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How To Use Transmissible In A Sentence

  • Mutations could cause the viruses to be more transmissible between humans.
  • Sheep are susceptible to their own brain wasting disease called scrapie, but this disease has never been shown to be transmissible to humans.
  • Prion diseases, also known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, primarily damage the brain. The Highlight HEALTH Network
  • The disease is so devastating because, once it is there, it is almost always present in the environment, and easily transmissible through contact with infected water.
  • But to have such an epidemic you need more than an easily transmissible bug.
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  • Prions are special proteins believed to be the infectious agents responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, a group of rare, fatal disorders that slowly destroy the brain and nervous system.
  • Now, abstracting from the qualification of an actual dominium, which is not alleged, I have great doubts whether a mere convicium is necessarily transmitted from one object to another, through the relation of a dominium subsisting between them; and if not necessarily transmissible, we must see the principle of its actual transmission here; and that has not yet been pointed out. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • Cancer survivors express anxiety that chemotherapy exposure may lead to transmissible genetic damage.
  • The specter of such a virus becoming easily transmissible among humans truly frightens public health officials.
  • Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies such as mad cow disease and its human counterpart, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, are not caused by bacteria or viruses.
  • For a trait to improve fitness over evolutionary time, it must be transmissible between generations.
  • He said the government reaffirmed its commitment to tackling sexually transmissible and blood-borne viruses.
  • Both mad-cow and mad-deer disease are transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, in which brain proteins called prions deform, forcing other brain cells to degenerate along with them.
  • They come on the equivalent of a genetic memory stick -- a string of genes called a transmissible genetic element. Reuters: Top News
  • None of the strains have mutated to become easily transmissible from person to person.
  • Author Summary Prion diseases, also known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, are infectious progressive fatal neurodegenerative diseases which affect humans as well as wild and domestic animals. Undefined
  • CWD belongsto a family of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • It is a chronic and transmissible parasitic disease caused by blood flukes.
  • The correlation coefficients of rat density, deratization rates and the incidence of rat transmissible diseases were calculated.
  • That would change though if it became human-to-human transmissible, which is the concern with the Indonesian cluster. Data Archiving – Bird Flu « Climate Audit
  • Among humans, the disease kuru, found in the south Pacific, was also shown to be transmissible.
  • in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized
  • Once the disease infects a person it is easily transmissible between people in close contact.
  • Surprisingly, according to the new research, wires coated with uninfected brain homogenate could also initiate prion disease in cell culture, which was transmissible to mice. - latest science and technology news stories
  • I asked them if they supposed a nation of people ever existed, who, with a free vote in every man's hand, would elect that a single family and its descendants should reign over it forever, whether gifted or boobies, to the exclusion of all other families -- including the voter's; and would also elect that a certain hundred families should be raised to dizzy summits of rank, and clothed on with offensive transmissible glories and privileges to the exclusion of the rest of the nation's families -- _including his own_. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Part 3.
  • There have been a handful of cases of transmissible neuropathies reported in neurosurgeons. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • He coined the term transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. The Mad Cow Epidemic is here to stay.
  • This extremely rare and fatal brain disorder belongs to a family of human and animal diseases known as the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
  • The strain was said to be lethal for poultry and potentially transmissible to humans.
  • Other, less prestigious ennobling offices required two generations to serve in office before conferring transmissible nobility.
  • In the premier open access journal PLoS Biology, a study of children in Kenya reveals that those individuals harboring the transmissible gametocyte stage of malaria parasites are more attractive to the mosquito vectors that spread this disease. Internet legal stuff
  • But to have such an epidemic you need more than an easily transmissible bug.
  • More effective vaccines are valuable tools for the prevention of transmissible infectious diseases.
  • Tasmanian devils have been decimated by a transmissible facial cancer.
  • Foot and mouth disease is a zoonosis, a disease transmissible to humans, but it crosses the species barrier with difficulty and with little effect.
  • But the news last week of a death at UW Hospital due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease brought to mind once again the dangers of the neurological illnesses known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or TSEs. - top
  • The correlation coefficients of rat density, deratization rates and the incidence of rat transmissible diseases were calculated.
  • Like mad cow disease and CWD, CJD is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy that kills its victims by filling their brains with microscopic sponge-like holes.
  • Later, more flock members tested positive for the disease - also known as ovine transmissible spongiform encephalopathy - and, by law, had to be destroyed.
  • Gene sequencing showed that it was derived from the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus by the loss of a sizeable chunk of RNA from one of its genes.
  • Every noble enjoying full transmissible nobility was entitled to participate in the noble assemblies, as was every beneficed clergyman in the clerical ones.
  • transmissible tradition
  • Neurodegenerative diseases causing transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are the subject of intense research.
  • The mutations make it more transmissible and possibly more likely to cause paralytic disease than ordinary live vaccine-derived strains, according to the Health Department.
  • What makes a genre story transmissible, which is to say, accessible and meaningful to the reader, is its use of genre tropes. The Challenge Of The Familiar Story And Its Tropes

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