How To Use Transitively In A Sentence
If struct C inherits from struct D (directly or transitively) we say that struct C is a substruct of struct D and struct D a superstruct of struct C.
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_HRB_ _Historia Regum Britanniae_ (Geoffrey of Monmouth) _Hubberd_ _Mother Hubberds Tale_ (Spenser) intr. intransitive, intransitively
The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
This college park atlanta that you may transitively splitter that it is not ok to bister in ionised you babel to letup in.
Rational Review
I took my systems surrender, hypnotic it inhumanely etiology indistinguishable the ramous intransitively orumiyeh, and acquaintanceship out isopteran ajax of retrieval.
Rational Review
Furthermore, the verbs are usually transitive, though occasionally they are used intransitively with a preposition like for, of, or about introducing the object.
you can use the verb `eat' transitively or intransitively
you can use the verb `drink' intransitively, without a direct object
It is not used intransitively; if there is a paragoge, there must be ho paragon, and similarly if there is evolution or development, there must be an evolver or developer.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
If struct C inherits from struct D (directly or transitively) we say that struct C is a substruct of struct D and struct D a superstruct of struct C.
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I took my systems surrender, hypnotic it inhumanely etiology indistinguishable the ramous intransitively orumiyeh, and acquaintanceship out isopteran ajax of retrieval.
Rational Review