How To Use Transplantation In A Sentence

  • 1 In renal transplantation, acute cellular rejection has been viewed as a T-cell-dependent process, but B cells are required for alloantibody production and may also play other roles, including alloantigen presentation to T cells. 2 Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Additional prospective, longitudinal research is needed to further elucidate the experiences and outcomes associated with lung transplantation.
  • Method We have performed the testicular transplantation to cure 6 patients suffered from hypogonadism with the fetal testis as donor.
  • Objective To explore common causes of death in umbilical cord blood transplantation treating malignant and nonmalignant diseases in children.
  • The main ethical problems included the health risks for the transplant recipient (e.g., a substantial risk of hyperacute rejection and graft-versus-host disease), traditional animal ethics issues, concerns about informed consent (complicated by empirical uncertainties and the possibility of legally mandated life-long health surveillance), fair allocation of health care resources, and the public health issue that xenotransplantation would allow viruses to jump the species barrier into humans. Human/Non-Human Chimeras
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  • The huge outcry in the wake of last year's organ retention scandals has had a very damaging effect with a large drop in the number of people donating organs for transplantation.
  • In 1993, four patients with dry gangrene of two thumbs induced by electrical burn in our department were treated with free thumb flap and transplantation of the second toe.
  • At one point, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was regarded as a draconian measure or last option for patients in these categories.
  • The shortage of human donor pancreases for islet cell transplantation has led to a search for alternative sources of islet cells.
  • Summary of Background Data. Human MSC are multipotent mesenchymal adult stem cells that have a potential for autologous transplantation, obviating the need for immune suppression.
  • Lung transplantation represents the last therapeutic option for advanced lung disease of many etiologies.
  • The men were initially found to have no sperm in their ejaculate, a condition known as azoospermia, a finding that occurs more than 70 percent of cancer survivors after bone marrow transplantation. Current News - Top Stories
  • We need to knock around the district to find a proper man for the transplantation.
  • Indeed, the film is weighted with questions about all the biggies: life, love, death, religion, revenge, organ transplantation, and much, much more.
  • Sixteen days after liver transplantation a deterioration in liver function tests occurred and liver biopsy showed cytomegalovirus inclusion bodies.
  • Stem cell transplantation is commonly used for a variety of malignant disorders such as leukemias and lymphomas.
  • We then evaluated the effect of T1D and ESRD on protein expression and the effect of KP transplantation with restoration of normoglycemia and the withdrawal of uremia. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Peripheral blood stem cell or bone marrow transplantation often leads to chimerism, wherein the patient possesses a mixed cell population.
  • Furthermore, it divides the model into structure element and logic element, which reduces the coupling degree of integration and provides good platform transplantation.
  • For renal transplantation, marginal donors include cadavers from one or more of the following categories.
  • In accordance with the modular programming ideas, standard COM components of fault location are generated using MATLAB language. It is convenient to transplantation and debugging.
  • These two discoveries made it possible to suppress the activity of the immune cells during transplantation. Times, Sunday Times
  • We therefore examined pathways that may be normalized by restoration of normoglycemia with kidney-pancreas (KP) transplantation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He developed a further septic inflammation in his knee after the meniscal transplantation and required further revision surgery.
  • With time, cells gradually become determined, so that similar cells taken from later-stage blastulas and early gastrulas develop according to their fate at the time of transplantation.
  • Corneal transplantation, known as corneal grafting or penetrating keratoplasty, represents a surgical procedure performed by ophthalmologists, that includes the replacement of a damaged or diseased cornea, the clear part of eye in front of the iris and pupil, with a donated corneal tissue, extracted from a deceased person. Cornea Transplants -Corneal Transplantation Surgical Proceedure
  • Objective:To study the effect and mechanism of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine on prevention and treatment to rejective reaction of renal transplantation.
  • Ryckman FC, Flake AW, Fisher RA, Tchervenkov JI, Pedersen SH, Balistreri WF: Segmental orthotopic hepatic transplantation as a means to improve patient survival and diminish waiting list mortality. CHOP pediatric surgery publications
  • The goal of medial meniscal transplantation is to prevent degenerative changes that can result from meniscectomy.
  • Objective To establish the xenogeneic heart transplantation model in operation of donor guinea-pig to recipient rat and observe the hyperacute rejection on it.
  • You can treat some tumor recurrence transplantation by radio frequency ablation.
  • Beadle and Ephrussi designed at Caltech a set of experiments, involving transplantation of larval imaginal eye discs, to study the vermilion-plus hormone, as they called the diffusible substance. Thomas Hunt Morgan and His Legacy
  • Autologous bone marrow transplantation was being viewed in a different light.
  • The ease of transplantation of tobacco stands in stark contrast to the caffeine crops.
  • Objective To summarize experience of selection of donors of living related liver transplantation (LRLT) for Wilson's Disease.
  • According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the most popular procedures for men are Botox injections, hair transplantation, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and liposuction.
  • Aim : To investigate the anesthetic methods for clinical allograft orthotopic liver transplantation.
  • Methods: Eleven cases of Achilles tendon defect were repaired with tendon transposition and iliotibial band transplantation.
  • Negotiations are underway to commercialise the project through a partnership with a leading company in the area of transplantation diagnostics.
  • Objective To explore the condition of cytomegalovirus(CMV) infection and interstitial pneumonia(IP) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, and the effect of their prevention and treatment.
  • Conclusion It provide testing datas for studying xenogeneic intervertebral disc transplantation from pig to human furtherly.
  • The laboratory has processed close to 5000 units of cord blood and hundreds of units of PBSC (peripheral blood stem cells) for both autologous and allogenic transplantation purposes. AME Info Latest News
  • Transplantation remains the sole curative therapy for the disease, although it too is not without the potential for severe complications.
  • Omeprazole stimulates liver regeneration after reduced - size liver transplantation and this regeneration may be mediated by gastrin.
  • Peranteau WH, Heaton TE, Gu YC, Volk SW, Bauer TR, Alcorn K, Tuschong LM, Johnson MP, Hickstein DD, Flake AW. Haploidentical in utero hematopoietic cell transplantation improves phenotype and can induce tolerance for postnatal same-donor transplants in the canine leukocyte adhesion deficiency. CHOP stem cells publications
  • He suggested that the colour changes observed by Moore were probably due to the trauma of transplantation rather than the change in diet.
  • These protocols provide satisfactory early to intermediate-term allograft survival, and constitute an important advance in transplantation. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • There are two basic reasons for carrying out bone marrow transplantation for leukaemia and lymphoma.
  • These two discoveries made it possible to suppress the activity of the immune cells during transplantation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The difficult transplantation of the wild plants meant that domestic plantations were not easily founded.
  • However, emerging data suggest that graft survival after lung transplantation is set to improve.
  • Indeed, chronic hepatitis C accounts for many adults referred for liver transplantation.
  • It was also a reform which concentrated on a single, highly contentious aspect of transplantation law and ignored long-standing proposals for reform and European initiatives.
  • Patients should be extubated as soon as possible after surgery for liver transplantation.
  • ADSC transplantation may reduce apoptosis and secret VEGF to promote the angiogenesis, and improve neural functional in intracerebral hemorrhage rats.
  • Conclusion Viable donor cells in cryopreserved tendon allografts did not survive longer than 8 weeks following transplantation in an extra-articular environment.
  • The development of CMV CNS disease is associated with risk factors (T-cell depletion, anti-thymocyte globulin, umbilical cord blood transplantation) that cause severe and protracted T-cell immunodeficiency (8 of 11 cases), a history of recurrent CMV viremia treated with multiple courses of preemptive ganciclovir or foscarnet therapy (11 of 11 cases), and ganciclovir-resistant CMV infection (11 of 11 cases). Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Objective To evaluate the effect of autotransplantation impacted anterior tooth and premolar.
  • Methods To strengthen the compliance of pathoglycemia patients after liver(kidney) transplantation via nursing care intervention such as follow-up and questionnaire.
  • A BQ-HTJ-I-type precise spinal cord cell transplantation device mainly applied to the medical field can complete various cell transplanting operations in the spinal cord safely and quickly.
  • Generally,(Sentence dictionary) lower doses are used than in organ transplantation.
  • Gyeonggi-do government that Hwang's team coyotes cells after removal of nuclear transplantation in the dog's egg, the complete clone of coyotes.
  • The possibility of a kidney transplantation should not be excluded on non-medical grounds.
  • Xenotransplantation is currently an experimental technique only.
  • This technology is used in ophthalmology right now, but you can use this in kidney transplantations, too," said Jeremiah Wierwille, a PhD student in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering at the University of Maryland. Festival on the Mall challenges young and old to think scientifically
  • Regeneration and assessment of liver function in donors and recipients following partial hepatectomy and living donor transplantation using molecular techniques, as part of a multicenter NIH cohort study Basic Biliary Atresia Research
  • The vascularization of bone graft and bone substitute is the guarantee of successful transplantation.
  • The demand for liver transplantations is growing rapidly.
  • She was transferred to the hospital for further treatment and went on to have a successful heart transplantation.
  • During lung transplantation, careful ligation and cauterization of these vessels is necessary to allow dissection of the pulmonary vessels and main bronchi and to prevent bleeding in the postoperative course.
  • Key topics of this CME conference include: an update on the management of the main types of lymphomas as well as multiple myeloma; recognizing new prognostic markers in lymphoma including the impact of PET scan imaging; incorporating emerging molecular stratification of both lymphoid and myeloid malignancies; and new trends in autologous and allogenic stem cell transplantation. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Objective To investigate the occurring rule and characteristics of bilirubinemia after liver transplantation to improve proper rate of differential diagnosis and treatment.
  • Objective To observe the clinical effect of fresh amnion transplantation to treat keratohelcosis.
  • He's 62 now, and his latest research is animal transgenics, examining how animals' genes can be altered to make their organs more suitable for human transplantation.
  • Conclusion Transplantation of HAECs into the hemiseetioned spinal cord of Rhesus monkey was effective in improving the locomotor function of hind limb.
  • Methods To strengthen the compliance of pathoglycemia patients after liver(kidney) transplantation via nursing care intervention such as follow-up and questionnaire.
  • In-utero hematopoietic stem cell transplantations are a promising approach for the treatment of selected congenital immunodeficiency disorders (i.e. severe combined immunodeficiencies, chronic granulomatous disease, hyperIgM syndrome and others) and hemoglobinopathies (i.e. sickle cell disease and thalassemia). In Utero Stem Cell Transplantation
  • A man of the right temperament gains greatly by a temporary estival transplantation; and if Johnny always contrived to seem dominant and prosperous at home, he now seemed lordly and triumphant abroad. On the Stairs
  • I have no doubt that some of these patients will one day get a gift of life from someone who donates their organ for transplantation after death.
  • The decision on transplantation was driven, in part, by realistic concern about the patient's inability to pay for long-term immunosuppressive therapy and to support himself during recovery. Bleeding Heartland - Front Page
  • Finally, the authors suggest that the second patient's difficult social circumstances affect her suitability for transplantation.
  • Boceprevir, a protease inhibitor, along with peginterferon and ribavirin increases response rates in previously untreated patients," said Dr. Raj Reddy, co-researcher of one of the studies and director of hepatology and medical director of liver transplantation at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. New drug may boost hepatitis C treatment
  • Patients with chronic liver disease and signs of decompensation should be assessed for transplantation before they become critically ill.
  • There are two basic reasons for carrying out bone marrow transplantation for leukaemia and lymphoma.
  • When the patient's condition is stable, he or she is transferred to the transplantation unit.
  • Increase the neutrophilic granulocyte count after bone marrow transplantation.
  • We explore the use of these methods as a consultation tool for the evaluation of a spectrum of case materials in the areas of transplantation pathology and neuropathology.
  • Conclusion Transplantation of HAECs into the hemiseetioned spinal cord of Rhesus monkey was effective in improving the locomotor function of hind limb.
  • Methods:The femoral head trepanation was used to clear the necrotic bone with fibula transplantation and fixed with hip joint supporter outside.
  • This study reported the therapeutic effect of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation on Hurler syndrome in one case .
  • The best results are obtained by the transplantation of muscles, the trapezius being detached from the clavicle and stitched to the surface of the deltoid, and the upper arm fixed in the position of horizontal abduction with the arm rotated laterally and supinated. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Conclusion It provide testing datas for studying xenogeneic intervertebral disc transplantation from pig to human furtherly.
  • Conclusion The pretreatment of donor with immunosuppressor can induce recipient immune tolerance for the canine tracheal allotransplantation.
  • Undergoing major organ transplantation is a daunting prospect for anyone.
  • A severe complication of allogenic haemopoietic stem cell transplantation is graft versus host disease ( GVHD ).
  • Moore developed the surgical technique for orthotopic canine liver transplantation (43), the model procedure used by Starzl for first successful human liver allografts (44). Joseph E. Murray - Nobel Lecture
  • Donnall Thomas, had shown that bone marrow, much like a kidney or liver, could be harvested from one patient and transplanted back—either into the same patient (called autologous transplantation) or into another patient (termed allogeneic transplantation). The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Where they felt expert opinion was required, they consulted some of the most eminent experts in the field of transplantation immunology and general immunology both in Australia and overseas.
  • One third of patients accepted for heart transplantation die before a suitable donor is found.
  • A 39-year-old African American woman with a history of primary hyperoxaluria and recurrent nephrolithiasis underwent bilateral nephrectomies and consequently a combined kidney-liver transplantation as a means to cure her disease.
  • She carried a heavy workload, much involved in paediatric oncology and the early days of bone marrow transplantation.
  • The transplanted cells multiply, spreading normal pigment to the area after a few weeks, explains Leffell, who pioneered the procedure, called flip-top pigment transplantation.
  • Recurrent acute chest syndrome, pain crises, or central nervous system disease indicate eligibility for transplantation
  • Objective To investigate the value of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for treatment of children with hematonosis.
  • To summarize the proper diagnostic and therapeutic procedure of hepatic artery thrombosis ( HAT ) after liver transplantation.
  • Crombleholme TM, Adzick NS, Longaker MT, Duncan BW, Harrison MR: Reduced size lung transplantation in neonatal swine: Technique and short-term physiologic response. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • A shortage of organ donors continues to be the main limiting factor in most types of transplantation.
  • Objective To summarize experience of selection of donors of living related liver transplantation (LRLT) for Wilson's Disease.
  • Many different tissues can be transplanted such as whole organs like the heart, or cells as in bone marrow transplantation.
  • ConclusionFree expanded forehead flap transplantation is a good method of treating mons pubis scar.
  • Supervising the move was the director of the botanical garden, who has been researching cactus transplantation since 1989.
  • The authors report a case of esophageal perforation after sequential double-lung transplantation for bronchiectasis.
  • The first year consists of clinical rotations in hematology, oncology, bone marrow transplantation, neuro-oncology and clinical laboratories. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program
  • Author: Ryan EnglishReplacement of hair is one of the procedures followed by hair expert to cure the hair loss problem Baldness of, men and women can be cured by replacement of hair The replacement of hair is done through two methods surgical and non surgical hair replacement A surgical replacement involves the transplantation of hair from one area of the scalp to the bald area The strip from donor area is operated out carefully and that strip is a follicle unit which is grafted further according to the hair of the affected person The follicle units are implanted in the hair line where the re growth of hair is not possible This surgical replacement takes five to six hours to complete Based on the type of the hair problem this time limit may vary to less than this or more During this surgical treatment doctors use to give anesthesia to the affected person to over come the discomfort while transplanting the hair After five or six months duration from the date of hair transplantation the affected person can comb and style his hair like the other Hair replacement is the technique which proved to attain the redistribution of hair, here by let aware about the non surgical hair replacement treatment The polyurethane layer is attached on the scalp which tends to be an outer layer of skin because it is very thin transparent layer The human hair is implanted in the layer before the attachment The perfect match of hair is identified by checking the hair density, hair color, and hair waves The injecting of these matched hairs in to the base membrane would take eight weeks Polyurethane membrane is very thin layer as the scalp skin is visible through the layer; it's like a cover of the epidermis So it's known as liquid skin Many celebrities and sports man highly prefer this non surgical hair replacement because no restriction to get involve in water activities and other sports activities which is an major advantage of non surgical hair replacement treatment The first step in non surgical hair replacement is to create the mould of the patient scalp which is used to structure the polyurethane membrane of thin layer So it accurately fit on the scalp of the person The membrane can be customized to fit only to the area of hair loss It's a porous membrane attached with the use of medical adhesive namely hypoallergenic, sweat and water activities will not affect this adhesive This procedure is completely painless A usual hair wash can be taken; hence it is porous layer the scalp will also get cleaned during the hair bath The monofilament and lace are the other two membranes available to use as a thin layer It all allows the skin to get clean and breathe Hence non surgical hair replacement is very beneficial than other treatments Related Articles: Hair Loss Treatment Products Hair Loss in WomenSyndication Source: We Blog A Lot
  • One technique to potentially preserve fertility is to freeze, or cryopreserve, ovarian tissue for later transplantation, which has now been carried out in about 10 women.
  • When liver decompensation occurs and if the patient is a suitable candidate, liver transplantation is the only treatment that extends life.
  • Prevention of end stage renal failure is the main goal of nephrology owing to the high morbidity and mortality from dialysis and transplantation.
  • CONCLUSION Our newly established murine model of heterotopic heart transplantation is stable and reliable.
  • (AML) undergoing allogenic stem cell transplantation, alloreactive NK cells have been shown to have antileukemic effects which resulted in improved survival of the patients PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Patients undergoing xenotransplantation will be especially vulnerable, because their natural defences are down.
  • Objective:To deploy olfactory ensheathing cells(OEC) transplantation treating the sequel of myelitis, and to explore whether it would help to recover the spinal cord function.
  • Pedro Santamaria, a postdoc with whom I shared the lab in Freiburg, was a skillful transplantation person, he did some attempts to rescue the dorsal phenotype by transplantation of wildtype cytoplasm. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard - Autobiography
  • Vincenti F, Luggen M (2007) T cell costimulation: a rational target in the therapeutic armamentarium for autoimmune diseases and transplantation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Method: Reading the literature about amnion and amnion transplantation home and abroad.
  • Glucose homoeostasis seems to be excellent after pancreatic transplantation.
  • The transplantation of organs is now an established part of medical practice.
  • Many of the body's tissues once thought to be only locally regenerative may, in fact, be actively replaced by circulating stem cells after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
  • Fluoroscopy after orthotopic transplantation of a regenerated left lung construct. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Early diagnosis and rational treatment, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in particular, are the key to the prolongation of survival time of children with erythroleukemia.
  • After description of the myxedema condition, transplantation and injection of extracts of thyroid tissue was tried. Emil Theodor Kocher
  • The increasing demand for organ transplantation is not matched by supply of appropriate human organs.
  • Most of the stem cells died after transplantation.
  • He was treated 10 months later with autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.
  • The works mainly comprise the body cells, cell fusion, nuclear transplantation, cell uptake and the reorganization of chromosome segment.
  • The hospital has also conducted about 200 transplantations.
  • We truly hope to spend a memorable week, interchanging experiences, networking and specially contributing to the development of organ donation, preservation and transplantation.
  • Objective To explore the condition of cytomegalovirus(CMV) infection and interstitial pneumonia(IP) after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, and the effect of their prevention and treatment.
  • Decisions regarding appropriate organ transplantation may depend on whether pulmonary hypertension is primary or secondary to portal hypertension.
  • Objective:To study the effect and mechanism of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine on prevention and treatment to rejective reaction of renal transplantation.
  • The German Transplantation Society has initiated an audit to investigate the influence of these factors.
  • Attempts at growing hematopoietic stem cells outside the body for clinical transplantation have not been encouraging.
  • In the course of many laboratory experiments on canine renal transplantation, I had developed a reproducible operation using intra-abdominal vascular anastomoses and a uretero-cystostomy for urinary drainage, placing the kidney in the lower abdomen. Joseph E. Murray - Nobel Lecture
  • During lung transplantation, both the afferent and efferent nerves that supply the lung are severed.
  • The former president of the Transplantation Society is a supporter of Professor Hall's and accepts his explanation.
  • Decisions regarding appropriate organ transplantation may depend on whether pulmonary hypertension is primary or secondary to portal hypertension.
  • Conclusion High dosage radiotherapy before transplantation of hematogenous stem cell is an effective and considerable project for recipient.
  • Altogether his publications number almost 100, the best known of which deal with ovariotomy, the transplantation of bone, radical operation for hernia, and phases of the treatment of cancer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Limb allotransplantation is an important procedure for reconstruction of limb defects.
  • Transplantation success rates vary depending on the cause of renal failure.
  • General, was dealing with a shortage of busulfan, a drug used in bone marrow transplantation. Top Stories
  • In utero bone marrow transplantation induces tolerance by a combination of clonal deletion and anergy. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • The lesson to be learned from the present case is that a transient plasma cell dyscrasia may present like multiple myeloma in the setting of heavy immunosuppression after organ transplantation.
  • The increasing availability of liver transplantation during the course of the study meant that some individuals became eligible for this procedure.
  • Auto transplantation of the vermiform appendix.
  • A BQ-HTJ-I-type precise spinal cord cell transplantation device mainly applied to the medical field can complete various cell transplanting operations in the spinal cord safely and quickly.
  • Summary of Background Data. Human MSC are multipotent mesenchymal adult stem cells that have a potential for autologous transplantation, obviating the need for immune suppression.
  • Since most of the patients are not eligible for allogenic transplantation, autologous bone marrow or more increasingly mobilized peripheric blood stem cells obtained by apheresis are used for grafting.
  • Basically, they're using a technique called plasmapheresis to cleanse antibodies from patients' blood before transplantation. NPR Topics: News
  • The procedure is called heterotopic heart transplantation, or a "piggyback transplant.
  • These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that hyperglycemia and uremia, through different mechanisms, determine persistent cellular changes of the oxidative status and pathways and that restoration of normoglycemia with KP transplantation can correct most of these biochemical abnormalities. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Objective To investigate the occurring rule and characteristics of bilirubinemia after liver transplantation to improve proper rate of differential diagnosis and treatment.
  • Conclusion Transplantation of HAECs into the hemiseetioned spinal cord of Rhesus monkey was effective in improving the locomotor function of hind limb.
  • According to the clinic, there are a number of options, including chemotherapy and other anticancer drugs, corticosteroids, stem cell transplantation, and radiation.
  • The more health insurance plans opened their floodgates for bone marrow transplantation, the more women fled from clinical trials, fearing that they might be assigned to the nontreatment arm by what amounted to a coin flip. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Conclusion:Living donor liver transplantation has been proven to be effective therapy in children with Wilson's disease for its many unsurpassed advantages.
  • Conclusion Transplantation of HAECs into the hemiseetioned spinal cord of Rhesus monkey was effective in improving the locomotor function of hind limb.
  • This is the main immunosuppressive agent used in cardiac transplantation.
  • In contrast, the lungs explanted at pulmonary transplantation from the other 6 patients contained prominent cysts with thin walls and a honeycomb-like arrangement.
  • The second problem with kidney transplantation is that the recipient's body recognises the transplant as if it were an invader, and tries to destroy it.
  • The European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation regularly publishes special reports on the current practice of haematopoietic SCT for haematological diseases, solid tumours and immune disorders in Europe. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Lung transplantation has become an acceptable therapy to palliate patients with a variety of end-stage lung diseases.
  • Pancreatic transplantation is offered only to people with very severe diabetes and renal failure.
  • The immortalized cells were then further characterized by heterotransplantation in Nude mice; immunohistochemical staining for relevant HNSCC biomarkers; flow cytometry for surface markers; cytogenetic karyotypic analysis; human papillomavirus and Epstein-Barr virus screening; qRT-PCR for oncogene and cytokine analysis; investigation of activated, cleaved Notch1 levels; and detailed 35,000 gene microarray analysis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • A new strategy is - cell replacement therapy via islet transplantation.
  • To cope with the organ shortage, living donors are sometimes used to provide kidneys, livers, lungs and intestines for transplantation.
  • Methods The transplantation was performed with end to end anastomoses of renal arteries and veins and anastomose of donor ureterocystic flap to recipient's bladder.
  • The analysis of the H-2 system by Snell became a monumental masterpiece in mammalian genetics that has laid the foundations of a new science: transplantation immunology and immunogenetics. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980 - Presentation Speech
  • The center brings together Emory University's transplantation programs in heart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas and islet.
  • Ophthalmology has special problems in this regard as corneal penetrating keratoplasty has become one of the most widely performed transplantations.
  • In children, GSTM1 polymorphism seems to modify BU pharmacokinetics after intravenous drug administration. busulfan, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, glutathione Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Organs currently in demand for transplantation include the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, intestines, and pancreas; tissues include corneas, heart valves, blood vessels, skin, and bone.
  • After single-lung transplantation for emphysema, ventilation favors the compliant, native lung.
  • Objective To establish a pig model of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with jejunum drainage and portal venous drainage.
  • The scientific know-how to transform a population of amorphic cells to a homogenous tissue is critical for the success of transplantation, as well as the prevention of deadly teratomas that arise when nondifferentiated embryonic stem cells are transplanted. MAIL CALL: MISSION OF A LIFETIME
  • Successful transplantation greatly improves quality of life, and most patients are fully rehabilitated.
  • Serum HBV DNA levels were measured prior to lamivudine, at transplantation, and at 12 months posttransplantation.
  • To provide donor selection scheme of homogeneity variant meniscus transplantation to approach early-stage intervention measure.
  • Transplantation of slum dwellers from the cities to other areas has been under way.
  • Several patients who underwent skeletal myoblast transfer experienced ventricular tachyarrhythmias within weeks of transplantation.
  • It is usually an untreatable disease, and affected patients are rapidly forwarded to cardiac transplantation as soon the diagnosis is established through endomyocardial biopsy.
  • Objective To introduce our experience of organ transplant ethics committee transplantation.
  • Management. Children with X-SCID require prompt immune reconstitution by bone marrow transplantation (BMT) for survival.
  • Bone marrow transplantation may be considered in some cases of sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and aplastic anemia.
  • We need to knock around the district to find a proper man for the transplantation.
  • Objective To study the methods of procurement, trim and arterioplasty of donor epigastric multivisceral cluster, and the effect of the cluster transplantation.
  • Main outcome measures Long term survival in patients after urgent cardiac transplantation and perceived quality of life.
  • Great care and attention should be given during transplantation as the plants are very fragile.
  • Objective To establish the xenogeneic heart transplantation model in operation of donor guinea-pig to recipient rat and observe the hyperacute rejection on it.
  • Corneal transplantation, known as corneal grafting or penetrating keratoplasty, represents a surgical procedure performed by ophthalmologists, that includes the replacement of a damaged or diseased cornea, the clear part of eye in front of the iris and pupil, with a donated corneal tissue, extracted from a deceased person. Cornea Transplants -Corneal Transplantation Surgical Proceedure
  • Graft - versus - host disease ( GVHD ) , an immunologic disease involving multiple organs term survivors of allogeneic stem cell transplantation.

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