How To Use Transposable In A Sentence
One of the mechanisms for the movement of genes is the so-called retrotransposable element, or retrotransposon.
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A large fraction of the eukaryotic DNA is composed of transposable elements that can cause mutations when they transpose to novel sites.
Transposable elements are divided into two major classes according to their mode of transposition.
There were very few transpositions of transposable elements or microsatellite mutations in these lines, evidence, in fact, for the absence of contamination by exogenous flies.
It is difficult to avoid concluding that, where they do persist, transposable elements must be conferring some benefit.

The instability of morphological variation in flower of Z . grandiflora might be related transposable genetic element.
Only 14% of the Arabidopsis genome is composed of transposable elements.
Transposable elements: Possible catalysts of organismic evolution.
Parasite Rex
The feel of place emerges from an ancestral aesthetic that is mediated by the generative and transposable effects of ancestral places.
Moreover, copia elements, as investigated in this study, are the most rare type of transposable elements in fungi, especially among basidiomycetes.
The current studies on sexual Stage avirulence gene analysis, RFLP analysis, cloning of avirulence gene, gene transformation and transposable element of rice blast fungus are discussed in this Paper.