How To Use transmutability In A Sentence
- I am also fascinated with the transmutability of digital information; the way that visuals can become sonic material and vice versa.
- As such, even the his claim to have renounced the power of alchemy is still locked into its rhetorical presumption of the transmutability of self and world.
- For Plato, the soul was an Ideal, a kind of living idea, that existed in a state of transmutability—it could change all the time—until it entered the darkness of the body, becoming “the pilot of the body, as a charioteer is the pilot of the horses who pull his chariot.” The Wonder of Children
- Creation Science rejects almost all of modern science including the idea of old earth, the Big Bang, and transmutability of species.
- These questions point to the fluidity and transmutability of the questions we deal with as we re-imagine, re-read, re-tell and re-write the human record.
- A similar transmutability of energy into information, and vice versa, although somewhat more subtle, may well drive 21st Century science and many of its applications.