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How To Use Transsexual In A Sentence

  • Unmarried parents, cohabiting couples with children, and transsexual couples with children have all been acknowledged as having a right to respect for their family life under this Article.
  • Queen of Lincoln Road; 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14; GATEWAY. ø'The Amazing Truth about Queen Raquela: Raquela is a transsexual-or "ladyboy" - from the Philippines who dreams of escaping the streets of Cebu City for a fairy tale life in Paris. -
  • I presented a paper in 2005, with Dr. Milton Diamond, to Dr. Zucker and a host of other experts at the International Behavioral Development Symposium, showing that exposure to DES (diethylstilbestrol) in utero was strongly linked to the onset of the intersexed condition called transsexualism. Letters to the Editor
  • There is in this du Transvestites and transsexuals do not challenge the social construction of gender.
  • The study found that the biological structure in the brains of male to female transsexual people had a totally female pattern that was not attributable to sex hormone therapy.
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  • There is no doubt that, superficially at least, the transsexual consents, is indeed very anxious that surgery be carried out.
  • So transsexuals, although born into one gender, will identify emotionally and psychologically with the other.
  • The writer of this diatribe is obviously ignorant of the differences between drag queens, transvestites and transsexuals.
  • The reality of transsexualism or transvesti-tism is a million miles away from the life you lead. Times, Sunday Times
  • So much has changed in the treatment of transsexualism.
  • There are also transsexual people who are cisgendered, after transition, they have a binary gender and it aligns with their binary sex. Third-Gendering « Bound, Not Gagged
  • You give great respect to Ken Zucker’s ideological beliefs, minimizing the ever-increasing data showing that transsexualism is biological. Letters to the Editor
  • The term eunuch is used in India to describe transvestites, transsexuals and others who identify themselves as neither male nor female but as a members of a third gender. rss feed
  • First is the irony of a politically correct organization that ‘advocates for the rights of transsexuals’ but flatly refuses membership to transsexuals.
  • From these it could be seen that, in Malaysia, transsexualism is not acceptable to Islam and Christianity, while Buddhism and Hinduism could accept the phenomena.
  • Yes SA ET, dropping the transsexual is like a MAGIC PROTECTION against violence. Trans woman murdered in Belgrade
  • The problem about being transsexual is that you really never have a break. Constant craving « I’m Not Broken
  • We want to demystify transsexuality and discuss people's experiences, from workplace issues and beyond.
  • I knew I couldn't possibly do justice to the subject from a transgendered or transsexual perspective.
  • They might provide insights into conditions such as transsexualism — and perhaps eventually lead to tests that could determine whether a baby with an intersex condition is more likely to grow up thinking, feeling and behaving like a man or a woman. Brain development: The most important sexual organ
  • Do you choreograph dances to reflect discrimination you've felt as a transsexual? Stepping Gracefully Into Her Identity
  • But as far as like the term transsexual, I just totally don't prefer at all. CNN Transcript Jul 24, 2009
  • According to the new constitution, the collective will "strive to be an anti-oppression organisation that welcomes queer, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual, and genderqueer people."
  • Conundrum is an account of her transsexuality, her happy marriage as a man, and her journey towards and after the surgery that enabled her to become a woman.
  • If you're looking for an English word to describe these women, "transsexual" is probably closest; "pre-op transsexual" or "non-op transsexual" is possibly more accurate, though contentious. Boing Boing: April 18, 2004 - April 24, 2004 Archives
  • Although the National Health Service in Great Britain has paid for gender reassignment surgery for transsexuals since 1999, at a cost of approximately £10,000 per procedure, precisely how much masculinization or feminization should be funded by the taxpayers remains a matter of ongoing controversy. Jacob M. Appel: Are Breasts a Right or a Privilege?
  • And when the essentialist theories are foregrounded, then the Really Real Issues ™ – the social, legal, cultural and other contexts of being a transsexual person in an overwhelmingly cissexual world – are backgrounded. Kim Petras
  • How did people react to a major Hollywood release with a transsexual as the lead character?
  • The REASON I use transsexual is to avoid colonizing our umbrella term, making “trans” exclude people for whom it is relevant, who could help us in coalition, or who identify with it. Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • One result of this intersectionality is that transsexual people form a very diverse group with as many differences as similarities. A rose by any other name
  • Transsexuals, meanwhile, want the diagnoses of "gender identity disorder" and "transvestic fetishism" that the new DSM is expected to promulgate changed to be more respectful and less judgmental.
  • Anyway, one of the lyric changes was taking the word transsexual out of "Sweet Transvestite" and replacing it with "sensational. Alex Blaze: Glee Neuters Rocky : "Tranny" Is OK but "Transsexual" Isn't?
  • There is a stigma that transsexualism is a lifestyle choice.
  • The Lib Dems are definitely more "leftish" and at a Tory conference you are unlikely to hear a self-proclaimed atheist transsexual speaking up for gay marriage in a long debate on equality. The Guardian World News
  • This analysis can be strengthened with gender identity discussions that relate bisexuality to the experiences of transgender and transsexual individuals.
  • Okay the term was first coined for othering the genderqueer from the people of transsexual history, but it gained new and positive meaning in the nineties.
  • I am a lot of things and trans, transsexual, or late-bloomer is the least of me. Genetic link to gender identity?
  • From these it could be seen that, in Malaysia, transsexualism is not acceptable to Islam and Christianity, while Buddhism and Hinduism could accept the phenomena.
  • Resolution 11 said transsexualism is a congenital birth condition where there is a mismatch between the physical outward appearance of a person’s gender and his or her inner perception. 2008 February « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Now 49, he became an academic after claiming he was forced out of a number of jobs because of his transsexuality.
  • Dr. Leo Wollman, Richards 'doctor and co-author of the Standards of Care, which remains the definitive guide for doctors treating transsexual patients, had testified that he considered his patient a female based on her external genital appearance, internal organ appearance, gonadal identity, endocrinological makeup and psychological and social development. Roger I. Abrams: Girl Interrupted on the Track
  • And I was able to take my otherwise unseemingly gay persona and weld myself to the cause of every gay man, lesbian woman, and transsexual being. C. Brian Smith: The Worst of Sarah Palin Festers in California
  • My feminism includes heterosexuality - as well as homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality / transgenderism.
  • A data-bending psychologist confirms what he already knew about gays and transsexuals.
  • Thing is, gender fluidity, transgenderism and transsexualism are facts of life today.
  • If you are a lesbian, bisexual woman, or transgendered / transsexual woman (living full-time), you are invited to participate in this study.
  • In the defining moment of the film, Hedwig, a MTF transsexual played by a cisgender gay man, kisses Yitzhak, an ambiguously male character played by a cisgender woman.
  • Transsexuals alter their physical appearance cosmetically and hormonally, and may eventually undergo a sex - change operation.
  • See Announcements for an account of the problems we had in 2000 with a gender dysphoria/transsexual organisation trying to interfere in protocols for 'gender reinforcement' surgery in intersexed infants with so-called genital ambiguity. Transsexual Causation, the American Psychiatric Association, and Interpol
  • His emphasis was on sexual minorities - homosexuals, bisexuals, lesbians, gays, transsexuals, transvestites and other transgender people.
  • She isn't lesbian, bi-curious or transsexual.
  • We believe this is one of the earliest cases of what could be described as a 'transsexual' or 'third-gender grave' in the Czech Republic, says archaeologist Katerina Semradova. Archaeologists find remains of 5,000-year-old 'gay caveman'
  • For KP it must have felt a bit like going somewhere really strait-laced on your gap year and entirely reinventing yourself, perhaps as a flamboyant transsexual New York garage DJ-type figure, only to turn round one day and find half the people from your A-level year standing in the corner looking faintly amused. Colonial promiscuity in danger of diluting test cricket's pleasures | Barney Ronay
  • In the case of male-to-female transsexuals who are not able to get GRS at the same time (finances, perhaps not completed their RLE yet, depending on when castration is required to occur), there are additional consequences. A rose by any other name
  • Despite a fairly balanced presentation of the issues, there are some subtle aspects of this video that transgender and transsexual advocates would find problematic.
  • I think we’re underrepresented in cisgender queer theory, cisgender “third gender” anthropology, and armchair feminism, that those fields reify this gender-non-conforming/third-gender/gender-non-binary/whatever deal, and that subversivist communities look down on transsexual women (and sometimes men). Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • According to the authors, these professionals are ignorant of the homosexual versus autogynephilic typology of transsexuals.
  • She asserts that transgender nondiscrimination laws being passed throughout the country cover only transsexuals and not other transgender or gender-nonconforming people.
  • To Albany observers, an invitation to join the governor at a performance about two drag queens, a transsexual and their cabaret adventures appeared to be a change of pace for a politician who has described his preferred off-duty pursuits as fishing, watching "Deadliest Catch" and repairing muscle cars. Cuomo Event Bit of a Drag (Show)
  • The language of the transgender / transsexual community is ever-evolving.
  • Part two will be a discussion about how many classic transsexuals don't want to be labeled as transgender, and how new and legacy LGBT media needs to address self-identification when people who could fall under the term transsexual don't want to be unwillingly absorbed by transgender terminology into transgender community. Pam's House Blend - Front Page
  • There is no doubt that, superficially at least, the transsexual consents, is indeed very anxious that surgery be carried out.
  • Furthermore , if males do mate with transsexual individuals, they deliver relatively few sperm to them.
  • In the early cases, courts routinely rejected the argument that discrimination against transsexuals is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title VII, just as they had rejected the notion of transsexualism as a protected class under the statute. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • I am also taking pains to distinguish crossdressing from transsexualism.
  • Furthermore, by maintaining the illusion that gender dysphoria is incredibly rare, gender-repartists such as Zucker can assure parents that it’s extremely unlikely their gender-variant child will become “transsexual” and suggest that all the child needs is some minor gender-repairs. APA Task Force Report underreports the prevalence of gender identity disorder
  • For example, queer theorists usually argue that one of the advantages of the term ˜queer™ is that it thereby includes transsexuals, sado-masochists, and other marginalized sexualities. Homosexuality
  • The next stage of their attack – and attack is the time-honoured best form of defence, after all – is generally to repeat a variation of the hate speech of Janice Raymond as iterated in her transphobic screed The Transsexual Empire: the making of the she-male: Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • Such research into the genetics of gender identity is inevitably controversial — especially given the dark history of the eugenics movement, which viewed conditions such as transsexualism as 'diseases'. Brain development: The most important sexual organ
  • It reaffirms my belief that the gay mainstream has no interest in the reality of the transsexual experience, despite the fact that many transsexuals have come from your ranks.
  • Transsexuality, also termed "Gender Dysphoria" is now reaching the point of being reasonably well understood, though many myths and general foolishness about the subject still abound.
  • To return now to the example of my transsexual patient: initially, I really could not see what solution this patient would be able to find at the end of her analysis.
  • They are introduced by the transsexual actress Vanessa Van Durme, a gravel-voiced Baby Jane. Gardenia – review
  • The relationship between mental health professionals and their transgender / transsexual clients has a long and complicated history - one that has been often characterized in negative terms.
  • The 17 person committee that writes the standards includes at least four transsexuals, including physicians.
  • Subtitled A Serio-Comick-Bombastick-Operatick-Interlude, it employs local performers including an escapologist, an Indian dancer, a transsexual comedian, an MC and a rap artist dressed as an owl. Artist of the week 114: Matt Stokes
  • Hers is the plight of thousands of transsexuals across the UK, many of whom have undergone years of torment, therapy and surgery, only to have their new identities unrecognised in law.
  • There are, for instance, "gay" transsexuals, bisexual " swingers ", and lesbian sadomasochistic fetishists.
  • I am (or have been) fairly closely acquainted with three transsexuals, at various stages of transition.
  • Yet these heroic changes, which have largely been driven by transsexual activists, focus solely on transsexuality and gender identity.
  • The term eunuch, or hijra, is used in India to describe transvestites, transsexuals and others who identify themselves as neither male nor female but as a member of a third gender. Indian Eunuchs Mourn Fire Victims
  • An analysis was done of 2,000 transsexual patients in 13 countries over 30 years.
  • Today, of course, transsexuals and other transgendered people have a significant voice in the literature of gender variance.
  • Doubtless the series will spark a rush of transsexuality-centred reality shows that, given the ready and infinite corruptibility of the form, will lose within a year all vestige of the charm of the original and become as mainstream, dreary and degrading to everyone concerned as its other reality brethren. TV review: My Transsexual Summer; Sorority Girls; and Imagine … Simon and Garfunkel: the Harmony Game
  • Nonvexacious - What I understand about "transsexualism" is, it's a made-up condition. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It made no sense to me, since if there was a problem with the word transsexual, which there isn't, then there should have been a problem with the word transvestite. Alex Blaze: Glee Neuters Rocky : "Tranny" Is OK but "Transsexual" Isn't?
  • At the same time, the experiences of transgenders and transsexuals can offer much to the debates over utilizing, reforming, or doing away with sexual orientation categories.
  • This bill is obviously a clear example of an expression of malice and prejudice against gay, lesbian, transgender, and transsexual people.
  • In the fall of 2007, at a Buddhist gathering, she met Jian Chen, now a 36-year-old graduate student who identifies as a "boi," a place somewhere between butch and transsexual.
  • They instead tend to hover in the background or are served up as part of the local color, for example, the transsexuals known as kathoey. PopMatters
  • She manages to capture some of their innermost feelings, and shows that transsexuals have the same range of emotions and personalities as normal people.
  • There is no doubt that, superficially at least, the transsexual consents, is indeed very anxious that surgery be carried out.
  • Then last year, the European parliament adopted a resolution calling on WHO to change its definition of transsexualism.
  • Penner announced two years ago he was a transsexual, and wrote a gut-wrenching and brave column about it that made it clear what he was doing and why — and did so with so much grace that the kind of public comment you might expect was mostly quelled. RIP, Mike Penner « Dating Jesus

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