear and are replaced by a single transverse channel at the level where the renal veins join the cardinals, and at the same level a cross communication is established on either side between the cardinal and subcardinal (Fig. 478). V. Angiology. 3. Development of the Vascular System
  • —Above the transverse colon the omental bursa is superadded to the general sac, and the communication of the two cavities with one another through the epiploic foramen can be demonstrated. XI. Splanchnology. 2e. The Abdomen
  • Dioptrate: an ocellate spot with the pupil divided by a transverse line. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Serial transverse sections showed homogeneous pale red-brown parenchyma without discrete abnormality.
  • The cul-de-sac enclosed between the limbs of the U lies behind the left atrium and is known as the oblique sinus, while the passage between the venous and arterial mesocardia—i. e., between the aorta and pulmonary artery in front and the atria behind—is termed the transverse sinus. V. Angiology. 4a. The Pericardium
  • The missing retinal photoreceptors can be seen in the region below the fenestrated basement membrane as seen in transverse sections of the compound eyes.
  • —The deep fascia of the urogenital region forms an investment for the Transversus perinæi profundus and the Sphincter urethræ membranaceæ, but within it lie also the deep vessels and nerves of this part, the whole forming a transverse septum which is known as the urogenital diaphragm. IV. Myology. 1F. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Perineum
  • The intertransverse membrane is identified and released to expose the exiting nerve root.
  • The amygdaloid body is an ovoid gray nuclear mass, oriented transversely and with a slight posterior concavity.
  • The abdominals include: the rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, and transverse abdominis.
  • The position of the transverse sinus is obtained by taking two lines: the first from the inion to a point 2.5 cm. behind the auricular point; the second from the anterior end of the first to the tip of the mastoid process. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • His pathologic studies encompassed neurogenic and myopathic muscle disease, transverse myelitis, and multiple sclerosis.
  • The male member has at least three facets evenly distributed about its axis and each facet is generally cylindrical with generatrices orthogonal to the axis and on respective opposite sides of a common transverse plane.
  • In the present study, transversely fractured and thin-sectioned images indicate that the pigment granule membrane is invaginated.
  • As Mesorhopella but golden, antenna short, capitate, club equal funicle, funicles transverse. Archive 2007-03-01
  • In cross section, the line formed by this point and the midpoint of the transverse glenoid diameter at the level of the articular surface defines the axis of the scapula.
  • In its course it gives off two branches: one (infrascapular) enters the subscapular fossa beneath the Subscapularis, which it supplies, anastomosing with the transverse scapular artery and the descending branch of the transverse cervical; the other is continued along the axillary border of the scapula, between the Teres major and minor, and at the dorsal surface of the inferior angle anastomoses with the descending branch of the transverse cervical. VI. The Arteries. 4b. The Axilla
  • If we must discuss individual aspects of its makeup, they must be seen as transverse sections of that whole.
  • So when the midwife tried to break my waters he popped his head out of the engaged position in the pelvis and moved so he was transverse breech.
  • The observations of domain structure show that the fine and homogeneous stripe domains are obtained at the central area, and they turn to the transverse direction at the edge area.
  • The substructure was a fine building, 148 feet by 78 feet; the vaulting was, as described by Professor Willis, "of the earliest kind; constructed of light tufa, having no transverse ribs, and retaining the impressions of the rough, boarded centring upon which they had been formed. The Cathedral Church of Canterbury [2nd ed.].
  • Wings rather long; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by hardly half its length from the border, and by rather more than its length from the præbrachial transverse. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The location of the transverse metacentre M will vary with the ship's displacement and draft.
  • Patrin found long bundles of hexahedral tubes, the walls of which were formed of transverse needles: the diameter of these tubes was from two to six lines only, but at the lower extremities they opened out into hollow six-sided pyramids, more than an inch in diameter, so that the festoons, sometimes as large round as a man, presented terminal tufts of some feet in diameter, which glittered like diamonds under the influence of the torches. Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland
  • The ascending cervical artery (a. cervicalis ascendens) is a small branch which arises from the inferior thyroid as that vessel is passing behind the carotid sheath; it runs up on the anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebræ in the interval between the Scalenus anterior and Longus capitis. VI. The Arteries. 4. The Arteries of the Upper Extremity. a. The Subclavian Artery
  • Division of the 2m cells occurs with a slight asynchrony matching the timing of their birth; these divisions are all equal and dexiotropic, but nearly transverse PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • That is why transverse welds in columns and beams resist buckling best at points of lateral support.
  • The result shows that the longitudinal and transverse errors are compensable according to the assistant and reading beam, however, at the expense of transmittance toss.
  • Transverse fractures are often harder to align and immobilise than apparently more serious oblique or spiral fractures.
  • To improve traction of vehicles, the roadway face has longitudinal extruded and transverse press - formed depressions.
  • A friend contracted transverse myelitis recently (she's basically paralysed from the waist down and stuck a few thousand miles away). Times, Sunday Times
  • Transverse section passing through the sensory decussation. Illustrations. Fig. 714
  • It receives an expansion from the tendon of the Biceps femoris laterally, and from the tendons of the Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus, and Semimembranosus medially; in front, it blends with the periosteum covering the subcutaneous surface of the tibia, and with that covering the head and malleolus of the fibula; below, it is continuous with the transverse crural and laciniate ligaments. IV. Myology. 8c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Leg
  • It seemed such a little thing, so bright and small and still, faintly marked with transverse stripes, and slightly flattened from the perfect round. The War Of The Worlds by H. G. Wells | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • The transverse diaphragm is very similar in appearance to the conventional bar joist.
  • The transverse abdominis is made up of muscle fibers that run horizontally around the abdomen.
  • Manual therapy procedures may include joint mobilization directed toward the apophyseal joints or costotransverse joints.
  • Extrusion: In this process a cylinder or billet of metal is forced through an orifice by means of a ram to such effect that the elongated and extruded metal has a transverse shape which is that of the die orifice.
  • Near the base of the pedicel, the transverse process projects lateroventrally.
  • The courses of these bundles were presented both in transverse sections chosen at characteristic points (where changes in phyllotaxy and bifurcation of leaf trace bundles occurred) and in longitudinal diagrams.
  • Some specimens formed massive attachment structures from the protuberances on the transverse ridges.
  • It starts below the hypochondriac region, runs obliquely downward, then transversely around the waist like a belt.
  • When the fracture is incomplete (greenstick) or transverse, the symptoms are less marked. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • They were constructed on the vertical overhead "tandem" type, with five-feet stroke (at that time thought excessive), oval single-ended transverse boilers, with a working pressure of sixty pounds. Men of Invention and Industry
  • Sets of transverse, serial thin sections were prepared to document growth and increase in detail.
  • In colon cancer, melena or maroon-colored stools tend to be a symptom of tumors in the ascending or transverse colon.
  • The transverse tubular system of cardiac muscle is a structure that allows rapid propagation of excitation into the cell interior.
  • She was rushed to hospital with transverse myelitis, a rare neurological disorder that left her paralysed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Especially, a physical phenomenon is found that transverse vibration mode shapes and longitudinal vibration mode shapes can transform mutually.
  • This causes a deviation from the usually radial septal arrangement to a more bilateral one in transverse thin sections.
  • Or, an oak fructed proper, having a frame saw transversely fixed in the body of it, of the first. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • The exact cause of the infection has never been resolved - it may have been transverse myelitis, a viral infection, or bacterial meningitis.
  • Nearly complete elimination of inclusions by vacuum melting produces a considerable increase in the transverse fatigue limit.
  • They are more or less angular, and while elongated transversely at first, become nearly isodiametric as the pileus becomes fully expanded, passing from an elongated form to rectangular, or sinuous in outline, the margin more or less upturned, especially in age, when they begin to loosen and "peel" from the surface of the cap. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • The cartridge consisting of multiple mesh electrodes arranged transversely to imposed water flow electrolyzes passing water when energized.
  • The perinaeum, Fig. 3, Plate 50, is, for surgical purposes, described as divisible into two spaces (anterior and posterior) by a transverse line drawn from one tuber ischii, D, to the other, D, and crossing in front of the anus. Surgical Anatomy
  • In transverse myelitis, demyelination and injury to bundles of axonal nerves occurs in focal areas of the spinal cord, often leading to permanent and severe paralysis. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • At this point, the transverse chain order also still remains rather high.
  • The transverse arch of the foot is formed by metatarsals which heads lie in a straight line to endure most of the loading of the forefoot.
  • Factors such as oblique and transverse cuts and cell overlap would affect the accuracy of this estimation.
  • The volar surface is concave above, and elevated at its lower and lateral part into a rounded projection, the tubercle, which is directed forward and gives attachment to the transverse carpal ligament and sometimes origin to a few fibers of the Abductor pollicis brevis. II. Osteology. 6b. The Hand. 1. The Carpus
  • Meanwhile, abundant giant myenteric plexuses were found in the transverse colonic walls of2congenital anal atresia and the colonic tumor lesion segments.
  • Leg specimens were prepared by transversely sectioning the proximal tibia above the proximal tibiofibular syndesmosis with a bone saw.
  • They comprise three ligaments, viz., the transverse crural, the cruciate crural and the laciniate; and the superior and inferior peroneal retinacula. IV. Myology. 8d. The Fasciæ Around the Ankle
  • This relationship suggests that the area of transverse moraines formed below the ice mass that remained in north-central Ireland following early deglaciation.
  • The transverse process of the seventh vertebra may be bifid, and occasionally the costal process is replaced by a cervical rib.
  • A hole is bored lengthwise through the head to admit the tenon, which is fastened by a pin of hard wood, three-tenths of an inch in diameter, passing transversely through the head and tenon. Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
  • It can be comminuted (insert number of fragments), compound, angulated (insert degree of angulation), spiral, oblique, transverse, epiphyseal (four main types), diaphyseal or other things. Expanding Medical Codes to 140,000 Is Rx for Futility
  • Thorax: the posterior margin of the prothorax rounded; the mesothorax with a longitudinal fuscous stripe on each side, widest anteriorly; the metathorax truncate; above, transversely striate; the tibiæ and tarsi spinose; wings dark fuscous, with a pale semitransparent macula at the base of the second discoidal cell and a dark fuscous macula beyond; the insect entirely covered with a fine orange-red downy pile. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Vertex rotates from transverse to either posterior or anterior position to pass the ischial spines.
  • These inclusions appeared round in transverse and ovoid in longitudinal sections.
  • THGA graphite tubes with integrated platform, for use with transversely heated graphite furnace. Pack of 5.
  • He had a deep wound running transversely across the neck, from one angle of the jaw to the other, cutting open the floor of the mouth and extending from the inner border of the sternocleidomastoid to the other, leaving the large vessels of the neck untouched. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The characteristic markings on mahogany are "mottle," which is also found in sycamore, and is conspicuous on the backs of fiddles and violins, and is not in itself valuable; it runs the transverse way of the fibres and is probably the effect of the wind upon the tree in its early stages of growth. Seasoning of Wood
  • The transverse colon, between which and the lower border of the stomach is seen the gastro-epiploic artery, formed by the splenic and hepatic arteries. Surgical Anatomy
  • This rendering shows a sharp contrast between the tongue's core, comprised of the vertical and transverse muscles, and its sheath of longitudinal muscles.
  • The lingual part of the transverse valley is slightly deeper than the labial part.
  • Stone tools tend to be polished slate rather than chipped stone, and include lanceolate knives, projectile heads, and the ulu transverse-bladed knife.
  • Transverse sections through the pons show that it consists of two parts - the basilar, or ventral pons, and the dorsally located pontine tegmentum.
  • All these exercises target your core muscles: rectus, obliques and transverse abdominals.

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